《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》824-825-826-827-828-829


824 Two Goofballs 2

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched.

Had he?

Or hadn’t he?

She didn’t care!

It had been so long ago and Feng Wu had forgotten about it. But she would go on denying it no matter what!

“Of course you did! You told me yourself. Why else would I know about it?” Feng Wu said matter-of-factly.

She had to count on her acting to fool Yu Mingye!

Feng Wu realized that after all the traps she had set for other people, she had jumped into one she had dug herself. And she had been doing it over and over again. She wanted to cry now.

Yu Mingye rubbed his head. “I told you that?”

Feng Wu said matter-of-factly, “How else would I know about it?!”

“But you two are…” The more Yu Mingye thought about it, the stranger he found it. “She had no spiritual essence, and neither do you; both of you know Jun Linyuan; she showed up in Frozen Forest, which is next to Northern Border City, and you were living in Northern Border City then; she had medical skills, and so do you; she…”

Feng Wu’s heart sank!

She would be forced to tell the truth if she let Yu Mingye carry on with his speculation.

“Was she as pretty as I am?” Feng Wu smiled at Yu Mingye.

That cut Yu Mingye off right away.

“Tell me, was she?”


“Problem solved, then.” Feng Wu darted a meaningful look at the teenager. “Yu Mingye, did that girl offend you or something?

“Or did she steal something from you? Judging from how eager you sounded, I thought she stole your heart.

“But then, you fell in love with me.

“That’s why you want me and that girl to be the same person. That way, you don’t have to feel guilty anymore.”

Yu Mingye scratched his head. He was completely lost.

“It’s cold out here at night. I need to head back now. You coming?” Feng Wu wanted to distract Yu Mingye from the subject, so that he wouldn’t remember any more details that she didn’t want him to.

“Well…” Yu Mingye seemed to be convinced and he followed Feng Wu after mumbling to himself. “By the way, how are you doing? Recovered yet?”

Feng Wu grabbed the opportunity to change the subject. “I’ve always been quick to recover. Although, how did you know I was hurt?”

Feng Wu’s eyes widened. “Did you save me?”

Yu Mingye said in a mysterious tone, “Take a wild guess.”

“So, it was really you?” Feng Wu heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s why he wouldn’t admit it. You were the one who helped me.”

“He? Wouldn’t admit it? You’re referring to… Jun Linyuan?”


Yu Mingye thought about denying it. After all, he didn’t do it and he shouldn’t take the credit. However, it had something to do with Jun Linyuan… Yu Mingye had always considered Jun Linyuan his archenemy, and he grinned.

Yu Mingye would never miss a chance to piss Jun Linyuan off.

“That’s right. I was the one who saved you.” Yu Mingye grinned.

Feng Wu didn’t even want to think about that arrogant look on Jun Linyuan’s face. “Hey, what happened to that Frosty Night Beast? You haven’t told me yet.”

Yu Mingye immediately wrinkled his nose.

“What? Did something go wrong?” Feng Wu frowned.

Yu Mingye sighed. “As soon as I was teleported in, I headed for the center of the region. Following the map you gave me, I was able to find the place where the Frosty Night Beast was hibernating.”


Feng Wu nodded and stared at him anxiously, waiting for him to go on.

825 Two Goofballs 3

“However, when I got to that Frosty Night Beast, I realized that —”

“You realized what?


However, a figure ran into sight before Yu Mingye could finish his sentence.


The person smacked Yu Mingye on the head.

The strike was so sudden and so hard that Yu Mingye’s vision went dark for a brief moment.

Feng Wu jumped up in surprise.

She turned around to find Feng Xun behind them.

However, before she could do anything, Yu Mingye had charged out while yelling angrily.

“Feng Xun! How dare you hit me! I’m gonna kill you!”

“I hit you, so what? Bring it on!”

“I’m gonna kick your ass!”

“No, I’m gonna kick yours!”

Feng Wu was exasperated. They were upstream on a river that had been formed by a melted glacier. Underneath, a stream of magma had turned the ice into water.

Natural hot springs had formed as a result, and the air was always misty.

Because of that, the ice layer was rather thin in this area and cracked easily!

“You two! Stop!”

However, she was too late. The two teenagers, who never failed to break into a fight whenever they ran into each other, had already begun to exchange blows!

Feng Xun glowered at Yu Mingye. “That’s my sister back there! How dare you put your paw on her shoulder?! I’m gonna kill you!”

