《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》896-897-898-899-900-901


“Is it an infinity storage bag?” Feng Wu asked Jun Linyuan in bewilderment.

Jun Linyuan snorted.

“It really is?” Feng Wu’s eyes twinkled. She would like to have one of her own!

That way, she would be able to conceal the fact that she had a ring space, which would make things much easier for her.

Jun Linyuan glanced at her, then gave her an indifferent nod.

“So, this is what an infinity storage bag looks like.” Feng Wu only handed it back to Jun Linyuan after studying it carefully. “There.”

Jun Linyuan frowned a little and stared at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu was bemused. “Isn’t it yours? Put it away.”

Jun Linyuan found Feng Wu unbelievable.

“No.” He crossed his arms arrogantly.

“What do you mean ‘no’?”

“It’s dirty.” He rolled his eyes at her.

Feng Wu raised the pouch and shook it in front of his face. “What do you mean it’s dirty?”

“You heard me.”

Feng Wu ground her teeth. “Do you mean that it has dirt on it?”

Jun Linyuan only snorted, but said nothing.

Feng Wu gritted her teeth. “Jun Linyuan, you’re so wasteful. This is an infinity storage bag, not some makeshift pouch made by your maids.”

“My maids don’t make makeshift pouches.” No servant of his would dare be that careless.

Feng Wu snapped, “You’re not listening! This isn’t some common pouch, but an infinity storage bag! You’re going to throw it away because it has a little dirt on it?”

Jun Linyuan said, “Yes.”

“Are you sure?”


“You mean it.”


“Fine! It’s mine now!”

Jun Linyuan glanced at Feng Wu. “Whatever.”

Feng Wu grinned. She was over the moon.

To Jun Linyuan, this was just a storage bag that he wouldn’t think twice about throwing away. However, it was a treasure to her.

She sent a streak of spiritual essence into the bag.


She saw that it was quite a spacious one. The area inside was at least a few square meters wide.

And it wasn’t empty. A shelf of books stood in one corner, and Feng Wu’s eyes lit up after a quick glance.

Holy shit! The books were what she needed for Imperial College in the next few years!

But she didn’t linger long, in case Jun Linyuan noticed what he had left behind.

“Is the bag empty?” she asked deliberately.

Jun Linyuan said, “I don’t know.”


“Do whatever you want with it.” He didn’t seem to mind at all.

Feng Wu grinned. This was wonderful!

With that shelf of books, she would be able to teach herself for the next few years in Imperial College, for she had also noticed that those books still had Jun Linyuan’s notes in them.

While Feng Wu was secretly celebrating this, Jun Linyuan was also smiling at an angle that she couldn’t see.

All was perfect when —

“Watch out —”

Jun Linyuan yanked Feng Wu back. The next second, he was out of sight!

Feng Wu shuddered inwardly. A formidable power she had never experienced before was charging at her from below!


Jun Linyuan shouted at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu knew that at her current level, she would only be a burden to Jun Linyuan if she stayed here, not to mention that she was still injured.

Without hesitation, Feng Wu ran in the other direction as fast as she could!

She would look over her shoulder from time to time.

Jun Linyuan was already exchanging blows with the Frosty Night Beast in midair.


After a night of rest, the Frosty Night Beast was back to its normal state. Feng Wu even thought that it looked more powerful than before!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Sounds of the fight rang out incessantly behind her.

They echoed in the snowy mountains.

Feng Wu ran down the slope.

She had realized that the fight might start another avalanche. When that happened, she might really be buried this time!

This had to be one of Feng Wu’s most unlucky days. The moment she thought about the avalanche, she heard a crack from a nearby peak.

Feng Wu turned around and was dumbfounded!

An avalanche!

It was really happening!

Her worst fear had just come true!

In midair, Jun Linyuan and the beast continued their deadly battle.

Wind blew snow into the air, blurring Feng Wu’s sight. She was worried about Jun Linyuan… That blood she saw yesterday didn’t seem right.

But there was no time for her to worry about other people.

Run, run, run!

If she stayed here, she would be a burden to Jun Linyuan!

Run, run, run!

Feng Wu ran for her life like there was no tomorrow.

The avalanche was rushing down in her direction. She would be devoured if she didn’t hurry up.


The snow was coming at too tremendous a speed for her to get away!

