《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1179-1188


In the arena —Xuanyuan Yi stared at Feng Wu with a little smile.

“You’re so naive if you think you can kill me with this stance.”

Feng Wu smiled a little. “Really? Let’s give it a try.”

As she spoke, Feng Wu lowered Flaming Sword, which had been pointing at the sky, then threw it out toward Xuanyuan Yi!

“Go!” Feng Wu cried out.

As she spoke, streaks of lightning flashed in the sky, resembling a giant dragon!

Clouds rolled in thick layers, and that lightning dragon charged downward!

The pressure was almost unbearable!

The area was filled with thunder energy!

How formidable!

Xuanyuan Yu and Feng Yanfeng both jumped to their feet and stared at Xuanyuan Yi.

Feng Wu’s performance astonished and impressed Feng Yanfeng.

Just as all the thunder energy was about to smash down on Xuanyuan Yi, he bellowed.

“I’ll take it all!”

Standing where he was, he bent his knees to brace himself, then opened his mouth, which looked like a black hole.

As everyone watched in astonishment, a streak of lightning shot into his mouth!

Then a second, a third, and a fourth…

They shot into his mouth like thin dragons, but he devoured them all!

“How’s that even possible?!”

Feng Yanfeng smacked the back of his chair.

From what he could tell, Xuanyuan Yi was still a Spiritual Grandmaster. Were Spiritual Grandmasters nowadays so scary?

One of them could create a world of thunder, while the other could devour it?

The audience erupted!

“Oh god! Xuanyuan Yi is even better at concealing himself!”

“How terrifying! The guy can devour thunder and lightning!”

“Look! The billboard!”

Xuanyuan Yi used to be 180th, but as he absorbed the spiritual energy, his name quickly moved upward!




Whoosh —

When the list finally stopped changing, Xuanyuan Yi’s name was in 50th place!



“Xuanyuan Yi is much higher up the list than many seniors who have been in Year 1 for the past ten years!”

“He’s absolutely a genius!”

By then, Xuanyuan Yi had devoured all the thunder. After the last streak went in, he wiped his mouth and said, “Yummy.”

Feng Wu could tell that the energy was rampaging around in Xuanyuan Yi so violently that it was threatening to burst out.

Xuanyuan Yi was obviously in pain, so much so that he was on the verge of losing control. Feng Wu could tell, from the popping veins on his neck and the cold sweat on his forehead.

But somehow, the energy gradually calmed down.

What secret did Xuanyuan Yi have inside his body? Feng Wu narrowed her eyes.

Staring at Feng Wu, Xuanyuan Yi snorted. “You’ve shown all your cards, but I’m just getting started!”

As he spoke, Xuanyuan Yi waved his hand, and a green vine rose out of his palm.

“The vine!”

The audience cried out in surprise. “That’s Xuanyuan Yi’s pet plant! It has barbed thorns, is poisonous, and can stun people!”

The vine seemed to be growing from Xuanyuan Yi’s palm. Holding the vine, Xuanyuan Yi lashed out forcefully at Feng Wu!

The vine was like a whip filled with spiritual energy!

How formidable!Shocked, Feng Wu dodged sideways.

However, Xuanyuan Yi would never let her off the hook that easily.

“18 Vine Strikes!”

Holding his vine, Xuanyuan Yi lashed out with power like an erupting volcano!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

He whipped so hard that one would think he was going to break the vine.

Feng Wu kept dodging, for she wasn’t strong enough to fight the vine head on!


That vine was simply too formidable!

Using Phoenix Dance, Feng Wu dodged the vine by running around the arena.

Phoenix Dance consisted of intricate movements that Feng Wu’s beautiful master had taught her himself. It was supposed to help Feng Wu run away from danger.

It was true. Not many people could catch Feng Wu if she wanted to get away. Back then, Feng Wu had used Phoenix Dance to run away from Feng Xun.

But now, she was in the arena.

The arena was a square platform less than 100 square meters in size, which left Feng Wu very limited room to maneuver.

Xuanyuan Yi, on the other hand, was becoming more ferocious!

Probably because of his earlier frustration, he needed to get back at Feng Wu now, and was cracking the vine as loudly as he could.

Feng Wu frowned and her face darkened.

Xuanyuan Yi had been following her so closely that he was catching up to her!

