《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》878-879-880-881-882-883


878 His Royal Highness Likes You! 1

Everyone’s hearts were in their throats!

By the looks of His Royal Highness’s demeanor, was he going to give Feng Wu a hard time again?

Needless to say, Mu Yaoyao was grinning. However, most of the others were grateful for Feng Wu’s help and were concerned.

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu. His eyes flickered, his face was impassive, and he pursed his lips.

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!


Jun Linyuan was here to ask her about what happened last night!

Looking around, Feng Wu saw that all eyes were on them… If this got out, she would be facing the greatest humiliation of her life!

Vexed, Feng Wu threw a dirty look at Xuan Yi.

However, Xuan Yi seemed to be ignoring her in favor of looking at Jun Linyuan the whole time.

A million ideas flashed across Feng Wu’s mind. Luckily, she was level-headed enough to keep her face straight.

“Feng Wu, last night —”

The look on Feng Wu’s face changed as soon as Jun Linyuan began to speak.

“What happened last night? I was treating my patients the whole time and never set foot outside the tent!” Feng Wu stoutly denied.

“But I saw you last night.”

“You were only dreaming!” Feng Wu almost panicked.

The gossip of her climbing into Jun Linyuan’s bed had already gone viral. If the guy began to talk about her coming to him last night in front of everyone… and told the others what happened after she got there, she would be ruined!

Feng Wu was shivering inwardly.

Jun Linyuan sneered at Feng Wu. She couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes.

Still staring at Feng Wu, Jun Linyuan said, “Walk with me!”

He promptly turned to leave after that.

And he walked fast.

Feng Wu secretly let out a breath of relief. She racked her brain for a way out as she followed Jun Linyuan.

“Feng Wu, good luck!”

Someone called out from the crowd.

Feng Wu looked over her shoulder and saw that it was Shi Xuan.

Several others followed suit and cheered for her with waving fists.

“Feng Wu, we believe you!”

“Don’t worry, Feng Wu. We got your back!”

“Feng Wu…”

Feng Wu was bewildered.

This wasn’t right.

Didn’t these people hate her? She had lost count of all the things they had been saying about her. Their biggest wish was probably for her to disappear forever.

But how come their attitudes had now changed?

That was so strange.

However, Feng Wu didn’t have time to care about what other people thought of her now. Her top priority was to deal with the intimidating crown prince in front of her.

Feng Wu had to admit that if she were the one that got drugged in the middle of the night and kissed against her will, she’d be pissed, too! No, she would be furious!

Feng Wu cringed a little. She was in a lot of trouble.


Feng Wu was too lost in her thoughts to watch where she was going —

Jun Linyuan just happened to halt at that moment and turned around.

Hence, Feng Wu bumped into Jun Linyuan’s chest.

She might as well be throwing herself at him!

Feng Wu was so embarrassed when she realized that.

She would never be able to explain herself.

Rubbing her nose, Feng Wu gave Jun Linyuan an accusing look. The pain brought tears to her eyes and she wrinkled her nose.

His chest was so hard. She thought she had broken her nose or something.


Jun Linyuan’s eyes were frighteningly bright as he stared at Feng Wu. They were a little red from lack of sleep.

879 His Royal Highness Likes You! 2

Of course he didn’t get enough sleep!

After what happened last night, he tossed and turned in bed and didn’t get any sleep!

That was Jun Linyuan’s very first time experiencing a sleepless night.

Jun Linyuan’s gaze was sharp and brooding.

Feng Wu stared back at him with accusing eyes.

A strange awkwardness hung in the air.

“You —” Both spoke at the same time.

And they stopped right away.

“I —” They spoke in unison again.

And were both cut off once more.

The awkwardness was back.

That was because both of them were recalling what happened last night.

“Ahem —” In the end, the crown prince broke the silence. His gaze never moved away the whole time.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me?” Jun Linyuan raised his chin.

Feng Wu decided that she would continue acting. “…What should I say?”

What should she say?

Jun Linyuan could hear blood rumbling in his ears as he glared at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu took a step back, prepared to flee.

Jun Linyuan just looked so frightening now. The look he gave her reminded her of a jaguar staring at its prey.

Pursing his lips, Jun Linyuan narrowed his eyes.

“You want to run away from me?!” He grabbed Feng Wu’s wrist and tightened his grip.

Feng Wu gritted her teeth. “That hurts.”

But the teenager didn’t loosen his grip. Instead, his gaze only became fiercer.

Feng Wu thought he was going to snap her wrist. She drew in her breath. “Jun Linyuan, what on earth do you want from me?”

