《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1229-1238


She didn’t want to have anything to do with Jun Linyuan, but it wasn’t like she had a choice.In her head, the fairy was still reminding her in a serious tone, “Pretty master, you only have twenty minutes left.”

Feng Wu panicked.

Seeing how eager Feng Wu was to see Jun Linyuan, Chaoge sighed inwardly. She wondered if Xiao Wu really had fallen in love with the crown prince.

Chaoge felt so sorry for Feng Wu, but when she saw the anxious look in Feng Wu’s eyes, Chaoge felt that she had to tell her. “I remember Feng asking His Royal Highness if he wanted to go to the World Tower when they were leaving.”

The World Tower?!

Feng Wu wanted to give Feng a big hug!

He had to be the loveliest old man in the world!

Without another word, Feng Wu dashed off, running as fast as a shooting arrow. Soon, she was out of sight.

Biting her lip, Chaoge looked concerned…

Granny Zhao and Qiuling heard the noise and came out, but they were surprised to find Chaoge alone.

Qiuling said, “I thought I heard Miss Wu just then. Am I hearing things now?”

Chaoge said, “No, you heard correctly…”

Qiuling asked, “But where’s Miss Wu? Why isn’t she back yet? I wonder what Miss Wu has been busy with lately. She wasn’t rushing around like this before.”

Biting her lip, Chaoge hesitated.

That was right…

Xiao Wu seemed to have changed after His Royal Highness carried her out of Imperial College the other day…

She said, “Is it possible that Xiao Wu is in love with His Royal Highness? She ran out earlier to look for him, and she’s looking for him again…”

The others exchanged bewildered looks. “She can’t be…”

Feng Wu had no idea of the suspicions of the people in Fallen Star Yard. At that moment, she was running toward the World Tower as fast as her legs would take her.

She was so worried that she would get there only to find Jun Linyuan gone again that she was almost in tears.

Luckily, when she rushed into the World Tower —

She saw that the lobby was packed. Many people were talking excitedly, saying that His Royal Highness was in the World Tower at the moment.

Feng Wu heaved a sigh of relief.

She quickly ran up the stairs, but was stopped by someone at the door.

That was because —

“Your card, please.”

The tone was polite, but there was something authoritative about it.

Each floor of the World Tower represented a different level of social status, and one couldn’t go anywhere without a card.

Feng Wu frowned a little. Of the few times she had been here, no one had ever asked her for a card. Moreover, she didn’t have one…

Everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly turned awkward.

“Hey, isn’t that Miss Feng Wu?”

The tone dripped with acid and was very hostile.

Frowning, Feng Wu turned her head and saw that it was Zuo Qingyu.

Next to Zuo Qingyu were a few of her old acquaintances.

Feng Liu, Feng Sang, and Dugu Yamo.

Feng Liu sneered at Feng Wu. “Oh my, who do we have here? Why bother coming to the World Tower at all if you don’t have a card?”

Dugu Yamo didn’t expect to see Feng Wu here, let alone catch her in such an embarrassing position, and she smiled. “Miss Feng Wu, would you like to sit at our table? We’re on the fifth floor.”

Feng Wu didn’t have time for this nonsense. Her top priority now was to find Jun Linyuan.


“I need to see the head of the World Tower.” Feng Wu stared at the person guarding the entrance.

The guard was a pretty maid, but she had a very stern look on her face. Glancing at Feng Wu, she said indifferently, “The head of the tower won’t see you just because you want to.

“Pfft —”Hearing that, Zuo Qingyu and the others burst out laughing.

Feng Liu said, “This isn’t some place you can come and go as you please. Do you think you can go upstairs? In your dreams!”

Zuo Qingyu gave Feng Wu a half-smile. “Beg me and I’ll take you upstairs.”

Feng Xun had a card that could bring her right up to the top floor, but Feng Wu didn’t have enough time to find Feng Xun, take the card, and run back.

“Pretty master, you only have five minutes left,” the fairy reminded Feng Wu.

Feng Wu was speechless.

The conflict between Feng Wu and the other girls had attracted a lot of onlookers, and the crowd kept growing.

