《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》890-891-892-893-894-895


“Are you trying to kill yourself?!” Tossing a dead deer on the ground, Jun Linyuan crouched down and wiped the blood off the wall.

Feng Wu looked up Jun Linyuan and she sounded concerned when she asked, “Are you injured?”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “Like that’s news to you. I fight, I get injured.”

Feng Wu said, “But according to Feng Xun, you never fight. You only beat people up.”

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes. “Heh.”

Feng Wu asked in an earnest tone, “Do you feel unwell?”

Crouching down, Jun Linyuan looked into her eyes. She couldn’t decipher the look on his face.

“Is this your way of showing your concern for me?”

Concern? Feng Wu didn’t think she was concerned for him.

“I’m already injured and you’re all that I can count on. I’ll be helpless if you’re down,” Feng Wu said honestly.

Then, to Feng Wu’s surprise, Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid.

His eyes seemed to spit fire, which could burn her to ash!

Involuntarily, Feng Wu flinched and inched back.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Linyuan turned away and kicked the dead deer, which had already been drained of blood.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

She watched Jun Linyuan in resignation.

Why was this man so moody and unpredictable? He was so hard to please.

However, the last thing Feng Wu wanted to do now was upset Jun Linyuan. Getting to her feet on her own, Feng Wu said, “Leave the deer alone. I’ll take care of it… I’m starving.”

But Jun Linyuan ignored her. He lit a fire, cut up the deer, and concentrated on grilling the meat.

He absorbed himself in the work with a livid face and tense muscles. The air he gave off was colder than the wind.

Why did Feng Wu get the feeling that he was doing this out of spite?

Like when a kid was mad and wouldn’t talk about it.

Was she overthinking it?

“Jun Linyuan?” Feng Wu tentatively called his name.

Jun Linyuan turned his back on her.

Supporting herself on the wall, Feng Wu moved to his side. “Your Royal Highness…”

Jun Linyuan turned in the other direction, still facing away from her.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

So, he was really mad, like in a childish way? Seriously?

“Hey, Jun Linyuan, are you mad at me?” Feng Wu tugged at Jun Linyuan and said in a pleading voice.

Instinctively, Jun Linyuan wanted to throw off her hand, but he stiffened when he recalled her wounds and her pale face.

“We’re all alone here. It’ll be so boring if you won’t even talk to me. Right?” Feng Wu sat down next to Jun Linyuan. She stared at the fire for a moment before beaming at Jun Linyuan. “Right?”

Jun Linyuan snorted and went back to grilling the meat.

“Jun Linyuan, let’s talk. Shall we?” Feng Wu sounded weak because of her injury and her tiny voice made Jun Linyuan feel sorry for her.

However, Jun Linyuan only threw a dirty look at her and kept his silence.

“I know you’re angry,” Feng Wu said in an innocent voice as she stared at the handsome teenager, whose face glowed in the heat. “But I just don’t get it. Why are you angry and what are you angry at? Can you please tell me? I’ll try my best not to do it again. Okay?”

The girl looked so adorable when she spoke in a soft voice like this…

Jun Linyuan felt as if someone was stroking his chest with a brush, and he almost gave in.



On second thought, the crown prince realized a much more serious issue.

She was able to affect his emotions!

She could easily make him angry!

Or happy!

Or moody!

Jun Linyuan’s heart skipped a bit and he bolted upright.

“Ahhh —”

Feng Wu had been sitting next to him and the momentum threw her off balance. She fell to the side.

But Jun Linyuan caught her in time.

“That hurts…”

Despite his quick reaction, Feng Wu still tilted over and stretched her wound.

“Ouch —” Feng Wu drew in her breath and tears welled up in her eyes.

That hurt. Please don’t tell her that she had ripped her wound open again.

Feng Wu unwrapped the cape to check her shoulder blade.

“Good, there’s no blood. The wound’s fine.” Feng Wu let out a breath of relief.

Seeing Feng Wu bare her shoulder without hesitation, Jun Linyuan frowned.

“Do you ever feel shy?” He stared at Feng Wu with conflicted feelings.

Her clothes had been torn and her shoulder was uncovered. No other girl would check her wound like that in front of a man.

But the girl did it as easily as breathing.

Feng Wu looked very innocent when she turned to Jun Linyuan in bewilderment. “It’s just my shoulder. Just think of it as a sleeveless top… Never mind. It’s no big deal.”

No big deal?!

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu in disbelief.

