《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》812-813-814-815


812 Crisis

He denied it.

Taking Xuan Yi’s arm, Feng Xun heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh god, for a moment there, I thought Boss Jun was going to admit that he was in love with little Feng Wu. What a shock. I’m so relieved now.”

“But what if…”

Xuan Yi darted a glance at Feng Xun with a smile. “What if Boss Jun really is in love with little Feng Wu? What will you do then?”

Feng Xun looked befuddled, but he shook his head immediately. “What are you talking about? Boss Jun will never be like that. That girl is a cripple.”

In the study.

Emperor Wu glared at Jun Linyuan. “What did you say? I dare you to say it again.”

Jun Linyuan smirked. “Why should I? Just because you told me to? Are you kidding me?”

Emperor Wu didn’t know what to say.

Jun Linyuan was a man whose words carried weight, and Emperor Wu trusted his son. So… the brat really didn’t have any feelings for little Feng Wu?

“But if that’s the case, why are you so concerned about her?!” Emperor Wu stared at Jun Linyuan.

The crown prince rolled his eyes at Emperor Wu. “That Frosty Night Beast is waking up. Did you miss that part?”

That was it!

Jun Linyuan was concerned about that Frosty Night Beast, not Feng Wu!

At that thought, Emperor Wu’s mood lifted.

Just then —

Hasty footsteps came from outside!

They turned around to find Priest Wu at the door!

The old man was walking very fast and he looked on edge!

In Proud Snowfield —

Trapped on the Qilin Beast’s back, there was nowhere for Feng Wu to run.

She had a bad feeling about this. Something unpleasant was about to happen.

Instead of killing her on the spot, the Qilin Beast had only taken her captive. What did it want?

Feng Wu couldn’t for the life of her figure it out. She decided to put the question aside for the time being.

Sitting down on the Qilin Beast’s back, she relaxed and began to cultivate.

The Qilin Beast moved swiftly across the snowfield!

It ran as fast as lightning!

An hour later, Feng Wu opened her eyes to see a big cave on the shady slope of a tall snow mountain a short distance away.

The opening of the cave was wide enough for 50 people to walk in, shoulder to shoulder.

So, that was probably the nest of this Qilin Beast.

Snow covered the ground outside the cave. Feng Wu’s first impression when they entered the cave was that it was so cold inside.

It was freezing!

The bitter cold chilled her to the bone!


Qilin Beast threw Feng Wu onto the ground.

“Ouch —” Feng Wu could have landed on her back, but in order to protect herself, she moved so that her bottom hit the ground first. The pain brought tears to her eyes.

Feng Wu was then tossed into an area enclosed by a fence. That Qilin Beast ignored her after that and went to cultivate on the other side.

Feng Wu looked around her.

The cave was spacious and she was imprisoned in the southeast corner. The fence was in fact a circle of obstacles made of spiritual essence.

Seeing that the Qilin Beast had entered a meditative state, Feng Wu rubbed her butt, then slowly rose to her feet.

If she could somehow get out of this prison…

Feng Wu touched the fence with a finger.


Sizzle —

There was a flash of light and sparks flew in all directions!

“Ssss —”

Feng Wu drew in her breath!

That hurt!

She looked down at her finger.

She had touched the fence with her right index finger, which was burnt black as smoke rose from it…

If she had been a little bit slower drawing back her finger, it would have been charred.

Feng Wu took a deep breath, the look on her face full of frustration.

813 Predicamen

What should she do now?

That Qilin Beast had to have brought her here for a reason.

“Do you have a death wish?!”

Feng Wu was still trying to get out of the fence when a cold voice rang out in the cave.

Who was that?

Feng Wu looked up to see a second Qilin Beast!

That was it!

She had seen three blue dots on the map when she had chosen the Qilin Beast cub.

Two big dots and a small one.

The small one represented the cub, which made the two big ones its parents.

Now that the father was cultivating, this Qilin Beast which had just shown up had to be the mother Qilin Beast.

The mother stared at Feng Wu with bloodshot eyes.

