《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》920-921-922-923-924-925


Feng Wu went on, “That Frosty Night Beast was born and raised in the coldest place on the continent, and we can’t beat it with our own ice attribute. Therefore, we need to take another approach. We’ll kill it with abnormal flame!”

Yu Mingye said, “But how are you going to set up the Killing Flame in time, let alone one that can kill that beast?”

Feng Wu was much too inferior to that beast in capability. Did she even realize that?

Feng Wu smiled. “That’s where you’ll come in handy.”

Yu Mingye asked, “How can I help?”

“Well, a lot.”

Luckily, they had lost connection with the outside world, and Yu Mingye here already knew about her recovering her ability. Otherwise, Feng Wu wouldn’t know how to cover it up now.

Meanwhile, Jun Linyuan and the beast were fighting fiercely!

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi had already been smashed to the ground. Both spat out blood and were too weak to get back up.

Feng Xun struggled to his feet, but lost his balance almost immediately.

Exasperated, he glared at the beast in frustration.

“Boss Jun was poisoned, and with all the fighting, the toxin might have reached his heart already!” Feng Xun gritted his teeth and turned to Xuan Yi. “Is Boss Jun going to lose?”

Although it seemed that Boss Jun and the Frosty Night Beast had fought to a deadlock, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi knew Jun Linyuan too well, and understood otherwise.

Xuan Yi’s eyes flickered. “It’s not looking good.”

They exchanged looks and leapt up together!

However —

The beast was almost invincible once it went berserk.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Xuan Yi and Feng Xun were smashed down after they hacked at its scales.

“Pfft —”

Both spat out blood again.

They saw despair in each other’s eyes!

Rumble —

The Frosty Night Beast growled.

The hand which Jun Linyuan was holding the sword with trembled.

“Shit!” Feng Xun cried out. “The poison is taking effect! I can see Boss Jun spitting out dark green blood.”

Xuan Yi wanted to stand up, but even with the support of his sword, he couldn’t. He only spat out more blood.

He was truly full of despair now.

“Look at its eyes!” Xuan Yi cried out. “They’ve gone red!”

“Shit!” Feng Xun struggled to his feet while pressing a hand to his chest. “That beast has just gone berserk again! What’s wrong with it?!”

Xuan Yi and Feng Xun exchanged looks, and both saw despair in each other’s eyes.

As capable as Boss Jun was, he was still a teenager; he had only been cultivating for so many years, not to mention that he still had poison in his system which was spreading inside him…

“Everyone here in Proud Snowfield will be slaughtered if Boss Jun falls.” Feng Xun drained of all color and turned to Xuan Yi. “What should we do now? Are we all going to die here? Is there no other way?”

As he spoke —


There was a loud sound!

Sky Destroyer flew out of the hand of the seemingly invincible teenager!

And its blade pierced the ground!

The sword buried itself to the hilt in the snow with a splash.

Xuan Yi and Feng Xun looked even more depairing.

“Feng Wu!” Feng Xun was finally able to think straight at that critical moment, and he recalled what Feng Wu had said before she left. “Little Feng Wu told me to have Boss Jun lure the beast to that cave where those Qilin Beasts were!”


Xuan Yi smacked Feng Xun on the head. “Why didn’t you say so earlier?”

Feng Xun hesitated. “Little Feng Wu has zero cultivation ability, so I didn’t think…”

It wasn’t just any magical beast, but a Frosty Night Beast. Even Boss Jun couldn’t handle it on his own!

Xuan Yi cut him off. “She may not be a cultivator, but she’s the best when it comes to formations and medical skills. Have you forgotten that?!”

Xuan Yi understood Feng Wu’s plan as soon as Feng Xun mentioned the cave!

Formation! That was definitely what the girl was getting at!

Xuan Yi gave Jun Linyuan a hand gesture as a signal.

Having grown up together, Jun Linyuan got the hint immediately.

The Qilin Beasts’ cave?

Xuan Yi didn’t tell him everything, though.

Jun Linyuan would never go to the cave if he knew that Feng Wu was waiting there. Hence, Xuan Yi kept that from him.

Suppressing the blood that was coming back up his throat, Jun Linyuan took a deep breath.

He could handle that Frosty Night Beast if it had mutated just once. However, when it mutated again, he needed some help…

The next second!