Yu Mingye grinned. “Your sister? Bullshit! If you can call her sister, I can call her my wife! What’s wrong with holding my own wife’s shoulder? It’s none of your business, brother-in-law!”

Feng Xun screamed, “Shut up! I’m not your brother-in-law! My beautiful sister will never hook up with an idiot like you!”

Yu Mingye said, “And my wife is too brilliant to have a goofy brother like you!”

“Who are you talking to, you goofball?”

“The goofball is talking to you!”

“Mwahahahaha — you just admitted that you’re a goofball! You’re so dumb!”

“Go to hell!”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The fight started again.

Feng Wu watched with an open mouth.

To call these two childish was an understatement!

If they had to fight, they should at least put their minds to it.

However, the two wouldn’t shut up while trying to punch each other in the face. Their babbling was worse than the fight itself.

As they fought, an iceberg a short distance away began to fall apart. Feng Wu cried out anxiously, “Stop! Both of you! Just stop!”

Yu Mingye yelled, “He’s pretending to be your brother! I know he’s trying to become my brother-in-law! If I let him, my reputation will be ruined!”

Feng Xun was furious!

“Shut up! My sister is as wonderful as a fairy; she’ll never marry a moron like you! I’m going to sew your mouth up! I won’t let you ruin my sister’s reputation like this!”

“Mwahahaha! Little Feng Wu is meant to be my wife! I’m going to ask for my father’s permission and little Feng Wu is going to marry me!”

Feng Xun was so mad!

She was his only sister and he had made a promise to keep her safe forever!

“Yu Mingye! Die!”

“No, you die first, little Feng Xun!”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

After some bickering, the two guys went back to fighting!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Snow was kicked up and scattered everywhere. Icebergs collapsed and fell into the river, creating tidal waves!

826 His Royal Highness Is Here


Snow was kicked up and scattered everywhere. Icebergs collapsed and fell into the river, creating tidal waves!

The water in the hot spring wasn’t lukewarm, but boiling hot! The bubbles gurgled!

Because of that, scalding hot magma shot up into the air before showering down again…

The ice layer melted under the heat of the magma and grew thinner…

If she didn’t stop them now, this layer of ice would break apart and all three of them would be in danger!

Those two morons!

Without hesitation, Feng Wu rushed over and put herself between them!

“Ahhh —”

Feng Xun had just struck out with a fist, and the next thing he saw was his sister standing right in front of him.

The girl would be turned into mush if she got hit!

Whoosh —

Feng Xun changed the direction of his blow at the last minute and his fist struck empty air. He nearly dislocated his shoulder.

And it was the same case with Yu Mingye!

If he hadn’t drawn back his fist at the last minute, Feng Wu would have been smashed into a pulp!

“Stop it! Now!” Feng Wu was fuming with anger.

One was a young lord and the other the crown prince of the Yu Empire, but they were fighting like two ruffians! It was unbelievably childish

Feng Xun and Yu Mingye were dazed for a moment.

“Gosh! What are you doing standing there?!” Staring at Feng Wu, Feng Xun tried to pull her to his side.

“Get your hands off my wife!” Yu Mingye was displeased and reached out for Feng Wu’s other hand.

“She’s my sister!”

“She’s my wife!”

“Bring it on!”

“That’s right. Bring it on!”

They almost broke into another fight right away, and Feng Wu was infuriated.

“Do you two have a death wish? Shut up!!!”

Feng Wu roared.

Her voice cracked in the air like a thunderclap, so loud that their ears buzzed.

A short distance away, a large block of ice fell off an iceberg at the impact.

Feng Xun blinked at Feng Wu, looking very innocent.

Yu Mingye also stared at Feng Wu with his limpid doe eyes.

The two of them acted as if they hadn’t done anything wrong.

With their exquisite features, it felt impossible to yell at them when they pleaded with their eyes.

However, Feng Wu wasn’t just anyone. She threw a dirty look at Feng Xun, then glared at Yu Mingye. “Quit calling me your wife! I’ve had enough of that!”

Feng Xun grinned, looking very pleased.

Yu Mingye didn’t like the sound of that. “That way, he can’t call you sister, either!”

Feng Wu smirked. “Actually, I’m really his sister.”

Yu Mingye was dumbfounded.

Feng Xun patted Yu Mingye on the shoulder. “Young man, you’ll have to go through me if you want to court my sister.”

And even if Yu Mingye passed his test, Feng Xun’s answer would be: never!

Yu Mingye ignored Feng Xun and turned to Feng Wu. “I’ll get an edict from my father to marry you! Little Feng Wu, trust me!”