Feng Wu was a little uneasy…

Although it was only natural selection and survival of the fittest, she had indeed used that cub for her own benefit…

On second thought, Feng Wu realized that if she hadn’t used that cub, the cub would have attacked her all the same, for it wanted her blood!

So, she shouldn’t be blamed. She only did what she needed to do in order to survive!

Did you bring me here to drain my blood? Feng Wu was going to ask that question, but on second thought, she decided not to, for she didn’t want to alert the couple to something that might not be part of their plan.

While Feng Wu was fidgeting with all kinds of speculations…

The mother Qilin Beast smirked. “I couldn’t care less about your petty life, but your body has to stay unscratched! So sit your ass down!”

Feng Wu was confused.

What did it mean by that? Why couldn’t her body…

“Is that what you’re after? My body?” Feng Wu saw the light all of a sudden.

The mother Qilin Beast cast Feng Wu an indifferent glance.

“But why? What do you need it for?” Feng Wu shrugged.

Just then, Feng Wu sensed a sinister wind, and the temperature in the cave dropped even further.

“What’s it doing?” Feng Wu gestured at the father Qilin Beast, intrigued.

“Summoning the soul.”

“What soul?” Feng Wu frowned. That ominous feeling was more oppressive now.

The mother Qilin Beast grew impatient with Feng Wu’s questions, and it cut to the chase. “There’s going to be a blood sacrifice, and our baby is going to be reborn in your body.”

Feng Wu: !!!

What the heck?!

“You can do that?!” Feng Wu stared at the mother. “So, you’re summoning the soul of your cub now?!”

The mother Qilin Beast nodded.

Feng Wu: !!!


If the cub’s soul really was summoned back and it told them what really happened, there was no chance of her surviving this!

So please, don’t let the cub’s soul be summoned…

Feng Wu grew anxious.

The mother Qilin Beast stared at Feng Wu, finding her behavior odd. “If you had nothing to do with my child’s death, why are you so nervous?”

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!


She had everything to do with it! That cub had fallen into her trap!

But she would never tell its parents that. Feng Wu reacted quickly. “Am I going to die when its soul is summoned?”


Feng Wu said, “But what if I don’t want to die?”

The mother Qilin Beast didn’t even look at Feng Wu.

To it, a Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster was so petty that it might as well be talking to an ant.

Just then —

814 On Edge!

Feng Tutu gingerly said something in the ring.

“Actually… actually…”

Its voice was so tiny that Feng Wu missed it at first.

“Actually… I swallowed its soul…”


Astonished, Feng Wu asked Feng Tutu immediately, “What? What do you mean you ‘swallowed its soul’?”

“I just… just… saw this soul when I was sucking its spiritual essence, and I… I just swallowed it…”

Feng Tutu was so flustered that it was almost in tears. “What should I do? What should I do? I’ve digested it already… I can’t spit it out even if I wanted to —”

Feng Wu rejoiced!

Luckily, the tiger cub had swallowed the soul of the Qilin cub. Otherwise, she would have no chance to escape if its parents really succeeded in summoning its soul.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu asked the mother Qilin Beast, “What if you can’t summon the soul?”

“You’ll die with it, then.” The mother’s voice was cold and emotionless.

“But… I didn’t kill it! Be reasonable!”

“Be reasonable? A weakling like you doesn’t have the right to ask for that! Don’t make me laugh! You’re no more than an ant and I can crush you with my heel at any time!”

The mother beast darted a contemptuous glance at Feng Wu, its eyes flickering.

Feng Wu gritted her teeth.

She had felt a little guilty for what she did to the cub, but after what its mother said, she no longer felt sorry for the cub.

Although, she had learnt something.

This was a world ruled by the law of the jungle. The weak had no voice, and only the strongest had the right to speak.

Meanwhile, blue smoke kept rising from the father Qilin Beast’s head.

Cold sweat covered its forehead.

The mother Qilin Beast frowned at this.

WIthout thinking, it went over to its husband to help in summoning the soul.

However, time went by and nothing happened.

That was impossible.

The couple exchanged confused looks.