“Last night at about 12:45, you were in my cabin!” Jun Linyuan squeezed out those words through gritted teeth.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu feigned a casual tone.

“I see. That’s what you’re here for —” Feng Wu paused for effect.

Jun Linyuan snorted.

Finally, the girl was going to admit what she had done.

Feng Wu said, “Well, if that’s why you’re mad, you can have my apology. It really was my fault.”

Jun Linyuan glanced at her arrogantly. He didn’t expect this unruly girl to say sorry.

Feng Wu grinned and said apologetically, “I made a bet with Xuan Yi and lost. That was why I was in your room last night.”

The proud look disappeared from Jun Linyuan’s face immediately and he looked like he was going to explode!

But Feng Wu didn’t notice any of that. She sighed. “Chaoge needed Cleansing Bee Pills and Xuan Yi had them. That was why I accepted the bet.”

Feng Wu had no problem selling Xuan Yi out.

“Achoo —”

The teenager in a green robe and with a sword between his crossed arms stood ramrod straight in the wind. He sneezed all of a sudden.

Feng Xun was bemused. “Xuan the Second, are you alright?”

“Yes.” Xuan Yi darted a look in the direction that Feng Wu and Jun Linyuan had disappeared in. “I think…”

However, he thought wrong. He was going to be in so much trouble!

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu. “What did you just say?”

What kept him awake the whole night turned out to be a bet?

Someone as proud as Jun Linyuan could never accept such an explanation!

His face turned livid.

Seeing the grim look on his face and his stiff back, Feng Wu tried to appease him. “Oh my, just think of it as a dream. You don’t even like me, so it shouldn’t affect you at all.”


Shouldn’t affect him? Jun Linyuan wished that was the case. But he was affected!

880 His Royal Highness Likes You! 3

Jun Linyuan’s gaze was sharper than a blade and he flushed when he said, “B- but you kissed me!”

Feng Wu waved her hand in a devil-may-care manner. “You know what? Just think of it as a mosquito bite or something. I don’t even care that much myself, so why should it bother a guy like you? It’s not like you’ve lost anything.”

Jun Linyuan was infuriated!

Their lips had touched! How could she think so little of it?!

He was losing sleep over what happened, but she brushed it off just like that!

The crown prince was so mad that he couldn’t think straight. He forgot all his words. “Y- you Jezebel!”

Feng Wu had planned to coax the guy until he calmed down, but she snapped when she heard what Jun Linyuan said.

“What did you just call me?!” Feng Wu rested her hands on her waist. “Did you just shame my honor?!”

Jun Linyuan glared at Feng Wu, his face livid.

A bet? A joke? He had just been made fun of!

He promptly turned to leave!

“Jun Linyuan! Stop right there! I need an explanation! Who gave you the right to call me that?!”

Feng Wu yelled after Jun Linyuan, but the guy had disappeared into the distance.

She stomped her foot in frustration.

It was only supposed to be a joke! She lost the bet and she had to honor her word! That was why she kissed him! What did shame have anything to do with it?

What a bummer!

Meanwhile, the crown prince —

He looked like he was surrounded by the coldest air.

Wherever he went, everything in his way froze instantly.

When he walked past Xuan Yi and Feng Xun —

Feng Xun was flustered!

“Where’s my sister? Boss Jun, where’s my sister?” Feng Xun looked behind Jun Linyuan, but didn’t find Feng Wu anywhere. He panicked!

Jun Linyuan had a murderous look in his eyes.

And he was staring at Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi’s heart sank. No!

Feng Wu had sold him out!

“I’ll go check up on my sister…”

However, Feng Xun didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.

Jun Linyuan’s cold voice cut him off!

“Come with me. Both of you!”

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi exchanged looks, one bewildered and the other conflicted.

Feng Xun had no idea what was going on, but Xuan Yi had an inkling.

He rubbed his nose with a wry smile.

Judging by Boss Jun’s mood, he had failed at this task again.

Xuan Yi couldn’t for the life of him figure out what was going on.

It was so obvious that Boss Jun was in love with the girl and he had thought that the cat would be out of the bag with just a little push. But —

“I think they’ll need a lot more than a push.” Xuan Yi smiled bitterly.

“Who needs what?” Feng Xun was at a loss.

Xuan Yi said, “Forget about who or what. My problem now is that nature’s calling —”

Feng Xun waved him off. “I’ll go find Boss Jun first.”

“Sure —”

Poor Feng Xun — he went to Jun Linyuan without a clue about anything.

