《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》984-993


Feng Wu was so happy.

Not because she had been accepted into Imperial College, but because she could talk to her beautiful master again.

Moreover, this time, she had regained her ability, as well as gotten first in Imperial College’s entrance exam.

Thus, Feng Wu had instructed that every beggar who came to their door be rewarded generously.

Grand Secretary Fang glanced at Feng Wu. The girl really was acting strangely today. Was she going to be alright?

However —

Grand Secretary Fang soon realized that he really didn’t need to worry.

Feng Wu started working on the formation —

The hardest part wasn’t positioning the spiritual stones, but drawing the inscriptions on them.

The more complicated a formation was, the more difficult it was to draw the inscriptions.

However, Grand Secretary Fang watched Feng Wu in amazement as she drew.

Before each stroke, she would look to the right, as if she was receiving instructions from someone.

She only paused for a few seconds each time before she nodded and started drawing.

The extremely intricate inscription was completed in one smooth stroke!

Such an inscription would take ordinary formation masters months to finish, given how many details it contained. One mistake, and one would have to start from scratch again.

But —

It only took Feng Wu less than a minute to finish the inscription.

Moreover —

“That’s a Level 5 inscription!”

Grand Secretary Fang’s eyes popped out!

Inscriptions came in different levels, which in turn determined the level of the formations. Most existing formations were Level 1 or Level 2. Level 3 formations were hard to come by, and Level 4 was almost unheard of!

Take the formations which Imperial College used as an example; the cultivation formation which they provided to first-year students was a Level 1 formation.

The more talented Year 1 students would live in the dormitory that had a Level 2 formation.

However, Feng Wu had gone straight for a Level 5 formation!

This was something that Imperial College provided to their top tutors.

What was more, Grand Secretary Fang also noticed that —

The Level 5 inscription was only a base, and Feng Wu was moving on to a Level 6 inscription already!

Level 6?!

Grand Secretary Fang opened his eyes wide and held his breath, fearing that he would accidentally disturb Feng Wu.

Ten minutes later, Feng Wu was finishing up a Level 6 inscription.

However, when she was on the last stroke —


Her hand slipped and the spiritual stone shattered.

Feng Wu was utterly frustrated.


Grand Secretary Fang stared at Feng Wu in disbelief.

What was the girl frustrated about? As far as he knew, less than a handful of people in the empire could actually create a Level 6 inscription.

And one could probably only find them in some reclusive ancient family.

No famous formation master that he knew of was able to create a Level 6 inscription yet!

She should have anticipated this failure.

Feng Wu looked to her right again with flickering eyes, as if she was listening to someone. She gave it some thought before she started drawing again.

But she failed once more.

And she started on another one.

But she failed once more.

Grand Secretary Fang sighed. The girl was too young to create a Level 6 inscription.

Shaking his head, Grand Secretary Fang went to take his afternoon nap.

He came back after he woke up, and was astonished by what he saw!

He was speechless!

For three stones with inscriptions on them lay on the table, every single one covered in a golden glow that was unique to a Level 6 inscription!


He couldn’t believe it!

The old man lunged toward the desk.

He moved so fast that one wouldn’t believe that he was an elderly man!

Grabbing one of the stones, he turned it over in his hands with wide open eyes!

He even forgot to blink!

“I can’t believe this! I must be dreaming!” Grand Secretary Fang stared at the stones in astonishment.

Was he really looking at Level 6 inscriptions?

How was that even possible?!

However, Feng Wu only looked up at Grand Secretary Fang and gave him a nod. She then closed her eyes and began to draw. Soon, she handed him another stone, the ink on it still wet.

Grand Secretary Fang almost lost his balance when he saw what was on it.

He never anticipated that Feng Wu could learn to draw a Level 6 inscription in such a short period of time.

As a matter of fact —

Feng Wu wouldn’t have been able to do it before.

But now, she had her beautiful master with her.

Her master used to be the ruler of this continent, and was practically a walking library. The guy was omniscient.

Nothing could compare with a few instructions from her beautiful master himself.

Feng Wu’s swift progress was a hard blow to Grand Secretary Fang. He left the room with a hand on his chest.

Feng Wu watched as the old man left, then turned to her master, the ethereal beauty.

