《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1079-1088


What was more, she saw Xuan Yi leaning against a tree with a sword between his crossed arms. He only had to look up to spot Feng Wu.

Xuan Yi then lifted his head involuntarily and seemed alarmed.

Frightened, Feng Wu cringed, and without thinking, fell back into Perching Phoenix.

No -

She was trapped here.

Feng Wu was stumped, but not for long, for she heard approaching footsteps, along with the sound of Feng Xun's berating.

"She was just here! How come you didn't see her? Find her for me!"

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi were going to meet up, and if one drew a straight line between the two of them, Feng Wu was right in the middle.

She turned around and headed for the backyard of Perching Phoenix!

She hid herself in one of the rooms.

Behind her was an erotic scene, and the sound of suggestive panting filled the air, but Feng Wu wasn't affected at all.

She knew she couldn't remain here.

From what she knew of Feng Xun, she was sure that he would widen the search and turn every room upside down, even those he had already searched.

Feng Wu frowned at that thought.

Raising an arm, she sniffed at herself. The scent was very faint now, and wouldn't be detected if she kept her distance from him.

But where was she going to hide now?

The last thing Feng Wu wanted was to be caught, for that would lead to the incident with the Immortal Spiritual Fruit... Jun Linyuan had disliked her to begin with, and if he knew the truth about the fruit, he would definitely strangle her himself!

Just then, Feng Wu heard more footsteps, accompanied by angry shouts.

"Come out!"

"Come out for an inspection! We're from Northern Feng Mansion!"

"Arrest them all!"


The shouts were like a death knell in Feng Wu's ears, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer...

Feng Wu did the calculations in her head. At this speed, they would reach her in less than three minutes.

She couldn't hide here any longer.

Meanwhile, the couple on the bed had also reached the climax.

Since the front door was blocked, Feng Wu rolled over the floor and quietly made her way to the window. She then reached out and slowly cracked open the window -

She snuck out through the window, closing it behind her as if it had never been touched.

On the bed, the girl's eyes flickered as she asked bewilderedly in between pants, "Did... the window... open?"

Lying on top of her, the man turned his head toward the window as he thrusted.

It was tightly shut without a crack.

The girl wanted to say something, but the man stopped her with a kiss.

Crawling over the wall like a spider, Feng Wu quickly moved toward the end of the corridor where the lights were the brightest.

For she knew that the most dangerous place could also be the safest.

With the faint scent still on her, she wouldn't be able to hide anywhere. Hence, she would rather remain out in the open; that way, Feng Xun might look past her.

Hiding outside a window of the brightly lit building, Feng Wu listened carefully.

It was quiet inside except for the sound of a couple kissing.

Good. Feng Wu took the opportunity to sneak in through the window. She landed silently on the floor and closed the window behind her.

She moved as smoothly as a floating cloud.

The two people in the room were none other than Miss Fengqi and Zuo Qingliu.


Their feelings for each other were mutual, and they were both lost in the passionate kiss as they ignored everything else.

Feng Wu hid in the shadow of a closet, where she wouldn't be spotted unless one looked closely.

Feng Wu noticed that she was in a very spacious room, which looked like a dressing room separated into two halves by a giant screen in the middle.On one end was a busy scene, where young girls in identical seductive dresses were busy putting on makeup.On the other side of the screen, Miss Fengqi and Zuo Qingliu couldn't get enough of each other.

"Young Master, Fengqi wants to serve you and keep you company forever. Please don't say no."

"Fengqi? So, this is the famous Miss Fengqi," thought Feng Wu.

"Qi, don't worry. That Mu the Sixth won't be able to do anything. I, Zuo Qingliu, promise you that I'll win the bid tonight and make you mine from now on!"

Zuo Qingliu?!

Feng Wu couldn't believe her ears. What an incredible coincidence!

She had only just put out a hit on Zuo Qingliu with the assassin organization, and here he was, right here in Perching Phoenix!

Feng Wu tentatively stuck her head out and stole a glance at the man. Her eyes lit up.

It really was Zuo Qingliu.

She would never forget his face, for Zuo Qingliu had been there when Zuo Qingluan destroyed Feng Wu's True Phoenix Blood.