Feng Wu looked around and felt that this had to be her unlucky day, because apart from Zuo Qingyu and the other girls, she couldn’t see any familiar faces in the crowd.

If that was the case —

Feng Wu started backing away.

Seeing this, the others thought that she was going to give up. They shook their heads and felt disappointed.

She wasn’t showing any of the tenacity from her fight with Xuanyuan Yi at Imperial College…

Just then, Feng Wu took a deep breath, exerted the spiritual essence in her dantian, and yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Jun Linyuan! Come down here! Right now!”

Wow —

Feng Wu’s roar exploded throughout the World Tower like a thunderclap.

Everyone around her stared at her like they were seeing a ghost.

“OMG! She…”

“Feng Wu just shouted in the World Tower!”

“Is she nuts?! Doesn’t she know that no loud voices are allowed here in the World Tower?!”

“Those who make noise here will be blacklisted. If it’s really serious, they could be imprisoned for life!”

“Does Feng Wu have a dead wish?”

“And she just called His Royal Highness by name!”

Like everyone else who was staring at Feng Wu like she was crazy, Zuo Qingyu and her friends also stared at Feng Wu with wide open eyes as well.

That was outrageous! Feng Wu had gone too far!

Zuo Qingyu flashed a malicious smile.

“His Royal Highness hates it when people are too arrogant and unrestrained. Feng Wu attracted his attention before with her pretty face, but after what she’s just done, her good luck has just run out.”

What was Jun Linyuan doing at the moment?

The World Tower was divided into nine heavens, which were used by the customers, and Beyond World, which was Jun Linyuan’s private space. Needless to say, he was in Beyond World now.

He still remembered when Feng Wu had done some embroidery work and sewed him a little yellow duck right here in this room.

Studying the ugly duck in his hands, Jun Linyuan felt perplexed. For someone as pretty as Feng Wu, how could she be so terrible at sewing?

How did she turn a pair of lovebirds into little yellow ducks?

The idea frustrated the crown prince.

Recalling the words the girl had shouted in Northern Feng Mansion, Jun Linyuan was infuriated all over again. There was no warmth in his eyes, and he looked as frightening as Satan himself.

“Hmph! Little Feng Wu! Stop running around in my head! Aren’t you tired?!”


Outside, Feng cleared his throat, but fell silent almost immediately. He didn’t want the crown prince to know that he had heard him.

The crown prince stood by the window. From behind, he cut a tall, slender figure, and the well-fitting robe only accentuated his charisma. He reminded one of an immortal who had been banished to the mortal world. But right now, he was —

However, Jun Linyuan, the ethereal beauty, was holding an ugly yellow duck in his hands and thinking about throwing it away.

It had to be the ugliest needlework he had seen in his life — so ugly that it was an insult to his taste. Who would want to keep such a thing around?

However, just as he was about to loosen his grip, he gripped it in his hand again.

“Well, it’s still a usable pouch, and I have some silver in it. It’ll be such a waste to throw it away.”

The crown prince slowly tied the yellow duck pouch onto his belt again.

Feng might be guarding the entrance outside, but the door was open, so he could see everything the crown prince was doing.

Feng shook his head and smiled in resignation.

For a cultivator, falling in love could be the greatest trial they had to go through. By the looks of it, the crown prince himself didn’t know that he was in love with the girl.

The crown prince said decisively, “Little Feng Wu, just wait and see!”

No one would believe that the unapproachable crown prince could have such a childish side.

But Feng was used to it. Ever since Feng Wu showed up, this state had become the crown prince’s new norm.

While Jun Linyuan was playing out his one-man show on the top floor, he heard the roar outside.

“Jun Linyuan! Come down here! Right now!”

That voice…

Even Feng, who thought he had seen everything, couldn’t help but jump a little.

A hush fell over the room.

Feng reminded the crown prince, “Your Royal Highness, I think that’s little Feng Wu.”

Jun Linyuan was about to rush out of the room, but he smirked when he heard Feng. “Kick her out!”

Feng was speechless.

The crown prince glared at him. “Do I need to repeat myself?”

Feng rubbed his nose and mumbled, “I wonder how aggrieved Miss Wu must be to cry for help in public like this.”

Jun Linyuan asked, “Are you telling me she’s crying for help?”