Feng Wu asked, “Was that too much for Grand Secretary Fang?”

Her master asked, “Are you worried about him?”

Feng Wu said, “It’s not like that, but Grand Secretary Fang has really helped me a lot. Without him, my life would have been so much harder. I still feel a little guilty for not being able to repay his kindness. He wanted to take me in as his pupil once…”

The last words seemed to stir her beautiful master a little. “His pupil?”

Feng Wu raised her head, showing her smooth forehead and bright eyes. “That’s right. I’m a genius, and many people want me as their pupil! But —”

Putting down her pen, Feng Wu ran over to her master and made a gesture of tugging at his wide sleeve.

Although she couldn’t actually touch him, she still liked the feeling of that interaction.

“But, I have a beautiful master already and you’re the only master I’ll have for as long as I live. No matter how impressive the others are, I won’t have any other masters! Am I right, master?”

Feng Wu looked up at her master, waiting for his compliment.

“You naughty thing.”

Her beautiful master was an incredible beauty to begin with. With that smile on his face, no one could resist his charm!

Feng Wu’s heart skipped a beat!

Her master then chanted, “Is the blueness of heaven its real color? Or does it look like that just because it is so far off…”

Feng Wu was confused. “What?”

Her master recited a long passage that contained thousands of words. Feng Wu realized that it was something profound, but couldn’t quite understand the meaning.

“It’s called ‘Free and Easy Wandering,’ a mental cultivation method to enhance one’s internal organs. It’s a gift to him.” Her beautiful master stood there, tucking his hands in his wide sleeves behind his back.

He was as elegant and composed as ever, but Feng Wu seemed to detect an envious look in his eyes.

Envious? Feng Wu rubbed her eyes. When she looked at her master again, he was still that serene man that she was used to. That abnormal emotion was nowhere to be found.


Her beautiful master was always as unperturbed as the calmest water. There was no way he would feel envious. Such an emotion was for someone like Jun Linyuan!

Feng Wu looked at her master with sparkling eyes. “Master, what about me? I want to learn a mental cultivation method, too.”

Her master glanced at her.

It was only a casual glance, but it was dazzling enough to take her breath away.

Feng Wu’s beautiful master rapped her forehead with his knuckles. “You’ll get one if you finish 100 character seals before tonight.”


Her beautiful master was the best! He already had a gift ready!

Feng Wu was delighted and nodded her head repeatedly. She happily went back to drawing inscriptions.

100 inscriptions before nightfall…

Feng Wu sighed inwardly.

At her current speed, she would only be able to achieve that if she stayed very focused the entire time without taking a break.

However, she was happy to do it when her beautiful master was by her side.

Taking a deep breath, she settled her mind and started working on the inscriptions.

Because of her earlier injuries, drawing was a little more difficult than usual, but she gritted her teeth and ignored the pain.

When she finally finished all 100 inscriptions, she was soaked in sweat and her clothes looked like they had just been pulled out of water.

However, Grand Secretary Fang nearly fainted again when he saw what Feng Wu had accomplished.

She hadn’t just created 100 inscriptions, but 100 Level 6 inscriptions. That was almost terrifying!

Feng Wu grinned when she saw Grand Secretary Fang. She then handed him a notebook, in which she had transcribed the text that her master had recited to her.

“What’s this?” Grand Secretary Fang asked.

Feng Wu said, “It’s a gift from my master.”

Grand Secretary Fang was surprised. “Your Master?”

This wasn’t the first time that Feng Wu had talked about her master, but —

“Who’s your master?”

Feng Wu tilted her head. “I don’t want to scare you with his name…”

Grand Secretary Fang rolled his eyes at Feng Wu. “It has been a while since someone scared me, and I don’t think your master can do that, unless he’s someone as incredible as Mu Jiuzhou.”

“Mu Jiuzhou” used to be an awe-inspiring name on this continent, but so many years had passed since then that only the most capable cultivators remembered him now. Barely any commoners still knew who he was.

Feng Wu sighed inwardly. As a matter of fact, her beautiful master was Mu Jiuzhou himself.

Grand Secretary Fang left with the notebook, looking a little disgruntled since Feng Wu wouldn’t tell him who her master was.