Moreover, Zuo Qingliu was the one who had held Feng Wu down so that Zuo Qingluan could do it.

Feng Wu"s eyes blazed with hatred at the sight of her old enemy.

Miss Fengqi seemed concerned. "But if Young Lord Feng intervenes..."

Zuo Qingliu smirked in satisfaction. "Don't worry. I have an idea!"

Miss Fengqi pressed, "What's your plan?"

Zuo Qingliu held nothing back from the girl he liked. Taking a packet of medicine out of his chest pocket, he waved it in front of Miss Fengqi. "I have this baby."

"You're going to poison..." Miss Fengqi blanched in fear and looked like she was going to faint.

Zuo Qingliu said with a straight face, "Of course not. It'll only keep him on the toilet longer."

Zuo Qingliu only feared that Feng Xun would suddenly lose his mind and steal Fengqi away.

Just then, there was a quick knock at the door. "Qi, Qi, the sun's about to rise and it's time for your dance. The guests are all waiting. Are you ready?"

Freeing herself from Zuo Qingliu's arms, Miss Fengqi answered, "Yes, mama, just a second."

After that, Miss Fengqi headed for the door.

But Zuo Qingliu wouldn't let her go that easily. He pulled her back and gave her another long, passionate kiss.

Something then stirred inside Feng Wu!

A dance?

Feng Wu looked around. The dance wasn't solo, but had dozens of backup dancers. If she could hide in the crowd -

Just then, quick footsteps approached outside the door, and Madam Cui spoke again.

"Young lord, you - you're back. Haven't you searched this room already?" That was Madam Cui.

Feng Xun's face was livid.

That ugly girl was definitely here in Perching Phoenix, but he couldn't find her no matter what!

How could a girl be so sneaky?!

Feng Xun?

Feng Wu was alarmed.

No, sitting around here would only get her caught.

Seeing that everyone was distracted by the conversation outside, Feng Wu scanned the room with her bright eyes.

One of the dancers was standing very close to her. She was already dressed for the part and was retouching her makeup.


Feng Wu decided to choose her because half of the girl's face was covered with feathers.

It would make her hard to recognize.

What happened next was quicker than words could describe!

Feng Wu was as bold as ever. She snuck up on the girl and knocked the latter unconscious with the side of her palm.She then quietly dragged the girl into the closet, then changed into her clothes, hairpiece...

After that, Feng Wu copied the girl's makeup.

With the feathers that covered her face, Feng Wu was able to achieve the seemingly impossible makeover.

"Quickly, everyone on stage. Now -"

Madam Cui rushed the group of dancers out of the room like a hen ushering out chicks.

"Qi..." Madam Cui looked at Miss Fengqi in a regretful manner, then pulled the latter out of Zuo Qingliu's arms. "Quickly, you're needed downstairs -"

Zuo Qingliu was an ideal choice, but Young Lord Feng had shown up and Madam Cui was completely biased toward Feng Xun, despite the fact that Feng Xun showed no feelings for Miss Fengqi.

Feng Wu hid herself well in the crowd and quickly followed them out.

The sound of musical instruments soon rang out in the main hall on the first floor.

Miss Fengqi was dancing in the center of the stage, and was surrounded by the others like the moon among the stars.

This was Feng Wu's first time dancing this piece, but luckily, she was a backup dancer and one of many among the crowd. It didn't take her long to catch up with the others.

Meanwhile, Feng Xun was searching room after room for Feng Wu on the second floor.

He couldn't understand it!

That girl had to be here in Perching Phoenix, but why couldn't he find her? It was as if she had vanished into thin air.

Frustrated, Feng Xun smacked the banister, making a loud bang.

On stage, Feng Wu stole a glance at Feng Xun as she moved along with the music. She was secretly elated when she saw how vexed he was.

The last place Feng Xun could imagine she would hide herself was on stage!

Just then, Feng Wu sensed a cold gaze on her!

To be more precise, the gaze was directed at the center of the stage.

It was Xuan Yi.

Feng Wu noticed that Xuan Yi was leaning against a column with his sword between his crossed arms and a cold look in his eyes.

She felt a chill run down her spine. Involuntarily, she danced more properly than before. Otherwise, Xuan Yi's sharp eyes would pick her out in no time.

