《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》884-885-886-887-888-889


884 His Royal Highness Likes You! 7

Poor Xuan Yi… He hardly ever poked his nose into other people’s business, but the people concerned kept misunderstanding each other. To say that he was mentally fatigued would be an understatement.

However, at that moment —


There was an ear-splitting rumbling sound!

Feng Wu and Feng Xun exchanged looks and saw fear on each other’s faces.


Their worst fear had just come true!

The next thing they knew, a thundering noise made the ground tremble!

And it was followed by the blast from a sound wave!

Even Feng Wu and Feng Xun almost lost their footing, not to mention the others.

The impact of such an explosive sound on a snowfield —

Involuntarily, Feng Wu looked up at the mountains in the distance.

As expected, large quantities of snow were tumbling down the slope like a landslide!

From a distance, the rush of snow reminded one of a tidal wave!


“It’s an avalanche!”

Feng Wu and Feng Xun cried out in unison.

Both blanched.

The snow rushed in their direction with a tremendous force. It was beyond control.


Feng Wu and Feng Xun cried out and both turned to run as fast as they could.

By then, the others in the campsite had also noticed what was going on.

“Run! Everybody, run! You’ll die if you’re buried in the snow!” Feng Xun shouted at the top of his voice.

He was never the responsible type, but their duty here was to keep these candidates safe.

“Everybody, run! Quickly!”

Feng Xun looked nervously at the avalanche a short distance away as he gave instructions to the candidates.

He had only turned his head for a minute or so, but by the time he realized it, Feng Wu was nowhere to be found.

“Feng Wu? Where’s Feng Wu?” Feng Xun panicked.

Xuan Yi was flustered when he heard Feng Xun shout her name. “What did you say? What happened to little Feng Wu? Where is she?”

Feng Xun was exasperated. “I have no idea! She was just here! I looked away for a second and she disappeared! She has no spiritual essence whatsoever; she’ll be killed if she gets buried!”

Xuan Yi said, “Well, the snow is the last thing I’m worried about now – that Frosty Night Beast will gladly have her for a snack!”

Feng Xun was speechless.

Xuan Yi was as exasperated as he was!

Everyone else didn’t know about Jun Linyuan’s feelings, but Xuan Yi did. If anything happened to Feng Wu, there would be nothing left of this entire Proud Snowfield.

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi looked everywhere, but Feng Wu was nowhere to be found!

Where had that girl gone?

All the candidates had rushed out of hiding and were headed east.

“Feng Wu! Little Feng Wu! Feng — Wu —” The avalanche was almost upon them, but Feng Xun and Xuan Yi were still in the campsite!

Many candidates were worried sick.

Just then, a figure landed in front of Feng Xun and Xuan Yi.

He was obviously irritated.

“What are you still doing here?! Can’t you see the avalanche?! Get out of here!” the crown prince snapped.

Feng Xun couldn’t care less if the crown prince hated Feng Wu or not. He said in a hurry, “Boss Jun, help! I can’t find little Feng Wu anywhere! What should I do?!”

Little Feng Wu?

She was missing?

They were surrounded by rolling snow and a hubbub of noise… but all Jun Linyuan could hear was:


Little Feng Wu was missing…

“Boss Jun, is little Feng Wu going to die? Sob, she’s my only sister…”

Before Feng Xun could utter another word, Jun Linyuan had grabbed him by the throat. His grip was so tight that blue veins popped on the back of his hand!

His eyes were bloodshot red, so much so that he might be weeping blood!

His bellow was louder than the howling wind. “Where did you last see her?!”

“I can’t remember. She was just there…”

Jun Linyuan followed Feng Xun’s gaze and something fierce flickered in his eyes!

The next second!

Whoosh —

Jun Linyuan jabbed the tip of his sword into the ground!


Blood spurted out, splashing all over Feng Xun’s face.

Feng Xun was speechless..

Before he realized it, Jun Linyuan had disappeared from sight!

Back in the imperial capital —

In the imperial palace.

The empress dowager was throwing a tantrum when Master Bai came into the hall.

“Your Majesty, Zuo Ming, the head of the Zuo clan, begs for an audience.”

Emperor Wu frowned a little.

The generation in charge of the Zuo clan consisted of two male descendents. The elder one was Zuo He, who had died at Feng Wu’s hands.

Zuo Ming, the younger of the brothers, was the more accomplished one. Hence, he was the head of the clan.