It started off 10km away from her.

But before she realized it, it was catching up to her!




Feng Wu looked over her shoulder again and saw that the snow was coming at her like a crashing wave! It was as if an ocean was pouring over her head!

The wave of snow rose to what seemed like a thousand meters. It was a shocking scene!

She would be a hundred meters underground if the snow got her!

Feng Wu knew she wouldn’t be able to get out when that happened. She would suffocate.

Death was on her heels!

500m —

300m —

100m —

Feng Wu didn’t need to turn around to know that the snow was about to hit her in the back.

She couldn’t do it anymore!

Feng Wu was overwhelmed with despair!

She couldn’t run any faster.

She was going to be buried!

She would never be able to get out!

However, her mind spun faster in this moment of crisis.

“Little Phoenix!”

At that critical moment, Feng Wu summoned Little Phoenix.

The bird was from her master and was meant to be her ride. It was still too little for that job, but —

“Teleport us! As high as you can!”

Before Little Phoenix realized what was going on, Feng Wu had cried out her order.

Startled, Little Phoenix did as told before it could even think.

Feng Wu caught the bird by the talons just before it acted, and she was teleported along with it.

1km was Little Phoenix’s limit. With Feng Wu and the upward direction, it only made it 500m.

Right at that moment!

The avalanche caught up to them!

The wall of snow smashed down on Feng Wu and Little Phoenix.

At the last moment, Feng Wu put the bird back into her ring.

She, on the other hand, curled up into a ball before the snow swallowed her.

She had it all planned out. She would let the bird bring her up into the air before the snow got her. That way, she wouldn’t be buried as deep.

Waves of snow kept crashing down above her and Feng Wu was surrounded by darkness.

The impact made her head swim. She would love to pass out and have a nap.


But she knew perfectly well that she couldn’t do that.

If she slept now, she would never be able to wake up again.

To Feng Wu’s frustration, she was disoriented in the darkness. She didn’t know which direction was up.

She had to dig herself out now. Finding the right direction would save her a lot of energy.

Luckily, her mind was sharpest in the most critical situations.

“I’ll let gravity do its job.”

If Feng Wu spat, her saliva would fall downward; all she needed to do was dig in the opposite direction.

She then started digging.

Thanks to her achievements in both the ice and fire attributes, she was able to melt an upward tunnel that was wide enough for her to crawl through.

Soon —

She created a passageway which headed straight up.

“Cough, cough —”

With much difficulty, Feng Wu was able to get herself out.

Lying over a pile of snow, Feng Wu panted for air.

She had been so close to suffocating down there.

Luckily, she had been buried at a much shallower level after her maneuver. Otherwise, she would have been killed.

Feng Wu looked up to find endless white stretching out in all directions.

Everywhere she turned, she saw nothing but snow.

The avalanche had wiped clean all traces.

What about Jun Linyuan?!

Feng Wu looked up at the spot where Jun Linyuan and the beast had been fighting a moment ago, but they were nowhere to be found!


Feng Wu’s stomach lurched. This wasn’t good.

Without hesitation, she ran in that direction.

She had been too absorbed in running for her life earlier to care about her wound, but the pain caught her attention now.

The wound inflicted by the Frosty Night Beast was still fresh, and it began to hurt again after all the running.

But none of that mattered. She needed to find Jun Linyuan now. Was he alright?

Feng Wu had confidence in Jun Linyuan, but she recalled the blood on the wall.

It had smelled funny…

Feng Wu suspected that the guy had been poisoned, but Jun Linyuan wouldn’t let her see it, which vexed her. As a result, his wound had remained untreated.

Feng Wu smacked her head in frustration. She shouldn’t have overlooked it!

Before long, she reached the spot where the fight had taken place.

The snow walls were long gone, presumably buried by the avalanche.

There was nothing but snow here.

Jun Linyuan was nowhere to be found.

Nor was the beast.

It was as if they had never been here.

“Jun Linyuan —”

“Jun Linyuan —”

“Jun Linyuan —”

“Jun Linyuan —”

Feng Wu shouted at the top of her lungs. However, no matter how loudly she called, she got no reply.

It was as if she was the only one left in the world.

Unprecedented loneliness and apprehension struck Feng Wu. She stood there, feeling helpless.


Feng Wu smacked her forehead.