Feng Xun came down the stairs, looking infuriated.

Seeing him like that, Mu the Sixth rose to his feet in a hurry. "Brother, please have a seat."

Because of Feng Xun and Xuan Yi's arrival, two more seats had been added to the first row.

Feng Xun sat down in frustration, then grabbed a cup of tea and gulped it down.

Mu the Sixth followed Miss Fengqi's dancing with an infatuated look on his face, while making an effort to talk to Feng Xun. "Brother, did you not find the girl you were looking for?"

Feng Xun only snorted.

Mu the Sixth said, "Brother, don't be mad. We have more than enough girls here in Perching Phoenix. Look at those on stage. They come in all shapes and sizes. Brother, all you need to do is name one and I'll bring her to you."

Feng Xun gave him a "you idiot" look and couldn't be bothered to reply.

Those girls on stage were nothing compared with that ugly girl. She might not be pretty, but she had the most amazing eyes. One would never forget them after they saw those eyes. All the girls on stage were just commonplace women.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu wanted to jump for joy on stage.

Good. Xuan Yi was going to stay here in the main hall. After this dance, she could jump over the wall and get herself out of this mess...

Feng Wu was a little anxious, for this piece was quite long.

Seeing that Feng Xun was staring blankly at the stage while his mind had wandered off, Feng Wu -

And Feng Wu grew anxious.

She desperately wanted the dance to end, so that she could make the great escape before Feng Xun showed up in front of her.

Before long, the music slowly came to an end with the last note lingering in the air.

Finally... it was over.

Standing in place, Feng Wu let out a breath of relief.

Because of the curtain call, Feng Wu stood in the second row until the very last moment.

Mu the Sixth grinned. "Brother, look. With all the feathers covering half their faces, the girls all look so mysterious. What do you think?"

Feng Xun was in an impatient mood and had no interest in any of the girls.

After knowing someone as beautiful as Feng Wu, even Miss Fengqi was an ordinary woman in Feng Xun's eyes, not to mention those girls around her...

He couldn't even be bothered to glance at them. Feng Xun then rose to his feet.

Feng Wu was secretly relieved. Finally, he was leaving.

However, Feng Xun paused as soon as he stood up. He spun around and stared at the girls on the stage.

"What did you just say?" Feng Xun stared at Mu the Sixth.

Mu the Sixth was dumbfounded. "What did I say?"

Feng Xun said, "Repeat it!"

Mu the Sixth said, "I said the girls came in all shapes and sizes..."

"The next sentence!"

"If you like any of them..."

"The one before that!"

"Half of their faces are covered with feathers..."

Feng Xun snapped his fingers. "That's it."

After that, he stared at the girls on the stage with a grin, then walked toward them.

Seeing Feng Xun get onto the stage, everyone's eyes shone curiously. Was Young Lord Feng really interested in Miss Fengqi?

Zuo Qingliu's face was livid!

Feng Xun had said only just then that he wasn't interested in Miss Fengqi, but why did he suddenly...

Damn it!

Clenching his fists, Zuo Qingliu stiffened!

If Feng Xun really wanted to use his power to take the girl away, there was nothing Zuo Qingliu could do!

He was getting closer and closer...

Feng Xun had gone up to Miss Fengqi and was reaching out -

Thrilled, Miss Fengqi shivered and blushed in expectation.

If Young Lord Feng really had his eye on her, she would be much better off with him than becoming Zuo Qingliu's woman.

Feng Xun had indeed reached out, but -

He only pushed Miss Fengqi aside. "Out of my way."


Miss Fengqi stood there, baffled. Her face turned so red that her cheeks seemed to be bleeding.

Damn it!

Meanwhile, Feng Wu grew nervous.

It was obvious that Feng Xun had grown suspicious of the girls on the stage. Feng Wu still smelled faintly of that bug, and she would be easily spotted if Feng Xun got too close.

What should she do now?

Feng Wu's heart raced.

She was in the second row, and right now, Feng Xun was standing in front of them with his hands behind his back and a bone-chilling look in his eyes.

"Take your feathers off!" Feng Xun stared at them with a grim look on his face.

The title of Young Lord Feng alone was enough to intimidate them.

Although the girls had no idea why the young lord gave that order, they still removed the feathers from their faces as told.