Seeing Feng Xun arrive on his own, Jun Linyuan frowned and his face grew darker.

Feng Xun asked, “Boss Jun, Boss Jun, what do you need us for?”

“A duel!”


Feng Xun almost choked!

Last time when Boss Jun said those words, Feng Xun ended up bedridden for nearly a month.

So, when he heard those words again, Feng Xun’s first reaction was to flee!

However, the crown prince would never let his punching bag escape.

881 His Royal Highness Likes You! 4

Jun Linyuan grabbed Feng Xun by the back of his collar.

Xuan Yi, who had been hiding behind a pile of snow, lost all courage and decided not to show his face after all.

Feng Xun cried out, “Boss Jun, Boss Jun, I don’t want to fight you! I admit defeat! I give up!”

“No, you’re not!”

“This isn’t a duel, but a one-sided thrashing! Please let me go! I don’t want to be your punching bag!”

“Fight me, then!” Jun Linyuan smirked.

He had to vent his rage, and anyone could be the target.

Not to mention that Feng Xun was little Feng Wu’s brother.

Shortly afterward, everyone heard Feng Xun screaming in the distance.

Feng Wu rushed to his rescue.

Seeing how Jun Linyuan was treating Feng Xun, Feng Wu lost her temper. She stood between the two guys and faced Jun Linyuan with her arms spread out!

Jun Linyuan’s hand was smashing down in Feng Wu’s direction.


Everyone cried out in fear!

Feng Wu’s head would be split open if that fist landed on her head.

Did His Royal Highness hate Feng Wu that much?

Feng Wu was actually a nice person!

Feng Wu closed her eyes in fear.

The wind grazed against her cheek like a sharp razor!

For a moment there, Feng Wu thought she was going to die.

The fist was only a few centimeters from Feng Wu’s face now.

Holy shit!

Many covered their eyes.

They couldn’t bring themselves to watch this anymore.

It was too frightening!

However, Jun Linyuan’s fist missed Feng Wu’s head by a millimeter at the last moment.

Ssss —

Feng Wu drew in her breath. She had really thought she was going to die!

Jun Linyuan paused and stared at Feng Wu with a brooding and fierce look in his eyes. He wouldn’t be challenged like this!

The air felt very heavy.

Many were worried about Feng Wu.

Someone said quietly, “Actually, Feng Wu is a really nice person…”

Once that was out, everyone began to gingerly speak their minds.

“Your Royal Highness, Feng Wu’s really kind…”

“She taught us to hide in the snow caves.”

“And she told us to keep warm with heated stones.”


“Your Royal Highness, please forgive Feng Wu…” someone called out.

At those words, many dropped to their knees and called out, “Your Royal Highness, please forgive Feng Wu!”

Jun Linyuan was speechless.

He was so mad that he wanted to throttle the girl, but of course he couldn’t bring himself to do it. However, he didn’t expect her to be so popular.

Throwing a dirty look at Feng Wu, the crown prince stormed off.

Shi Xuan and the others were baffled.

They did it!

“Feng Wu, Feng Wu —” Everyone rushed to Feng Wu and gathered around her in bewilderment.

“What did you do? Why is His Royal Highness so mad?”

“That’s an understatement. He was going to kill Xiao Wu!”

“Well, all is fine now. Xiao Wu, I’d stay out of His Royal Highness’s way if I were you. You might get killed for no reason. Alright?”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

“Well, Feng Wu, what was that all about?”

Feng Wu scratched her head. She couldn’t tell them that she had snuck into Jun Linyuan’s bedroom in the middle of the night, even if she had only been fulfilling her promise.

“I have no idea.”

Feng Wu rubbed her head and put on an innocent look.

Recalling how unpredictable the crown prince was, everyone sighed in resignation. The guy was a mystery.

Poor little Feng Wu.

882 His Royal Highness Likes You! 5

“Come over here —”

Feng Xun led Feng Wu to the back of the pile of snow. Xuan Yi tried to sneak off, but Feng Xun dragged him back.

The three of them were the only ones left in the clearing.

Because of the chilly wind, all three crouched down and formed a circle.

Feng Xun asked Feng Wu right away, “I didn’t want to ask you in front of all those people, but we’re alone now. My dear sister, what did you say to Boss Jun just then?”

Feng Wu looked the most innocent. “Nothing…”

Feng Xun snorted. “If that’s the case, why was Boss Jun so pissed?”

Feng Wu said, “He’s always pissed.”

Feng Xun rubbed his nose. She was right.

