《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1089-1098


Feng Xun looked shocked. She was right! Why didn’t he think of that just then?Those people had to be gossiping behind his back now, saying that he was into boys!

“So, you worry about what other people say about you, too. Do you want to take me back there and explain yourself?”

Feng Wu spoke quietly behind his back.

Feng Xun: !!!

He wondered where this annoying girl came from. Why could she set him off as soon as she opened her mouth? He was so mad!

Seeing that Feng Xun had really lost his temper, Feng Wu was pleased.

However, realizing that after he took her to Northern Feng Mansion, he would soon uncover her real identity… Feng Wu was conflicted again.

What was she supposed to do now?

Just then, the tiger cub, who had been staying in her ring space, stuck its head out of her sleeve, then jumped into her chest pocket.

As a beast that had signed a contract with Feng Wu, the cub could communicate with Feng Wu telepathically.

“What? You can…” Feng Wu cried out inwardly.

The cub nodded. “Yes!”

Feng Wu’s eyes darted around as she tried to figure out a way to escape.

Feng Xun desperately wanted to know the real identity of the ugly girl, so he rode as fast as he could.

Before long, they arrived at Northern Feng Mansion.

The guards outside saw that it was their young lord, and opened the gate wide to let him in.

Jumping off his horse, Feng Xun walked in with Feng Wu in one hand. He was going to go back to his No Mercy Yard —

As Feng Xun carried Feng Wu toward No Mercy Yard, Feng Wu was trying to figure out a way to escape.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw that because Feng Xun was walking very fast, the two of them were all alone here.

No Mercy Yard was right ahead of them!

What happened was quicker than words could describe!

Stuffing some spicy powder into her mouth, Feng Wu bit Feng Xun’s wrist hard!


Feng Xun screamed in pain.

Involuntarily, he dropped Feng Wu.

Had this ugly girl gone nuts? She had bitten him!

As soon as Feng Xun let go of her, Feng Wu moved backward as nimbly as a loach!

Feng Xun yelled angrily, “Stop right there! Stop!”

Feng Wu made a face at him. Like hell she was going to stop.

Feng Xun smirked. “Do you think you can run away like that? Stop!”

Feng Wu ignored him and ran even faster!

Feng Xun was about to run after Feng Wu, when he realized in surprise that he couldn’t move!

He looked down at his wrist!

Feng Wu’s teeth had left marks on him, and the wound was bleeding. A white liquid was also oozing out… What was that?

Feng Xun was terrified!

His head was spinning and he could see stars. He then swayed from side to side, feeling awful.

That stinky girl!

“Feng Xun!”

Just then, Xuan Yi rushed in with his sword over his shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Xuan Yi steadied Feng Xun.

He had thought that nothing would go wrong after they got the girl back to Northern Feng Mansion. How could something like this happen?

“Go get her! Go catch that ugly girl! I’m gonna kill her! Ahhhh —” Feng Xun took a deep breath. Luckily, the dizzy feeling gradually faded and was almost gone.

Looking up, Xuan Yi saw the dog disappear into the distance.

Hence, Xuan Yi dashed off after the dog!



Feng Wu was headed for the wall. She wanted to get out of Northern Feng Mansion.

But the dog wouldn’t leave her alone!

But she just couldn’t get rid of it!At that critical moment, the tiger cub jumped out of Feng Wu’s chest pocket and rushed toward the dog.

Then, to Feng Wu’s surprise, the palm-sized cub smashed the dog on its head with one front paw, which reminded her of a boy master disciplining his servant.

That smack baffled the dog right away.

Moreover, the cub had also stuck something on the dog’s nose.

The dog tried to bite the cub after it came back to itself.

However, the cub showed its teeth at the dog and made a threatening sound!

The dog had been very intimidating, but the cub was more intimidating and powerful.

One had no idea what kind of heritage the cub had, but the dog was losing ground as one watched.

Feng Wu looked up to find Xuan Yi running in her direction.

An idea struck her all of a sudden.

Hence, she jumped onto the wall and landed on the other side. However, she then hid herself in the branches and jumped back in.

But Xuan Yi only saw Feng Wu jumping out and not coming back in. Therefore, when he got to the wall, he patted the dog on the head. “Go get her!”

The dog nodded, barked, then jumped over the wall.

By then, Feng Xun had finally regained his mobility and hurried over.

Feng Xun, Xuan Yi, and the dog jumped over the wall, then began to run down the wide street.

