《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》836-837-838-839-840-841


836 The Jealous Crown Prince…

“Really? I didn’t know she’s that kind of person!”

“You don’t say. She’s been following His Royal Highness around since Northern Border City and simply wouldn’t leave him alone.”

“So, now that His Royal Highness is no longer an option, she’s moved on to Yu Mingye…”

Instead of going back to his tent, Jun Linyuan walked away from the campsite!

Fearing that the crown prince would destroy the entire Proud Snowfield in his current state, Xuan Yi forced himself to follow him, for the sake of all the candidates and the snowfield.

Jun Linyuan stopped in front of a glacier and crossed his hands behind his back. Xuan Yi stood next to him.

Even from here, Xuan Yi could hear the voices of those women in the campsite.

“Have you heard? Feng Wu and Yu Mingye…”



“That Feng Wu…”

The voices kept coming.

Xuan Yi looked up at his friend.

Jun Linyuan had much sharper ears and would only hear more than Xuan Yi did.

Xuan Yi noticed Jun Linyuan’s face getting darker; the guy could lose his temper at any moment!

He said in a hurry, “…Actually, I saw what happened just then. Little Feng Wu was treating Yu Mingye with acupuncture therapy.”

Jun Linyuan didn’t even blink.

“Little Feng Wu should take care of herself first. She still hasn’t treated her own wounds.”

Xuan Yi stole another glance at Jun Linyuan and saw that the latter’s face was still livid!

He added, “She’s a great doctor with a big heart. What a kind girl…”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “What kind of therapy needs her patients to strip first?”

Xuan Yi rubbed his nose. “Well… it’s easier to see the acupoints without clothes…”

Your Royal Highness, everyone has to take off their clothes for acupuncture therapy!

Jun Linyuan smirked. “Didn’t you call her a great doctor?”

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

The more Jun Linyuan thought about it, the angrier he became. Xuan Yi watched in astonishment as the glacier began to crack…

Xuan Yi really wanted to ask his Boss Jun, exactly what was he angry about? However, he didn’t have a death wish, and could only draw his neck back without saying another word.

Jun Linyuan snorted. “A man and a woman behind a closed door all by themselves! Do I need to say more?!”

Xuan Yi rubbed his head. He realized that it had been a bad idea to lead Boss Jun to little Feng Wu just then. He didn’t know what to say now.

While he kept his silence and his eyes darted around, he saw that the water level of the river had started to rise.

That was strange. Did the river have tides here?

“Boss Jun —”

Just then, Feng Xun ran toward them.

“Get him out of my sight!” Jun Linyuan said with a grim face.

Recalling what Feng Xun had said, Xuan Yi knew that it was time for him to lecture his friend.

Hence, he nodded and ran toward Feng Xun.

“Come with me.” Xuan Yi stopped Feng Xun.

Feng Xun was displeased. “Why? I’m here to speak to Boss Jun.”

If I let you do that, you’ll end up enraging Boss Jun and getting yourself killed, Xuan Yi thought to himself.

There was no time to waste. Xuan Yi dragged Feng Xun in the other direction!

Feng Xun actually wasn’t Xuan Yi’s match and had to follow the latter.

“What?!” Feng Xun threw Xuan Yi’s hand off when they were on top of another glacier. “I need to speak to Boss Jun!”


837 The Crown Prince 1

Xuan Yi’s face darkened. “What do you want to say to Boss Jun?”

“Isn’t Boss Jun mad about little Feng Wu hanging out with Yu Mingye all the time?” Feng Xun stared at him.

“You know that?”

Feng Xun said proudly, “Of course I know that! Boss Jun doesn’t like little Feng Wu, but he still doesn’t want her to be too close to Yu Mingye. It’s like making friends with our enemy!”

Xuan Yi tried to lead him in the right direction. “Don’t you think that… Boss Jun might actually… like little Feng Wu a lot?”

“Hahahaha — hahahaha —” Feng Xun laughed until he was in tears. “Xuan Yi, have you lost your mind? Boss Jun will never think of my sister that way! I think my sister is the best girl on earth, but Boss Jun isn’t me. He doesn’t like Xiao Wu at all.”

“Are you sure?”

“I can bet my own head on it!” Feng Xun said in an affirmative voice as he patted his own head.

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

Back at the campsite, many had already gone to bed.

All nature was silent when —

Wait, what was that noise?

Mu Yaoyao was only half-awake when she felt the cold. It was as if she was submerged in freezing cold water. She opened her eyes.

She was scared out of her wits by what she saw!