Why had he come here now?

“Bring him in.”

Zuo Ming walked into the hall to find that Emperor Wu wasn’t the only one there. The empress dowager and Grand Secretary Fang were both looking at him.

Zuo Ming’s eyes met Empress Dugu’s briefly and both looked away almost immediately.

They were cousins. However, most people didn’t know that they used to live in the same house when they were little, and had been very close ever since.

“Your Majesty —”

Emperor Wu nodded and gestured at him to stand up. “Zuo, you look shaken. What happened?”

Zuo Ming said, “Your Majesty, something’s wrong with Proud Snowfield.”

Emperor Wu glanced at him. “I’ve been told.”

Zuo Ming bowed again. “Your Majesty, Imperial College has lost contact with those in the snowfield.”

Emperor Wu nodded again.

Zuo Ming darted a look at Grand Secretary Fang. “I wonder if Grand Secretary Fang has any suggestions on how to reestablish communications.”

Grand Secretary Fang frowned. He now knew why Zuo Ming had come here in person.

He was that man’s real target.

Grand Secretary Fang said quietly, “Not yet.”

Zuo Ming smiled a little. “Your Majesty, I have an idea.”

“Really?” Emperor Wu looked at Zuo Ming.

The empress dowager was elated!

She was worried sick about Jun Linyuan’s safety, and she wanted more than anything to see her grandson!

However, women weren’t supposed to be involved in politics and she couldn’t say anything. She only stared at Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu showed no emotion on his face, and only said in an indifferent tone, “Zuo, do you have any suggestions?”

Zuo Ming said, “Your Majesty, I made some progress in my teleportation skills a few days ago, and I think I can be of help.”

Emperor Wu’s eyes lit up.

Zuo Ming was an impressive cultivator to begin with. Now that he had made some progress, his teleportation skills could be very helpful.

Zuo Ming said proudly, “Only a handful of people in the Junwu Empire are more advanced than I am in teleportation skills, but I’m the only one here in court.

“Therefore, Your Majesty, I promise I’ll do my best if given the authority.”


Zuo Ming knelt down and prostrated on the ground as he paid the highest respect by kowtowing.

Emperor Wu narrowed his eyes.

He looked from a pile of memorials on his desk to the aggressive Zuo Ming on the floor.

So, a lot of people wanted Grand Secretary Fang to lose his job.

If Zuo Ming let out this piece of information, the families of the candidates would lose control!

Grand Secretary Fang only smiled.

“Your Majesty, if Mr Zuo can reestablish communications, we should consider granting him the level of authority he needs.”

Emperor Wu rolled his eyes at Grand Secretary Fang.

Easy for you to say. Once that was granted, it would be impossible to take away.

Moreover, even if he could, Grand Secretary Fang’s authority as the acting principal would be undermined, and Zuo Ming would gain popularity. Who should be named principal of Imperial College, then?

Grand Secretary Fang smiled. “I see that Mr Zuo is very confident.”

A crooked smile appeared on Zuo Ming’s face, giving him a cunning look. “Naturally.”

Grand Secretary Fang asked, “What if you can’t restore communications?”

Zuo Ming retorted, “Do you have any idea how many parents are eager for news from inside, or how many candidates’ lives are in danger? They may have a chance to be rescued now, but Mr Fang, you’re depriving them of that chance for some personal reason. Mr Fang, can you take full responsibility for the consequences?”

Zuo Ming was indeed as imposing as the father of Zuo Qingluan should be. He targeted Grand Secretary Fang, and his tone was relentless!

Grand Secretary Fang frowned a little.

He had an inkling that Zuo He, the previous acting principal, had been killed by Feng Wu. He even had a hunch that the Zuo family had something to do with the loss of Feng Wu’s cultivation ability back then.


There was a grim look on Grand Secretary Fang’s face when he looked at Zuo Ming again.

Was the man here just for the position of principal?

Or, did he want something else? Grand Secretary Fang narrowed his eyes.

Meanwhile, in Proud Snowfield —

Feng Wu was woken up by the bitterly cold air.

She realized that she was lying on the ground, and the blazing sun above stung her eyes.

She could hear the sounds of fighting.

Turning her head, Feng Wu saw a snowy white magical beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a lion.

The Frosty Night Beast?! Hadn’t Jun Linyuan killed it already? She had even swallowed its internal elixir!

This wasn’t right!