Feng Xun smacked his own head in frustration as he ran. “How can I be so stupid? Why did I let my guard down? That girl is so cunning!”

Xuan Yi didn’t know what to say.

For he had been careless as well, thinking that nothing could go wrong after they got her back to Northern Feng Mansion. But they had underestimated the girl’s brain. She had escaped even in this situation.

They ran for a while before they realized that something was wrong, for the dog stood in the middle of the street and looked around in bewilderment. It looked exhausted.

Feng Xun was flustered when he saw the state the dog was in.

“Oh god! My dear dog, you can’t be ill now! I need you more than ever!” Taking the dog’s head in his hands, Feng Xun tried to cheer it up.

“You’re going to break its head.” Xuan Yi couldn’t watch anymore, and pulled the dumbfounded dog away from Feng Xun.

“What’s the matter with my dog…” Feng Xun was almost in tears.

The bug’s scent was only temporary, and after everything the girl had done, it was barely detectable. If something happened to the dog now… Oh god, Feng Xun wanted to slap himself.

Xuan Yi rubbed the dog’s nose. “It’s been drugged.”

Feng Xun: !!!

Blue veins popped on the corner of his forehead and he looked like he was going to explode!

“That girl drugged me as well as the dog! How could she do that?! She… Ah –”

Feng Xun almost lost his mind.

Xuan Yi was also at a loss as to what to do. That girl was impossible to catch.

He turned to Feng Xun. “The most important thing now is to fix the dog as soon as possible. That way, we may still have a chance of catching that ugly girl. Otherwise, we’ll lose her forever.”

Feng Xun smacked her head. “You’re right. Let’s go –”


Xuan Yi asked, “Where to?”

Feng Xun said, “Go find little Feng Wu! Isn’t she a great doctor? I bet she can help my dog. Come. Let’s go to the Feng clan.”

So far, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi still had no idea that the ugly girl whom they had been chasing all night and the one that had pissed them off… was Feng Wu.Carrying the dizzy dog, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi rushed to the Feng clan as fast as their legs could carry them.

But they were soon disappointed.

“What? Little Feng Wu isn’t here?” Feng Xun was baffled by the news. “How can she not be home so early in the morning? Where did she go?”

Chaoge glared at him. “How am I supposed to answer that?”

Feng Xun said, “Can you at least try to be nice?”

Resting her hands on her waist, Chaoge said, “Xiao Wu isn’t here. Leave or stay and wait all you want. Pardon me!”

After that, Chaoge spun around and marched back inside.

She closed the door behind her with a thump!

“Hey, you!” Vexed, Feng Xun was about to throw a tantrum when —

“My lord —” There was an indifferent voice.

Feng Xun turned around and his eyes lit up!

Wasn’t that —

“Chang San? What are you doing here so early in the morning?” Feng Xun was intrigued. “Hey, I had someone deliver to you a message for Boss Jun. Did they find you?”

Chang San was surprised, then smiled bitterly. “My lord, I’m no longer the captain of the guard for the crown prince’s residence. I’m working as the captain of the guard for Fallen Star Yard now.


Feng Xun and Xuan Yi exchanged surprised looks.

“Why so sudden?”

Chang San gave them a wry smile without saying anything. It was indeed unexpected. He had only been transferred the night before.

Intrigued, Feng Xun decided to get to the bottom of it. “Did you do something to little Feng Wu? You offended her somehow? Was that why Boss Jun avenged her?”

Chang San cried out in surprise, “How did you know?”

Feng Xun laughed. “Hahaha — hahaha — I was right! I knew it! I can’t be the only one! Hahaha —”

“My lord?” asked Chang San.

Feng Xun patted Chang San on the shoulder and said in an understanding tone, “Little Chang San, you need to keep your eyes wide open. Your Boss Jun likes little Feng Wu too much to admit it. Offending little Feng Wu is an unforgivable crime to him. So, do you understand now?”

Chang San used to be half in the dark, but after Feng Xun’s explanation, and connecting it to what Feng said before, he soon saw the light!

He took three steps back to create some distance before he bowed to Feng Xun with great respect.

“My lord, that was enlightening. I’ll never forget your great kindness!”

Feng Xun grumpily waved him off. “It’s nothing. Xuan Yi was the one who made me see the light. If he hadn’t reminded me repeatedly, I would still be as dumb as you are now.

“Hey, by the way, what did you do to offend little Feng Wu?” Feng Xun’s eyes shone curiously.

Chang San smiled bitterly.

