《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》1004-1013


The mention of Feng Wu’s name was like a spell, and the carefree atmosphere in the classroom vanished. Everyone was excited!

All the students in this classroom were new students this year, and there should be a hundred of them in total. But right now, there were only over ninety people here.

That was because Feng Wu and Chaoge weren’t here, and neither were Yu Mingye or Mu Yaoyao.

Yu Mingye had his own errands to run, whereas Mu Yaoyao… She didn’t dare show up, for she had lost the bet, and was afraid that Feng Wu would ask for her head.

But there were enough people here to fill the room.

Yao Hao, Mu Yaoyao’s minion, was the first to cry out.

Yao Ying didn’t get in, but Yao Hao had gotten just enough marks to be admitted.

“What? Feng Wu’s here?”

“How dare she?!”

“Isn’t she ashamed?”

“She’s unbelievable!”

Furious and jealous voices resonated in the classroom.

Of course, Feng Wu had her supporters, too.

Such as Gongsun Qing and Shi Xuan.

Before, in Proud Snowfield, Gongsun Qing had thought that she was going to die, but Feng Wu saved her life. As a result, Gongsun Qing now had complicated feelings toward Feng Wu.

Shi Xuan, on the other end, had turned 180 degrees in her opinion, and was vexed when she heard these people slandering Feng Wu. These jealous women!

They were saying all these things because they had seen Feng Wu kiss His Royal Highness. How pathetic!

However, she was one of the few who could think clearly, and the majority of the students still held grudges against Feng Wu.

Therefore, Feng Wu entered the classroom to find everyone staring at her in jealousy and rage.

Feng Wu was at a loss.

Sensing the antagonism in the air, Hang Yang was elated. “Right, there you are. My mission is accomplished, and I’ll leave you here.”

He promptly left after that.

He had to get back to the seniors’ quarter and spread the news.

The newbies’ quarter was a semi-enclosed area with a nice name: Blue Cloud Court.

It was derived from a line in a poem: “Fly over the blue clouds to gather the sun and the moon and pour out the East Sea to wash the universe clean.” Hence, the newbies’ quarter was called Blue Cloud Court and the seniors’ Universe Court.

Hang Yang shouted at the top of his lungs as soon as he set foot in Universe Court, “Feng Wu is here in Blue Cloud Court! Let’s go, people!”

Fame was a two-edged sword. Although Feng Wu hadn’t made it into Universe Court yet, everyone had heard about what she did, especially to His Royal Highness… A lot of girls had been cursing her under their breaths.

Therefore, the seniors in Universe Court stirred when they heard that Feng Wu had arrived at Blue Cloud Court.

“Feng Sang, Feng Sang, isn’t that Feng Wu from your clan?”

Feng Sang, the third daughter of the Feng clan, was one of the seniors. Right now, she was doing her best to pretend that she was immersed in her reading, but people just wouldn’t stop reminding her.

Feng Sang’s face darkened.

Guan Jing and Tao Yue were Feng Sang’s best friends, and they sat down on either side of her, bombarding her with questions.

Guan Jing said, “Sangsang, Feng Wu is here. Has she really gotten her ability back?”

Feng Sang didn’t like that question at all!

Tao Yue asked, “Sangsang, is Feng Wu going to be alright? Isn’t His Royal Highness going to punish her for what she did?”


Feng Wu! Feng Wu! Everyone just wouldn’t shut up about that name! It was so annoying!

Recalling how miserable Feng Wu had made her own family, especially her father, who had been beaten up by Feng Wu’s mother… Feng Sang’s face turned green!

“Don’t ask me!” Feng Sang said with a livid face. “I don’t want to hear that name ever again!”

After that, Feng Sang stormed out of the classroom with her books.

The others eyed one another in amazement.

How amazing. That Feng Wu was able to upset Feng Sang like this.

Feng Sang’s name was quite high up on the stone tablet.

Since they couldn’t get anything from Feng Sang, the students decided to go have a look in Blue Cloud Court.

It was considered the newbies’ honor to be visited by seniors.

Blue Cloud Court.

The boisterous classroom quieted down as soon as Feng Wu walked in.

Regardless of their unspoken criticism, the students were genuinely intimidated by her performance in Proud Snowfield…

But some were still bold enough.

For instance —

Miss Huo Yin.

“Feng Wu, I thought you had been scared off. What? Now that the test is over, you’re bold enough to show up at school?”