It then occurred to Feng Wu that the Frosty Night Beast could have several shadow forms. What Jun Linyuan killed was one of the shadows, not the actual beast itself.


Feng Wu saw Jun Linyuan and the beast fighting fiercely in midair.

Jun Linyuan’s blade glinted; both were attacking to kill!

Feng Wu wanted to sit up, but grimaced when she felt a sting in her chest. Looking down, she saw that the front of her clothes was smeared with blood, which looked rather frightening.

It hurt a lot —

Feng Wu drew in a breath.

She had a feeling that the bleeding had stopped, but her movement had torn open the wound, and the blood oozed out again…

It hurt…

Feng Wu felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Her vision went dark. All of a sudden, she noticed a shadow moving her way, blocking out the sun.

Looking up, Feng Wu realized in astonishment that the Frosty Night Beast was charging at her at a tremendous speed!

Its claws were sharper than any blade!

Feng Wu knew what happened right away. The wound on her chest were from the claws of that Frosty Night Beast.

No wonder there was more than one cut!

That beast simply moved too fast!

Feng Wu didn’t have time to react!

But even if she did, she couldn’t escape either, for her movements were hampered by her injury.

The claws were less than 50cm from Feng Wu!


A sword came out of nowhere and hacked down at the beast’s claws!


Chapter 887 What Happens in the Snowfield… 1

Three claws were chopped off at the base!

And three streams of blood spurted out!

The blood caught Feng Wu right in the face, and she was stunned.

The Frosty Night Beast darted a malicious glance at Feng Wu.

It could sense its internal elixir on the girl.

After another brooding look, the beast turned around and fled.

The sword also spun in midair before it flew back to Jun Linyuan’s hand.

Only then was Feng Wu able to breathe again.

She had been holding her breath since the beast showed up. The pressure had been suffocating.

Looking around, Feng Wu saw that she and Jun Linyuan were the only people here, for as far as the eye could see.

The crown prince put down his sword and marched toward her.

His black hair and long robe flapped in the wind, and he looked every bit what an extraordinary swordsman should look like.

For some unknown reason, Feng Wu couldn’t look away from him.

“Are we the only ones here? Where are the other people? I can’t see any of them here.”

As soon as Feng Wu opened her mouth, Jun Linyuan crouched down and glared at her.

Feng Wu was bewildered. “You…”

Jun Linyuan lashed out at her. “Are you an idiot?! Why didn’t you hide from that beast?!”

Feng Wu was at a loss. “…How was I supposed to know it was coming? It snatched me before I realized it. I’m as baffled as you are.”

Face dark, Jun Linyuan rose to his feet and turned to leave.

Feng Wu was exasperated!

As far as she could see, the two of them were the only people here!

And that Frosty Night Beast was lurking somewhere!

She would have no chance if he left without her.

Feng Wu cherished her life. The next moment, she reached out and grabbed Jun Linyuan’s sleeve.

The crown prince glared at Feng Wu over his shoulder.

Feng Wu smiled obsequiously. “Teehee… This is so unexpected, but I’m sure there’s a reason fate brought us together here, right?”

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes at Feng Wu.

Fate had nothing to do with any of this. He had been keeping an eye on her and came here to find her as soon as he realized something was wrong!

Otherwise, even he wouldn’t have been able to catch up with that Frosty Night Beast.

She had been that close to getting killed!

At that thought, Jun Linyuan looked even grimmer and threw another dirty look at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu bit her lower lip.

What should she do now? Jun Linyuan looked really mad… Although, he always looked mad.

Tugging at Jun Linyuan’s wide sleeve, Feng Wu swayed his hand back and forth and pleaded in a soft voice, “Your Royal Highness… aren’t you here to protect the candidates? Well, I’m one of them, aren’t I? So, you won’t leave me behind… will you?”

Frowning at Feng Wu, Jun Linyuan said through gritted teeth, “Let go!”

Feng Wu shook her head repeatedly.

If Jun Linyuan left now, that beast would come after her right away and rip her open for its internal elixir!


Biting her lower lip, Feng Wu looked at the crown prince from under her long eyelashes. She looked like she was going to cry. “Please… please don’t leave me here… sob…”

Forget dignity!

Or self-respect!

Those could all wait when her life wasn’t hanging in the balance!

Feng Wu kept darting pleading looks at Jun Linyuan.

The crown prince sighed inwardly in resignation, but when he spoke, he sounded as impatient as ever. “Do you want your wounds treated or not?!”