Feng Wu didn’t like the sound of that at all!

However, Yu Mingye didn’t notice. He took Feng Wu’s hand and said in a solemn voice, “Little Feng Wu, you have my word. You’ll be empress when I become emperor!”

Feng Wu wanted to throw his hand off, but Yu Mingye’s grip was too tight!

All of a sudden, Feng Wu sensed a pair of eyes staring at the hand that Yu Mingye was holding. The gaze was so intense that she felt a tingling sensation on her skin.

827 His Royal Highness Is Pissed!

Her hand felt as if it was on fire!

Sensing the heat, Feng Wu drew back her hand.

“Boss Jun?!”

Feng Xun turned around to find Jun Linyuan standing behind them, and he ran toward the latter in excitement. “Boss Jun, please say something! Little Feng Wu is your cousin; that’s as good as a half-sister!”

Face dark, the crown prince stared at Feng Wu with a murderous look in his eyes!

The animosity he gave out was enough to make one shudder!

Feng Xun’s stomach lurched.

Glancing from Jun Linyuan to Feng Wu, Xuan Yi smiled a little, a knowing look on his face. This was going to be interesting.

He rubbed his chin. Would Boss Jun come to his senses at whatever happened next, and finally be forced to admit his true feelings?

Jun Linyuan scanned the area with a grim look on his face. He looked as if he was ready to kill.

What Feng Xun said next didn’t make things any better.

“Boss Jun, did you hear what Yu Mingye said? He’s crazy! He called little Feng Wu his wife!

“And he said he was going to marry little Feng Wu and take her back to the Yu Empire!

“I won’t allow it! She’s my only sister!

“Boss Jun, you have to help me! I can’t let him take little Feng Wu away!”

Feng Xun wouldn’t be Yu Mingye’s match if the latter got serious; he had to turn to Jun Linyuan for help.

The crown prince was obviously displeased. His face darkened like the sky before a storm.

His gaze was as sharp as a blade out of its sheath!

It glinted!

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu, as if he was going to cut her into pieces.

Yu Mingye pulled Feng Wu back and shielded her with his body. “No man should hit a woman. Take it out on me! Little Feng Wu, I’ll protect you!”

Feng Wu stood behind Yu Mingye, but Jun Linyuan’s sharp gaze seemed to pierce through Yu Mingye’s body and stab into her heart!

She shuddered!

Jun Linyuan took a step forward, but kept his gaze on Feng Wu and Yu Mingye.

Yu Mingye’s stomach lurched.

“Stop right there! I’m warning you! Don’t come any closer!”



Jun Linyuan shoved Yu Mingye away with a wave of his hand.

Poor Yu Mingye. He had easily gained the upper hand with Feng Xun earlier, but with one little push from Jun Linyuan, he fell into the scalding magma!

“Yu Mingye!” Feng Wu cried out anxiously.

Jun Linyuan didn’t give her any chance to help Yu Mingye. Grabbing her hand, he dragged her away.

His face had been very grim since the beginning, and his hand around Feng Wu’s wrist was as cold as the look in his eyes!

Feng Wu was terrified!

This was so frightening…

But she was still worried about Yu Mingye.

“Yu Mingye, how are you doing? Yu —”

The next second!

Jun Linyuan grabbed Feng Wu by her throat and lifted her off the ground!

“Hm —”

His fingers wrapped around Feng Wu’s neck, suffocating her.

Feng Wu’s face turned from pale to purple in a matter of seconds!

She kicked and struggled, but all her efforts were futile!

She looked at Jun Linyuan and saw the murderous look in his eyes.

What a formidable crown prince!

He was capable of anything!

Exasperated, Feng Xun rushed over and grabbed Jun Linyuan’s wrist. His voice trembled. “B- Boss Jun, why are you doing this to Little Feng Wu? She didn’t do anything wrong! Please put her down!”

828 Is She Going to Die?

Xuan Yi watched this in astonishment as well!

Boss Jun was really…

This wasn’t what Xuan Yi had in mind at all! Given what Boss Jun was doing, no one in their right mind would think that he was fond of Feng Wu!

A short distance away, Mu Yaoyao and Gongsun Qing were hiding behind a pile of snow.

They had been keeping an eye on the crown prince, and seeing Jun Linyuan leave with Xuan Yi, the two girls followed them out.

They kept their distance for fear of being spotted.

Therefore, they didn’t see what happened earlier; the only thing they saw was that the crown prince had picked Feng Wu up by her neck and was choking her!

Instinctively, Feng Wu struggled violently!