She couldn’t find him, but the cub could!

The cub was born with a nose for sniffing out treasures, which was practically any item on Jun Linyuan. Hell, the man himself was a treasure… So, she should leave it to the cub.

Feng Wu took the cub out of the ring.

The little thing was fast asleep as if there was no tomorrow.

It shuddered involuntarily when Feng Wu took it out. The cold woke it up.

Opening its eyes, the cub saw Feng Wu’s face. It then turned in her palm and went back to sleep.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

“Feng Tutu! Wake up! Wake up now!”

Feng Wu patted the cub’s head.

Feng Tutu opened its sleepy eyes and looked at Feng Wu in bewilderment. It seemed that it could fall back asleep at any moment.

It was as if it was going to doze off as soon as Feng Wu finished talking.

Feng Wu flicked it on the head.

“Wake up already. I need your expertise now. Find Jun Linyuan for me.” Feng Wu rubbed Feng Tutu’s head. “Do you remember Jun Linyuan? He’s that human teenager with a poker face. The one you want to run away from all the time.”

“Awww —” Feng Tutu sounded reluctant.

But Feng Wu smacked it on the head. “Now!”

“Awww —” Feng Tutu ran off, turning around to give Feng Wu a pleading look every few steps.

“Be quick about it!” Feng Wu said sternly.

Feng Tutu sighed aggrievedly. With no other choice, it had to start searching.

Wait —

Feng Tutu sniffed, then ran to a spot a few steps away and started digging.

That fast? Feng Wu was pleasantly surprised.

However, she frowned after another look.

If she remembered correctly, this was where she and Jun Linyuan had spent the night. Jun Linyuan had even built a snow house here, which had been buried by the avalanche.

That was where Feng Tutu was digging. Feng Wu shook her head.

“No, no, this isn’t right —” Feng Wu rushed over to stop the cub. “The smell here is from last night. Not here.”

Feng Tutu turned to look at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu nodded solemnly. “It’s from last night. Go search somewhere else.”

Feng Tutu tilted its head, then went back to its digging.

Feng Wu was vexed. “I told you, this scent is from when he was here last night! Feng Tutu! Stop playing and be serious! Find him!”

Feng Tutu ignored her and went on digging.

Feng Wu was going to stop the cub when it jumped into the pit it dug.

That naughty little thing! She would teach it a lesson once this was over!

Melting the snow with her fire spiritual energy, Feng Wu followed Feng Tutu into the snow.

Luckily, she could still get air here.

Feng Tutu was tiny and nimble. It was rather difficult for Feng Wu to catch the cub!

“Feng Tutu! Get back here!”

Feng Wu almost caught it a few times, but the cub was always able to get away at the last moment.

Whenever Feng Wu turned to leave, it would run to Feng Wu in a teasing manner.

Feng Wu was speechless.

The cub was just a baby and it was already so willful. Imagine how it would behave when it grew up!

Moreover, this really wasn’t the time to play hide and seek. Finding Jun Linyuan was Feng Wu’s top priority.

She was about to summon Feng Tutu back to her and go back up when —

Feng Tutu showed up again.

This time, it had a small pouch in its mouth, which looked rather familiar. Feng Wu’s stomach lurched when she saw the pattern on it!

The two birds were the one she had embroidered herself under Jun Linyuan’s supervision in World Tower. She had made them look like a pair of ducklings.

That was the pouch Feng Wu was holding now.

“Jun Linyuan!” Astonished, Feng Wu picked Feng Tutu up immediately. “Where did you find this? Take me to him!”

She had no time to wonder why Jun Linyuan had such an ugly pouch on him. All she could think of was —

Something must have happened to Jun Linyuan!

Feng Tutu then led Feng Wu to a snow house.

To Feng Wu’s astonishment, that snow house which Jun Linyuan had made with a wave of his hand was still intact. They had to be hundreds of meters underground now!

The walls had managed to withstand such a heavy load of snow!

A teenager in a black robe lay inside with his hands crossed on his stomach. His eyes were shut and he wasn’t moving.

There was ice all over him and frost covered his hair, eyebrows, and entire face.

“Jun Linyuan!”

Feng Wu drew in her breath. Involuntarily, she reached out to check Jun Linyuan’s breathing.

But he wasn’t breathing!