“What’s wrong now…” Feng Wu’s heart sank.

He had been happier a moment ago, but that grim look was back on his face.

She felt like crying. She had never met a man more difficult to please than the crown prince here. His mood was so erratic that she never knew what he was thinking!

“As a young woman, you should have scruples. Do you hear me?!” Jun Linyuan glared at Feng Wu.

The thought of her behaving this way in front of other men made the teenager want to throttle her!

Feng Wu was utterly baffled. What did scruples have anything to do with this?

Luckily, Jun Linyuan hadn’t used the term “shameless,” otherwise Feng Wu would be the one flaring up.

“Do you hear me?!” Clutching Feng Wu’s wrist, Jun Linyuan stressed each word.

His tone was too serious to be joking.

Feng Wu was dependent on him for the moment and she had to succumb to his lecture. “Yea, yea. I hear you.”

She was hardly ever this obedient that Jun Linyuan was baffled for a moment.

“Jun Linyuan, I’m starving…”

Seeing that the crown prince had softened a little, Feng Wu took the opportunity. She tugged at Jun Linyuan’s sleeve and pouted.

And that soft voice…

“Fine, fine,” Jun Linyuan said impatiently. However, his moves were so gentle when he helped her sit down, as if he was handling a piece of fragile treasure.

Watching Jun Linyuan turn the meat over the fire with his slender fingers, Feng Wu was about to say something when Jun Linyuan began to take small bottles out of his sleeves.

They contained condiments like salt and seasoning powder.

He didn’t even try to hide them.

“Can they all fit in your sleeves?”

Moreover, the guy was a neat freak. How could he stand filling his sleeves with those things?

“They’re in my infinity storage bag.” Jun Linyuan grunted.

Feng Wu was taken aback. “Shouldn’t you keep that a secret from me?”

“What secret?”

“Your storage bag. If other people find out about such a treasure…”

“So what if they know?” Jun Linyuan was bewildered.


“They may try to… Forget it.” Feng Wu finally remembered who she was talking to. What sort of question was that? It was Jun Linyuan she was talking about here!

Those who tried to rob him would have to have a death wish.

An idea struck her when she looked at the storage bag.

She couldn’t use her ring space as freely as she wanted, for it was too precious. But, if she could find an infinity storage bag like this, she could use it as a cover for her ring space.

Feng Wu’s face lit up. “Is this kind of storage bag very hard to come by?”

Darting a look at Feng Wu, Jun Linyuan ignored her question.

Feng Wu rubbed her nose. Fine. That was a silly question.

“If I want to have one of my own… What’s the easiest way to get one?” Feng Wu chose her words more carefully this time.

Jun Linyuan said, “Dreaming.”

Feng Wu snapped, “Jun Linyuan, what’s that supposed to mean?!”

Jun Linyuan said matter-of-factly, “You heard me.”

That set Feng Wu off. “You!”

She grunted, turned the other way, and crossed her arms. “I’m not talking to you!”

Jun Linyuan then handed her some skewed venison.

She had no idea how Jun Linyuan did it, but the grilled meat smelled amazing. The aroma made her mouth water.

“Hmph! I’m not eating it!” Still crossing her arms, Feng Wu raised her chin.

The next second, the meat disappeared from her sight.

Feng Wu turned around to see that all that was left of the meat was the skewer.

“Jun Linyuan, you —” He wouldn’t even try to coax her!

He then handed her a second skewer with meat on it.

Feng Wu thought about assuming airs, but she realized that not only wouldn’t Jun Linyuan try to persuade her, he would also eat the meat himself. Hence, she forgot about her little pride and took the skewer.

One bite and Feng Wu’s eyes widened.

It was so delicious!

The taste was mellow and well-rounded. The meat had the perfect tenderness and it was so juicy that it melted on the tongue… It was superb!

Of all the grilled meat she had tasted, this was the first time that Feng Wu wanted to shed tears of joy.

Feng Wu barely chewed the meat before swallowing it, then eyed Jun Linyuan eagerly.

The crown prince worked on one skewer at a time, instead of grilling a handful altogether, which was the common practice. However, he was quite efficient, and could grill one skewer per minute.

As Feng Wu watched, she began to see how Jun Linyuan was able to do it.

No wonder it tasted so good. Jun Linyuan had been grilling the meat with his own abnormal flame, which he had learned to control perfectly.

He was able to split the flame into tiny streaks and cook the meat from within so that the fat melted. That was why it was so juicy!

