《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》908-909-910-911-912-913


Right now, the crown prince was sulking in his cabin.

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi walked in at that moment.

Feng Xun sat down before Xuan Yi could speak and said in a cheerful voice, “Little Feng Wu is killing that Yu Mingye now. It’s so hilarious.”

The crown prince seemed to light up a little at those words, and he turned to look at Feng Xun.

Xuan Yi noticed the change in Jun Linyuan’s attitude and he chimed in immediately, “That’s so true. Yu Mingye really had it coming.”

“You don’t say! How dare he make up that stuff about little Feng Wu! I wanted to choke him myself!”


Feng Xun said indignantly, “Xiao Wu would never have feelings for him! Tch!”

Xuan Yi nodded. “I agree.”

Feng Xun went on, “No man is good enough for Xiao Wu! Anyway, they all have to go through me before they can court her!”

With Xuan Yi’s subtle guidance, Feng Xun said the right thing without knowing it. Gradually, Jun Linyuan’s mood lifted.

“By the way, Boss Jun, how often do we need to change your bandages?”

After much babbling, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi finally remembered Jun Linyuan’s injury.

“Once a day,” said Jun Linyuan indifferently.

“It needs changing, then.” Feng Xun rose to his feet in a hurry. “But I don’t have any medication with me. Boss Jun, who treated you before?”

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Xun.

Xuan Yi gave Feng Xun a “you idiot” look.

Feng Xun smacked his own forehead. “It was little Feng Wu, wasn’t it? Speaking of which, the girl is an excellent doctor. You two were alone out there. Who else could it have been? I’m so dumb.”

Jun Linyuan went on staring at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun took the hint right away. “I’ll go fetch her now.”

He left right after that.

Xuan Yi stayed behind. He frowned when he saw the thick layers of gauze around Jun Linyuan’s chest. “Is it serious?”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “Don’t overreact.”

If he thought they were overreacting, why did he give Feng Xun permission to go get Feng Wu? Just admit it. You want to see her. Xuan Yi vented his sarcasm inwardly.

Feng Xun went to get little Feng Wu as told.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu was giving the brat Yu Mingye a warning by pulling his ear. “Think twice before you try to make fun of me next time. If I catch you talking about me like that again, we’ll stop being friends for good!”

“That hurts… sob… Alright, alright…” Yu Mingye cried out.

He meant it.

Feng Wu had her bottom line, and he had just crossed it.

Feng Wu was still mad when she got back to her tent.

That was such a shitty thing for Yu Mingye to do!

However, she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what she was mad at. Was it because of Yu Mingye’s attitude or the fact that he had tried to make up things about her in front of Jun Linyuan? She just couldn’t tell.

Feng Wu was still trying to figure it out when —

Knock, knock, knock —

There was a knock at the door.

Feng Xun walked in.

He grabbed Feng Wu by her arm as soon as he saw her. “Come with me. Quickly.”

“Where to?” After everything that had happened, Feng Wu was on high alert.

“To see Boss Jun, of course!”

“No, thanks!”

That was Feng Wu’s first reaction.

Jun Linyuan was the last person she wanted to see at the moment!


She couldn’t bear the taunting look in his eyes.

Feng Xun was bewildered. “You’re not going? Then who’s going to change Boss Jun’s bandages?”

“His wound has been treated already. Anyone can change his bandages now.” Feng Wu handed Feng Xun a first aid kit. “You do it.”

“Are you really not going?” Feng Xun was bewildered.

Wasn’t Feng Wu always following Boss Jun around? Why wouldn’t she go to him now?

Feng Wu rolled her eyes. “Forget it.”

Feng Xun asked curiously, “But why?”

Feng Wu sighed. “What do you think? People are already saying that I won’t leave His Royal Highness alone. I would only be confirming their speculation if I go to him now. You’re my brother, for god’s sake. Aren’t you supposed to be watching my back?”

Rubbing his nose, Feng Xun eyed Feng Wu in suspicion. “But since when do you care what other people think of you? It’s so not like you!”

Feng Wu replied, “Whatever. I’m not going. He’s pretty much recovered, anyway. All he needs is to have his bandages changed. Anyone can do it. There, it’s your job now!”

After that, Feng Wu handed the medical kit to Feng Xun.

“Are you talking about changing His Royal Highness’s bandages?” An arrogant voice rang out behind them.

Feng Wu turned around and saw that it was Mu Yaoyao.

When did she get here?

Mu Yaoyao didn’t seem to realize that she wasn’t welcome here. She went up to Feng Wu in a hurry and snatched the medical kit out of the latter’s hands. She then glared at Feng Wu. “You’re such a heartless woman!”