Jun Linyuan spun around, and when the beast smashed down with its paw, he used the momentum to fly out like a kite!

He was unbelievably fast!

Frosty Night Beast didn’t expect Jun Linyuan to run away.

That proud teenager was actually capable of running away?!

The beast smirked, then ran after Jun Linyuan.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu was busy setting up her formation.

Seeing the stream of spiritual stones which poured out of Feng Wu’s sleeve, Yu Mingye was baffled. “These are all top notch!”

Feng Wu nodded. “Yup.”

“Where did you get all these top-grade spiritual stones? You’re RICH!”

If these top-grade spiritual stones were sold on the market, the effect would be sensational!

Feng Wu smiled bitterly. She was anything but rich. All these top-grade spiritual stones came from under Grand Secretary Fang’s house, and what was left had to be reserved for that Taiyi formation. None of them were for sale.

“And you have storage equipment?” Yu Mingye stared at Feng Wu in amazement. She had to have one. These spiritual stones and the other things she was using to set up the formation couldn’t have just popped out of thin air.

Feng Wu didn’t want to expose her ring space, so she took out the infinity storage bag Jun Linyuan gave her and waved it in front of Yu Mingye’s eyes. “There. I’ve got this babe.”

“An infinity storage bag?!” Yu Mingye cried out in surprise.

Feng Wu was bewildered. “Why are you so surprised?”

“Why do you think?” Yu Mingye stared at Feng Wu in disbelief. “You have an infinity storage bag in your hands! Do you know what that means?”

Feng Wu said, “I think I do. It’s just a storage bag, isn’t it?”

“Just?” Yu Mingye was flabbergasted. “Do you have any idea how rare infinity storage bags are?”

Feng Wu looked perfectly innocent. Were they?

Yu Mingye went on, “Not to mention that the one you’re holding is of a superior grade. Do you know what that means?”

“What does it mean…”

“It means that it’s an infinity storage bag of the highest existing grade. No water or fire can damage it, and there’s a blood bond between the bag and the owner. Other people won’t be able to open it even if you lose it.”

What Yu Mingye didn’t tell Feng Wu was that the original owner would be able to locate the bag and retrieve it if they happened to lose it.


Feng Wu wasn’t convinced. That didn’t sound right.

She had been able to open this bag right away after Jun Linyuan dropped it. She detected no blood bond.

“You have to be mistaken.” Feng Wu stared at Yu Mingye.

“No, I’m not. Your infinity storage bag is definitely a superior grade one, because common storage bags have a capacity of a couple of cubic meters at most. But yours can hold hundreds of cubic meters worth of stuff. Am I right?”

Feng Wu nodded.

“Wait —” Yu Mingye’s face lit up when he took another look at Feng Wu’s bag. “Let me have a look!”

Feng Wu handed him the bag.

“This… This can’t be…” Yu Mingye’s eyes widened. “Isn’t this the Grand Pure One’s infinity storage bag? Yes, it was his!”

Feng Wu asked, “Who’s the Grand Pure One?”

Yu Mingye waved her off. “He was this super tough magical beast that took the shape of a human being. It almost cost Jun Linyuan his life to kill that mutated King Kong monkey. So, how did the bag end up in your hands?”

Feng Wu said, “He didn’t want it and I picked it up off the ground.”

Yu Mingye stared at Feng Wu as if he was looking at an idiot. “You have no idea how valuable a storage bag like this is! It’s worth a small fortune… Scratch that. It’s worth more than a city! And you’re telling me that Jun Linyuan just threw it away and you just happened to be there to pick it up?”

Feng Wu nodded. “That’s exactly what happened.”

Yu Mingye said, “I was there when Jun Linyuan fought the Grand Pure One and I can’t begin to tell you how many people wanted this thing. Someone actually wanted to trade a fortress for it, and Jun Linyuan wasn’t tempted at all. And he tossed it away just like that? And you became its new owner?”

Feng Wu insisted, “I’m telling you the truth.”

“Not buying it!”

Despite her casual tone, Feng Wu pondered Yu Mingye’s words.

If the bag was so precious that Jun Linyuan wouldn’t exchange it for a fortress, then why did he give it up and let her have it? Feng Wu was at a loss.

Was it some kind of trap?

Feng Wu examined the bag over and over again, but nothing seemed off.