No one but Jun Linyuan could grill like this!

Feng Wu stared at the skewer in Jun Linyuan’s hand so hard that her eyes popped. However —

Before she could react, the crown prince had eaten the whole thing.

“Ah! My meat!” Feng Wu felt like crying when she saw the bare skewer.

Tugging at Jun Linyuan’s arm, she cried out, “My meat! My meat! My meat!”

Was that just meat?

No, it wasn’t!

The meat contained the energy of Jun Linyuan’s abnormal flame, and the energy had been released so that other people could absorb it!

Feng Wu sensed that there was a little more fire energy in her dantian after eating the first skewer.

It wasn’t grilled meat, but ambrosia!

Jun Linyuan darted an indifferent look at Feng Wu.

She was tittering like a little bird. Right now, she was behaving like a normal child, and he almost wanted to rub her head.

However, Jun Linyuan was too proud to let his emotions show.

Raising his hand, he was going to eat up the next skewer.

“Ahhhh — my meat! My meat!” Vexed, Feng Wu grabbed Jun Linyuan’s arm and tried to take it from him.

But Jun Linyuan wouldn’t let her.

Feng Wu was holding onto him like a monkey on the tree. “Gimme gimme gimme!”

“You can’t have it!”

“Jun Linyuan!”


“Your Royal Highness~”


“Brother Jun, Brother Jun, Brother Jun, am I not your dear little sister anymore?”

The things Feng Wu would say for food. She was unscrupulous like that.

Her sweet voice was like a feather brushing against Jun Linyuan’s chest. It was ticklish.

Even someone as overbearing and arrogant as Jun Linyuan had to surrender to her pleading.

He cleared his throat and cast a stern look at Feng Wu. “Have you no shame?”

Feng Wu looked perfectly innocent. “According to Feng Xun, you’re like my half-brother, right?”

Jun Linyuan cursed Feng Xun in his head.

“Achoo —”

Over on the other side of the campsite.

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi were able to help all the candidates escape, even the unconscious Gongsun Qing.

They were catching their breaths when Feng Xun sneezed. He rubbed his nose. “Who’s talking about me behind my back?”

“Little Feng Wu, maybe?” Xuan Yi asked.

Feng Xun rubbed his nose and looked concerned. “I hope it was her. If she has time to talk about me, she should be out of harm’s way.”

Xuan Yi patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry. Boss Jun went after her. I’m sure he’ll find the girl.”

Feng Xun shook his head. “Judging by the look on Boss Jun’s face, I think Xiao Wu has been taken by that Frosty Night Beast.”

Xuan Yi nodded.

Feng Xun didn’t try to keep his voice down, so many other candidates heard him.

And they all had different opinions.

Many were either worried about Feng Wu or felt sympathetic. However, there were also people like Mu Yaoyao, who were filled with delight at Feng Wu’s misfortune.

Yao Ying said under her breath, “Has Feng Wu been taken by the Frosty Night Beast?”

Mu Yaoyao nodded.

“Is she going to die, then?”

Mu Yaoyao nodded.

“But didn’t His Royal Highness go after her?”

Mu Yaoyao smirked. “His Royal Highness hates Feng Wu. What do you think is going to happen…”

Yao Ying cried out a little. “I see!”

Mu Yaoyao grinned. “It seems that we won’t have to see Feng Wu out and about anymore. Life will be so pleasant!”

Of course, people like Mu Yaoyao kept their joy to themselves and didn’t let it show.

After all, Feng Xun had made it clear that he was on Feng Wu’s side and he would always back her up.

Because of that, Mu Yaoyao didn’t dare mess with Feng Wu openly.

However, Feng Xun was saying something similar.

“But Boss Jun doesn’t like Xiao Wu.” Feng Xun was dispirited and he sounded disturbed when he said, “Will he find Xiao Wu too much trouble and refuse to save her?”

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

Feng Xun went on. “Do you remember that ugly girl in Northern Border City? Boss Jun turned a blind eye to her and left her to fend for herself. To Boss Jun, little Feng Wu is no different to that ugly girl. They’re just strangers to him.”

Feng Xun could never have imagined that Feng Wu the “stranger” had just shouted at Jun Linyuan and called herself his “dear little sister.”

His eyes would pop out if he heard those words!

Xuan Yi glanced at Feng Xun. “You’re overthinking it.”

Feng Xun glared at Xuan Yi. “How is that overthinking? I’m worried sick here and you’re still making fun of me! I see. She’s not your sister. That’s why you don’t care!”