Meanwhile, from the audience’s point of view, the vine had almost hit Feng Wu across the back more than once!

However, Feng Wu was able to dodge the vine with her unbelievable moves every single time!

That was close!

The narrow escape made the audience so nervous that they could hardly breathe!

In the VIP section, Feng Yanfeng narrowed his eyes.

Exactly what kind of secret had Feng Wu been keeping from everyone else?

The three stances had already impressed him.

Fallen Star Swordplay? Since when did the Feng clan have such a formidable skill? If they did have it, then how could the clan have fallen so low?

And then there were those incredible moves Feng Wu was using!

Feng Yanfeng made up his mind — he was going to make Feng Wu tell him what that skill was!

Right at that moment!


There was a loud thump!

Because all eyes had been on Feng Wu, everyone watched as that whip-like vine smashed down on Feng Wu’s back!

“Ahhh —”

Feng Wu cried out in anger!

That hurt!

Instantly, Feng Wu felt as if her back had been cracked open, and she trembled as she broke into a cold sweat.

The barbed thorns of the vine cut Feng Wu’s skin open, leaving behind bloody gashes!

Feng Wu could sense a strange toxin enter her body through the cuts and instantly enter her bloodstream!

What was worse, Feng Wu felt dizzy!

The pain, the toxin, and the dizziness…

Anyone else would have collapsed by now, but Feng Wu wasn’t just anybody!

She was able to analyze the ingredients in the toxin as soon as she was hurt. She then took out a bottle of medicine and poured it into her mouth.

If she didn’t neutralize the toxin, she would lose her mobility!

As the pale green antidote slid down her throat, Feng Wu’s head felt much clearer!

However —

This slowed Feng Wu down.

For cultivators like Feng Wu and Xuanyuan Yi, the smallest delay could have a great impact!

Xuanyuan Yi’s vine smashed down!

It hit Feng Wu hard on the back!

In an instant, Feng Wu was whipped three times!

The stance was known as “18 Vine Strikes,” and he had struck 12 times already. There were eight more strikes to go!

If he succeeded in hitting Feng Wu eight times in a row, Feng Wu would never be able to withstand it. In her current condition, she would certainly be killed!

It was obvious what Xuanyuan Yi’s plan was —

Xuanyuan Yi was going to kill Feng Wu in the arena with the remaining eight strikes.“Smash!” The vine made another cracking sound.


Feng Wu had neutralized the toxin by then, and she swiftly moved out of the way. The vine ended up hitting empty air.

“Feng Wu! Die!”

The vine suddenly split into three, and attacked Feng Wu from three directions!

“Is that even possible?!”

The audience watched with open mouths and cried out in astonishment.

Many people began to steal glances at the billboard!

Xuanyuan Yi had risen to 50th place already. However, after he devoured the thunder energy and demonstrated the real secret of the vine, his ranking rose again!

40th… 30th… 20th!

“Oh god! Xuanyuan Yi is 20th already! 20th!”

Meanwhile, Rong Shixin and Si Yuan, who were sitting in the audience, exchanged astonished looks!

The top 20 Year 1 students were seated in the front row.

All 20 of them were seniors.

They had only been onlookers at first, but little did they know how stressful the battle would turn out to be…

Right now, all eyes were on the person ranked 21st.

His name was Ding Cheng.

Another student teased him. “Ding Cheng, you’ve dropped to 21st place.”

The person who had spoken was Chao Yue, who was ranked 15th.

Clenching his fists, Ding Cheng snorted with a grim look on his face. “Chao Yue, don’t be so quick to smile. Before you know it, Xuanyuan Yi’s name will be above yours.”

Chao Yue didn’t think much of it. “I think Xuanyuan Yi has given it all he got to get to 20th place. It’ll be very difficult for him to go higher than that. You know how difficult it is to move up the billboard once we’ve reached the level we’re at now.”

Ding Cheng snorted. “I guess we’ll wait and see.”

Rong Shixin and Si Yuan shook their heads. Chao Yue was only 15th, and they weren’t all that confident in him.

“Feng Wu! Where’s Feng Wu’s name? Maybe she can even make it into the top 20.”

Everyone started looking for Feng Wu’s name.

They looked all the way up the list, and finally saw Feng Wu’s name. She was 58th!

“Wow —”

Many cried out in surprise.