Where had all this water come from?

Her tent was flooded and the cold water was already up to her calves!


Mu Yaoyao was the first to scream.

“Where did all this water come from? What’s happening?!”

Her shriek ripped through the silence of the night, waking everyone up at once!

The makeshift beds were all made from dry twigs. At the sound, everyone bolted upright!

What was going on?

They looked down and saw the water!

“Isn’t the campsite on a high slope? How did the water get here?”

“I thought the river is dozens of meters below us. Why is all this water here?”

“The river can’t flow backward, can it?”

“No —”

Gongsun Qing said calmly, “The river isn’t flowing backward, but the ice layer under our feet is melting.”

“But I thought we chose a spot without magma when we made camp. Why is the ice melting now?”

No one had a clue. This was beyond their imagination!

“Plus, is it me or is the water really, really cold? Like, freezing cold?”

“It’s colder than that! Even my heart is shuddering!”

Just as they ran out of the campsite and climbed to higher ground —

Rumble —

There was a loud noise!

Everyone turned in that direction involuntarily!

There —

An entire glacier, which stretched on for miles, was collapsing as they watched…

It was as if doomsday had arrived!

“Oh god!” Mu Yaoyao cried out.

Everyone else was equally dazed by what was happening.

They all prided themselves on being experienced teenagers, but none of them had seen something as awe-inspiring as this before!

To say that they were shaken to the core would be an understatement!

“Oh god! Shit!”

“The glacier has collapsed!”

“We’re witnessing a glacier falling apart!”

“Quit yelling already! It’s coming our way! Run, or we’ll all die here!”

“Where’s His Royal Highness?! Where is he? Won’t he lead us out of here?!”

838 The Crown Prince 2

“I don’t know! I haven’t seen His Royal Highness since last night!”


“What about Young Lord Feng? And Young Lord Xuan Yi? They can help us if His Royal Highness isn’t here!”

“No, neither of them is around! Oh god, stop packing and leave everything behind! Money is of no use to dead people! Just run!”

Everyone was running as fast as they could!

They rushed toward the highest mountain peak nearby!

Feng Wu’s eyes widened.

This had to be the worst day of her life.

She hadn’t been able to find any peace since the physical tryout started. Now that things had finally settled down a bit, she wanted to use this time to work on her cultivation. She had been ready to make a breakthrough to Level 6 when —

The glacier collapsed.

With everyone gone, the campsite was exceptionally quiet.

Feng Wu was much more observant than the others. She frowned, after confirming that the water didn’t come from a rising river.

Yu Mingye was cultivating on a stone nearby. His recovery process would be affected if he was disturbed at that moment.

Feng Wu estimated the time until the glacier fell upon them. She still had one minute.

And she could do a lot of things in that time.

Scooping up some water, Feng Wu studied it carefully.


Feng Wu looked surprised.

The water indeed came from the melted ice under her feet, and it was true that it was due to the fire energy, but —

Why did she detect the familiar energy of an abnormal flame in it?

Feng Wu frowned.

Abnormal flame?

She released Little Phoenix from her ring.

Little Phoenix’s eyes lit up as soon as it sensed that energy.

“You recognize it?” Feng Wu asked.

Little Phoenix rolled its eyes at Feng Wu. “Can’t you tell?”

It’s the abnormal flame of your dear crown prince!

Feng Wu frowned. “It’s familiar, but I’m not so sure.”

Little Phoenix didn’t want to tell her who the energy belonged to, for it didn’t want Feng Wu to hang out with that rogue!

At that thought, Little Phoenix raised its head and crossed its wings. “Hmph! Don’t ask me!”

Feng Wu was speechless. It was so obvious that the bird knew the answer, but it just wouldn’t tell her. What was the bird getting at?

There were only twenty seconds left, and Feng Wu had to leave now.

“Yu Mingye? Yu Mingye!”

No matter how reluctant Feng Wu was, she had to wake him up.

The entire campsite would be wiped out if there was a landslide. When that happened, she and Yu Mingye would have no chance of getting out.

But —

Feng Wu shouted and shouted, but Yu Mingye just wouldn’t wake up.

Feng Wu felt his forehead.

“Shit, he has a fever!” Feng Wu was surprised.

Yu Mingye was supposed to be very strong. How could he fall ill?

However, the guy had been wounded before falling into the magma. And during the acupuncture therapy, which was when he was at his weakest, the tent had been kicked away, causing him to catch a cold. It was only normal that he would have a fever now.

