《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》860-861-862-863-864-865


860 Unexpected! 7

The first thing Xuan Yi noticed when he walked into the tent was Feng Wu’s bloody wrist.

“What happened?!” Xuan Yi cried out.

Boss Jun would go berserk if he saw this!

Xuan Yi glared at Feng Xun. “What kind of brother are you? Your sister is still bleeding and you’re looking after someone else?!”

Like Jun Linyuan, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi only cared about those they deemed as one of their own.

Shi Xuan listened in embarrassment, but didn’t dare to utter a sound.

Feng Xun snapped, “What? Xiao Wu’s wound hasn’t been treated yet? Oh god, I’m such an idiot!”

Feng Xun forgot all about Gongsun Qing and went to look after Feng Wu.

Shi Xuan was speechless.

Four hours had passed when Feng Wu woke up again. The sun was setting and the light was fading outside.

She looked up to see the concerned expression on Feng Xun’s face and his frighteningly bright eyes.

“What time is it now?” Feng Wu asked weakly.

“It’s a little after five. The sun’s almost down.”

“How’s Gongsun Qing doing?”

Feng Xun rolled his eyes at Feng Wu. “I’d worry more about myself if I were you. Who the hell is that Gongsun Qing? She’s not worthy of your blood.”

“There’s greater merit in saving a life than building a great temple.” Feng Wu smiled.

As a matter of fact, she would never have used her own blood under normal circumstances, but what was happening was anything but normal. Luckily, blood was a renewable resource.

“I don’t care about a stupid temple! You’re the world to me! Remember this: nothing is more important than your own life!”

A smile appeared on Feng Wu’s pale face. “It feels good to have a big brother.”

This was the first time that Feng Wu had addressed Feng Xun as her brother.

Feng Xun almost blushed. Scratching his head, he said, “Well, I’m going to Boss Jun now. I’ll come back with something nice for you!”

Something nice for her? An idea struck Feng Wu. Could Jun Linyuan…

In Jun Linyuan’s cabin.

“Boss Jun, you have no idea what Xiao Wu has gone through,” Feng Xun said with a long face. “She’s such a brave girl. She cut her wrist open for another person! The blood gushed out like a fountain! Gosh, I was so frightened!”

Feng Xun didn’t look frightened, but the crown prince blanched a little.

It was just that Feng Xun didn’t notice.

The crown prince had gone stiff. He felt a chill run down his spine as he stared at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun said, “I kept wondering, was it worth it for her to hurt herself to save that Gongsun Qing?”

The crown prince said, “No!”

“I thought the same.” Feng Xun nodded. “My sister is so kind and naive…”

“She’s stupid!” Jun Linyuan’s eyes flickered.

Feng Xun cleared his throat. “Well, the girl has lost a lot of blood and she’s all dizzy. Boss Jun, do you have any tonics or potions on you that can help her?”

Feng Xun smiled obsequiously and put an open palm under Jun Linyuan’s nose.

Jun Linyuan glanced at him, then rose to his feet and walked out with an impassive face.

Feng Xun followed him out immediately.

Jun Linyuan headed directly for Feng Wu’s tent.

On their way there, many rose to their feet to show their reverent respect for their crown prince.

“Have you heard? Feng Wu saved Gongsun Qing’s life.”


861 Unexpected! 8

“And I also heard that Feng Wu cut her wrist open to save Gongsun Qing. Her blood was what stopped Gongsun Qing from dying.”

“Feng Wu did that?”

“I heard it from Shi Xuan herself. Shi Xuan is Gongsun Qing’s best friend and she was there the whole time. She saw it with her own eyes. It has to be true.”

“So… Feng Wu is actually a kind person.”

Those on Mu Yaoyao’s side couldn’t take it anymore and interjected, “No, she’s not! Even if what you said is true, she only did it to win popularity!”

“So, you would cut your own wrist to save other people with your own blood to win popularity?”

“Th- that’s because Feng Wu is a physician! She was only doing what she’s supposed to do!”

“That’s moral coercion. Since when is it mandatory for all physicians to offer their blood?”


Shi Xuan stared at Yao Ying, who was standing next to Mu Yaoyao. “Answer me this: could you do the same if you were her?”

Yao Ying stammered, “I…”

Shi Xuan smirked. “Feng Wu didn’t even treat her own wound when she told Young Lord Feng to save Sister Qing.

“Answer me. Could you do the same if you were her?!”