Feng Wu followed the voice and spotted Huo Yin.

Huo Yin was Ye Yafei’s friend, but the latter didn’t even dare show up in front of Feng Wu, for she had lost that bet, too.

Huo Yin rose to her feet, and with that, many girls also grew aggressive.

“Look, everyone, here’s Feng Wu. She’s first in both exams this year, but she didn’t show up to get her cultivation level tested.”

“We all know that she only got first in the physical tryout because of His Royal Highness.”

“That’s right. We all saw it. She didn’t have one single star before that.”

“She cast the badly injured crown prince aside and only cared about absorbing the spiritual essence for herself. I can’t believe it.”

“I’m telling you, she’s obviously selfish. I can’t imagine how scheming she can be. Watch out, everyone. Don’t walk into her trap.”

Most of the accusations came from the girls.

They hated Feng Wu for that “kiss” she gave Jun Linyuan before the physical tryout finished.

Some also stood up for Feng Wu, such as Shi Xuan.

She had switched to Feng Wu’s side after what happened in Proud Snowfield.

“Are you people blind?! What do you mean she was only able to do it because of His Royal Highness? You’ve all seen the replay of the footage!” Shi Xuan was furious. “Feng Wu saved His Royal Highness during the fall! You’re confusing right and wrong!”

But people only smirked at her.

“She saved His Royal Highness? Can she say that she didn’t take advantage of him?!”

“She has no shame! How dare she even show up?!” Yao Hao snorted.

However, before he could say another word!

Thump! Chaoge struck!

She charged at Yao Hao and kicked him in the face. Before he could react, Chaoge grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the ground.


She tossed him right into a flower bed, smashing a lot of pots.

Poor Yao Hao. He had finally cultivated a bit of fame among the newbies, but Chaoge had crushed it just like that.

He was utterly humiliated.

A hush fell over the crowd.

Fighting among students was forbidden in Imperial College, and Chaoge had just broken the rule.

It took a moment for someone to realize that.

“Oh god, Feng Wu’s friend is beating another student up!”


“That’s against regulations! She should be expelled!”

“Kick her out!”

Instantly, the crowd grew excited.

Yao Hao and Huo Yin exchanged looks, and both grinned maliciously.

They had made such a scene just to set Feng Wu up, for she wasn’t familiar with the school regulations yet.

Mu Yaoyao and Ye Yafei, the “masterminds” behind these two, were hiding in their respective homes because of their earlier bets with Feng Wu. They didn’t dare show up at school.

That was why Yao Hao and Huo Yin had tried to make a scene. They wanted to provoke Feng Wu.

However, Duan Chaoge jumped out first.

They could live with that. Removing Duan Chaoge would be like cutting off one of Feng Wu’s arms. That was a pretty nice down payment.

Since Chaoge had taken the bait, Yao Hao would make sure that she wouldn’t get off the hook easily.

“Retch —”

Yao Hao scrambled out of the flowerbed, covered in blood.

He had deliberately dressed himself in white today, so that the effect would be exceptionally shocking when his clothes were stained with blood.

And he even punched himself in the chest.

“Retch —”

He spat out another mouthful of blood, which had some clots in it.

Someone cried out in surprise, “Oh god, Yao Hao’s heart has been shattered! He spat pieces of it out!”

Feng Wu wanted to roll her eyes at them.

Even if that was the case, the pieces wouldn’t come out of his stomach, thank you!

Feng Wu glanced at Huo Yin. She was the one crying out.

However, she was able to fool a lot of people.

People believed that what they saw was Duan Chaoge taking advantage of her power to bully her fellow classmate. No, she was trying to kill him!

“Help! Feng Wu is killing people here! Feng Wu is killing a classmate!”

The news got out of Blue Cloud Court, and by the time it reached Universe Court, it had become a different story.

What? Feng Wu had killed someone?!

Feng Sang, who hadn’t gone very far, was thrilled to hear the news.

She turned around and headed for Blue Cloud Court.

The other students were equally excited.

Onlookers always looked forward to more breaking news.

Feng Wu’s every move was already being scrutinized, but she was still bold enough to kill on campus in broad daylight? That was unbelievable!

They had to see this!

Nearly all the students of Universe Court rushed that way.

Blue Cloud Court.

After tossing the guy into the flowerbed, Chaoge patted her hands in satisfaction. But to her surprise, Yao Hao looked as if he was dying, with all his trembling and moaning.

