《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》866-867-868-869-870-871


866 Feng Wu Is Brilliant! 5

“What’s she doing, then?”

“She’s unconscious.”

“What?” Feng Xun looked shocked. “She passed out? That girl is stronger than a calf. How could she pass out?”

“She was bitten by a venomous snake.” Once the blade of her dagger was red with heat from the fire, Feng Wu picked the dagger up and pulled up one of Duan Chaoge’s legs.

Seeing that Feng Xun was still standing there, Feng Wu shook her head. “Brother, go fetch me some rocks.”

Feng Xun was bewildered. “How big do you need them?”

Feng Wu said, “The size of baby fists, preferably.”

“What do you need them for?”

“You’ll see. Please hurry.”

Feng Wu cut Feng Xun off before he could ask another question. “Get me those rocks and you’ll know what they’re for.”

That was all the explanation she was going to give…

Feng Xun promptly left the tent.

Feng Wu shook her head with a wry smile. She was about to cut one of Chaoge’s trouser legs open, and a guy shouldn’t be in the room. There would be rumors if they weren’t careful.

Feng Wu swept her palm across Chaoge’s right calf after Feng Xun left the tent.

The cloth turned to ash at her touch.

And it revealed the wound on Chaoge’s calf.

The wound had swollen to the size of a peach and looked as if it was ready to burst at any moment. The skin around the wound had turned black and gave off a strange energy as well as a horrible smell…

Moreover, a black line had emerged on Chaoge’s skin and was moving up her calf.

Feng Wu examined it and saw that it had reached as far as Chaoge’s thigh. It wouldn’t be long before it reached her spine.

When that happened, Chaoge would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair!

And she would die when it reached her heart!

Feng Wu gritted her teeth. It pained her just to think about it.

She tried to find a spot to cut into the wound with the red-hot blade, but shook her head after a moment of hesitation.

She couldn’t find one.

It was easy to release the puss, but not as easy to clear all the toxins from Chaoge’s system.

Feng Wu had a 90% chance of saving Chaoge if they were outside this place and had full access to all the medicine she needed. However, stranded in this abominable place, that chance had fallen to 50%.

If anything unexpected happened during the procedure, Chaoge would die!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu put the dagger down.

“If only I had some Cleansing Bee Pills on me…” Feng Wu rubbed her forehead.

Feng Wu had designed the Cleansing Bee Pill herself, and she knew that it would be the perfect antidote for the Red-Eyed Snake.

But where was she supposed to find Cleansing Bee Pills now?

She didn’t have any on her.

“You need Cleansing Bee Pills?”

A voice rang out behind Feng Wu.

She turned around to find Xuan Yi at the door.

Feng Wu asked, “Why are you here?”

Xuan Yi said, “To bring you the rocks. Can you tell me what they’re for, now?”

“Throw them in the brazier.”

“That’s it?”

“How elaborate did you expect it to be?” Feng Wu found Xuan Yi’s question amusing.

Xuan Yi shrugged, then tossed a dozen or so rocks of roughly the same small size into the fire. He then turned in Feng Wu’s direction. “You need Cleansing Bee Pills?”


“Do you have any?” Feng Wu frowned.

“Actually, I do. But I’ve only got one bottle.”

Feng Wu was elated. “Give it to me, then.”

“Why should I?” Crossing his arms, Xuan Yi stared at Feng Wu with a half-smile on his face.

Feng Wu frowned. “Those aren’t exactly expensive pills. You can get a bottle for a coin anywhere outside.”

“But you can’t do that here, can you? It’s a scarce resource.” Xuan Yi grinned at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu’s frown grew bigger.

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Why did she get the feeling that Xuan Yi was behaving differently today? And did he seem more talkative than usual?

Feng Wu said, “I’ll pay you a hundred-fold.”

Xuan Yi chuckled. “Little Feng Wu, do you think I’m in need of small change like that?”

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu looked into his eyes. “Chaoge is mortally wounded and she needs those Cleansing Bee Pills, which you don’t really need at the moment. Please let me use them. I’ll owe you a big favor.”

Xuan Yi only smiled, but wouldn’t reply.

Feng Wu darted a look at the tent entrance.

Xuan Yi said casually, “Feng Xun has gone to His Royal Highness and won’t be back for a while.”

“So, you came prepared.” Putting the dagger away, Feng Wu stared at Xuan Yi. “We’ll talk outside!”