Shi Xuan went on, “I’ve heard a lot about Feng Wu in the past few days. Everyone’s been telling me how impossible she is and how infatuated she is with guys. They made her sound like an idiot and a good-for-nothing. But after observing her myself, why do I get the feeling that she’s a worthier friend than a lot of other people?”

Many pondered Shi Xuan’s words…

Naturally, Jun Linyuan heard the conversation as well.

Feng Xun was pleased. “They’ve finally realized how amazing my sister is! I’d say what happened was a blessing in disguise. Xiao Wu turned out to be the winner.”

“You moron!”

To Jun Linyuan, no fame was remotely as important as Feng Wu’s safety!

Back in the tent.

Feng Wu looked up to find the stunning face of Jun Linyuan, but it didn’t bring Feng Wu any joy. Her face only darkened.

The atmosphere was rather awkward.

Before Feng Xun could smile, Feng Wu rose to her feet and headed for the door. She blurted out when she walked past the crown prince, “Come outside!”

Her tone was so commanding!

Feng Xun jumped.

How bold! Had the girl forgotten what happened to Gongsun Qing?

Gongsun Qing had assumed too much and thought too highly of herself. Look what happened to her! Feng Wu, on the other hand, had just given the crown prince an order!

Even His Majesty wouldn’t order Boss Jun around…

However, Feng Xun was still venting his sarcasm in his head when his Boss Jun followed Feng Xun out.

Feng Xun was rendered speechless.

He looked at Xuan Yi in amazement.

Xuan Yi shrugged.

It was so obvious. And this Feng Xun called himself the smartest man in the imperial capital?

Next to a high pile of snow.

Feng Wu took a deep breath and looked up at Jun Linyuan, who was at least 20cm taller than her.

Feng Wu barely reached the crown prince’s shoulder.

Feng Wu convinced herself that she was still young. She was sure that she could grow up to Jun Linyuan’s ear in a few years!

But that wasn’t the point!

Face dark, Feng Wu said in a solemn tone, “Jun Linyuan, with everything that has happened, are you still going to deny you’re at fault?!”


Jun Linyuan ignored her. He picked up her right hand.

Feng Wu Is Brilliant! 1

Her thin wrist was wrapped in thick layers of gauze. It looked hideous.

The look on Jun Linyuan’s face was very dangerous.

“Jun Linyuan! Let go of me! I’m talking to you!” Feng Wu struggled.

She took a deep breath. “I know you’re a distinguished figure and that you’re expected to look down upon everyone else, but that doesn’t give you the right to ignore the lives of others!

“Fine, you’re all powerful, but that doesn’t mean that the weak deserve to die!

“Gongsun Qing only spilled a drop of tea on you and you wanted to kill her over such a petty thing!

“Jun Linyuan, I’ve never met anyone as cold-blooded as you!”

After everything Jun Linyuan had put her through over the past few days, Feng Wu had had enough. She blurted everything out without hesitation!

Jun Linyuan didn’t say anything in response. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Feng Wu’s wounded wrist the whole time. At his side, Feng Wu felt overwhelmed by his intimidating aura. It was hard to breathe.

Feng Wu wanted to go on, but Jun Linyuan had picked up her hand and began to examine it.

“You —”

Was he even listening?

“Does it hurt?” Before she knew it, Jun Linyuan had removed the gauze and was staring at her mangled wrist.

“No, not really…”

This unexpected show of affection gave Feng Wu the creeps.

But that didn’t last. The next second —

Jun Linyuan had wrapped his fingers around Feng Wu’s wrist!

“Do you want to die that badly?”

Feng Wu stammered, “I… I don’t… It’s just…”

“This is the last time!” Jun Linyuan said in a husky voice, and he squeezed out each word through gritted teeth. “I’ll kill every single person you save this way!”

That look in his eyes!

It was so malicious!

He meant it!

There was a gust of wind and the hair on Feng Wu’s back stood up!

Jun Linyuan then released her wrist. Feng Wu almost lost her balance, and had to lean back on the pile of snow as she gasped for air.

Jun Linyuan stared at her for another moment with a gaze as sharp as an eagle’s. Only then did he turn around and leave.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

She only realized a moment later that she had been the one to summon the guy out here.

She was supposed to tell him off!

How did it turn into a lecture for herself?

She was so mad!

However, Feng Wu’s stomach lurched a little when she recalled the look in Jun Linyuan’s eyes…

She was seldom afraid of someone, but Jun Linyuan did frighten her.

Because the guy was unpredictable, had no respect for life, and was capable of doing anything!

“Xiao Wu, sob, Xiao Wu —”

A voice rang out a short distance away.