“But he was especially pissed this time! He even forced me into a duel!” Feng Xun had yet to recover from the shock. Patting his chest, he said, “Boss Jun did it once before. He dragged me into a duel last time for no reason, too.”

Feng Wu frowned. “…My dear brother, I wouldn’t call ass-kicking a duel.”

Feng Xun was almost in tears. “Can you at least try to be tactful about it? Although, you do have a point. Boss Jun never fights or duels, he only beats people up or kills them.”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

“I told him no, but you know what he told me? I was going to be his partner in training!” Feng Xun sounded frustrated. “You have to be an equal match to be a partner in training! Do you think that’s what I am? An equal match?”

Feng Wu rubbed her nose. “Not really…”

“You don’t say!” Feng Xun stomped his foot. “A partner in training for him is as good as a punching bag!”

Feng Wu and Xuan Yi nodded in unison.

Feng Xun darted an aggrieved glance at Xuan Yi. “Xuan the Second, why are you always so lucky?”

Xuan Yi was confused. “Huh?”

Feng Xun said, “You just happened to hear the call of nature at that moment? We could at least have shared the beating if you were with me.”

Xuan Yi rubbed his nose. “Well…”

Feng Wu and Xuan Yi exchanged looks.

They reached an agreement right away. No one was to talk about that bet!

Feng Wu looked at Feng Xun sympathetically. “Feng the Third, it must have been so hard keeping yourself alive when growing up with Jun Linyuan.”

“It wasn’t always like this. Boss Jun is really, really angry this time!” Feng Xun shook his head.

“He’s really that pissed?”


“Isn’t he always angry?”

“He’s not. His mind was wandering off just this morning. And not only was he absent-minded, he was even smiling a little. He was in a good mood,” Feng Xun said with a long face. He was so confused.

Xuan Yi gave Feng Xun a thumbs up in his head.

He then checked the look on Feng Wu’s face!

A girl as bright as little Feng Wu had to be able to see through His Royal Highness’s abnormal behavior right away.

However, to Xuan Yi’s disappointment —

Feng Wu frowned. “That’s strange. If that’s the case, he wasn’t angry this morning.”

Feng Xun nodded.

“But wasn’t he all furious when he came to me just then?

“That’s right.”

“Why was that?”

Exchanging looks, Feng Xun and Feng Wu said in unison, “He finds you (me) annoying!”

What a frustrating discovery…

Both Feng Wu and Feng Xun lowered their heads, looking defeated.

No! It wasn’t like that!

Next to them, Xuan Yi was exasperated.

Why were these two smart people behaving like a pair of idiots now? They were on the wrong track!

883 His Royal Highness Likes You! 6

Xuan Yi tried to lead them in the right direction.

“Do you think there’s another possibility?”

“What is that?”

Feng Wu and Feng Xun turned their heads in unison and stared at Xuan Yi.

“Is it possible that… Boss Jun actually… likes little Feng Wu?”

“Pfft —”

“Hahahaha —”

Feng Wu and Feng Xun guffawed, and both gave Xuan Yi “you idiot” looks.

Xuan Yi rubbed his forehead.

He had thought that Boss Jun was the only one that wouldn’t admit his true feelings, but as it turned out, Feng Wu was no better… Boss Jun was doomed to have a very bumpy journey in his quest to court his beloved girl.

“Xuan Yi, are you even listening to yourself? Can you tell the difference between liking a person and not?” Feng Xun was baffled. “Has Boss Jun ever shown Feng Wu any kindness from the moment they met for the first time? He’s either frowning or pissed off. When he doesn’t storm off, he tries to beat her up… And you call that ‘liking her’?”

Xuan Yi was rendered speechless. He wanted to help Boss Jun out, he really did, but there was nothing he could do.

“Well, where were we?” Feng Xun ignored Xuan Yi and went back to Feng Wu.

“Your Boss Jun is very angry.”

“Yes, he is. He’s exceptionally angry this time. He wasn’t like this before. He used to be so graceful, aloof, and majestic. He never showed his emotions. A volcano could erupt right in front of him and he wouldn’t even blink. But how many times has he lost control so far?”

Rubbing his chin, Feng Xun was all the more confused. “Since when did all this start?”

“When?” Feng Wu frowned.

All of a sudden, Feng Xun raised his head and stared at Feng Wu!

Feng Wu flinched. “What?”

That look gave her the creeps.

Feng Xun grabbed Feng Wu’s arm. “It all started at the northern border! More precisely, it all started after he met you!”

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