Holding his sword between his crossed arms, Xuan Yi followed Feng Wu out.

Once they walked behind an ice wall, Feng Wu narrowed her eyes in an intimidating manner.

“Xuan the Second, speak your mind.” She stared at him.

Feng Wu believed that she knew Xuan Yi well enough to know that he wouldn’t turn away from the wounded. It was obvious that he had his own reasons.

“It’s nothing, really.”

“I can tell there’s something behind it. Just say it.”

“I won’t put it that way.”

“You sent Feng Xun off on purpose before coming to me and you’re using Cleansing Bee Pills as bait. If that’s not deliberate, I don’t know what is.”

“Well…” Xuan Yi rubbed his nose.

“You’ve been acting strangely these days. What’s going on?” Feng Wu narrowed her eyes and looked Xuan Yi up and down.

“No, I haven’t.” Xuan Yi didn’t sound so sure.

“You used to be as prim as an old man. What happened? You’re all nosy and meddling.”

Xuan Yi looked embarrassed. He then stared at Feng Wu. “Do you want those Cleansing Bee Pills or not?”

Feng Wu said, “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

Xuan Yi rubbed his nose again. Feng Wu’s intense gaze made him fidget a little. “Actually… I was going to save those Cleansing Bee Pills for myself.”

Feng Wu nodded. “Alright.”

“But if you really want them… We’ll leave it up to God’s will.”

“What do you mean by ‘God’s will’?”

“Easy. Let’s make a bet.”

“What bet?”

“The simplest one. How about rock, paper, scissors? I’ll give you those pills if you win. But if you lose… I can still give you those pills, but on one condition.”

Feng Wu smiled a little. There we go.

Xuan Yi lowered his head and whispered something in Feng Wu’s ear.

Feng Wu’s face darkened immediately!

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” She flared up.

Xuan Yi shrugged. “You heard me. It’s up to you whether to take the offer or not.”

In Xuan Yi’s hand was that bottle of Cleansing Bee Pills, which cost next to nothing in the outside world, but was invaluable here.


Feng Wu took a deep breath.

“What will you get out of this? Nothing!” Feng Wu was torn inside, for that offer was so… She felt like freaking out just thinking about it.

“You can always say no.” Xuan Yi turned to leave.

“Wait!” Feng Wu called after Xuan Yi.

The teenager smiled a little.

“Fine. Alright.” Feng Wu ground her teeth.

Her top priority now was Chaoge. If that wound was left untreated and something else unexpected happened… Feng Wu couldn’t take that risk.

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Xuan Yi secretly let out a breath of relief when he heard Feng Wu’s reply.

He was going so far just to help Boss Jun.

“Are you sure about playing rock, paper, scissors?” Feng Wu found the idea preposterous.

“That’s right. We’ll leave it to fate.”

“Xuan the Second, you really have nothing better to do, don’t you?”

“We don’t have much to do around here anyway, do we?”

Feng Wu asked, “So, best of three wins?”

Xuan Yi said, “No, let’s get it over with in one go.”

“Get what over with? Hey, what secret are the two of you keeping from me?” Feng Wu and Xuan Yi jumped at the sudden voice.

Feng Xun?

The teenager eyed the two of them suspiciously. “Since when are you so close?”

Feng Wu snapped, “Xuan the Second here is so bored that he wants to play rock, paper, scissors.”

“You have time to do that?” Feng Xun rolled his eyes.

With everything that was going on in the campsite, all the candidates were on edge, not to mention that people were cold and starving. And these two were playing rock, paper, scissors here?

“Good, you can be our judge.” Xuan Yi then turned to Feng Wu. “Let’s stand back to back and raise our right hands. We’ll move at the same time. Sounds fair?”

Feng Wu nodded. “Alright.” The guy had the Cleansing Bee Pills and he was the one to call the shots.

Three, two, one!

They showed their hands at the same time!

Without seeing each other’s faces, it was really all down to luck.

“Little Feng Wu, you’re so lousy! He’s scissors and you’re paper. You lost!” Feng Xun cried out.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

Xuan Yi stuffed the bottle of pills into Feng Wu’s hand, then whispered in her ear, “Be sure to come tonight.”

He left after that.

Feng Wu had never looked so conflicted.

Feng Xun was bewildered. “What did he just tell you?”

Feng Wu said, “Nothing.”

“And what’s with that look on your face?”

“It’s the losing face.”

Feng Xun said, “…Alright. I can’t believe that Xuan the Second! He tricked my sister! He couldn’t lose!”