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up!

It was Chaoge!

That was her voice!

Feng Wu turned around to see Chaoge running toward her. Her face was smeared with dust.

“Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu —” Chaoge cried out in excitement, but she was limping. Before she could reach Feng Wu, she lost her balance and rolled down the slope.

Exasperated, Feng Wu ran over to Chaoge and helped her to her feet.

“Xiao Wu, sob —” Chaoge was thrilled as she hugged Feng Wu. “Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere.”

Feng Wu rubbed her head. “I’ve been looking for you, too. Why weren’t you with them?”


“Mu Yaoyao, Gongsun Qing, and the others.”

“Hmph, I don’t like any of them. I wanted to find you on my own. Ouch —” Chaoge cried out in pain all of a sudden.

863 Feng Wu Is Brilliant! 2

Feng Wu frowned. “Show me.”

Chaoge chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. A magical beast just bit me in the leg, and it hurts a little, that’s all.”

“What magical beast?”

“A snowy white snake. It was really pretty and I wanted to catch it. But it didn’t go as expected…” Chaoge said with a long face.

“You silly girl —” Feng Wu jabbed Chaoge’s forehead with a finger and went on examining her. She froze all of a sudden.

The look on her face turned grave.

Chaoge was bewildered. “Xiao Wu, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? What happened to your face? And your hand…”

Chaoge reached out to hold Feng Wu’s hand, but Feng Wu remained serious.

“Xiao Wu… wh- what’s wrong? Are you very ill?” Chaoge was flustered.

Feng Wu took a deep breath. “Chaoge, I need to tell you something.”

“Of course. I’ll help you no matter what, come hell or high water. Xiao Wu, please don’t be afraid.” Chaoge held Feng Wu’s hand and nodded solemnly.

Feng Wu would be lying if she said she wasn’t moved…

Feng Wu wanted to tell Chaoge that the snake was extremely poisonous and that she didn’t have any antidote on her, not even adequate raw ingredients to make one… But she couldn’t bring herself to tell Chaoge!

“Let’s get you back first.” Feng Wu helped Chaoge to her feet.

“Gosh, this leg is killing me.” Chaoge drew in her breath and smacked her own thigh!

“Don’t!” Feng Wu cried out.

The toxin was in a dormant state, but her smack could trigger the flow of her blood and quicken the spread of the toxin.

“I’ll carry you.”

Feng Wu immediately threw Chaoge on her back and headed for the tent.

“Xiao Wu, put me down! Put me down now! You’re dying, you shouldn’t be doing this! I should be the one carrying you!” Chaoge squirmed on Feng Wu’s back and yelled.

Feng Xun rushed out at the noise. “What’s going on? What is it? What do you mean Xiao Wu’s dying?”

Feng Xun freaked out.

After the blood loss, Feng Wu was in fact too weak to carry Chaoge. She put her friend on Feng Xun’s back instead. “Take her back into the tent.”

Feng Xun didn’t want to, but he obeyed after seeing his sister’s pale face. After steadying Chaoge on his back, he told Feng Wu, “It’s so cold out here. Let’s go back in.”

All the other candidates were sitting out in the open as a cold, snowy wind blasted through the valley.

Someone had tried to start a fire, but with the howling wind and the heavy snow, the fire was smothered almost as soon as the wood lit up.

Their faces had turned blue and everyone was shivering.

Looking at their pale faces and purple lips, Feng Wu shook her head in resignation. These people had zero ability to survive in the cold.

As she walked past the crowd, she said coldly, “Dig a hole in the snow where it’s less windy. It’ll be warmer inside.”

She had told them what to do; it was up to them to make the choice. That was as much help as Feng Wu could offer.

Feng Wu didn’t try to keep her voice down, so a lot of candidates heard her.

They whispered among themselves after Feng Wu left.

“What did Feng Wu say?”

864 Feng Wu Is Brilliant! 3

“She said we should dig a hole in the snow and sleep in it. It’ll be warmer that way.”

“Is she trying to kill us? The snow is freezing, and a hole underground will be the same. And she’s telling us to sleep in it?”

“We won’t live to see another sunrise if we do that.”

A voice cut them off at that moment.

“Why do I get the feeling that Feng Wu’s instruction makes sense?”

It was Shi Xuan.

Ever since Feng Wu saved Gongsun Qing with her own blood despite how the latter had mistreated her, Shi Xuan had changed her opinion of Feng Wu.

Many smirked at this.

“Is that so? Miss Shi, please enlighten us.”

