《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1099-1108


Xuanyuan Ying said, “That’s right! I have to know what kind of witch stole Ning Chenxi’s heart.”Hence, led by Xuanyuan Ying, the most attractive girls in this banquet headed for the corner Feng Wu and Ning Chenxi were sitting in.

Seeing the girl’s smooth outline and slender build from behind, Dugu Yamo sighed inwardly. From that back alone, she knew that the girl could defeat Feng Liu.

“By the way —” Before they got there, Zuo Qingyu asked Feng Liu all of a sudden, “Don’t you have a sister named Feng Wu? Why isn’t she here?”

Feng Liu smirked. “Why should she be? Who would invite her?”

The others agreed. The Feng family was not what it was before. Feng Liu had only been invited because she was Xuanyuan Ying’s friend. Who would send an unwelcome girl like Feng Wu an invitation?

Zuo Qingyu looked sorry to hear that. “I wish she were here.”

Xuanyuan Ying frowned. “You like her?”

Zuo Qingyu smiled. “As if. I was just thinking that if she did come… Haha, there are so many of us here, and we can teach her a lesson for what she did to His Royal Highness.”

These girls were still holding a grudge against Feng Wu for what she did to Jun Linyuan in Proud Snowfield back then…

Friendships could be formed in the strangest way among girls. They would quickly become very close when they had a common enemy.

Such as now, when they all hated Feng Wu.

At the same time.

Ning Chenxi wasn’t the only man around Feng Wu, for —

“Hello, young lady. You look so familiar. Have we met before?” The man who went up to her was none other than the third young master of the Dugu clan, Dugu Yamo’s older brother.

He had been standing some distance away when he spotted Feng Wu’s fine profile. Instantly, Young Master Dugu was swept off his feet. He stood there, befuddled, then his legs moved on their own. An invisible force pulled him toward Feng Wu.

Ning Chenxi frowned when he saw Dugu Mengxi.

The empress was from the Dugu clan, and even the Zuo clan had to depend on it. It was a colossus in the imperial capital.

The way Dugu Mengxi looked at Feng Wu was like a beast eyeing its prey. His eyes were glittering!

Ning Chenxi felt the threat right away.

However, the girls arrived before he could say anything.

Dugu Yamo frowned when she saw her brother, but she still smiled. “Hey, what’s going on? Why is everyone here?”

These young people were all excellent members of their generation, both in terms of their social status and their cultivation skills. That was why all eyes had been on them the entire time.

Since they had all gathered in the corner, the attention followed them there as well.

Sensing the eyes on her, Feng Wu turned her head involuntarily.

“Oh god!”



Dugu Mengxi stared at the girl in disbelief.

How could anyone be this beautiful?!

Holy sh*t!

As for the sound of indrawn breaths, they all came from the girls who had come here to fight for justice for Feng Liu.

Little did Feng Liu expect to find Feng Wu here. She was just telling everyone confidently that Feng Wu wouldn’t be allowed in.

“Why are you here?!” Feng Liu stared at Feng Wu in disbelief. Moreover, she was furious!

She had thought that she could show off in front of Feng Wu after receiving the invitation from the Xuanyuan family, but the latter was here as well!


“Do you know each other?” Dugu Mengxi glanced at Feng Liu.Dugu Mengxi knew Feng Liu because of his sister.

Feng Liu snorted. “Of course I know her. She’s Feng Wu, the one who took advantage of the unconscious crown prince and kissed him!”

Feng Wu?!

Dugu Mengxi hadn’t met Feng Wu before, but he had heard of her famous name.

Therefore, he frowned as soon as he heard that. He shook his head and wouldn’t believe her.

“This young lady is as noble as an immortal. How could she have done such a wretched thing? No, that can’t be the case.”

Feng Liu almost exploded!

However, Dugu Mengxi was a prominent figure. The empress was from the Dugu family, which was far more influential than even the Zuo family. Who was Feng Liu to speak back to him?

As a result, Feng Liu could only vent her anger on Feng Wu.

She asked, “How did you get in? Who brought you here?”

Ning Chenxi frowned.

This Feng Liu was awful. Luckily, he had uncovered the truth quickly enough, or his life would have been ruined.

Feng Wu only smiled, but didn’t speak.

Feng Liu stared at Feng Wu, wondering if the latter thought she could cope with the situation by keeping silent. Of course, Feng Liu wouldn’t let that happen!

Feng Liu believed that she had someone to back her up. Taking Xuanyuan Ying’s arm, she said, “Sister Ying, did the Xuanyuan family invite Feng Wu?”