What a poser!

Infuriated, Chaoge raised a foot to Yao Hao’s chest.

Everyone stared at Duan Chaoge in amazement.

How dare she?!

Everyone turned in Feng Wu’s direction!

All Feng Wu had to do was say the word, and Chaoge would stop. As a matter of fact, she did speak.

She said, “Aim 10cm lower.”

Stomping on his heart would kill him, but kicking him in the belly wouldn’t.


Chaoge’s foot landed right on Yao Hao’s stomach.


That hurt!

Yao Hao curled up like a cooked shrimp, and he stared at Chaoge in bafflement!

And he wasn’t the only one.

Everyone else was staring at Chaoge in disbelief as well!

That was so arrogant of her!

She had done it in front of everyone!

“I can’t believe this!”

“Who the hell does she think she is?”

“Are they killing Yao Hao?”

However, Chaoge didn’t seem to hear them; all she could think of were the awful things Yao Hao had said about Feng Wu.

“Quit acting and get up! This is what you get for cursing Xiao Wu!”

Then, Chaoge raised her foot again!

Just then, a figure showed up and grabbed Chaoge by the shoulder!

Chaoge looked over her shoulder to find a familiar face.

It was Lei Kai, one of Xuanyuan Yi’s minions.

“Duan Chaoge, that’s enough!” Lei Kai wanted to throw Chaoge out!

Chaoge smirked. “Hands off me!”

Duan Chaoge was the kind that would always fight back right away.

The next second, she was throwing punches at Lei Kai!

The sound of fists hitting flesh resounded in the air.

Both moved at a tremendous speed!

In a matter of seconds, they had struck out dozens of times!


In the end, Chaoge punched Lei Kai in the face!

Everyone stared at Chaoge in disbelief!

That was incredible!

Because Imperial College took in students every year, most of the Year 1 students were of similar cultivation levels. The newbies this year, for instance, were mostly Level 1 and Level 2 Spiritual Grandmasters.

Lei Kai, a Level 3 Spiritual Grandmaster, was one of the better ones.

However, he had just been defeated by Duan Chaoge…

That surprised everyone.

After the test three days ago, Lei Kai was ranked 893 among the 1000 on the stone tablet.

Lei Kai glared at Chaoge. “I see why you’re so arrogant now. Bring it on!”

With those words, Lei Kai charged at Chaoge again.

Chaoge had made some great progress in the past few days.

When Feng Wu was busy building the Taiyi formation, Chaoge had been cultivating.

Feng Wu had kept Chaoge in mind all the time. When her beautiful master gave Grand Secretary Fang that “Free and Easy Wandering” manual, Feng Wu had also asked for a manual for Chaoge as well.

Her beautiful master was excellent in figuring out one’s cultivation needs. With one look, he knew what manual would suit Chaoge the most.

Feng Wu knew how to make a request, and of course, her master had to grant her wish.

The manual Feng Wu got for Chaoge was called “Homage to Phoenix”; with its help, Chaoge’s cultivation level had risen significantly.

Hence, Lei Kai wasn’t Chaoge’s match at all!


Chaoge raised her hand, and there was a golden flash.

“Roarrr —”

Lei Kai, who had believed that he would win for sure, flew backward with an angry roar.


He fell to the ground with a thump.

Everyone stared at Duan Chaoge in disbelief.

Everyone had thought it an accident when Lei Kai was struck down the first time.

But now —

Lei Kai lay unconscious on the ground and couldn’t even stand up.

It was no accident. Lei Kai had been defeated!


“Oh my god!”

“How did that happen?!”

Everyone began to shout different things.

They couldn’t believe this!

And Huo Yin was the most surprised of them all!

It had seemed only yesterday when Ye Yafei and the others bullied Duan Chaoge during the physical tryout. Duan Chaoge had been a mere Level 5 Spiritual Master then.

How long had it been?

It had only been half a month, and she was a different person now!

She was more powerful than Lei Kai now!

Huo Yin couldn’t believe it!

She shook her head in disbelief.

But that was the reality!

Duan Chaoge smirked. “You think you can stop me? In your dreams!”

After that, she made to kick Lei Kai again.

These people had said bad things about Xiao Wu; she would thrash them until they shut up! Chaoge was on fire!

However, just then —

There was a cold voice.

“Kneel and apologize. Then, I might consider sparing your life.”