He thought that she was challenging him!

Feng said, “Yes, she is. Otherwise, why didn’t Miss Wu call for Young Lord Feng or Young Lord Xuan, but you? It means that Your Royal Highness is the most important person to her.”

Jun Linyuan’s face had been livid just a moment ago, but now, he looked embarrassed. Flipping his sleeves, he snorted. “Crying for help? Can’t she walk? Why doesn’t she come up here herself?”

Feng murmured to himself, “If I remember correctly, Miss Wu doesn’t have a VIP card. She can’t even get to the second floor, let alone up here.”

Jun Linyuan was speechless.

Feng went on. “And Your Royal Highness set the rule yourself: Making loud noises in the World Tower is punishable by life in prison… Why is it so quiet now? Have they taken Miss Wu away?”

Jun Linyuan didn’t know what to say.

Feng said, “Right. Your Royal Highness, did you tell me to kick Miss Wu out? I’m on it…”


Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes at Feng. “Bring her to me!”

However —

A team of imperial guards in black armor had appeared on the first floor of the nine heavens.

It was common knowledge that the crown prince’s imperial guards were in charge of security at World Tower.

Ten guards surrounded Feng Wu.

The girl who had asked for Feng Wu’s card was called Haiyue.

She had summoned the imperial guards.

Pointing at Feng Wu, she said arrogantly, “This woman is disturbing the peace of the World Tower! Take her down!”

Haiyue was new here, and didn’t know about what happened last time.

This team of imperial guards hadn’t been here then either.They took what was happening here to be just another regular incident, so two team members stepped out and lunged at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu looked anxious.

If the imperial guards arrested her, then…

“Pretty master, you only have 3 minutes left.”

The fairy had been quite at ease earlier, but she had grown anxious as well, and hastily gave Feng Wu the reminder.

Zuo Qingyu smirked and gave Feng Wu a contemptuous look.

She wasn’t the only one laughing at Feng Wu.

Dugu Yamo and Feng Liu were also gloating.

“Wait —”

There came a cold voice.

All heads turned in that direction.

“Miss Yue?”

Lou Yue, the head of the tower, was hastily coming their way.

It seemed that no one would leave her in peace. She had received the news just as she was about to go into seclusion, and had to rush over.

“Miss Wu —”

Lou Yue beamed at Feng Wu.

“Chief —”

Haiyue greeted Lou Yue.

Lou Yue cast a stern look at her and narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on here? Why didn’t you treat Miss Wu properly? What were you thinking?!”

Haiyue’s stomach lurched.

Because she was new here, she had no idea of all the complicated relationships that existed, not to mention the fact that Zuo Qingyu had given her an East Sea Blue Pearl earlier, and so —

“Chief, Miss Feng Wu here doesn’t have a card, and it’s against our rules —”

Lou Yue cut her off.

“Miss Feng Wu here is an exception!”

Lou Yue knew who Feng Wu was better than anyone.

Lou Yun, her predecessor, had been removed from her post because she had offended Feng Wu, and Lou Yue didn’t want to go down that same road.

Thinking that, Lou Yue smiled at Feng Wu. “Miss Wu, which floor would you like to go to?”

Feng Wu said, “I need to see Jun Linyuan.”


Lou Yue smiled. “His Royal Highness is indeed in Beyond World at the moment, but — Miss Feng, please wait here while I report to His Royal Highness.”

Everyone stared at Lou Yue in disbelief!

Lou Yue was the head of the World Tower, and almost all high-ranking officials wanted to be on friendly terms with her. Most of the time, however, she seemed rather unapproachable.

But now, she was so nice to Feng Wu!

She had even said “please.”

So, Feng Wu…

Instantly, many people’s opinion of Feng Wu started to change.

However, Lou Yue had yet to leave, when she heard a sarcastic voice.

“Oh my, I was wondering who it could be. Isn’t this Miss Feng Wu, who impressed everyone in Imperial College?”

Who was that?

Feng Wu looked up to see a majestic middle-aged man.

He wore a brocade robe and had an authoritative demeanor, but there was something very cold about him; the look he gave Feng Wu was devoid of warmth.