Xuanyuan Ying gave Feng Wu a condescending look.

She knew about Feng Wu not just because of what happened between the latter and Jun Linyuan, but also because her brother had come back from school the other day in a grumpy mood. When she asked, she learned that Feng Wu had been pushing her brother around at school.

Xuanyuan Ying had a brother complex. To her, nothing was more important than Xuanyuan Yi, her brother.

That was why Feng Wu had left a bad impression on Xuanyuan Ying from the very beginning.

Looking down her nose, she stared at Feng Wu arrogantly. “How did you get in?”

Feng Wu smiled. “With an invitation, of course.”

“Where is it?” Xuanyuan Ying stretched out one hand, gesturing at Feng Wu to show it to her.

Instantly, all eyes were on Feng Wu.

Upper class families like the Xuanyuan family seldom humiliated people in public like this.

However, bolstered by her own special status, as well as that of her friends around her, Xuanyuan Ying decided right away that she wouldn’t show Feng Wu any respect.

Feng Wu frowned. She had come with an invitation, but Granny Tao had it at the moment. It wasn’t appropriate for Granny Tao to step into the main hall of a banquet like this.

Seeing the frown on Feng Wu’s face, Xuanyuan Ying thought that she had a guilty conscience. Her eyes flickered and she pursed her lips contemptuously.

She raised a hand to beckon someone over. “Steward Yan!”

Steward Yan was in charge of the banquet venue. Hearing her call, he went up to her immediately.

Xuanyuan Ying asked with a stern look on her face, “Steward Yan, you were in charge of sending out the invitations, weren’t you?”

Steward Yan said, “Yes, Miss.”

Xuanyuan Ying said, “Go find out why she was allowed in.”

Looking at Feng Wu, Steward Yan frowned. “…And who is this young lady?”

Anyone else would have felt flustered as well as flushed with embarrassment from being stared at by so many eyes holding ill intent.


But not Feng Wu.

She was unperturbed, and even smiled a little. “Feng Wu is my name.”

“Miss Feng Wu…” Tilting his head, Steward Yan gave it some thought, then looked at her in embarrassment. He hesitated, but still said, “I sent out all the invitations myself… But I don’t recall seeing Miss Feng Wu’s name.”

Wow —

All eyes in the hall had already turned in this direction.Not to mention that Feng Wu had been the centre of all the attention all along.

Therefore, nearly everyone was staring at Feng Wu, gloating at her predicament.

This was going to be good.

Feng Liu was even more satisfied. Feng Wu had it coming! A duckling couldn’t turn into a swan just because she wanted to! In her dreams!

“Xuanyuan Ying, you’ve stepped out of line!” An angry voice rang out from behind Xuanyuan Ying.

Turning around, Xuanyuan Ying saw that it was Gongsun Qing.

Gongsun Qing was from the Gongsun family, which was also one of the nine major clans. The two families were of equal status, but that didn’t mean that Xuanyuan Ying would necessarily listen to her.

“Sister Gongsun, how about you have some tea outside? I’ll apologize for the convenience after I’m done here.”

Xuanyuan Ying’s meaning was very clear: she had told Gongsun Qing to go away and mind her own business.

Gongsun Qing frowned. “Xuanyuan Ying! Go easy on other people! Do you have any idea how unforgiving and aggressive you are now? That’s not how the daughter of an old, distinguished family should behave!”

Xuanyuan Ying snorted.

“So, are you saying that I should just stand here and watch while some tramp sneaks into an event held for people of our status? Sister Gongsun, this isn’t your home, so of course you don’t have to worry. However, I have a responsibility and obligation to make sure that all the guests can safely enjoy themselves today.”

Gongsun Qing found those words preposterous. “She was just standing there and talking! How can she possibly be endangering your safety? If you hadn’t approached her, none of this would be happening!”

Although Gongsun Qing had held a grudge against Feng Wu before, her opinion of Feng Wu had changed after the latter saved her life.

Xuanyuan Ying decided to ignore Gongsun Qing. She stared at Feng Wu. “Are you leaving or do I have to make you?”

That was a rather rude question…

All eyes were on Feng Wu.

Many people were whispering among themselves.

“So, she’s Feng Wu…”

“The Feng clan has really declined. They were also one of the nine major clans back in the day.”

“I would leave right now if I were Feng Wu!”

Did Feng Wu not hear them? Of course she did, but that was why she couldn’t leave.

She smiled at Xuanyuan Ying. “Your father wrote the invitation himself. If you want me to leave, he’ll have to tell me in person.”

