《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》820-821-822-823


820 Your Royal Highness, Please Don“t Be Mad 3

Watching from behind while the crown prince took Feng Wu away, Mu Yaoyao felt a tinge of jealousy while she also rejoiced at Feng Wu’s predicament.

There was a tiny voice in her head, saying that she wished she was the one in the crown prince’s grip…

Mu Yaoyao snorted. “Feng Wu is going to die, isn’t she?”

Gongsun Qing smirked. “I don’t think she’s coming back.”

The other girls around them all had expectant looks in their eyes as well.

At the same moment, Feng Wu —

“Put me down! Jun Linyuan, hands off me!” Feng Wu felt so humiliated.

Kicking her legs, she tried to free herself from Jun Linyuan’s grip, but the reality was that all her efforts were futile.

“I’m not a chicken, don’t manhandle me! Jun Linyuan! Put me down now or I’m going to be very mad!” Feng Wu seethed with anger.

The next second, Jun Linyuan snorted and tossed Feng Wu onto a nearby haystack.


“Ouch —”

Feng Wu cried out in pain and glared at Jun Linyuan.

The crown prince’s mouth curled into a crooked smile. “Now you can feel pain?”

Feng Wu retorted in an accusing tone, “I’m covered in wounds and I’m a normal human being. Every part of me hurts even when I breathe!”

“Then why did you injure yourself?”

“I didn’t ask for this!”

“Why can’t you just finish the exam peacefully like everyone else? Why did you have to mess with magical beasts you can’t handle?”

“They messed with me!”


“You don’t believe me?”


Feng Wu had had enough mishaps since the physical tryout started, not to mention that she had cuts and bruises all over her body. She couldn’t take Jun Linyuan’s sarcasm anymore. “Jun Linyuan! What kind of attitude is that?!”

Jun Linyuan frowned at her.

Feng Wu snapped, “I don’t have a death wish and I certainly didn’t go after those magical beasts myself! I would have loved to stay far away from them! But I just had such back luck! They kept coming after me, one after another!”

Jun Linyuan had a brooding look in his eyes.

Feng Wu gave a wave of her hand in a magnanimous manner. “Well, was it you who saved me earlier? I won’t yell at you if that’s the case.”

Jun Linyuan raised his chin. He didn’t like being scolded to his face, and he replied with a smirk, “Who the hell do you think you are? Don’t flatter yourself. What makes you think I would ever save you?”

Feng Wu stared at Jun Linyuan. “It wasn’t you?”

Jun Linyuan ignored her question.

Who else did she think it could be? She would have been beyond saving if he had arrived a minute later.

Jun Linyuan had lingering fear at that realization, and his gaze turned even more piercing.

He looked so relentless…

Feng Wu bit her lower lip.

She had actually believed he was her savior, which was why she had put up with his manner so far. But she was wrong!

And what did he say to her?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Don’t flatter yourself?

What makes you think I would ever save you?

Feng Wu was pissed!

A lump seemed lodged in Feng Wu’s throat and she felt suffocated. With a snort, she rose to her feet and turned to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Jun Linyuan shouted after her.


“To find a quiet place to treat my wounds! And don’t follow me! I don’t want to see your face!

Throwing Jun Linyuan a dirty look, Feng Wu stormed off.

She didn’t know what was going on with her.

She could block out all the cutting remarks from other people, but Jun Linyuan’s criticism always set her off without fail.

821 Your Royal Highness, Please Don“t Be Mad 4

How could she let this man manipulate her emotions like this?

The realization made Feng Wu clench her fists in rage.

Once Feng Wu left without hesitation, Jun Linyuan couldn’t control his temper anymore. He exploded!

That stupid girl! Who the hell did she think she was?! She was prouder than a peacock!

Jun Linyuan was no less proud than Feng Wu. After what Feng Wu said, he decided that he wouldn’t follow her anymore. Moreover, he promptly turned to leave.

Back at the campsite.

Dozens of candidates had gathered there.

Jun Linyuan and his friends were there.

As well as Xuanyuan Yi’s team, Mu Yaoyao among them.

Gongsun Qing’s team was there as well.

It was a boisterous scene at the campsite. People were setting up stoves, boiling water, and preparing their meals. Everyone was talking at the same time and there was a hubbub of noise.

Next to Mu Yaoyao —

“Princess, I think there’s more to Feng Wu than we saw.”

Yao Ying’s face was ruined, but she had met up with Mu Yaoyao, along with Huo Yin, Wen Ling, and the other minions.