“Master, what shall we do next?” Feng Wu looked up at her beautiful master with reverence.

With her beautiful master around, the air felt fresher, the flowers sweeter, and the evening glow more colorful. The world had turned into a fairyland.

Studying the dark circles under Feng Wu’s eyes, her beautiful master shook his head. “Go wash your face and have something to eat.”

“Yes, of course.” Feng Wu went back to Fallen Star Yard in a cheerful mood.

Qiuling was surprised to see Feng Wu back.

“Miss, I didn’t know you were coming back.”

Feng Wu nodded happily. “I’m back. Please set the table. I’ll eat with my mum after I take a shower.”

She went to the bathroom right after that.

Qiuling and Chaoge exchanged looks in amazement.

They had expected that Feng Wu would stay in the house next door for the next seven days without eating or resting, and that thought had worried them!

To their surprise, not only did Feng Wu come back before dark, she even asked for food.

After the shower and dinner, Feng Wu talked to her master again.

“Master, master, what shall I do now?”

Her beautiful master said in a calm voice, “Now, you sleep.”

Feng Wu didn’t want to.

She only had seven days with her master, and she didn’t want to waste the time on sleeping.

Feng Wu pleaded with her eyes.

“Come on. Go to bed.” Her beautiful master sat down on the edge of the bed. His wide sleeves fell to the floor, and the look in his eyes was as gentle as the moonlight outside.

Feng Wu’s heart skipped a beat.


Feng Wu had never been this obedient, nor had she ever gone to bed before midnight.

Seeing the light turn off in Feng Wu’s bedroom, Chaoge and Qiuling looked at each other in disbelief!

Chaoge said, “Am I seeing things?”

Qiuling said, “I can’t remember the last time Miss Wu went to bed before midnight. She stays up late all the time.”

Chaoge said, “Was it something she ate? Why is she looking after herself all of a sudden?”

Qiuling said, “Miss Wu used to go to bed early five years ago.”

Qiuling and Chaoge were at a loss. They couldn’t guess what was going on with Feng Wu.

Feng Wu woke up early the following morning to the sound of birds singing outside her room.

Sitting up in bed, Feng Wu looked out her window.

As expected, there stood a man dressed all in white.

He was tall, well-proportioned, and graceful. The sight of him reminded her of a blue sky, white clouds, and flowing streams in the mountain. He was the epitome of relaxation.

She had never noticed the chirping birds, but with her master under the tree, the yard had turned into a painting.

Although the birds couldn’t see her beautiful master, they could sense him. Animals were sensitive that way.

Her master looked over his shoulder. His fair skin looked almost transparent in the sunlight.

“You’re awake.”

Starting her day with the singing birds and the company of her master, Feng Wu was over the moon. She almost felt like singing herself.

Just then, she heard footsteps outside. Then, someone sat down on the wall and called loudly, cupping their hands around their mouth. “Little Feng Wu! Little Feng Wu! Little Feng Wu —”

They called in an unhurried tone, completely oblivious to the noise that they were making.

Duan Chaoge rushed out of her room and scolded Feng Xun. “Xiao Wu is cultivating in seclusion and she’s not to be disturbed! Young Lord Feng, please leave!”

Feng Xun kept howling. “Little Feng Wu, little Feng Wu, little Feng Wu —”

And Xuan Yi was with him.

It was just that Xuan Yi was sitting under the grape trellis instead of on the wall, and he was drinking.

Feng Wu rubbed her forehead. Everyone coming and going would see Feng Xun on her wall, which could start another round of rumors. She already had more than enough to deal with.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu reined in her temper. She needed to maintain a good image when her master was around.

She only walked out of her room after she calmed down.

Feng Xun’s eyes lit up when he spotted Feng Wu.

However, he didn’t jump off the wall, but only sat there with his legs dangling in the air. He studied Feng Wu with great interest.

Feng Wu found him ridiculous.

“Feng Xun, what are you doing up there?”

Feng Xun swiftly jumped off the wall and landed right in front of Feng Wu, keeping his eyes on her the entire time.

He jabbed Feng Wu’s forehead with a finger. “You’ve been keeping a lot of secrets from me.”

Feng Wu looked puzzled. “What secrets?”