“My father?!” Xuanyuan Ying found Feng Wu ridiculous. “A petty thing like you received a handwritten invitation from my father? Who the hell do you think you are? Don’t make me laugh!”

Feng Liu, Zuo Qingyu, Dugu Yamo and the others were all grinning at Xuanyuan Ying. Zuo Qingyu chimed in, poking at the hornet’s nest.

“Xuanyuan Ying, I thought your words meant something here in the Xuanyuan family. I guess I was wrong. Tsk, tsk —”

Of course Xuanyuan Ying wouldn’t stand for that!

She glared at Feng Wu, blaming everything on the latter. If it wasn’t for this girl, her friends wouldn’t be laughing at her!

At that thought, Xuanyuan Ying reached out to grab Feng Wu. “Get out! Now! You’re not welcome here in the Xuanyuan family!”

Feng Wu chuckled.

She sounded like she was enjoying herself. Actually, the Xuanyuan family had left an awful impression on her.

She had felt a little guilty about approaching Old Master Xuanyuan with a hidden agenda, but with the scene Xuanyuan Ying had caused, Feng Wu felt justified.

The Xuanyuan family owed her now.

Just then —

“Stop!”A cold voice rang out a few steps away.

All heads turned in that direction.

The newcomers were none other than Xuanyuan Yu and his wife, whom Feng Wu met at the gate earlier.

It was Xuanyuan Yu and Lady Yu.

“Uncle? Aunt?”

Xuanyuan Ying frowned when she saw the couple.

Her second uncle and his wife were both talented cultivators whom Old Master Xuanyuan thought of highly. If it wasn’t for the fact that the couple still didn’t have any children at their age, Xuanyuan Yu might very well be the next clan chief!

Despite her displeasure, it seemed that Xuanyuan Ying still respected them. “Uncle, Aunt, this is the area for youngsters. How about the two of you leave us and I’ll…”

Xuanyuan Yu glared at Xuanyuan Ying. “If I leave it to you, the Xuanyuan clan will become a laughingstock of the imperial capital! You’re dismissed!”

What a harsh tone!

Xuanyuan Yu had always been a stern man. With that serious look in his eyes and his dark face, he looked very intimidating.

The bellow made Xuanyuan Ying burst into tears. Turning her head, she gave Xuanyuan Yi, her own brother, a pleading, aggrieved look.

Since this area was for the youngsters, Xuanyuan Yi was bound to be here. However, he had been playing the bystander from the very start, watching in silence as Feng Wu was mocked and teased.

He acted as if none of it was his business.

However, when he saw Xuanyuan Ying getting scolded by a senior, he frowned. “Uncle…”

“You, too. Quiet!”

Xuanyuan Yu’s tone was very harsh and his gaze was sharper than a blade!

How could he not be harsh?

Miss Feng Wu here might be a neglected daughter of the Feng family, but she was Lady Northern Feng’s goddaughter and was backed by Northern Feng Mansion. That was enough for the Xuanyuan family to show her the highest respect!

Lady Yu went up to Feng Wu and took her hand with a cordial smile. “Miss Feng Wu, I’m sorry for startling you. It’s all our fault. Please forgive our rudeness.”

She then turned to glare at Xuanyuan Ying. “Apologize to Miss Feng Wu now!”

Apologize? For what?!

Xuanyuan Ying couldn’t stand it anymore. Grinding her teeth, she glared at Lady Yu. “Aunt, why are you on her side? She’s the one without an invitation!”

Lady Yu smirked. “How do you know she doesn’t have one?”

Xuanyuan Ying turned to glare at Steward Yan.

Steward Yan was frustrated. The last thing he wanted was to get involved in this strife, but now that things had come to this point, he had no choice. “My lady, it’s true. Miss Feng Wu doesn’t have an invitation…”

Staring at Xuanyuan Ying, Lady Yu said, “At the very least, even if she didn’t have an invitation, what you did was still inappropriate! You’re the daughter of one of the nine major clans; you should never be so reckless and unforgiving. Do you have any idea who you’ve just offended?!”

Unconvinced, Xuanyuan Ying turned her face away.

Lady Yu then had someone bring Granny Tao here.

Hearing that her mistress had been mistreated, Granny Tao was flustered. She arrived at the scene in a hurry.

“Miss Wu —” Granny Tao took Feng Wu’s hand, still not recovered from the initial shock. “Is someone giving you a hard time? How dare they?! How dare they pick on the daughter of Northern Feng Mansion? Who was it? Show your face!”