Mu Yaoyao was roasting some skewered meat over a fire while chewing on the fact that the crown prince had taken Feng Wu away.

She cast a stern look at Yao Ying at those words!

Yao Ying cringed, but after a brief moment of hesitation, she went on stirring up trouble. “Princess, do you remember what it was like when His Royal Highness took Feng Wu away? They looked quite familiar with each other.”

Mu Yaoyao bellowed, “That’s because that shameless Feng Wu won’t leave His Royal Highness alone!”

Yao Ying flinched, but she wouldn’t give up. “But… Feng Wu couldn’t have forced His Royal Highness to pick her up… Don’t you find it strange?”

By “strange,” she meant “intimate.”

Yao Ying had thus sown a seed of suspicion in Mu Yaoyao’s mind.

Seeing that Mu Yaoyao was swayed, Yao Ying snorted inwardly.

Feng Wu, that’s for ruining my face!

I may not be able to get to you myself, but I can take my revenge through other people!

Sitting opposite them, Gongsun Qing heard every word of their conversation.

“Is Feng Wu on familiar terms with His Royal Highness?” Gongsun Qing looked displeased.

“That’s right,” said Huo Yin. “Feng Wu is infatuated with His Royal Highness. She followed him all the way from Northern Border City to the imperial capital. Everyone knows that.”

Gongsun Qing said, “Then what about His Royal Highness…”

Huo Yin recalled what Yao Ying had just said, and something clicked in her head.

Gongsun Qing wouldn’t hold a grudge against Feng Wu if she was told that His Royal Highness didn’t have any feelings for the girl. If that was the case, Huo Yin wouldn’t be able to use Gongsun Qing to get her revenge.

As for how Huo Yin knew about Gongsun Qing’s feelings for His Royal Highness…

It was written all over Gongsun Qing’s face.

Moreover, it was an open secret that nine out of ten teenage girls in the imperial capital were fond of His Royal Highness.

His Royal Highness was every girl’s Prince Charming.


“His Royal Highness didn’t have any feelings for Feng Wu before, or he wouldn’t have called off the marriage. But with Feng Wu following him around all this time, I think things have changed…”

At those words, Gongsun Qing narrowed her eyes and her face darkened.

That sordid Feng Wu!

Just then, Jun Linyuan came back, looking furious!

Surrounded by a dark aura, he gave off an air colder than ice. He was too intimidating for anyone to get close to!

Everywhere he went, the temperature plummeted, extinguishing the burning campfires right away.

He was that kind of person: the moment he showed up, all eyes were on him.

822 Your Royal Highness, Please Don“t Be Mad 5

“Your Royal Highness —”

“His Royal Highness is back —”

“His Royal Highness doesn’t look too pleased.”

“Has someone offended His Royal Highness?”

“Who do you think? His Royal Highness left with Feng Wu a moment ago; she’s probably the culprit.”

“So, is Feng Wu dead?”

That question lingered in everybody’s heads.

Mu Yaoyao smirked. “I don’t know about that, but I do know that His Royal Highness doesn’t like Feng Wu at all.”

She darted a glance at Yao Ying as she spoke.

What had Yao Ying said about His Royal Highness just then?

Yao Ying rubbed her nose. Damn that Feng Wu. Her plan had been sabotaged, just like that!

Gongsun Qing let out a breath of relief as well.

So, His Royal Highness really didn’t like Feng Wu.

What else did they expect? Of course His Royal Highness would never fall in love with a good-for-nothing who couldn’t even cultivate!

Just then, Feng Xun rushed out.

Looking around, he only saw Jun Linyuan, and Feng Wu was nowhere to be seen. He got worried. “Boss Jun, where’s my sister? Where did you take her?!”

The more Feng Xun thought about it, the more flustered he became.

Had his unruly sister finally pissed Boss Jun off so badly that Boss Jun… killed her?

Crossing his hands behind his back, Jun Linyuan snorted. “I don’t give a damn!”

Jun Linyuan then went back to his tent.

I don’t give a damn?!

At those words…

All the girls who still had suspicions about the relationship between the crown prince and Feng Wu were reassured!

Not only wasn’t His Royal Highness in love with Feng Wu, he couldn’t care less about her!


Many were thrilled, especially the girls. After the crown prince went back to his tent, they gave toasts and celebrated the news.

Feng Xun was exasperated!

He wanted to go out and search for Feng Wu.

Xuan Yi didn’t know what to say.

Having realized Boss Jun’s true feelings for Feng Wu, Xuan Yi knew that the crown prince was only lying to himself, but Feng Xun didn’t.