Feng Wu asked, “How so?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Know what?”

Feng Xun sighed. “Xuan Yi has this ability: He can read other people’s minds when he makes contact with them.”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

That explained everything!

No wonder he wanted to stand with their backs against each other.

That Xuan Yi!

He was going to give her those pills no matter what. Why did he go through that extra step?

“Why did you tell me?!” Feng Wu glared at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun grinned. “You wouldn’t have taken the bet if I told you, would you? Plus, you’re always so sure of yourself; it feels nice to see you get tricked for a change…”


“…Speaking of which, what did you bet on?”

“Cleansing Bee Pills. They’re for Chaoge.”

Rubbing his chin, Feng Xun eyed Feng Wu suspiciously. “Why do I feel that there’s more to it… Are you two planning something behind my back?”

“…I’m not telling you!”

Feng Wu turned to leave in frustration.

Feng Xun followed her. “Hey, little Feng Wu, I’m your brother!”

Feng Wu glared at him. “Is that why you just helped that guy to trick me?!”

Feng Xun rubbed his nose.

With Cleansing Bee Pills, Feng Wu could operate on Chaoge.

“Take those rocks out of the fire, wrap them in fish skin, and bring them to me,” Feng Wu instructed Feng Xun, before she cut Chaoge’s skin open.

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“Why do we need to wrap the rocks in fish skin?” Feng Xun was confused.

However, when Feng Wu began to put the wrapped rocks around Chaoge —

Feng Xun saw the light. “Why, Chaoge seems to be warming up.”

Feng Wu nodded. “That’s right. Heated stones don’t cool down that easily and can stay warm for much longer once wrapped in this special fish skin. They’ll be able to keep her warm throughout the night.”

Someone cried out a few steps away.

Feng Wu turned around and saw that it was that girl who had been taking care of Gongsun Qing. She remembered she was called Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan looked excited. “Miss Feng, can I use that method as well?”

Feng Wu asked, “What method?”

Shi Xuan said in excitement, “To warm up with heated stones.”

Feng Wu looked very innocent. “Of course. Isn’t it common sense?”

Common sense?

Shi Xuan and Feng Xun exchanged looks. They had never heard about such common sense!

Feng Xun was thrilled. “The other people won’t freeze to death! Little Feng Wu, you’re brilliant!”

Feng Xun ran out of the tent after that.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

What did she do? Why was she so brilliant?

After treating Chaoge, Feng Wu checked the sky outside and saw that it was about time.

She was conflicted.

Should she keep her promise with Xuan Yi?

If she didn’t go… She could almost see Xuan Yi sneering at her.

But if she did go… It would be so humiliating!

But one had to always honor a bet, no matter how hard it would be. She had her principles!


Feng Wu took a deep breath. So be it! It wasn’t like she was going to do it again!

Taking off the white apron which she had worn for the operation, she tossed it aside and marched out of the tent.

All the candidates were sleeping in their holes and the campsite was empty.

Feng Wu’s tent was on the north side, while Jun Linyuan’s cabin was on the south side. There was some distance between the two.

Holding her breath, Feng Wu walked all the way from her tent to the cabin; the entire time, she couldn’t see any light in the windows of the cabin.

It was deep into the night and it was all hushed.

When Feng Wu reached the door to the cabin, the courage she had summoned up began to fade.

Xuan the Second was the worst!

He had done this on purpose and was waiting to laugh at her!

His request was that she had to kiss Jun Linyuan and tell the guy, “I’m in love with you.”

It was…

Feng Wu walked around the cabin in circles and her courage kept fading…

Should she talk to Xuan the Second and change the terms?


Xuan the Second popped up behind her when she wasn’t paying attention.


Feng Wu turned around to find Xuan Yi behind her, which made her jump. She glared at him. “You scared the crap out of me!”

“We’re not changing it.” Xuan the Second grinned. “Although, you can always leave if you’re willing to admit that you’re a person that won’t honor your word.”

Feng Wu gritted her teeth. “Xuan the Second! You just can’t wait to laugh at me, can you?!”

Holding his sword between his crossed arms, Xuan Yi raised an eyebrow.

Feng Wu challenged him. “You think I can’t do it?!”

“Can you?”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

She really wanted to back out…

However, she was so irritated by the taunting look in Xuan Yi’s eyes!

“It’s just a bet and I’m going to keep my word!” Feng Wu snorted and marched toward the cabin!