However, this wasn’t the time to worry about that. Killing Flame was her top priority now!

“Hey, that King Kong monkey, what was its attribute?” Feng Wu asked Yu Mingye, caressing the bag.

Yu Mingye said, “It was fire.”

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up.


This bag would come in really handy.

Once the formation was set up, Feng Wu would need a core to make it work. As for what she would use —

“Hey, where did that bag go?” Yu Mingye couldn’t see it anywhere after Feng Wu put it away, and he was intrigued.

“It’ll be a key piece. You’ll see —”

Feng Wu had just finished putting everything in place when heavy footsteps came from outside!

“They’re here!”

Feng Wu led Yu Mingye into the formation and she took shelter behind a pile of snow. She cautioned Yu Mingye, “Did you memorize everything I told you?”

Yu Mingye said, “Don’t worry. You can always count on me.”

Feng Wu rolled her eyes at him. “Since when?”

Yu Mingye didn’t know what to say.

Jun Linyuan rushed in as they were speaking, and he immediately sensed the difference.

A formation!

He had been here when he rescued Feng Wu earlier, and there was no formation. But now… it was little Feng Wu!

Jun Linyuan’s face lit up!

He saw it right away. This formation was a trap set up by Feng Wu, and the target was none other than that Frosty Night Beast behind him!


The beast charged into the cave when Jun Linyuan was still feeling a little dazed.

Jun Linyuan wasn’t as proficient in formations as Feng Wu was, but he was no newbie. Moreover, Feng Wu had left instructions when she set up the formation.

The beast entered the cave to find itself faced with rolling mountains.

The mounds were just mounds to Jun Linyuan, but to the beast, they were sky high mountain peaks!


The beast growled!

Jun Linyuan swiftly made his way through the formation, the lower hem of his robe fluttering in the wind. That beast couldn’t catch up with him!

Realizing what Jun Linyuan’s plan was, Feng Wu applauded him inwardly.

Jun Linyuan was indeed an incredible guy!

One look at the formation and he understood her strategy. He was using it against the beast now.

Poor beast. It was all brawn and no brain. However, Jun Linyuan had both. If they carried on like this, they would be able to wrap this up very soon.

That was it!

Somewhere the beast couldn’t see —


Jun Linyuan appeared suddenly from behind a corner and stabbed the beast with Sky Destroyer!

The Frosty Night Beast wanted to dodge, but it walked right into the trap which Feng Wu had set up!

It was a pit with needles at the bottom!

Whoosh —

The needles were all as long as a palm, and they all pierced the beast’s paw!

They were steel needles specially made by Feng Wu, and which had been soaked in poison that would take effect at the lightest scratch, to say nothing of a pierced paw.

However, it took time for the toxin to spread.

The beast charged at Jun Linyuan, but Jun Linyuan disappeared into thin air in the next second.

The beast was bewildered.

Hiding in a corner, Feng Wu grinned.

That was incredible!

The mark she left for a hiding place was very subtle, but Jun Linyuan had still found it right away.

Thud, thud, thud —

With the help of the formation, Jun Linyuan made one successful strike after another at the beast.

Poor beast. Without adequate intelligence, it couldn’t do anything but take the blows.


Jun Linyuan launched another strike. This time, Sky Destroyer slid across the beast’s neck, and Jun Linyuan disappeared again, leaving a small cut behind.

The Frosty Night Beast growled in frustration, but could only stomp its paws. Jun Linyuan had disappeared again.

This was the worst, getting hit without being able to fight back.

And this time, Jun Linyuan…

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!


Jun Linyuan was coming her way!

That was impossible!

She had hidden herself so well, and in order to get to her, one had to find the only true path among 99 illusional ones. But Jun Linyuan had just succeeded!

Was the guy really not a formation expert?

Before Feng Wu could react, Jun Linyuan had taken her by the wrist.

“You —” Feng Wu cried out. “You should be fighting that beast! Why are you even here?”

Jun Linyuan glared at Feng Wu. “How can you stay here? You should leave now!”

Feng Wu raised her chin. “The most dangerous place is the safest! I designed this formation and I know what it can do!”

However, at that moment —

Crack —

All of a sudden, ice began to cover the ground as well as the walls.

It was freezing…

It was already cold inside the cave, but it had just gotten colder!