“Huh? Right!” Feng Wu’s face lit up.

Face dark, Jun Linyuan crouched down in front of Feng Wu.

He reached out toward Feng Wu’s heart with his slender fingers.

Feng Wu reacted instinctively.

Covering her chest with both hands, she stared at Jun Linyuan, alarmed. “Excuse me?!”

The look on his face was indifferent. “You don’t want to be treated, then?”

“I… I can do it myself.”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “The beast’s claws pierced all the way through from your shoulder blade. Are you going to treat that all by yourself?”

Feng Wu hesitated. “But…”

Darting an arrogant glance at Feng Wu’s chest, Jun Linyuan rose to his feet.

“Are – are you leaving?” Feng Wu’s stomach lurched.

The guy kept silent.

Feng Wu sighed inwardly.

It seemed that Jun Linyuan had lost his patience… He had every right to. Right now, she was a burden, and one that wouldn’t leave him alone.

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated Feng Wu became.

Jun Linyuan looked over his shoulder to find the girl puffing out her cheeks. She seemed dispirited.

No man could stay unmoved when he was around such a girl…

The crown prince gave in.

He crouched down in front of her again. Only this time —


Feng Wu’s shirt was torn open at the shoulder.

“Ah —” Feng Wu cried out in surprise, scrambled back until she was sitting against a snow wall, and stared at Jun Linyuan in fright.

The look on Jun Linyuan’s stunning face was very serious and his gaze was intense.

Fury filled his eyes when he saw the mangled wounds on her back!

It looked like his eyes were spitting fire!

Her skin was fairer than the first snow…

Looking into Jun Linyuan’s bright eyes, Feng Wu saw a mix of emotions in them. There was rage, sympathy, passion, enthusiasm, and many more that she couldn’t comprehend…

“Close your eyes!”

Jun Linyuan took a cape out of nowhere and tossed it over Feng Wu’s head.

It was big enough to cover an entire person.

Feng Wu was freezing, so this was a timely gift.

Jun Linyuan was in fact a very decent man. He only tore open her shirt enough to reveal her wounds. So, Feng Wu quickly calmed down after the initial panic.

Jun Linyuan, on the other hand, was covered in sweat.

“Is it that warm?” Feng Wu looked at him in bewilderment.

They were so close that Feng Wu could count the beads of sweat on his smooth forehead.

Jun Linyuan still had that grim look on his face and he didn’t want to talk to her.

Feng Wu could even sense his hot breath on her skin.

“Your breath is so hot. Have you caught a cold?” Feng Wu was concerned and she felt Jun Linyuan’s forehead for his temperature.

Her cold fingers touched his hot skin…

Both shuddered involuntarily.

The crown prince ground his teeth. Didn’t the girl know how arousing this was?!

“Don’t touch me!” Jun Linyuan raised his voice, his tone aloof and emotionless.

Feng Wu pursed her lips.

She was only trying to be kind, but he only yelled at her in return… how frustrating.

Come to think of it, it was only natural for Jun Linyuan to hate her touch, for he had always found her repulsive. But she had only done it out of habit as a physician.

Darting another look at Jun Linyuan, Feng Wu drew back her hand.

She ground her teeth and gave Jun Linyuan an aggrieved look.

Jun Linyuan also regretted scolding her, but he was too proud to apologize. He only went on treating Feng Wu’s wound with a poker face.

For a moment, it was very quiet and… awkward.

“Thank you… for saving me.” Feng Wu broke the silence.

Jun Linyuan darted a look at Feng Wu, but didn’t say anything.

“Can you tell me how the others are doing? Are they alive? Are they in a safe place? And Yu Mingye…”

The crown prince had softened a little, but his gaze sharpened again at the mention of that name!

He looked ferocious!

Feng Wu flinched.

Stealing a glance at Jun Linyuan, Feng Wu murmured, “…And there you were, saying you’ve never considered him an equal match. Then don’t flare up whenever his name is mentioned. It’s like he killed your dad or something…”

The crown prince’s face was even grimmer.

Feng Wu gave in. “Fine, I won’t mention his name…”

She rubbed her nose. Since Jun Linyuan was obviously annoyed, she decided she wouldn’t ask and be rebuffed again.

The awkwardness set in once more.

Jun Linyuan rose to his feet all of a sudden and Feng Wu looked up as well.

“Are you trying to freeze to death?”

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