Shi Xuan said, “I can’t, but I’m willing to try. We’ll freeze to death all the same if we just sit here.”

Shi Xuan was the first to dig.

Those around her tried to stop her, but she persisted.

She was willing to trust Feng Wu, although she also found it impossible that a snowpit could be warmer.

Soon, she made a hole big enough for one person.

Shi Xuan was the first to enter.


Shi Xuan’s eyes lit up!

She had thought that Feng Wu was making fun of them, but as it turned out, Feng Wu was right!

It was so much warmer inside!

Shi Xuan wasn’t on her own; after Gongsun Qing was injured, she became the leader of Gongsun Qing’s team.

She walked out and gave the order to her team of fifteen.

“Let’s start digging! From 50m to the east and 30m to the west under this big rock! We’re making a very big snowpit!”

“But…” The others hesitated.

Shi Xuan said decisively, “I know you all have doubts, but you’ll see after you do this!”

Facts spoke louder than words.

With Gongsun Qing gone, the team members followed Shi Xuan’s instruction.

They knelt and began to dig with their weapons.

Cold and starved, they began to show signs of hypothermia and grew weaker.

Luckily, with their combined efforts, the hole was finished in time.

After they climbed in…

There was no need for Shi Xuan to explain, for —

Everyone beamed at one another!

“Oh god! It’s so warm here!”

“It completely blocks the wind from getting in!”

“I didn’t think this would work! Feng Wu was right!”

Quite a few candidates were still outside and waiting to laugh at the team. However, they were baffled when they saw how cheerful they were.

What was going on?

Some of them found excuses to enter the little cave.

They felt the difference in temperature as soon as they walked in!

The looks on their faces changed!

That actually worked!

A teenager named Fan Yuan was the first to take action.

He had always been kind of an outsider, and he was now the first to take action!

Without another word, he dashed off and began to dig under that big rock.

More people joined in…

Everyone was digging like rats, and snow scattered everywhere.

865 Feng Wu Is Brilliant! 4

Mu Yaoyao and Xuanyuan Yi were dumbfounded.

Especially Mu Yaoyao. She grabbed a girl by the arm when the latter ran past her.

“What’s going on there? What are you people doing?”

“Oh my, Princess Mu, please let go of me. I need to hurry up before all the good spots under that rock are taken! That’s the least windy place!”

The girl, who had always respected Mu Yaoyao, shoved the latter to one side and ran off.

Mu Yaoyao stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Her face darkened.

Could it be that Feng Wu’s method actually worked?

When Mu Yaoyao finally entered one of the holes, she had to admit that Feng Wu was right!

It really was warmer inside than outside!

With the holes, they no longer had to sit in the open and shiver in the freezing wind.

What frustrated Mu Yaoyao more was the conversation around her.

“Feng Wu knows so much. I never knew that.”

“That’s right. She’s really smart. Although, she did get full marks in the written exam. We should have known that.”

“We’ve said so many bad things about her, but she’s still willing to share this piece of information with us. She’s not a bad person.”

“So true. Remember how Gongsun Qing targeted her before? But she cut her wrist open to save her. That’s proof enough of her character.”

“That doesn’t make sense. If Feng Wu is so kind and warmhearted, why are there so many rumors about her?”

“I bet she offended the wrong people. She’s so pretty. It’s only normal that some people would be jealous of her. That’s the price of being so brilliant.”

“I don’t care what other people think, but from now on, I’m going to form my own opinion.”

“Me, too.”


Mu Yaoyao was furious!

“These people are singing her praises over such a petty favor? Do they even have principles?!” Mu Yaoyao whined.

A petty favor?

Those in Xuanyuan Yi’s team eyed Mu Yaoyao.

To Feng Wu, it was just a kind reminder, but it was a life-saving tip for everyone else!

Many had thought highly of Mu Yaoyao before.

The girl came with many flashy tags.

As the daughter of Lord Mu and a pupil of Firmament Palace, she had Zuo Qingluan the genius girl as her senior sister and the vice principal of Imperial College as her grandfather… Every candidate had wanted to be part of her circle.

However… They had a different opinion of her now.

Because of her privileged background, Mu Yaoyao had never thought of any of these people as her equal.

She was very angry now, not just because of the change in their views about Feng Wu. What was more —

Because Shi Xuan was the first to react, her team had taken the best spot, whereas Mu Yaoyao and Xuanyuan Yi’s teams had to share what was left.

Feng Wu had no idea that her little reminder would change these people’s minds so drastically.

Although, she probably wouldn’t care even if she did know.

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