Feng Wu shivered involuntarily. “…It’s freezing in here.”

Instead of checking the temperature, Jun Linyuan turned to look at the beast.

By now, the beast was covered in wounds and blood was oozing out of all the cuts. It was surrounded by a strange energy.

However —

Frosty white mist was rising from its body.


Feng Wu and Jun Linyuan cried out in unison.

“It’s releasing a frosty mist!” Feng Wu grabbed Jun Linyuan’s hand and cried out, “It’s going to destroy this formation with a low temperature!”

Feng Wu had to hand it to the beast.

With all the wounds left by Jun Linyuan, it would only be a matter of time before it died from blood loss. Jun Linyuan would win the battle eventually.

The Frosty Night Beast knew nothing about formations, but it could destroy what was trapping it here with sheer coldness!

The formation would be deactivated if the temperature kept dropping.

When that happened, they would have to start all over again.

Without the help of the formation, the human teens would be at a disadvantage.

Crack —

More ice covered the ground as time passed, and the cracking sounds grew louder.

They had to put an end to this!

Jun Linyuan snuck up on the beast again.

He struck down at the beast with Sky Destroyer, and realized in surprise that because of the ice covering its body, he was only able to make a shallow cut. The strike didn’t hurt the beast.

The Frosty Night Beast guffawed.

It had been waiting for the teenager to show his face again.

The beast stared at Jun Linyuan with its bloodshot eyes.

It was injured, but so was Jun Linyuan!

And both of them had been poisoned!

As soon as it started releasing the cold energy again, Jun Linyuan had to make a move to fend it off.

Crack —

More ice covered the ground.

However, Jun Linyuan sat down and began to make a hand seal. Soon, a streak of abnormal flame rose from his hands.

More popped up to fight the ice!

He had the fire attribute.

And the beast had the ice attribute.

One was trying to freeze the formation so that it would break apart.

The other was trying to counteract with his abnormal flame to keep the formation active.

Crack —

The ice and the abnormal flame clashed!

The range of their attacks kept shrinking until they were almost upon each other.

Ice versus fire!

They were clearly on equal footing, and neither one seemed to be able to gain the upper hand.

So much so that they had reached an equilibrium.

Meanwhile —

An idea struck Feng Wu!


They were in a stalemate; all they needed was a tipping point. What if she gave them that?

“Where are you going?”

Yu Mingye grabbed Feng Wu’s hand when she was about to jump out of the hiding place.

“It’s now or never!”

Feng Wu took out the infinity storage bag which she had gotten from Jun Linyuan. Little Phoenix had been accumulating little balls of abnormal flame at Feng Wu’s instruction.

Little Phoenix had gotten its abnormal flame from Jun Linyuan, so the balls should do the job!

Feng Wu only realized how precious the bag really was when Little Phoenix told her that it could store balls of abnormal flame in it.

Feng Wu decided that she would have Little Phoenix store more on a daily basis. They might come in handy.

Just then —

Feng Wu clearly saw that this was the moment!

While Jun Linyuan and the beast were still in a stalemate —

Jun Linyuan had a large ball of flame in front of him and the beast had a mass of frosty mist!

It was like an incense stick that was burning at both ends.

There was fire on one end and ice on the other. Neither would give in!

Feng Wu’s heart was pounding. This was it. It was time for that tipping point.

What happened was quicker than words could describe!

Raising the storage bag, Feng Wu poured the contents over the beast’s head!

Crash —

The beast and Jun Linyuan were almost equal in capability, but then, Feng Wu joined the fight!

Little balls of abnormal flame fell out onto the Frosty Night Beast’s head.

For a split second, time seemed to freeze.

The next moment —


The Frosty Night Beast screeched!

It wasn’t just because of the little balls of fire; Jun Linyuan’s abnormal flame gained the upper hand and crushed the beast!

The fire soon surrounded the Frosty Night Beast and licked at its body!

“Ahhh —”

The Frosty Night Beast felt as if its soul was burning. It growled.

Rumble —

The sound resonated in the formation.

Jun Linyuan and Feng Wu cried out in unison, “Shit!”

The beast had turned into a giant surrounded by both ice and fire, and it gave off a dark, malicious energy. The formation made a cracking sound, as if it was going to shatter.

Taking Feng Wu’s hand, Jun Linyuan dashed toward the cave opening!

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