Before he could reply, Xuan Yi patted Feng Xun on the shoulder. “The gossip can wait. Have you forgotten our priority?”

Feng Xun remembered what he was here for!

That was right. The most important thing now was to cure the dog and go back to hunting down the ugly girl!

Feng Xun patted Chang San on the shoulder. “I’m off. See you around. Enjoy your time in Fallen Star Yard.”

Poor Feng Xun and Xuan Yi. If they had bothered to ask one more question…

If Chang San had told them that he had offended Feng Wu because of what he had done with that Immortal-Restraining Rope… The two of them might have been able to make the connection with the thunder net.

However, they didn’t ask and had thus lost the most important lead.While Feng Xun was searching everywhere for Feng Wu, where was Feng Wu at the moment?

Feng Xun was at Feng Wu’s place, but Feng Wu was at his home.

After jumping back over the wall, Feng Wu quickly made her way through the woods and ran behind some rocks. With her nimble fingers, she quickly removed all the makeup from her face, changed into her normal outfit, and came out in a pink dress.

“Why, isn’t it Miss Feng Wu?” someone said a few steps away, sounding pleasantly surprised.

It was Ziyuan, Lady Northern Feng’s maid.

Feng Wu smiled politely.

Soon, Ziyuan led Feng Wu to Lady Northern Feng’s main courtyard.

It was still early, and Lady Northern Feng was having breakfast.

Because General Feng was stationed at the northern border all year long and wouldn’t come back for years, Lady Northern Feng usually had her breakfast alone.

“Xiao Wu?” Seeing Feng Wu, Lady Northern Feng’s eyes lit up.

Feng Wu greeted Lady Northern Feng respectfully, but before she could finish, the enthusiastic Lady Northern Feng had already ushered her into a chair.

Lady Northern Feng said, “It’s still so early. Xiao Wu, you haven’t had any breakfast, have you? Ziyuan, get me another bowl and chopsticks.”

Ziyuan replied with a smile, “Of course.”

The lady looked so lonely when she ate alone, and Ziyuan was glad to see her have some company.

Taking Feng Wu’s hand, Lady Northern Feng started babbling. “Why are you here so early? Has something gone wrong?”

Feng Wu smiled. “Of course not. How could anything go wrong? I’m fine.”

Lady Northern Feng said, “If it’s not you, then my brat Feng Xun has made a mess out there, hasn’t he?”

Feng Wu waved her hand. “How could he? Of course he hasn’t. My brother’s doing fine. Please don’t be mad at him. You’ll make yourself sick.”

What did she mean by “he hasn’t,” then “don’t be mad at him,” and “you’ll make yourself sick”? She was practically telling the lady that Feng Xun had made a mess!

Fearing that her quick temper would frighten the girl, Lady Northern Feng bellowed at the servants outside, “Get Feng Xun’s ass down here!”

Ziyuan went in a hurry. However, when she came back, instead of Feng Xun, she brought Steward Wang of No Mercy Yard.

Lady Northern Feng’s face darkened right away. “Where’s Ah Xun?”

Steward Wang smiled bitterly.

Lady Northern Feng frowned. “Ah Xun isn’t the type to ignore my order to see him. Since he’s not here… He’s not here, is he?”

Steward Wang dropped to his knees.

“He didn’t come back last night. Where did he go?” Lady Northern Feng’s face was livid.

She knew that Feng Wu was discreet, so if the girl had come to warn her, that just proved how big a trouble Feng Xun was in.

The lady’s angry voice made Steward Wang tremble…

“The young lord went to West Mountain to see Master Linghu… He didn’t come back last night, perhaps because he stayed there overnight?”

Lady Northern Feng waved her hand. “Get the chief steward here!”

The chief steward arrived and explained everything. “The young lord had Feng Wuyi take the guards out last night. They took the dog, too.”

The dog referred to that big dog from last night. Northern Feng General found it by accident a few years back, and apart from Lady Northern Feng and the young lord, no one else dared to go near it.

“Where’s Feng Wuyi?!”

Lady Northern Feng bellowed.

The chief steward said, “Feng Wuyi led a team of guards out. I think they’re after someone.”

“After whom?!” Lady Northern Feng pressed in an intimidating tone.

The chief steward said, “…I think they were after a good-looking teenage boy.”“A teenage boy?” Lady Northern Feng was bewildered. “Why is he after a teenage boy?”

Lady Northern Feng couldn’t for the life of her figure it out. “Xiao Wu, just tell me. What did your Brother Ah Xun do this time?”