They hadn’t expected Feng Wu to reach 58th place just like that!

“This Feng Wu sure knows how to make her mark at the first go!”

“Too bad Xuanyuan Yi is still winning. Plus, judging by the way he’s fighting, he’s decided to kill Feng Wu!”

In the arena —

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Xuanyuan Yi waved his vine like a whip, smashing it down at Feng Wu. Spiritual essence surged like a tidal wave!

Feng Wu quickly dodged as she ran around with Phoenix Dance.

But however nimble Feng Wu was, she would still be whipped every now and then.

This Xuanyuan Yi was abominable!

Each time, the thorns on the vine would tear a piece of Feng Wu’s clothes away. A while later, Feng Wu’s back was almost bare!

Feng Xun frowned and blue veins popped on his forehead.

If Boss Jun knew about this, killing all the people in the Xuanyuan family wouldn’t be enough to vent his anger.

But the empress dowager stopped Feng Xun. “Stop right there! You’re not going up to that platform. It’s against the rules!”

Feng Xun knew that the old lady was right, but —

Removing his robe, Feng Xun threw it into the arena while he called out Feng Wu’s name. “Catch!”

Using the robe as cover, Feng Xun sent a blast of energy at Xuanyuan Yi!

The energy contained in the robe charged at Xuanyuan Yi as he struck down with the vine again.Rumble!

There was a loud sound!

Xuanyuan Yi felt as if his blood was boiling, and heat rose up inside him. The thunder energy that he had finally been able to suppress erupted once again!

He could taste blood in his mouth.

No, I can’t let it show!

Xuanyuan Yi forced himself to swallow the blood back down.

With how smart Feng Wu was, she had realized what Feng Xun’s plan was when he threw the robe at her.

She smiled a little when she saw the strange look on Xuanyuan Yi’s face.

What happened next was quicker than words could describe!

A dagger appeared in Feng Wu’s hand, and she struck at Xuanyuan Yi’s right hand!

It was none other than the dagger known as Purple Sun!

Feng Xun had given her the dagger as a gift, and according to him, the dagger was from Jun Linyuan.

The dagger was so sharp that if one were to blow a strand of hair at the blade, the hair would be cut in half right away!

Xuanyuan Yi had a very tough defense system that wouldn’t break that easily. Normal daggers wouldn’t even leave a dent on his skin.


This was Purple Sun!

Xuanyuan Yi was using all his might to suppress the thunder energy that Feng Xun had stirred up, and was caught off guard.


Feng Wu showed up behind him like a ghost, then jumped away as soon as her attack succeeded.


Xuanyuan Yi stared at his right palm in disbelief!

A chunk of flesh was missing!


“Where’s my vine?” After the initial shock, Xuanyuan Yi was furious!

Looking up, he stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

Just then, Feng Wu had dug the vine out of his palm with a dagger, the root included!

Blood gushed out of Xuanyuan Yi’s palm!

His face turned livid!

Meanwhile, the audience was watching this in disbelief!

They couldn’t understand how Feng Wu had been able to do that!

It was so scary!

However, the empress dowager gave Feng Xun a stern look.

Rubbing his chin, Feng Xun smiled awkwardly.

“You sure threw her that robe in time.” The empress dowager snorted.

Feng Xun played dumb. “Your Majesty, I can’t have her bare her back in public, can I? After all, she’s my sister.”

The empress dowager smirked. “Not just the robe, right? Am I mistaken, or is that the crown prince’s dagger?”

Feng Wu had the crown prince’s dagger?!

Empress Dugu and Jun Wuxia exchanged looks, and their hearts raced!

Feng Xun rubbed his chin with a wry smile. He could tell that the empress dowager was probing with that question.

It seems that Her Majesty doesn’t want Boss Jun to have anything to do with little Feng Wu at all. Poor Boss Jun. He has such a long way to go before he can get the girl, and that’s going to be a tough journey.

Feng Xun smiled wryly. “Boss Jun gave Purple Sun to me a long time ago. Since they’re going to fight to the death, and little Feng Wu is my sister, I thought that it was alright for me to give her that dagger for her own protection.”

There was nothing wrong with that, but the empress dowager still didn’t like it!

She pouted a little. “You people are all taking Feng Wu’s side!”