Recalling what happened, Feng Wu cursed Jun Linyuan under her breath.

There was no time to waste. She took out a belt to tie Yu Mingye on her back, then folded the tent and threw it on Little Phoenix’s back.

Little Phoenix was a palm-sized bird, and the tent looked humongous next to it.

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Little Phoenix wanted to say something sarcastic, but seeing how concerned Feng Wu was over Yu Mingye, it kept its silence.

This Yu Mingye was at least better than Jun Linyuan. The guy had given Little Phoenix sweets twice.

Just then —

Up on the mountain peak —

Both Feng Xun and Xuan Yi looked in Jun Linyuan’s direction.

That giant glacier was the one Jun Linyuan was standing on.

“Boss Jun, you…”

Xuan Yi realized what was happening right away!

Of Jun Linyuan, the glacier, and the campsite, Jun Linyuan was on the highest ground, while the campsite was on the lowest.

From where Jun Linyuan was, he had cracked the glacier with a push, and ice rained down on the campsite.


The guy had to be unbelievably capable, to break a mountain with one hand!

Not to mention that the glacier melted before it hit the ground.

Xuan Yi stared at Jun Linyuan in disbelief…

Had the crown prince just melted an entire glacier with his rage?

How furious was he?

And how formidable his power was!

It was…

It was unfathomable!

Xuan Yi said a silent prayer for Feng Wu!

The girl had offended His Royal Highness that much without knowing it!

Just then —

“Wait a minute!”

Feng Xun cried out and pointed at the snowfield down below. “What’s Yu Mingye’s problem? Can’t he run himself? Why is my sister carrying him?! She’s never carried me on her back! This is unbelievable!”

Xuan Yi’s heart sank!

His worst fear had just come true!

Looking down, he saw that Feng Wu was indeed running across the snowfield with Yu Mingye on her back!

Next to her was a flying tent that had been packed up.

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

He threw a dirty look at Feng Xun. The guy just wouldn’t keep his mouth shut!

“No, I have to get down there. Who the hell does Yu Mingye think he is? When will he leave my sister alone?!” Feng Xun dashed off!

Xuan Yi couldn’t bring himself to look at Boss Jun’s face!

The guy melted a glacier because Feng Wu gave Yu Mingye acupuncture therapy. Now that Feng Wu was running around with Yu Mingye on her back…

Xuan Yi forced himself to look at Jun Linyuan.

He stumbled back at what he saw!

Jun Linyuan looked as if he was wearing an ice mask. His gaze was as sharp as a blade and he was biting hard on his lower lip!

He looked so terrifying…

Xuan Yi had no doubt that Boss Jun would kill Yu Mingye the next moment!

Luckily, Feng Xun got there in time.

He dragged Yu Mingye off Feng Wu’s back right away.

Feng Wu snapped, “What the hell?!”

Feng Xun flicked Feng Wu in the forehead and yelled at her, “Exactly how silly can you be?! He’s a guy and you’re a girl! You should keep your distance!”

After that, Feng Xun threw Yu Mingye over his shoulder and marched off.

Whoosh —

Xuan Yi let out a breath of relief, then stole a glance at Jun Linyuan.

He tried to cover for Feng Wu. “Why, Yu Mingye looked so limp and he didn’t even resist… Is he sick or something?”

Xuan Yi smacked his thigh. “Yes! That’s it! He’s too sick to walk! That’s why little Feng Wu was carrying him. Sigh, she’s such a kind person.”

Still biting his lip, the crown prince stared at the three people down below, and suddenly clenched his fists!


840 The Crown Prince 4

Jun Linyuan smashed the glacier under him!

There was a blast!


The impact created another giant pit in the glacier, and ice rolled down in great chunks!

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

If he still had some doubts over the cause of that falling glacier, he had just been fully convinced!

Boss Jun was unbelievable!

Below on the snowfield —

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Large chunks of ice showered down like meteorites!


With Yu Mingye on his back, Feng Xun took Feng Wu’s hand and ran as fast as he could.

He mumbled as he ran, “Little Feng Wu, saving Yu Mingye was your worst decision today. See? You’ve enraged someone up there and you’re being punished!”

Feng Wu retorted, “No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you so did.” Feng Xun rolled his eyes. “Everything was fine in the campsite before you brought Yu Mingye back. But now, everything has been ruined. Look, we have to carry him around while running for our lives. We could get our heads cracked open by chunks of ice at any moment!”

Feng Xun had no idea that he had actually pointed out the truth.

When they were finally out of the campsite, they ran for another hundred miles or so until they reached the next valley.

