《Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)》Awkward


Now this was awkward. Your e/c eyes silently trailed towards the olive haired boy who was confusedly glaring around the small, squishy room. The room was tight, so you were standing oddly close to him, and your breathing hitched when his taller frame stared into your e/c eyes. You quickly looked away, walking towards the door in hopes that Satori would have some pity on you.

"Hello?! Satori?" You gently hit the door of the equipment room and your face pulled into a frown filled with anger, "He is so dead when I get out of here."

Wakatoshi remained silent as he took short strides towards the door, gently trying to push it open, but released a small grumble when the door knob wouldn't budge.

"Why us?" You groaned in complaint, trying to make conversation. You were fully aware why it was you and Wakatoshi as you glanced at the stoic male.

"I'm not sure," He muttered, as you leisurely ran a hand through your h/c hair.

There was an awkward, short moment of silence that was interrupted when you almost jumped at the startling feeling of your phone vibrating. Fumbling to take it out of your pocket, you glanced at the text.


You better make a move (Name). I didn't do this all for nothing!!


You didn't have to trap me in here with him. I know you're out there so you better let me out


No wayyyy. Say he looks good today or something~


I am not doing that. I'd rather be stuck in here all day.


Have fun getting out. Coach left early :)


I hate you.


You love me ;')


Not after all this.



(Name) changed Satori's contact name to Blackmailer


That's so mean (Name) :(

"Wakatoshi," You blurted, his olive eyes turned away from the doorknob to face you, "B-By the way."

Wakatoshi had a puzzled look plastered on his face before you continued. "You look great today."

"Thanks." He shrugged, "You look great today aswell."


With a small blush, you uttered a small 'thank you' before Wakatoshi returned his gaze to the small doorknob before him, his eyes narrowing as he once again tried to forcefully push the door open. Atleast you knew he was being genuine. Much to your surprise, the door flung open as Satori quickly ran away, Wakatoshi watching your h/c hair chase after him.

The captain's heartbeat slightly quickened as his eyes glanced at your shorter form chasing Satori around with a small, inward smile.


"And then we would take this element...," You grumbled under your breath.

"I'm soooo bored," Satori complained, his eyes falling on your focused form as you were seated comfortably on the soft carpet that was laid out in Wakatoshi's dorm.

"That's not my problem," You retorted, your voice laced with anger as you recounted him trapping you in the storage room, "And shouldn't you be doing your own project?"

"You can leave if you want," Wakatoshi said plainly, "Perhaps it'd be more fun elsewhere."

Satori lazily laid off of the bed as Wakatoshi twirled the pen with a blank expression, his eyes watching the small pen in your hand gently press against the paper as you drew out your words. He quickly turned away, looking at his part of the project, with an evidently perplexed expression.

His brows furrowed thoughtfully. How was chemistry an easy subject to some?

"Do you get it?"

Your voice brought him out of his small trance as he turned to face you, your faces only mere centimetres away. A fearful breath escaped your lips before he spoke.

"Not really."

You smiled at his blunt response before you slowly shifted towards him, your shoulders gently brushing against one another as you slowly tapped the paper, and began to explain simple concepts. You didn't mind helping him with academics- mostly because it was him.

"Now if these two chemicals mix..," You began, pointing at one of the questions on the sheet of paper, "What reaction would this have?"


"I'm not sure."

A small chuckle escaped your lips as Wakatoshi's eyes narrowed down at the paper, reading each word slowly. You could tell he was genuinely trying, and the sight was nothing less than adorable.

"Okay, let's try this question next," You beamed, as you dragged the pen across the paper. You tried to ignore the laughing Satori who was clutching his stomach as you desperately tried to explain each concept of science.

This is going to be a long day. You thought to yourself, sitting upwards.


With a content smile, you closed your notebook as you glanced over at the small clock next to Wakatoshi's bed that read '7:12 pm'.

"I'm glad we're done early," You smiled at the dark olive haired male. He nodded in agreeance before he suddenly stood up, and started doing his stretches, "What are you doing?"

"Stretching," He simply replied.


"I need to go train," He glanced over at Satori, probably about to ask him to train together, and frowned when he saw the sleeping red head, starfished on his bed.

A sigh escaped your lips at how often you would find him excessively training.

"As your manager I should tell you to not overwork yourself," You began, and he seemed to overlook your comment, mentally counting as he silently reached for the floor, his fingertips gently brushing against the soft carpet.

"I won't," He reassured, but you weren't happy with his blank answer.

"Atleast let me help you then," You smiled up at him, and he only nodded as you rushed to your dorm room, quickly changing into a pair of short bottoms and a Shiratorizawa sweater that read 'manager'. Upon returning to Wakatoshi's dorm, which was all the way across the building, he blankly walked out, closing the door behind him. Probably deciding it was best to leave the red head to get some rest, "Okay, let's go."

There was idle conversation as you walked towards the back of the school, volleyball in Wakatoshi's hand before you found yourself at the outdoor volleyball court.

"Let's start with spikes."

You reluctantly agreed, before volleying the ball up high in the air. The way his face pulled into a small, tight smile, his shirt slightly lifted as he brought his dominant hand and forcefully slammed it down. The ball emitted a loud 'thump' upon contacting with the ground. With a quick motion, you ran to the other side of the court to retrieve the ball, before it was a matter of rinse and repeat.


You were slowly walking back to the dorms and arrived at the lounge room, after a long long time of training. A needless amount in your opinion, but you quickly disregarded those thoughts after seeing Wakatoshi's expression lighten up ever so slightly when he was training.

"Today was fun Wakatoshi!" You smiled, and he nodded in response, "We should do it again."


What was this feeling? Had he trained a bit too hard? No that wasn't it. His chest slightly tightened upon seeing your face pull into a bright grin, but he maintained a stoic expression. Maybe he just needed some rest? He didn't sleep well the night before so that was probably the reason for the odd pain.

Your eyes averted to the side, before you slowly walked towards him, pressing your shorter form against him as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him. You grew flustered as each moment of silence passed and you mentally cursed yourself, your body completely betraying your mind. You could feel Wakatoshi slightly tense up from your touch, but made no effort to move away, much to his surprise as well.

Your e/c eyes met with his olive ones as you pulled away from the hug, a small blush on your face, "G-Goodnight Wakatoshi."

"Goodnight (Name)."

What you didn't manage to notice was the sneaky red haired boy behind the couch who was smirking like an idiot- ready to belittle your teasable self.

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