He was —


Zuo Qingyu was glad to see Zuo Ming here. She rushed over to him and took his arm.

With Zuo Ming’s current position and capability, he was able to enter the eighth floor. He had just finished a meal and was walking down the stairs.

He wasn’t alone, but was followed by several officials.

Only people as influential as Zuo Ming himself would eat at the same table, and these few here were all well-known figures in the empire.

Something cold flashed in Zuo Ming’s eyes when he saw Feng Wu!

Feng Wu narrowed her eyes as well.

She would never forget that five years ago, Zuo Ming was the one who led the team of attackers, captured her, and made it possible for Zuo Qingluan to destroy her True Phoenix Blood!

While Feng Wu was frustrated that her True Phoenix Blood had been destroyed, it was her beautiful master falling into a prolonged state of dormancy after saving her which Feng Wu couldn’t tolerate!

Thus, she was overwhelmed with hatred when she spotted Zuo Ming.

Lou Yue didn’t expect to run into Zuo Ming here either and looked nonplussed for a moment. However, she soon regained her composure. “Master Zuo, what a pleasant surprise.”

Come to think of it, Lou Yue wasn’t that much inferior to Zuo Ming in terms of social status.

Zuo Ming gave Lou Yue a half-smile. “Chief Lou, shouldn’t you take this more seriously?”

Lou Yue frowned a little. “Master Zuo, what’s that supposed to mean?”

Zuo Ming pointed at Feng Wu. “This girl has made so much noise. If you don’t punish her, the rules of your tower will be a joke. Aren’t you worried that other people will copy her?”

So, the man was accusing her of being unjust. Lou Yue was displeased, but still smiled. “Master Zuo, if you’ve finished your meal, please leave. This is the World Tower’s business; I can take care of it myself.”

Lou Yue had some idea of the crown prince’s feelings for Feng Wu, but it was supposed to be a secret, and she wasn’t going to tell anyone else about it.

Zuo Ming didn’t expect to hear such a reply from Lou Yue, and his face darkened.

He had thought that with his influence, he could ruin Feng Wu with a few words.

Lou Yue’s rejection only made Zuo Ming feel humiliated, and he smirked. “How about I take care of it for you, Chief Lou?”

As he spoke, he walked up to Feng Wu.

He looked into Feng Wu’s brooding eyes.

As soon as their eyes met, Zuo Ming felt his stomach turn!

The girl’s eyes were so bright that they reminded him of the brightest stars that could reveal one’s darkest secrets.

This girl…

Zuo Ming’s stomach lurched, and he wanted to throttle the girl right there and then!

And that was exactly what he did!

Zuo Ming reached out and grabbed Feng Wu by her neck.

Lou Yue’s face darkened, and she tried to intervene. “What are you doing? Leave her alone!”

It happened so suddenly that everyone stared at Zuo Ming in disbelief.

How merciless!

They also recalled that Feng Wu and Zuo Qingluan used to be compared with each other since they were little.

Now that Feng Wu had risen again, did Master Zuo feel threatened?

At that thought, many people looked at Feng Wu sympathetically.

The Feng clan had declined, so if the Zuo family decided to get rid of Feng Wu, she wouldn’t stand a chance!

Lou Yue was slightly weaker in her cultivation capability and didn’t dare confront Zuo Ming.

Zuo Ming’s left hand was already on Feng Wu’s throat. He then lifted Feng Wu off the ground, and her legs dangled in the air.

“Hm —”

Suffocated, Feng Wu felt her vision go dark and was full of despair!

Damn it!

She clenched her fists.

The Zuo family almost killed her five years ago!

Five years later, Zuo Ming was trying to kill her in public!

Feng Wu swore to herself that one day, she would kill Zuo Ming herself and wipe the Zuo clan off the face of the earth!

“Master Zuo, please release Miss Feng Wu, or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!” Lou Yue couldn’t stop Zuo Ming and could only warn him.

Zuo Ming grinned maliciously.

His sharp gaze was locked onto Feng Wu and his fingers wrapped tighter around her neck!

If he could, he would like to kill Feng Wu now…

“Master Zuo!”

A cold voice rang out from the stairs!

To the other people in the room, the voice was like an earth-shattering explosion!

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