All of a sudden, they turned to look at Feng Wu in unison.

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!

What did they want?

All of a sudden, the father Qilin Beast gave a wave of its front paw!

Feng Wu was lifted out of the fence, and she flew toward the father beast at a tremendous speed!


She fell on the ground with a thump, and the impact made her see stars.

“What do you want?”

Feng Wu stared at the two ferocious beasts.

The beasts kept their faces straight. The next moment, the mother beast slashed Feng Wu’s wrist open with its claws!

Blood oozed out immediately!

Feng Wu could almost hear a gurgling sound.

“Sit still.” The mother beast pulled Feng Wu over so that she was sitting between the two beasts. “The blood sacrifice will start now. Make any unnecessary movements and you will, in human terms, die a miserable death, your soul shattered into a thousand pieces!”

Seeing her bleeding left wrist, Feng Wu was full of despair…

She had lost a lot of blood fighting that Ice Fire Beast earlier, and now a blood sacrifice? Her body wouldn’t be able to take it!

She tried to struggle, but —

Ssss —

She felt as if electricity was running through her body. Her pupils contracted and sweat covered her forehead!

It was as if she was being stabbed by a thousand needles!

815 Rescue

The two Qilin Beasts would stop at nothing to save their cub’s soul.

However, Feng Tutu had devoured that soul and they would never be able to retrieve it.

Wait —

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!


She panicked all of a sudden!

For if the two beasts detected an abnormality in her blood, she would be caught red-handed!

As more blood left her body, more spiritual essence dissipated into the air as well.

Feng Tutu and Little Phoenix tried to leave the ring space, but Feng Wu stopped them by force!

They would have no chance of escaping if they came out now!

However, the pressure the two Qilin Beasts put on her was so overbearing that Feng Wu couldn’t take it anymore. She spat out a mouthful of blood!

She wouldn’t be so shocked if spitting out blood was the only thing that happened. Feng Wu realized in frustration that she was losing control of her soul.

It was threatening to break free of her body!

Feng Wu began to get a splitting headache and sweat trickled down her forehead.

Her face was ghastly pale.

All of a sudden!

Both Qilin Beasts looked suspicious!

Especially the father beast!

It stared at Feng Wu with bloodthirsty eyes until they popped out.

Because —

“Why do you have my kid’s scent on you?!”

The father beast stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

Feng Wu’s heart skipped a beat!


The mother beast then realized what that meant. It dragged Feng Wu to its side with an incredibly tight grip.

It stared at Feng Wu with a deadly gaze. “That’s right! You smell of my child!”

Feng Wu wanted to scream!

Her worst fear had just come true!

The last thing she wanted was to get found out about that…

“Speak!” The two Qilin Beasts each took Feng Wu’s arms and stared at her.

Feng Wu thought her arms were going to be ripped off!

“Speak!!!” Flames shot out of the mouth of one of the Qilin Beasts!

They hit Feng Wu and set her on fire!

The fire seemed to have a mind of its own and it reached into Feng Wu’s ring space right away!


Feng Wu blanched. Her beautiful master was there!

She could lose everything, but not her beautiful master!

She wanted to speak, but was so overwhelmed by the beast’s power that she couldn’t utter a word. Even her soul shook in pain.

Right at that moment!


Little Phoenix and Feng Tutu fell out of her ring and rolled around on the ground!

Both Qilin Beasts had acute senses, and they reached for Feng Tutu immediately.

For they sensed their cub on it!

The father moved a little faster and it grabbed the tiger cub by the throat!


Despite its advancement, the tiger cub was still a baby. It was defenseless in the Qilin Beast’s paw.

“My son!” Sensing its kid on Feng Tutu, the mother beast was furious!

It took Feng Tutu by the neck, turned it upside down so that its head was facing the ground, and tried to make Feng Tutu empty its stomach. “Give me back my son! Give me back my son!”


With its thin neck in the mother beast’s paw, Feng Tutu was drained of all color, and its pupils turned purple and began to dilate.

Feng Wu could sense Feng Tutu’s life slowly leaving its body.

“Run… now…”

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