Had he found out about her beautiful master?

“About Boss Jun! Little Feng Wu, I didn’t know you were that kind of a person!” Feng Xun grunted.

Feng Wu buried her face in her hands.

Not again. Feng Xun must have seen the first part of that video and thought that she had kissed Jun Linyuan when he was unconscious.

She was about to explain, when Feng Xun added, “You and Boss Jun have been attracted to each other all this time, but you kept all of us in the dark! That’s so unfair!”

Attracted to each other?!

That had to be the most shocking statement Feng Wu had ever heard in years. Involuntarily, she looked back at her beautiful master. The parent was watching!

As expected, she detected a slightly displeased look in her master’s eyes.

Feng Wu grabbed Feng Xun by his collar. “What attraction? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Feng Xun found her reaction strange. “Well, you like Boss Jun and Boss Jun likes you. That’s mutual attraction, isn’t it?”

Feng Wu was infuriated!

Looking around, she saw that her master, who had been standing by the window, was gone.

Feng Wu panicked. Did he hear that?

“Little Feng Wu, was I wrong?” Feng Xun snorted. “You guys kept it from me all this time!”

Feng Wu flared up. “There is no mutual attraction between me and Jun Linyuan! He doesn’t even like me!”

But Feng Xun was certain of his conclusion. “He likes you.”

Feng Wu said, “I don’t like him.”

Feng Xun mumbled, “How can you not be in love with him? You went to his room in the middle of the night on our way back…”

“Feng Xun!” Feng Wu glared at him.

Feng Xun said, “Alright, alright. I take that back. Although, don’t you owe me another explanation?”

Feng Wu asked, “And what might that be for?”

Feng Xun said, “Little Feng Wu, I see that you kept mum about recovering your ability.”

Feng Wu cleared her throat and avoided Feng Xun’s eyes.

If he knew that she was the one who had stolen their Immortal Spiritual Fruit, which in turn enabled her to get her ability back… Feng Xun would probably kill her right here and right now.

Feng Xun pressed harder. “When did you recover? I bet you already had your ability back when we met you in Northern Border City.”

Feng Wu nodded repeatedly. “Yes, that’s right.”

Feng Xun patted Feng Wu on the head. “You silly girl. It’s great news. Why did you keep it from us?”

Feng Wu grinned. “Well, I thought I would tell you guys after I caught up to your cultivation levels.”

“Catch up to us? Heh, that’ll never happen!” Feng Xun said arrogantly.

Feng Wu raised her chin. “I got into Imperial College with the highest marks in both the written exam and the physical tryout. Could you have done that?”

As a matter of fact, Feng Xun couldn’t.

He had taken the entrance exam in the same year as Jun Linyuan; there was no way that he could have gotten first.

Feng Xun was rendered speechless.

He threw a dirty look at Feng Wu. “You’re such a… You know what? Forget it. I’ll see you in two days for the induction.”

Feng Wu wanted to tell him that she wouldn’t be there for the induction, but Feng Xun was gone before she could say anything.

He and Xuan Yi left as quickly as they had come.

Especially Xuan Yi, who didn’t even say a word during the brief visit. However, he had kept his gaze on Feng Wu the entire time, a knowing look in his eyes.

Feng Wu rubbed her head. What was that about?

She then recalled what Feng Xun said and found it amusing. Jun Linyuan was in love with her? Feng Xun had to be dreaming.

Shaking her head, Feng Wu wanted to get all the strange thoughts out of her mind.

She then turned around to find her beautiful master behind her.

“Master!” Feng Wu beamed at him with a wide smile that was more wonderful than spring sunshine or morning dew.

Her beautiful master stood there with his hands behind his back. His wide sleeves draped down to the ground, which only added to his exceptional appearance.

The look he gave Feng Wu was colder than usual. “Shouldn’t you be working on your inscriptions now?”

Feng Wu rubbed her nose.

Her master hadn’t changed at all. She had only enjoyed one day of his affection before he was back to his old aloof self. Her good day was over.

As expected, her beautiful master didn’t say anything else to her other than to give her the necessary instructions in teaching her how to draw inscriptions.

Feng Wu worked assiduously, putting more effort into her task than she usually did.

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