Feng Wu stared at her in bewilderment.

Mu Yaoyao threw a dirty look at Feng Wu. “You were asked to change His Royal Highness’s bandages! How can you say no to that?!”

Feng Wu was speechless.

“Do we have to get down our knees to beg you, and you’ll only say yes after refusing us repeatedly? You want to look so restrained, don’t you?” Mu Yaoyao snorted. “Do you think things will go as you plan?”

Feng Wu was speechless.

“It’s just changing bandages! Anyone can do it! Tch!” Mu Yaoyao stormed off with the medical kit.

Feng Wu and Feng Xun exchanged looks.

Clearly, Mu Yaoyao didn’t care what other people had to say about the matter.

Feng Xun asked, “Can she do it?”

Feng Wu rubbed her nose and didn’t say anything. She hadn’t told Mu Yaoyao about the secret lock on the kit. She wouldn’t be able to open it, anyway.

Thump, thump, thump —

Footsteps came from outside.

“She’s here!” Elated, Xuan Yi went to answer the door.

However, he was baffled when he saw the person outside.

It wasn’t Feng Wu, but Mu Yaoyao.

“Cousin —” Mu Yaoyao gave Xuan Yi her sweetest smile.

Narrowing his eyes, Xuan Yi blocked the door. He then stared at Mu Yaoyao. “What are you doing here?”

Mu Yaoyao held up the medical kit. “I’m here to change His Royal Highness’s bandages.”

Xuan Yi frowned. “Why you?”

Since she was his cousin, Xuan Yi thought he should caution her in advance. However, Mu Yaoyao shoved him to the side and rushed into the room.

She would be able to see His Royal Highness’s half-naked body; of course she wouldn’t miss the chance! Hence, Mu Yaoyao pushed Xuan Yi out of her way as soon as she saw that he was going to stop her.

“Mu —”

That was the only word Xuan Yi had time to say before Mu Yaoyao reached Jun Linyuan.


With a book in his hand, Jun Linyuan had posed himself just so in order to look nonchalant when Feng Wu arrived.

“Your Royal Highness, I’m here to change your bandages.” Setting the kit on the table, Mu Yaoyao crouched down next to Jun Linyuan and gave him an affectionate smile.

Instantly —

Expecting to see Feng Wu, Jun Linyuan had been assuming airs with a book in his hand. His face turned livid when he heard the voice.

Looking up, he saw that it indeed wasn’t Feng Wu. The look he gave Mu Yaoyao was murderous!

It was such a frightening glare that Mu Yaoyao’s stomach lurched. Her heart pounded so hard that her chest was about to burst open.

Instinctively, Mu Yaoyao wanted to flee.

However —

This was such a rare chance that she might never get it again.

At that thought, Mu Yaoyao fought back her fear and reached out to take the medical kit in her hands.

Her voice trembled uncontrollably when she spoke again.

“Y- Your Royal Highness —” Mu Yaoyao swallowed. “I — I’m here to change your bandages.”

However, she couldn’t open the kit no matter what.

The kit belonged to Feng Wu, who was used to keeping a lot of secrets. She had designed a secret lock for the kit so that she was the only one who could open it.

Despite the great pressure, Mu Yaoyao tried to open the box.

However, she was so flustered that her fingers kept slipping.

And it seemed impossible to get that box open.

Sweat rolled down her forehead.

“Get out!” Jun Linyuan’s face was livid and his eyes spat fire.

His voice rang out like a thunderclap over Mu Yaoyao’s head. She was scared stiff and almost stopped breathing.

Jun Linyuan reminded her of a cornered beast who would tear her to pieces in the next moment!

He was… so scary…

Mu Yaoyao thought that she was going to have a heart attack.

She almost fainted, and burst into tears.

Without thinking, she turned around and ran.

Thud, thud, thud ——

She bumped into various things on her way out, and she tripped and fell.

However, she only scrambled to her feet and kept running, as if she was being chased by a ferocious beast!

Run, run, run!

Outside, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi exchanged looks…

They knew Boss Jun didn’t like Mu Yaoyao, but they didn’t expect him to be so… unfriendly.

Patting his chest, Feng Xun whispered to Xuan Yi, “I’m so glad little Feng Wu didn’t come. Otherwise, she would be the one who was scared off.”

Xuan Yi shot a dirty look at Feng Xun and mumbled, “This would never have happened if she were here.”

“What was that?” Feng Xun didn’t hear it.

Xuan Yi was about to explain, when Jun Linyuan’s angry voice came from inside.

“Get your asses in here!”

Exchanging looks, Xuan Yi and Feng Xun entered the cabin with their heads lowered.

