《Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)》Devious


"I'm so glad it's last period," You groaned, a weary sigh escaping your lips, looking over at Satori.

"I know a few other reasons you love last period," Satori smirked, glancing over at the expressionless male who was staring out the window.

"Shut up," You gently hit his arm.

"I'll be there in a second I have to go to the bathroom," He handed you his bag before running towards the bathroom, a small giggle escaping your lips.

"Wakatoshi~" You snickered, walking towards him as he sat in the empty classroom.

"Hello," Was all he said as you took the seat next to him.

"Did you do the homework last night?" You asked, lazily setting yours and Satori's bag down next to you.

"I did," He stated, olive eyes turning to face you.

You chuckled. "I didn't get-"

You were interrupted by the abrupt sound of a camera clicking, the edges of Satori's mouth pulling into a small smile as he brought his phone up.

"Satori!" You hissed in response, jerking around so you were met with bright red eyes, "You liar!"

"You guys look so cute~" He mused with a small laugh as a blush crept onto your face.

"You're so annoying," You groaned in complaint, turning around to face the board. Wakatoshi's face remained composed, but he slightly tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Come on, (Name)," Satori teased, "You guys look just like a couple."

You could feel yourself grow angrier as each second passed. You knew it was a horrible idea to let Satori roam your dorm room when you asked him to grab something for you during practice a few days ago. It was only expected he would find something that was your own secret, and of course he bribed you. You sat through his talking about shonen jump for 3 hours to convince him not to tell anyone, and he eventually agreed to not telling anyone- but he made sure to not agree to no teasing.


"I hate you," You mumbled under your breath, slightly puffing your cheeks out as your gaze remained fixated at the front of the class.

"I'm one of your best friends (Name)," He said with confidence, standing up in his seat as he playfully waved his hands in the air, "How could you hate, the one, the only, guess monster!"

"Yeah I still hate you," You deadpanned, and as if on cue your teacher walked in, Satori immediately slumping down in his seat, straightening his posture.

"Hello class," Your black haired teacher said in a nonchalant matter.

"Good afternoon," Your class chorused in unison.

"So today I'll be introducing a new chemistry assignment," Your teacher began, walking around the classroom as he handed out the sheets of paper, "Groups of 2-3. Read the instructions and get to work. Right away."

The class began to rush around in search for a partner before all eyes landed on you.

"(Name) can you be my partner?"

"Wait, (Name) was gonna be my partner."

"No, you were partners with him last time!"

A sigh escaped your lips. You knew they just wanted to be your partner for a decent grade and that, to you was pathetic.

"No, no!" Satori interrupted, "(Name)'s with Wakatoshi."

"That was never decided-"

"Shh!" Satori hushed, "(Name)'s with Wakatoshi and that's final~"

As the crowd dispersed, you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, as your e/c eyes met with olive ones. You could already hear Satori's annoying voice as he teased you saying things like 'couple goals!' in a mere attempt to tease you.

"So I guess we're partners," You smiled sweetly, Wakatoshi only nodded in response, his face maintaining his stoic expression as you spoke, "So let's get to work."


"(Name) do you have those reports about the other teams I asked for?" Coach Washijo asked, as you handed him a handful of papers.


"Mmhm," You smiled, and he nodded in gratitude, quickly glancing over the papers you had handed him, his eyes slightly lifting to see the team of boys who had finally changed, "What are you doing?! Hurry and start running laps!"

The team released a simultaneous grumble, (all except Wakatoshi) as they began to run laps around the gym. You walked towards the gym storage room, taking the small bag of water bottles as you carried it back to the coach, standing next to him as your eyes glanced over the team who were panting from their short run.

"Start with a practice game!" Your coach demanded, his loud voice almost making you jump. You were never sure if you would ever really get used to his loud voice. As the game commenced, your job was to count the number of successful plays that each team makes. Pen in hand, you begun to draw circles and x's to represent the times that they mess up, or successfully get a play in.

A few hours passed, and the entire team was an absolute mess, the gym beginning to reek of sweat as they made their way towards you, you slowly handed them their water bottles, as you turned to Wakatoshi, he nodded in appreciation as your hands gently graced each other, you could almost feel your heart skip a beat, Satori immediately taking notice as a smirk formed on his face. Wakatoshi didn't seem to notice the contact, or maybe he just didn't care. You weren't entirely sure, but all you knew was that your face was beginning to glow a bright red. With a small sigh, you wished he wouldn't pester you about it, as your gaze turned away from his in attempts to save yourself from an endless amount of teasing.

"Let's take down the nets," The coach demanded, before you suddenly stood up in hopes of avoiding Satori after practice.

"I can do it," You blurted out, and Satori chortled at your statement.

"Okay (Name)," Your coach said dismissively as he handed you the key to the storage room. You leisurely dragged yourself towards the net as you began to untighten the small strings, the blush remaining prominent as you tried your best to avoid all eye contact.

"Wakatoshi," Satori perked up, "You should go help (Name)."

Wakatoshi nodded before he began to slowly walk towards you, as you both silently unscrewed the net from the poles. He did it with a quick, simple movement while you on the other hand were.... struggling. Your brows furrowed as you fidgeted with the small hook, gently pulling at the strings. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching, before a cold hand fell on yours, taking a tight hold of the small hook.

"You do it like this," The team captain said with a blank expression, alleviating the hook from the net as it slowly fell to the ground with a soft motion.

"Thanks," You managed to utter, before Wakatoshi picked up both poles, you dragged the net across the clean gymnasium floor as you unlocked the stuffy storage room, that was filled with an excessive amount of sport equipment.


Was the last thing you heard before your head jerked around, Satori shot you a small, mocking smile as the door shut close behind him. Let stage one of operation Waka(name) begin.

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