However, all her efforts were futile.

Mu Yaoyao and Gongsun Qing exchanged looks, and both saw fright in each other’s eyes. Immediately after that, however, both rejoiced at Feng Wu’s predicament!

Before, no matter how hard they tried to persuade themselves, they still hadn’t been convinced deep down.

After all, His Royal Highness had carried Feng Wu off, and their interactions looked suspiciously intimate.

Hence, they were very alarmed by Feng Wu’s presence.

But now —

His Royal Highness was going to kill Feng Wu!

He looked so relentless!

So… to His Royal Highness, Feng Wu was no more than an ant that he wouldn’t hesitate to stomp on at any moment.

The two girls exchanged gloating looks again before slinking off, as if they had never been there.

Feng Xun was exasperated. “Boss Jun! She’s my sister and that makes her as good as half a sister of yours! Put her down now! You’re killing her!”

Xuan Yi couldn’t keep his silence either. “Boss Jun! You’re doing it wrong! This won’t do!”

Feng Wu’s face turned purple in color —

Her vision went dark and she could see shadows in the air.

She was overwhelmed by the fear of death.

Was she going to die?

A despairing look appeared on Feng Wu’s face.


Jun Linyuan released her neck.

Feng Xun rushed over to catch Feng Wu before she fell, and lay her flat on the ground.

“How do you feel? Little Feng Wu, are you alright?” Feng Xun patted Feng Wu’s cheek anxiously, which made Feng Wu dizzy.

She looked up and glared at Jun Linyuan!

He hadn’t actually lost control, and was only trying to scare her, but what he did had crossed the line!

Feng Wu was furious!

The look she gave Jun Linyuan reminded one of a bloodthirsty young beast!

Seeing the ferocious look Feng Wu gave him as she gasped for air, Jun Linyuan promptly turned to leave!

After shooting another look at his back, Feng Wu turned the other way to look for Yu Mingye!

Other people would have been completely dissolved by the magma, but luckily, it was Yu Mingye who had fallen in. When he climbed out, all he had were a few patches of red skin.

Feng Wu took off her cape at once and threw it over Yu Mingye’s shoulders. “How do you feel? Any pain? Give me your hand.”

After checking his pulse, Feng Wu let out a breath of relief. “Good, there isn’t much excessive fire energy in you. You’ll be fine once that’s out of your system. There won’t be any complications.”

Jun Linyuan turned around after a few steps and saw that Feng Wu was looking after Yu Mingye. He exploded again, and the cold air he gave off was terrifying.

The temperature dropped again!

Crack —

The thick layer of ice under their feet cracked, and the fissure expanded rapidly like a spider web!

Feng Wu was shocked!

Without thinking, she grabbed Yu Mingye’s arm and pulled him to his feet. “Run!”

829 Why Is His Royal Highness Offended Again?

Whoosh —

Jun Linyuan watched as Feng Wu and Yu Mingye dashed off, while he himself was left behind.

The crown prince was furious!

Once they were off the ice, Feng Wu didn’t want to go back to the campsite, so she led Yu Mingye in another direction!


All of a sudden!

An ice wall erupted out of the ground!

Feng Wu almost bumped into it. Luckily, Yu Mingye stopped her in time.

Feng Wu turned around and threw a dirty look at Jun Linyuan!

She then led Yu Mingye in another direction!


She ran into another ice wall!

They changed direction again!

She ran into another ice wall!

Another direction…

Feng Wu was speechless.

Taking a deep breath, she led Yu Mingye back to Jun Linyuan and glared at the crown prince. “Jun! Lin! Yuan! What on earth do you want?! Haven’t you had enough fun?!”

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu and Yu Mingye’s linked hands with his brooding eyes for a moment before he spoke in a cold voice. “Not yet. I still want to cut off an arm.”

There was something crazy yet serious in Jun Linyuan’s eyes.

He meant it!

Feng Wu released Yu Mingye’s hand involuntarily!

Jun Linyuan’s gaze was so intense that it seemed to burn Feng Wu’s skin. He then said, “You don’t want to know what will happen if you don’t go back to the campsite.”

His voice was so cold that it gave her the creeps.

Looking at Jun Linyuan’s back as he left, Feng Wu was overwhelmed with emotion.

She was furious and aggrieved…

Feng Xun tugged at Feng Wu’s sleeve. “There, there. Let’s go back to the campsite now. Don’t even think about defying Boss Jun. You’ll really get killed for it!”

After that, Feng Xun tried to push Feng Wu back toward the campsite.

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