Feng Xun walked in to find the medical kit on the floor. He rushed over to pick it up. “That Mu Yaoyao is unbelievable. This isn’t the right way to treat other people’s belongings! What did she do to little Feng Wu’s medical kit?”

Jun Linyuan’s face darkened when he heard Feng Xun’s words.

“Teehee.” Seeing the look on Boss Jun’s face, Feng Xun explained in a hurry, “I was afraid that us guys wouldn’t be careful enough with changing your bandages, and Mu Yaoyao just happened to volunteer. She took the medical kit before we could stop her, and we just let her have her way. But… ahem, we forgot that you don’t like girls near you.”

Feng Xun smacked his own forehead.

That was right. Boss Jun had always resisted having girls around him, and that used to be rule number one. But when did they begin to forget that?

Feng Xun searched his memory. It all started with little Feng Wu, didn’t it?

Feng Xun decided that he would change Boss Jun’s bandages, for the guy didn’t like to have girls around.

However, when he wanted to open the medical kit, he realized in surprise that he couldn’t.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Knock, knock, knock —

“Who is it?” Feng Xun went to answer the door and saw that it was Feng Wu.

Feng Xun panicked a little and tried to shove Feng Wu out of the cabin. “Not now! You have to leave!”

Feng Wu was at a loss.

“Boss Jun is mad again and Mu Yaoyao ran away in tears. You can’t be here!” Feng Xun prompted Feng Wu.

That explained it, thought Feng Wu. She had seen Mu Yaoyao running off in tears and looking ghastly pale.

However —

“I forgot to tell you. There’s a secret lock on the medical kit, and I’m the only one who can open it.” Feng Wu smiled bitterly.

“Wait here!”

Feng Xun rushed back in, fetched the medical kit, and stuffed it into Feng Wu’s hands. “Open it here. There’s no need for you to go in.”

However, before Feng Xun could say another word, he was pulled away.

When he realized it —

Xuan Yi had pushed Feng Wu into the room with one hand and yanked Feng Xun out of the door. He then slammed the door behind them.

Feng Xun was speechless.

So was Feng Wu.

“Xuan Yi, you!” Feng Xun was furious when he realized what had happened.

He grabbed Xuan Yi by the collar. “Have you lost your mind? Didn’t you see what Mu Yaoyao went through? Shutting little Feng Wu in with Boss Jun will get her killed!”

Angrily shoving Xuan Yi away, Feng Xun ran toward the door as he tried to get back in.

However —

Xuan Yi dragged him away, walking as fast as he could.

It just so happened that —

Xuan Yi was a better cultivator than Feng Xun, and the latter wasn’t able to break free.

“Xuan Yi! Let go of me! What sort of friend are you?!” Feng Xun was furious.

By then, Xuan Yi had pulled him behind a pile of snow.


He then pushed Feng Xun into the pile, kicking up snow everywhere.

Pffft —

Feng Xun spat the snow out of his mouth as he shouted, “You’re going to get Xiao Wu killed! And you call yourself a friend?! That’s not something a friend should do!”

Glaring at Xuan Yi, Feng Xun raised a fist. But —

Xuan Yi spoke first. “You just can’t see it, can you?”

“See what?” Feng Xun’s hand was still raised when he stared at Xuan Yi in bewilderment.

“Boss Jun is in love with little Feng Wu. Can’t you tell?!” Xuan Yi asked in frustration.

Feng Xun was dazed for a moment before he guffawed.

He pointed at Xuan Yi as he laughed. “You’re out of your mind! Boss Jun is in love with little Feng Wu? Hahahaha! That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!”

As Feng Xun guffawed, Xuan Yi stood there with a sword between his crossed arms and a solemn look on his face.

Feng Xun stopped laughing. “It wasn’t a joke?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

“That’s impossible!” Feng Xun wouldn’t believe it.

Xuan Yi smirked. “Has Boss Jun ever been so close with a girl before he met little Feng Wu?”

Feng Xun said, “Of course not!”

“But we stayed in Feng Wu’s house when we were in Northern Border City.”

Feng Xun retorted, “That was because… It was Feng Yiran’s house!”

Xuan Yi smiled at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun wouldn’t give in. “It couldn’t have been because of little Feng Wu!”

Xuan Yi stared into his eyes. “Then on our way back, Boss Jun permitted her to stay with us. Has he ever done that with any other girl?”

Feng Xun protested, “That, that was because Feng Wu has a family to take care of, and she has no cultivation ability. Boss Jun pitied…”

Xuan Yi crossed his arms. “I see. So you’re saying that Boss Jun would ignore his beliefs because he pitied some weaklings.”