Whoosh —

All the candidates were sitting, dazed, in the cold wind.

They had been so flustered when they fled the campsite that they hadn’t brought anything with them.

Now that they were safe again, they began to shiver in the heavy snow.

Seeing Feng Wu arrive, Mu Yaoyao was disappointed.

For a moment there, she had hoped that Feng Wu would die in the disaster.

Looking around at the candidates, Feng Xun asked Xuanyuan Yi, “Is everyone here?”

Xuanyuan Yi was considered the future of the Xuanyuan family, which was one of the nine major clans.

The candidates had reached a tacit agreement that Xuanyuan Yi was their leader. However, the teenager considered Feng Xun his superior.

What was more —

Xuanyuan Yi was trying his best to squeeze into the crown prince’s circle; it was just that Feng Xun didn’t seem to like him all that much.

“Brother Feng, we have 63 candidates in total, and everyone is accounted for. We’re only missing His Royal Highness and Brother Xuan.”

Xuanyuan Yi couldn’t be any more polite with Feng Xun.

He then turned to look at Feng Wu.

By then, Feng Wu had removed the tent from Little Phoenix and was ready to set up camp in a spot she had chosen.

Xuanyuan Yi stared at Feng Wu.

Mu Yaoyao had been poisoning his ears with rumors about Feng Wu, and as a result, he already had a poor impression of Feng Wu before they even met.

Seeing that Feng Wu had taken the best spot under a leeward slope, he frowned.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?”

Feng Wu didn’t remember Xuanyuan Yi much from her childhood, and he was practically a stranger to her now.

Since the guy was stopping her from setting up camp, Feng Wu rose to her feet and stared at him.

Xuanyuan Yi stared back. “Excuse me, this is the best spot in the area that’s away from the wind and the rain. How can you take it for granted that it’s yours?”

Feng Wu didn’t mind where she slept for the night, but Yu Mingye needed a quiet and warm place to recover.

She had checked the area. This was the only ideal spot.

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Mu Yaoyao snorted. “Feng Wu, you arrived last. You don’t get to nab the good spot first!”

Gongsun Qing chimed in, “You’re the only one with a tent here. Give it up already!”

Feng Wu smiled a little.

These people just took it for granted that she would let them push her around.

Xuanyuan Yi stared at Feng Wu.

He had his eye on Feng Wu’s tent, but had scruples because of Yu Mingye’s status. Xuanyuan Yi still hadn’t decided whether to take the tent or not.

Feng Xun was baffled by what was happening!

Exactly how stupid were these people?!

Picking on his sister, really?!

“Hey, what’s this? What are you doing to my sister?” Throwing an arm over Xuanyuan Yi’s shoulder, Feng Xun scanned the crowd with a smile. “Interesting. Very interesting.”


Everyone looked at Feng Xun in bewilderment.

Since when was Feng Wu his sister?

Xuanyuan Yi broke into a cold sweat.

Seriously? Was Feng Xun backing Feng Wu up now? Wasn’t Feng Xun with His Royal Highness, and didn’t His Royal Highness find Feng Wu repulsive? How…

“Brother Feng, why is Feng Wu your sister all of a sudden?” Xuanyuan Yi smiled wryly.

“Why can’t she be my sister? She’s my sister because I say so!” Feng Xun smirked. “My sister is taking this spot. Are you going to tell her otherwise now?”

The others all looked baffled.

Exactly what was the relationship between Feng Wu and Feng Xun? Why was Young Lord Feng taking Feng Wu’s side?!

Mu Yaoyao gritted her teeth in frustration!

She didn’t understand it!

What did these guys see in Feng Wu?!

That girl could hang out with Yu Mingye, and now, Young Lord Feng was backing her up! She was just a good-for-nothing! Why?!

Jealousy gnawed at Mu Yaoyao’s heart.

Xuanyuan Yi cringed at Feng Xun’s stare and backed off.

Just then, Gongsun Qing cried out, “Your Royal Highness!”

The others turned around to see the tall, handsome crown prince.

The teenager walked toward them through the wind and snow, his fur cape giving him a regal, majestic look.

Seeing Jun Linyuan, the candidates forgot about the cold immediately and all rose to their feet in excitement.

Although the crown prince had joined them earlier, they hadn’t had many chances to meet him so far.

“Your Royal Highness —” Mu Yaoyao rushed over to him and said loudly in an aggrieved voice, “Feng Wu was going to take the nicest spot! But we’ve saved it for you. What should we do?”

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