The voice was cold, distant, and cruel. It gave one the creeps.

Everyone turned around.

They saw a young man with long black hair step out of the crowd and walk into the clearing.

“Xuanyuan Yi!”

“It’s Xuanyuan Yi! He’s one of the top 500 Year 1 students!”

The crowd stirred in excitement.

“Brother —” Lei Kai clutched his stomach and struggled to his feet. He then wiped blood off his mouth.

Xuanyuan Yi looked from Lei Kai to Chaoge, and his eyes flickered.

Kneel and beg for mercy?

Feng Wu narrowed his eyes. The guy had some balls.

Chaoge stared at Xuanyuan Yi, then smirked. “On my knees? You wish!”

“Then go to hell!” Xuanyuan Yi raised his right fist. Golden light flashed and his fist glowed!


He then charged at Duan Chaoge with his fist out at full speed.

Chaoge frowned a little. She wouldn’t have been able to dodge the attack a few days ago, but she had learned a great deal from “Homage to Phoenix”; now, she was able to evade the strike with a quick shift in position.

Xuanyuan Yi’s face darkened.

That was supposed to be a killing move, but it didn’t have any effect.

Xuanyuan Yi had been confident that Duan Chaoge wasn’t his match, and he thought that one strike would be enough to take her out.

To his surprise, Duan Chaoge evaded his attack!

“Interesting.” Xuanyuan Yi smirked.

He had never been disrespected like this before!

“Bone-Melting Strike!”

Xuanyuan Yi went rampant!

That was Xuanyuan Yi’s ultimate killing move and his final card. He had never expected to use it on Duan Chaoge one day!

He had to admit that Duan Chaoge was really something!

By then, not only the newbies, but seniors from Universe Court had also gathered round.

And the looks on their faces had changed when they saw Xuanyuan Yi’s earlier move.

“That was awesome!”

“Did you see that strike? He must have already reached perfection as a Level 4 Spiritual Grandmaster!”

“If you ask me, he’s a Level 5 already!”

“Does this mean that he’s good enough to be ranked in the top 300?”

“Xuanyuan Yi is so awesome! I bet he can make it into the top 200!”

“Duan Chaoge is so dead —”

In fact, Chaoge had a bad feeling as well. The attack was so frightening and gave her the impression of a tidal wave. The earth was shaking, and so was her soul.

She wasn’t his match!

Knowing that Feng Wu was much more capable than she was, Chaoge ran toward the latter involuntarily.

The moment before the fist struck down —

Feng Wu gave Chaoge a tug.


And Chaoge was able to evade the fist just in time! Feng Wu had pulled her out of the way!

As a result, the fist landed on the wall behind them.


Cracks spread out on the wall like a spider web, but the wall repaired itself almost immediately as everyone watched. It was intact again in a split second.

Still shaken by the narrow escape, Chaoge held Feng Wu’s hand and gasped. She would have been killed if it wasn’t for Feng Wu.

Xuanyuan Yi, on the other hand, opened his eyes wide in disbelief!

That was impossible!

Bone-Melting Strike was his ultimate move, and someone like Chaoge should never have been able to dodge!

He was sure that he had locked onto his target!

What was so special about that girl?

Even someone so capable hadn’t noticed that Chaoge had only been able to evade his attack because Feng Wu had dragged her out of the way.

Because no one was paying attention to Feng Wu as all eyes were on Chaoge.

That girl was amazing…

That was what everyone was thinking about Chaoge now.

Xuanyuan Yi wouldn’t let it drop. He smirked and was about to attack again, but —


A teacher finally showed up.

“Miss Qiao Yi —”

The newbies greeted their teacher with great respect.

Feng Wu looked in Qiao Yi’s direction.

And she recognized her face.

When Feng Wu went to get her exam permit approved before the exam started, she had seen a few teachers in the office, and Qiao Yi had been one of them.

And she had been very unfriendly toward Feng Wu even then.

She was the snobbish type and she didn’t even try to hide it.

As expected, the first person Qiao Yi turned to was Xuanyuan Yi, and she sighed in relief when she saw that he wasn’t injured. She then turned to look at Feng Wu.

And Qiao Yi’s first reaction was to frown at Feng Wu.

“What happened?” Qiao Yi stared at Feng Wu with an accusing look in her eyes.

She came to the conclusion right away that Feng Wu had done something wrong.

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