That wasn’t what Jun Linyuan would do!

Feng Xun said, “I remember now! Boss Jun didn’t offer to take Xiao Wu with us on our way back! Xiao Wu wanted to join us herself! Remember that?”

Feng Xun got excited. “Xiao Wu followed us herself! Yes, that was it!

“Plus, you saw it yourself in Wanping Town. Little Feng Wu snuck into Boss Jun’s room in the middle of the night…”

Xuan Yi gave Feng Xun a half-smile. “It could have been a misunderstanding, but let’s just say that what you said really happened – what do you think would have happened if that girl hadn’t been Feng Wu?”

Xuan Yi grinned. “It’s not like we haven’t seen before how Jun Linyuan treats girls. Gongsun Qing is one of the latest examples, and she’s still bedridden. And there’s Mu Yaoyao. She’s probably still crying now.

“The consequences of climbing into his bed would only be more severe. But was little Feng Wu injured?”

Feng Xun shook his head.

“Did she cry?”

Feng Xun shook his head after some thought.

Xuan Yi shrugged. “There you go.”

Feng Xun shook his head. “I don’t buy it. How can Boss Jun be in love with little Feng Wu? That’s impossible…”

Xuan Yi sneered at him. “You’ve been beaten up twice for nothing.”

“Beaten up?” Feng Xun immediately recalled the two duels Boss Jun had dragged him into.

Xuan Yi smiled. “Why did Boss Jun want to challenge you? Think.”

Feng Xun might not be convinced by other things, but the beatings he had taken were simply too unreasonable and unforgettable.

Feng Xun began to search his memory.

The first one happened after the banquet at Yan manor. Boss Jun and little Feng Wu were getting into the same carriage and Feng Xun had tried to stop little Feng Wu, fearing that she might get hurt. Then…

Feng Xun was confused. “But how does little Feng Wu have anything to do with the second time?”

Xuan Yi rubbed his nose.

Well, the second time was actually his doing, and Feng Xun was the scapegoat. He had wanted to keep it secret, but Feng Xun would never be able to figure it out himself.

With no other choice, Xuan Yi had to tell Feng Xun everything.

“What?!” Feng Xun almost jumped to his feet. “You! How could you trick Boss Jun like that? Little Feng Wu could have been beaten up by Boss Jun!”

“But was she?” Xuan Yi smiled.

Feng Xun stopped abruptly.

“Little Feng Wu ran off that night, and did you see the look on Boss Jun’s face the next morning? You asked him what happened and Boss Jun actually grinned.” Xuan Yi glanced at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun was speechless.

He didn’t want to believe it!

He really didn’t!

However, when Xuan Yi laid out the evidence piece by piece, Feng Xun felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

“I don’t believe it, I don’t…” Despite what he said, Feng Xun was already half-convinced.

Xuan Yi cut to the chase. “If you’re still not convinced, let’s talk about the facts.”

“What facts?” Feng Xun had a bitter taste in his mouth and he felt awful.

If what Xuan Yi said was true… Feng Xun was petrified when he recalled what he had done so far.

He had been more of a hindrance than a help!

Feng Xun looked embarrassed when he recalled telling Boss Jun that since little Feng Wu was his sister, she was as good as a half-sister to the crown prince…

Glancing at Feng Xun, Xuan Yi saw that the guy was still in shock, so he patted him on the shoulder.

Feng Xun asked, “What?”

Xuan Yi said, “It’s going to be a really easy test. Mu Yaoyao ran away in tears when she tried to change Boss Jun’s bandages. We’ll see how he treats little Feng Wu. That’ll answer our questions.”

Feng Xun nodded. That was a good idea.

A voice kept telling Feng Xun in his head that Xuan Yi was talking nonsense and that Boss Jun couldn’t be in love with little Feng Wu.

The two teenagers hid behind a pile of snow outside Jun Linyuan’s cabin, and all four eyes were fixed on the closed door.

Behind that closed door —

The medical kit that had given Feng Xun and Mu Yaoyao a hard time popped open under Feng Wu’s fingers with a click.

The last thing Feng Wu wanted was to stay in a room alone with Jun Linyuan.

That was because Feng Xiaowu of Northern Border City had come up in their conversation the last time they were alone. Jun Linyuan’s eyes had been frighteningly bright, and for a split second, Feng Wu thought that he had found out the truth.

That was why Feng Wu felt so uneasy around the guy now.

Hence —

Setting the medical kit down on the table, Feng Wu said, “Feng Xun will change your bandages after he gets back!”

As for her, she would stay as far away from this guy as possible.

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