Feng Wu looked conflicted.

But in fact, she was thrilled inwardly!


“Feng Xun, that’s what you get for chasing me half the night! An eye for an eye!” thought Feng Wu.

Despite her excitement, Feng Wu kept her face demure and serious. “…Well, it’s no big deal.”

Lady Northern Feng threw a dirty look at Feng Wu.

“If that really is the case, then why did she skip breakfast and rush here at this hour? It has to be very big,” thought Lady Northern Feng.

“Just tell me —” Lady Northern Feng prompted her.

Feng Wu asked, “Do you really want to hear it?”

The lady said, “I thought you were a straightforward kid. What’s with this stuttering? Spit it out.”

Feng Wu said, “Well… actually, I’m only worried that you won’t be able to handle it.”

Lady Northern Feng said, “Just tell me!” What on earth had that brat done to make little Feng Wu so conflicted?

Leaning over, Feng Wu whispered in Lady Northern Feng’s ear.

She only said one sentence, but Lady Northern Feng was petrified.

“What?! Is that true?!” Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu said, “Yes.”

Lady Northern Feng asked, “Are you telling me that your Brother Xun… likes men?”

Feng Wu said, “I’m not 100% sure, but… he did snatch a teenage boy in public, and everyone on the street saw it. I came here in a hurry as soon as I heard.”


Lady Northern Feng smacked the table hard!

“That brat!” Infuriated, Lady Northern Feng went back to her room to look for something.

“Godmother, what are you looking for?” Feng Wu asked curiously.

Lady Northern Feng snorted. “That’s why that brat didn’t like any of the girls I set him up with. I know now! He likes men!”

The more she thought about it, the angrier Lady Northern Feng became. “I’m Lady Northern Feng and my only son likes men. I can’t have that!”

Seeing how serious Lady Northern Feng was, Feng Wu nibbed her fingers…

Had the joke gone a little too far?

Just then, footsteps came from outside.

“Mum, I heard that we have a guest. Is little Feng Wu here?” Feng Xun’s footsteps came from outside.

Speak of the devil.

Turning toward the door, Feng Wu had the greatest sympathy for Feng Xun, who was about to show up.

Poor Feng Xun. He knew nothing of this. After learning that Feng Wu was at his place, he came home with the big dog, hoping that Feng Wu would treat his dog, so that he could go back to looking for the ugly girl.

However —

Feng Xun sensed the forbidding atmosphere before he set foot in the main courtyard.

Wait. What was going on?

As soon as Feng Xun stepped into the main courtyard —


The door closed behind Feng Xun with a loud bang!

Feng Xun jumped. What was that about?

He looked up to find Feng Wu inside, and when he was about to wave at Feng Wu to greet her, a stick as thick as his arm appeared out of nowhere and struck him in the back!

Caught by surprise, Feng Xun was hit in the back.

“Ouch —” Feng Xun cried out in surprise. He then looked up to see his mother, who was holding that stick with both hands and looking like she wanted to kill someone!

“Mother —” Feng Xun looked dumbfounded. He had no idea what he had done to deserve that whack from his mother.Ignoring her son’s complaint, Lady Northern Feng raised the stick that was as thick as an arm, and brought it down on Feng Xun again.

“Mother! Why are you hitting me?! What did I do?!” Feng Xun asked in frustration.

He had come back in a hurry to eat with his sister as soon as he heard that Feng Wu was eating with his mother. The last thing he expected was a merciless beating!

“You brat! You’re so dead today! How dare you mess around with men!” Lady Northern Feng only hit him harder.

Feng Xun glanced at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu shrugged innocently. “It’s everywhere…”

“You!” Feng Xun stared at Feng Wu!

He should have known. The girl seldom came here, but she was here so early today. She had come to tell on him!

Feng Xun was so vexed.

“Quit staring at your sister! How dare you, Feng Xun! You’re shameless!” Holding the stick, Lady Northern Feng went on beating him continuously.

Feng Xun’s face wrinkled up.

For it really hurt.

“I’m not messing around with men!” Feng Xun yelled in frustration.

Lady Northern Feng said, “Stop lying! You brought a teenage boy back home! You can’t deny it!”

Feng Xun’s face turned livid. “It wasn’t a teenage boy! She was a teenage girl!”

Lady Northern Feng paused for a brief moment. “Really? It was a girl?”

Feng Xun said, “Yes, really! She was disguised as a boy!”

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