Looking at Feng Wu from behind, Xuan Yi narrowed his eyes.

870 A Kiss! 1

Did Xuan Yi have no feelings for Feng Wu at all? That wasn’t the case.

However, he had to find out how little Feng Wu felt about Jun Linyuan first.

Xuan Yi believed that she would never agree to such preposterous terms if she didn’t have any feelings for Jun Linyuan at all, hence the seemingly pointless bet.

He was testing Feng Wu.

Maybe the girl hadn’t realized how much she actually cared about Jun Linyuan.

Feng Wu reached the door to the cabin, and for some reason, she flinched. She looked over her shoulder at Xuan Yi.

A few steps away, Xuan the Second stood in the snowfield, holding his sword between his crossed arms.

He gave her a knowing look and a half-smile.

That irritated Feng Wu.

So be it! She wouldn’t be intimidated! She would get it over with and run away before Jun Linyuan found out.

Feng Wu pressed her ear to the door and listened carefully.

The breathing sounded long and even. His Royal Highness was really asleep.

But that didn’t fully convince Feng Wu. Taking out a tube filled with sleeping incense powder, she began to blow it into the cabin.

Whoosh —

The powder was a special concoction of Feng Wu’s, and was supposed to be highly effective. It should take effect in less than five minutes.

Because Jun Linyuan was the person in question here, Feng Wu waited for a few more minutes. She only pushed the door open fifteen minutes later.

The cabin had been crudely built and a straw rope had been used to lock the door, which Feng Wu thought would be easy to untie. However, she soon realized that the knot was impossible to untie.

She moved to the window instead.

Luckily, the window wasn’t locked. Feng Wu carefully pried the window open and jumped in as quiet as a cat.

She did everything in one smooth motion without any pause in between.

The window was left open, for Feng Wu knew she would be leaving soon.

Silver moonlight poured into the room like running water and shone on Jun Linyuan’s face.

The crown prince was lying there with his hands crossed on his abdomen.

The clear and bright moonlight gave his deep-set, exquisite features extra charisma, bringing out his natural charm.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu walked gingerly to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Feng Wu waved a finger in front of his face. “Jun Linyuan? Jun Linyuan?”

She had to make sure he was really asleep.

He gave no reply.

Feng Wu was elated!

However, she still wasn’t fully convinced. Could a formidable man like Jun Linyuan be drugged that easily?

She drew a dagger out of her sleeve for another test.

The blade glinted coldly in the moonlight.

She then swept the blade down at Jun Linyuan’s forehead!

Jun Linyuan’s eyes remained closed and he didn’t move a muscle.

He would have dodged if he was pretending to be asleep.

However, he didn’t even flinch when the tip of the blade was 1cm away from him.

That was to say…

Jun Linyuan was really drugged?

Oh god, this was a one-in-a-million chance!

Putting the dagger away, Feng Wu put a hand on either side of Jun Linyuan’s head and lowered her head. Staring at Jun Linyuan’s face, she quickly said the words that Xuan Yi had told her to say.

Although, there was a little twist. Feng Wu said it in French, which was unknown in this world.

Je t’aime.

Feng Wu couldn’t even bring herself to look at Jun Linyuan’s face after saying those words, fearing that the guy might wake up. It would be so embarrassing!

She then lowered her head to kiss him.

But she was too nervous and lost her balance. The next second, she fell on top of Jun Linyuan!

871 A Kiss! 2

She fell on top of him and their lips touched!

Feng Wu felt like screaming!

She was supposed to kiss him without letting him know, not smash into him to wake him up!

Feng Wu was still feeling frustrated when she sensed an intense gaze. She raised her head and looked into a pair of bright eyes!

Feng Wu: !!!

Their eyes met.

Blood rushed into Feng Wu’s head and she felt as if she had just been struck by lightning! Her head went completely blank!

For a moment, Feng Wu didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.

Their lips had touched and she had looked into his eyes…


Feng Wu finally came back to herself. Shoving Jun Linyuan away, she jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

She was soon nowhere to be seen.

Jun Linyuan didn’t know what to say.

In the dark, he touched his thin lips and smiled.

Little Feng Wu, I finally know what you want!

Feng Wu ran all the way back to her tent and closed the door loudly behind her as she gasped for breath.

She couldn’t get the image out of her head.

It was so embarrassing!

How could she wake Jun Linyuan up?!

That ruined all her plans!

Would he begin to assume things?

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