Granny Tao represented Northern Feng Mansion, the unparalleled family among the most prominent ones!

Northern Feng General was in charge of a great army and was a formidable cultivator himself. Who would be bold enough to offend his family? The idea was unthinkable!

The mention of Northern Feng Mansion made everyone stare at Feng Wu in astonishment.

Who was this girl to Northern Feng Mansion?

Feng Liu, on the other hand, was struck with realization right away!

That… that was… Feng Liu recalled when Lady Northern Feng went to Feng manor before and visited Fallen Star Yard herself, declaring that she would have Feng Wu as her goddaughter.Back then, Feng Liu didn’t think it would happen, but now…

Around her, a lot of people were murmuring among themselves.

“Did all of you hear that?”

“Feng Wu is related to Northern Feng Mansion?”

“Hey, do you think she’s here on behalf of Northern Feng Mansion?”

“What do you think is her relationship with Northern Feng Mansion?”

“Is it possible that… she’s going to marry Young Lord Feng?”

“Bah! Young Lord Feng is phenomenal. That petty girl isn’t good enough for him!”

“Could she be a concubine Lady Northern Feng prepared for her husband?”

“Lady Northern Feng must have lost her mind to do that, finding her husband a new lover.”

“So, exactly what is Feng Wu’s relationship with Northern Feng Mansion?”

They weren’t the only ones intrigued; so were Xuanyuan Ying and her friends.

“What’s your relationship with Northern Feng Mansion?” Xuanyuan Ying pointed at Feng Wu.

But, there was the sound of a crack!

A hand struck down hard. Granny Tao had smashed down on Xuanyuan Ying’s outstretched hand!

Granny Tao had been with Lady Northern Feng for many years. She used to work in the imperial palace and had served Her Majesty the empress dowager. Everywhere she went, she was treated with respect.

Common folk might not know who Granny Tao was, but the upper class circle was well aware of her identity.

Xuanyuan Ying included.

Granny Tao used to work as a disciplinary maid in the imperial palace, and when she put on a stern face, she could look quite intimidating!

“H- How dare you hit me?!” Xuanyuan Ying glared at Granny Tao.

Granny Tao snorted. “She’s the daughter of Northern Feng Mansion, not someone you can pick on!”

Because of the unexpected quarrel, Xuanyuan Ze and Lady Cai, who had been in the hall next door, came over in a hurry.

They arrived to find Granny Tao glowering at Xuanyuan Ying and the latter about to talk back.

Seeing this, Lady Cai was alarmed. She rushed over and grabbed Xuanyuan Ying by the arm.

Xuanyuan Ying saw her family arrive and felt even more aggrieved. Holding Lady Cai’s hand, she said, “Mum, Mum, they’re all picking on me!”

Lady Cai almost rolled her eyes at her daughter. She had already been told what happened here before she came.

Someone picked on her? Xuanyuan Ying not picking on them would be a blessing!

At that thought, Lady Cai threw a dirty look at Xuanyuan Ying. “Shut your mouth!”

“Mum… sob…” Feeling that she had been humiliated in front of her friends, Xuanyuan Ying was aggrieved.

Granny Tao couldn’t care less about Xuanyuan Ying’s tears. Her mistress had just been mistreated, and she wouldn’t stand for it!

“Lady Cai, you’ve seen what happened. Are you going to do something about it?!”

Lady Cai tried to defuse the situation. “Granny Tao, they’re just kids and are bound to have some minor conflicts. Let’s just leave it to them; they’ll probably make up after a while. We elders might complicate things further if we get involved. Don’t you think so?”

Lady Cai was willing to show Granny Tao due respect, but Granny Tao was a maid, after all, and not Lady Northern Feng herself. Therefore, Lady Cai didn’t think she had to pay too much attention to the old maid.

Granny Tao found her words ridiculous. “So, that’s the verdict of the Xuanyuan family. You’re just going to drop it.”

Lady Cai smiled. “It’s not a big deal anyway. Granny Tao, you really shouldn’t be bothered too much by it. There, there. Everyone, please go back to what you were doing. There’s nothing to see here.”

Granny Tao smirked. “Lady Cai, if that’s what you think… I hope you’re powerful enough to withstand the fury of Lady Northern Feng!”Lady Cai smiled. “Granny Tao, you’re making fun of me.”

But in fact, Lady Cai didn’t think much of what Granny Tao said.

That was because —

She thought that if Lady Northern Feng really thought highly of this goddaughter, she would have thrown a party for the event, instead of keeping it a secret.

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