Oh god!

At that moment, Feng Wu’s head went blank, as if she had just been struck by lightning.

Had the formidable crown prince died?

Feng Wu panicked at that thought!

Without thinking, she activated her spiritual energy and sent a streak into Jun Linyuan’s energy channels.


Her spiritual essence bounced back!

Feng Wu was speechless.

Jun Linyuan wasn’t breathing and she couldn’t get her spiritual essence into him. What should she do?

Feng Wu was flustered!

Even Jun Linyuan would die if he stopped breathing for too long.

They were short of oxygen this deep underground, which didn’t help at all.

Feng Wu threw Jun Linyuan onto her back and quickly climbed back up to the surface.

After laying Jun Linyuan flat on his back on the snow, Feng Wu bent over and put her mouth over his without hesitation.

She breathed some air into Jun Linyuan’s lungs.

Ding —

Jun Linyuan opened his eyes, as if on cue.

And he looked into Feng Wu’s eyes.

Both of them widened their eyes and they were taken aback!

Realizing that she was on top of Jun Linyuan, Feng Wu scrambled to get off.

In her flustered state, Feng Wu fell into the hole that she had just climbed up from.

It was a few hundred meters deep!

Feng Wu fell in head first and there was no way for her to stop!

At that critical moment, Jun Linyuan reached out and caught Feng Wu by the hand.

Feng Wu had fallen in halfway when Jun Linyuan caught her. If he hadn’t, she would have dropped down a few hundred meters and cracked her head open.

With Jun Linyuan’s help, Feng Wu steadied herself and climbed out of the hole.

Before she could let out a breath of relief, she heard Jun Linyuan’s voice.

“Were you going to kill yourself as penance?”

Jun Linyuan’s voice rang in her ears.

“Cough, cough —”

Feng Wu choked on her own spit. She looked up and threw a dirty look at Jun Linyuan. “What did you just say?”


“You so said something!” Feng Wu glared at that stunning face. “You said I was trying to kill myself as penance. Why on earth would I do that?”

Jun Linyuan raised his chin proudly. “You know perfectly well what you did.”

“I…” Feng Wu was offended. “Are you referring to what happened just then?”

Jun Linyuan didn’t grant her an answer.

Feng Wu went on, “You were unconscious and not breathing. I was only performing artificial respiration on you!”

Jun Linyuan looked over his shoulder and darted a knowing look at Feng Wu.

“What’s with that look on your face? You don’t believe me?” Feng Wu glared at him.

Jun Linyuan turned around. “Go on. Try harder.”

Feng Wu exploded. “I’m not pretending! It’s true! I was only trying to save you! Why won’t you believe me?! What else did you think I was doing?”

Jun Linyuan grunted. “It’s not like you’ve never done it before. Why bother covering it up?”

“I’ve never done it…” Feng Wu stopped abruptly.

She smacked her forehead in frustration.

She lost that bet to Xuan Yi the other day, and as a result, she had to sneak into Jun Linyuan’s cabin in the middle of the night to confess her love to him, as well as…

“Ahhh —”

Feng Wu buried her face in her hands and was utterly frustrated!

She would never be able to explain herself.

Looking up, she stared at Jun Linyuan with bright eyes. “Your Royal Highness, would you believe me if I told you that everything is just a coincidence?”

Jun Linyuan narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t know that coincidences happened that often.”

“They do.”

“Are you an idiot or do you take me for one?”

Feng Wu said, “But —”

“Is it that hard for you to admit your feelings for me?”

Feng Wu scratched her head in frustration. “But I don’t have any feelings for you! What am I supposed to admit?!”

The smile disappeared and Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid!

Feng Wu then noticed something on Jun Linyuan’s chest.

“You’re hurt!” She was shocked when she saw blood seeping through the clothes covering his chest, and rushed over to put pressure on it.

“Oh god —”

Feng Wu cried out when she examined the wound.

She scolded Jun Linyuan. “It’s centimeters away from your heart! Your heart could have been punctured! Did you not know you have a deep cut on your chest? Why didn’t you tell me?!”

Jun Linyuan glared at Feng Wu. “Go away! Don’t touch me!”

If she didn’t have any feelings for him, she should stay out of his way!

Feng Wu felt like screaming. She hated it when people didn’t take care of their own bodies.

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