Xuan Yi grabbed Feng Xun’s arm. “Calm down.”

Feng Xun flared up and glared at Xuan Yi. “My sister is dying out there and you’re telling me to calm down?! I see. She’s not your sister!”

After that, Feng Xun threw Xuan Yi’s hand off and shoved the latter away!

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

At the same moment, Feng Wu —

The endless snowfield stretched out on all sides. Beneath the thick layer of ice under her feet was a rolling river. The ice was thick enough for Feng Wu to walk on without it cracking.

She had been walking nonstop after the row with Jun Linyuan…

The freezing wind howled, which made her head swim. She felt awful.

She stumbled all of a sudden, and right next to her was an opening in the ice which covered the river.

“Oh my, silly girl, are you going to throw yourself into the river?” A teasing voice rang out above her head.

Feng Wu looked up right away!

It was none other than Yu Mingye!

Feng Wu was thrilled to see Yu Mingye. Taking his hand, she asked with sparkling eyes, “Yu Mingye? Is it really you? Are you alright?!”

Yu Mingye had gone to the center of the snowfield all by himself for her. He had woken up that terrifying Frosty Night Beast; the risk he had taken was unimaginable!

Putting a hand on Feng Wu’s tiny waist, Yu Mingye stared at her with his amorous eyes. His smile was mesmerizing.

His voice was exceptionally husky. “Silly girl; the concerned look on your face will make me think that you actually care about me.”

823 Two Goofballs 1

“But I do care about you.” Feng Wu tugged at Yu Mingye’s sleeve and they sat down by the river. Feng Wu then asked, “Hey, what happened to that Frosty Night Beast? Did you get the heart?”

Yu Mingye looked frustrated.

She did it again.

Every time he said something flirtatious, she was able to ruin the moment with a single sentence.

She was staring at him with her limpid eyes, which made his heart skip a beat…

This girl… was the only girl that had ever made him feel this way.

Seeing the dazed look on Yu Mingye’s face, Feng Wu waved a hand in front of his face. “Yu Mingye? Hello? Are you in there?”

“No, I’m not.” Yu Mingye went on flirting.

Feng Wu smacked his head grumpily. “Be serious!”

“Ouch —” Yu Mingye held his head with both hands. “I’m only telling the truth. You’re so aggressive. I’m probably the only man that can handle you. You should marry me, seriously.”

“Seriously, Yu Mingye, are you ever going to stop? Are you having fun saying such things? Cut the crap.”

Yu Mingye was so fluent in lover’s prattle that Feng Wu didn’t believe a word he said. She only thought he was making fun of her.

Frustrated, Yu Mingye mumbled, “You don’t believe me? Am I that untrustworthy? I —”

Feng Wu glanced at him. “Do you still remember that girl in Frozen Forest?”


Yu Mingye was rendered speechless at the mention of that girl.

Resting her hands on her waist, Feng Wu grinned. “I recall that you described the girl as more beautiful than a fairy and that it was love at first sight for you. You said that you would marry her and her alone and that —”

Yu Mingye’s face was scarlet red!

As a matter of fact, the girl’s face was a blur already, but he could never forget those bright eyes, not for the rest of his life.

“That girl!” Recalling what that ugly girl did to him in Frozen Forest, Yu Mingye gritted his teeth. “I swear I’ll find her and…”

“And marry her?” Feng Wu chuckled.

Wait —

Yu Mingye suddenly had a strange feeling.

Feng Wu’s twinkling eyes overlapped with that girl’s…

Yu Mingye reached out all of a sudden.

Covering the top of Feng Wu’s head with one hand and the lower part of her face with the other, he made sure that only Feng Wu’s beautiful bright eyes were exposed.

They looked so alike!

Yu Mingye was astonished!

They were almost identical!

They could be the same person!

“How can they look so alike?” Yu Mingye murmured.

Feng Wu was screaming inwardly.

Had she known that mentioning the girl he met in Frozen Forest would remind Yu Mingye of all sorts of things, she would never have done so!

But it was too late to regret it.

“What are you talking about?” Feng Wu knew perfectly well what Yu Mingye meant, but she still shoved him away, pretending to be impatient.

“You two look so alike… Are you her?!” Yu Mingye said all of a sudden!

Feng Wu stared at Yu Mingye. “What was that? Who am I supposed to be?”

Yu Mingye was lost in his memory, and out of the blue, he said, “Did I tell you how I ran into that girl in Frozen Forest?”

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