Xuan Yi rolled his eyes at Feng Xun.

Boss Jun worries about little Feng Wu ten times more than you do, okay? Saving her is going to be his top priority. He won’t let anything happen to her.

Back in the snow house —

Feng Wu was practically on top of Jun Linyuan. “Brother Jun~ my dear Brother Jun~”

Jun Linyuan seemed to have grown impatient. “Fine, fine. You can have it.”

Elated, Feng Wu snatched the skewered meat and held it very tightly, fearing that Jun Linyuan would take it away.

She eyed the skewers in Jun Linyuan’s hands as she wolfed down her own.

“Brother Jun, please grill some more.”

“You’re still hungry?”

“Yes. Brother Jun, please grill some more for me.”

“You’re still hungry?”

“Brother Jun, are you tired? Shall I massage your shoulders and legs?”

Feng Wu had put her own concoction on her wound. Together with the effect of the spectacular skewered meat, she was making a rapid recovery. She was already able to move freely.

“Don’t.” Jun Linyuan cast a stern look at Feng Wu. “Stay where you are and don’t move!”

Feng Wu pouted. “…Alright.”

She gave it some thought, then took out a small notebook and began to take notes.

Dos and Don’ts. Rule number one: Avoid all physical contact with His Royal Highness.

Feng Wu drew five stars next to it, stressing its importance.

Feng Wu had decided that she would write down all the things she needed to watch out for when she was around Jun Linyuan. This way… maybe she wouldn’t set him off that often.

“What are you writing?”

The crown prince was intrigued.

And there weren’t many things in this world that could interest him.

But anything concerning Feng Wu was an exception, even the most trivial ones.

Feng Wu didn’t stop writing when she said, “I’m making notes.”

“What notes?”

Feng Wu finished writing at that moment and put it away in her chest pocket. She then beamed at him. “Take a guess.”

Jun Linyuan said proudly, “Not interested.”

“Tch. Then you shouldn’t have asked.” Resting her chin on her palms, Feng Wu swallowed when she saw the grilled meat turning in Jun Linyuan’s hands. She said, “I envy them.”

Them? Jun Linyuan was at a loss.

“I mean Feng Xun and Xuan Yi.” Feng Wu sighed with emotion. “As your best friends, they can have this sort of grilled meat all the time. I’m so envious.”

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes at her.

After hanging out with him all these years, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi had never tasted his cooking.

This was the first time he had ever cooked for anyone.

Although, the proud crown prince would never admit it. He only snorted, and didn’t reply.

That night, a pair of teenagers sat against the wall in front of the dancing flames. Their beautiful faces glowed in the warm light.

They looked as pretty as a picture. All was harmonious and peaceful and one could almost see pink bubbles in the air.

Warmed up by the fire, Feng Wu began to doze off.

She nodded like a chicken pecking at grain.

Seeing this, Jun Linyuan shook his head and gently pressed her head to his shoulder as he mumbled, “Troublesome woman.”

The girl had to be asleep. Otherwise, she would have jumped to her feet at the retort, protesting his comment.

At the thought of the girl yelling at him with her hands on her waist, Jun Linyuan shook his head with a wry smile.

He was baffled when he saw his reflection in the ice.

He was grinning like a goofball.

Jun Linyuan, the person capable of shaking the empire with his anger, was smiling at the girl like a fool.

What was more, he could think of nothing but the girl.

He was obsessed with her smile, her voice, her movements, her… everything.

The unusual feeling was both intoxicating and dangerous.

Turning his head, Jun Linyuan saw how her eyelashes cast shadows on her face. His eyes flickered.

The girl gave him insomnia last night after sneaking into his room to kiss him in the middle of the night.

Tonight, with her head on his shoulder, he was wide awake again.

Was Xuan Yi right? Jun Linyuan considered the possibility that he was in love with this girl.

Could he actually have fallen for a cripple? A good-for-nothing who would die in a few decades? The crown prince shook his head.

Despite his high IQ, Jun Linyuan was useless when it came to relationships. He sat there in a daze until the sky outside began to brighten.

Seeing Feng Wu’s long eyelashes flutter, Jun Linyuan pushed Feng Wu away from him.


Feng Wu’s head bumped into a wall.

That woke her up completely.

Seeing the dent she made in the snow wall, Feng Wu was baffled.

Rubbing her forehead, she looked up at Jun Linyuan in confusion. “Did I do that?”

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