Because of her tight schedule, Feng Wu had been a little hasty with her makeup. She could make it work with the feathers on, but without them, she had a 70% resemblance to the girl she had been disguised as before.

They stood in two slanted lines. When Feng Xun walked past them, he could see all their faces in one go.

Feng Wu -

Feng Wu was a little on edge, but the more nervous she was, the calmer she looked.

No one could tell how agitated she was deep down.

Luckily -

Feng Wu had put on her makeup, mimicking the dancer she had replaced. Otherwise, she would have been found out already.

After searching the group, Feng Xun frowned.

Because he couldn't smell the cream which the ugly girl had used to disguise herself. That was to say, that girl wasn't wearing it at the moment.

What Feng Xun didn't know was that with the right skills, even ordinary makeup could be used to disguise one's face; it was just that it wouldn't last as long.

Feng Xun didn't see the familiar face at first glance, nor did he catch the scent. He frowned.

Could it be -

Could it be that he had been mistaken?

Was the girl not among the dancers?

Feng Xun looked at the faces again.

"Your names!" Feng Xun snorted.

The others didn't think much of it, but Feng Wu was dumbfounded.

That was because -

She didn't know the name of the girl she was impersonating.

And she couldn't make up one, for everyone on stage knew the girl's name.

What should she do?

Top diet

She would be exposed.

By then, the others were already giving out their names.

From the left to the right in the first row...

"Chang Xin, Fan Yuefeng, Zhang Danlan..."

The girls in the first row soon finished giving their names, and it was the second row's turn. However, Feng Wu still didn't know who she was supposed to be. Her back was already soaked with sweat under her clothes.

Feng Wu wanted to ask around to find out the girl's name, but she couldn't do it when Feng Xun's attention was fixed on them.

An idea struck her when it was going to be her turn soon. She stepped on the foot of the girl in front of her!

"Yu Xueke, what did you do that for?!"

The girl in the front turned around and glared at Feng Wu.

She realized that "Yu Xueke" seemed to have a smaller face tonight, and wondered if she was seeing things.

The girl in front of Feng Wu was called You Yue, and she was a little curious. However, with Young Lord Feng still around, she didn't dare ask further questions. She quickly turned back around and resumed her position.

"What were you talking about?" Feng Xun stared at You Yue.

You Yue was so nervous that she stammered. "I - I... She stepped on my foot... so..."

If Feng Xun had pressed You Yue and asked her if she felt something was out of place, You Yue would've told him...

But he didn't. He only stared at those in the second row.

Soon, it was Feng Wu's turn.

Feng Wu stuck out her chest. "Yu Xueke!"

She didn't know what the real Yu Xueke sounded like, so she deliberately made her voice husky.

Feng Wu was able to keep her cover and she felt like giving herself a thumbs up.

Her identity had stayed hidden and Feng Wu was able to make another narrow escape.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Mu the Sixth looked at Feng Xun in bewilderment. "Why do you look like you're looking for a fugitive?"

Feng Xun smirked. "That's exactly what I'm looking for. When I find her, I'll skin her alive and drink her blood!"

Feng Wu's stomach lurched!

Luckily, after another look around, Feng Xun still couldn't find Feng Wu. In the end, he had no choice but to leave the stage.

Feng Wu heaved a sigh of relief.

If one were to look closer, they would see that Feng Wu had sweat all over her back, which had almost soaked through her clothes.

Just when Feng Wu thought she was out of the woods, there was the sound of a dog barking from the front door!

All heads turned to the door!

Those were some fierce growls!

Feng Wu stared at the dog that had just entered the door,

One look and Feng Wu narrowed her eyes dangerously!It didn’t look good. The dog was covered in glossy, fine black fur and was as tall as two meters. Its appearance was very intimidating!

It was a type of detection dog, which was highly sensitive to scents.

Feng Wu was immediately alarmed!

She was going to be discovered…

She was sure of it…

Since she was standing in the back row, Feng Wu was able to stealthily move backward when all eyes were on the front door.

She might never get a better opportunity than this one.

After backing away ten steps, Feng Wu turned to run.

The dog had made such a grand entrance that no one noticed that Feng Wu had gone. Ohly that —

Arf! Arf! Arf!

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