Feng Xun chuckled. “Your Majesty, we only learned from you, because you always cover for those whom you’re close to. Little Feng Wu is my sister; of course I’ll take her side!”

The empress dowager snorted. “Issuing that imperial edict was the worst decision of my life!”

As for which edict she was referring to, everyone here had a perfectly good idea.

Feng Xun knew that a good impression couldn’t be created overnight. They had all the time in the world, and he wasn’t in any rush.

“Look, Your Majesty, Xiao Wu dug that vine out. Hahaha, Xuanyuan Yi looks so baffled!”He was telling the truth. Xuanyuan Yi was staring at Feng Wu, looking astonished. “You must have a death wish!”

What infuriated Xuanyuan Yi even more was that Feng Wu hadn’t just taken the vine, she had done more than that!

Somehow, she was able to plant the vine in her right palm!

It only took Feng Wu a second to gain full control of that vine!

Feng Wu smirked. “Do you remember how you swaggered around in front of me with this vine? Well, you’re going to know what ‘an eye for an eye’ means!”

Holding the vine, Feng Wu aimed at Xuanyuan Yi, then started her attack, using “18 Vine Strikes”!

When everyone saw Feng Wu’s attack…

They almost went insane!

“Oh, god! Isn’t that the ’18 Vine Strikes’ that Xuanyuan Yi used just then?”

“Feng Wu took Xuanyuan Yi’s vine away, and is now using it against him?!”

“That’s what that ‘an eye for an eye’ was about! That’s just…”

Everyone in the audience and the VIP section couldn’t keep their eyes away from Feng Wu’s right palm!

Xuanyuan Yu frowned.

How was that even possible?!

18 Vine Strikes contained a lot of complicated moves that one couldn’t master with just a look, but Feng Wu was doing exactly that!

How was that even possible?!

No one could answer that question except Feng Wu. What they did know was that things weren’t looking good for Xuanyuan Yi at all!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Feng Wu chased after him!

With her Phoenix Dance, Feng Wu moved at a tremendous speed!


With a cracking sound, the vine hit Xuanyuan Yi across the back like a whip!

“Argh —” Xuanyuan Yi grunted, sounding furious.

Feng Wu smirked. “How did that feel? Unforgettable, isn’t it?”

Xuanyuan Yi turned around and glared at Feng Wu with bloodshot eyes!

He decided that he would never forgive her for taking his vine and whipping him!

Feng Wu smiled. “I’m not done yet.”

Xuanyuan Yi had no choice but to keep running!

He roared inwardly as he ran!

He couldn’t understand how Feng Wu was able to make use of the vine right after she took it away from him, let alone learn the 18 Vine Strikes.

As a matter of fact, Feng Wu hadn’t known that she could plant the vine in her palm at first; it was Little Phoenix who told her how to do it.

Little Phoenix had been with Feng Wu’s beautiful master much longer than Feng Wu had. There were things that only Little Phoenix could remember.

As for how Feng Wu learned the 18 Vine Strikes, she had always been a quick learner who could learn a move after seeing it just once, thanks to the training her beautiful master gave her.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The vine hit Xuanyuan Yi across the back, and blood splashed everywhere.

The vine could make a person dizzy, but once Feng Wu had it, the vine could do much more than that.

“You poisoned the vine?!” Turning around, Xuanyuan Yi glared at Feng Wu with bloodshot eyes.

Feng Wu said matter-of-factly, “Yes, I did. So what?”

“Damn you!”


Feng Wu hit him again.

The audience wasl dumbfounded.

They were a little speechless, for Feng Wu had gained the upper hand again. The situation kept changing, and they could no longer tell who was stronger.

It was still too early to say for sure.

“Check out the billboard!”Everyone expected to see Feng Wu’s name much higher up the billboard by now, and they were right.

Feng Wu was 48th on the billboard already, and with the vine, she had become much more capable. Like Xuanyuan Yi, Feng Wu was quickly making her way up the list!




The next moment, Feng Wu had surpassed Ding Cheng to take 20th place!


Ding Cheng cried out in surprise!

After Xuanyuan Yi, Feng Wu had surpassed him as well; Ding Cheng hadn’t seen that coming!

“Are these two people out of their minds?!”

Grabbing the hand of the person next to him, Ding Cheng bellowed in disbelief. “She’s 20th now! How can that be? Ahhh —”

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