《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》808-809-810-811


808 Feng Wu Is in Trouble!

Feng Wu: !!!

“A teenage human girl in a red robe,” the Qilin Beast said in an affirmative voice.

Shit! Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!

What the team leader had said worked!

The Qilin Beast had decided to kill all possible suspects without even bothering to try and verify their innocence!

Turning around, Feng Wu looked up at the Qilin Beast with an innocent look on her face.

Qilin Beast snorted. “Why aren’t you trying to run away?”

Feng Wu said innocently, “Why… should I run?”

“You had nothing to do with the death of my child?”

“No! I swear! I had nothing to do with it!” Feng Wu raised both hands to prove her innocence.

Qilin Beast snorted, then took off with Feng Wu.

“Hey, hey! Where are you taking me? Hello —” Feng Wu cried out in despair.

Meanwhile —

In front of the screen.

After making sure that there weren’t any outsiders, Grand Secretary Fang finally switched the camera back to Feng Wu.

And he blanched as soon as he saw what was happening!

Feng Wu had been picked up by a powerful Qilin Beast!

And it was between Zone 2 and Zone 1.

That was to say, this Qilin Beast was a Spiritual Elder at least!

“Xiao Wu has been captured by that thing?!” Priest Wu stared at the screen, his eyes popping out. “That’s not good at all!”

Grand Secretary Fang agreed with Priest Wu.

Things were getting out of hand…

Back in the snowfield —

“Wh- what do you want from me?” Feng Wu stared at the Qilin Beast in trepidation.

Throwing Feng Wu on its back, the Qilin Beast dashed off at lightning speed!

There was nothing to block her on the beast’s back, so Feng Wu wanted to jump off from there. To her amazement. she was stopped by a force resembling a magnetic field, which surrounded her…

She couldn’t find any opening in it.

She had no way to escape.

In front of the screen, Grand Secretary Fang’s and Priest Wu’s faces looked very grim!

Grand Secretary Fang said, “Oh god, the Qilin Beast is taking Xiao Wu back to its nest!”

Priest Wu asked, “But why? Does it want her as its wife?”

Grand Secretary Fang wanted to smack Priest Wu on the head!

“If I’m guessing right… it needs her as a blood sacrifice,” said Grand Secretary Fang after a brief moment of silence.

“A blood sacrifice?”

“That Qilin Beast talked about a dead cub, and Qilin Beasts have a special skill.” Grand Secretary Fang stared at Priest Wu. “They can summon the soul of a dead cub and insert it into a human body, if that body is compatible with the soul.”

Priest Wu blanched. “What happens after that?”

“After that, the cub and Xiao Wu will compete over her body, but do you think the Qilin Beast will let Xiao Wu win?!” Grand Secretary Fang’s voice trembled.

“Where did you learn such things?” Priest Wu asked in bewilderment.

“Because I know a person who once provoked a Qilin Beast, who almost…” Grand Secretary Fang took a deep breath. “No, this can’t wait any longer! I’m going to court now!”

The terrain could only be reopened with Emperor Wu’s consent!

Otherwise, even Grand Secretary Fang, head of Imperial College, didn’t have the authority to change the rules.

Grand Secretary Fang went to court in a hurry.

In the imperial palace —

Feng had gone to the empress dowager to pick something up for Jun Linyuan, and he ran into Grand Secretary Fang on his way back.


He recalled that Grand Secretary Fang had mentioned some abnormal activity during the physical tryout.

Little Feng Wu was in that terrain at the moment, and His Royal Highness was all about Feng Wu’s safety.

“Grand Secretary Fang?” Feng greeted the old man.

Grand Secretary Fang almost jumped when he saw Feng.

809 His Royal Highness

As His Royal Highness’s closest servant, Feng had always kept his distance from other people. Why would he greet Grand Secretary Fang now?

But Grand Secretary Fang had no time for small talk at the moment.

He greeted Feng with a nod, then continued toward the imperial palace.

But Feng wouldn’t let him go just like that.

“Is there a problem with the physical tryout?”

Feng asked the question in a casual tone.

Grand Secretary Fang didn’t want to tell him at first, but he then realized that Feng represented Jun Linyuan, and if Jun Linyuan wanted to know something, even His Majesty wouldn’t be able to keep it from him.

Grand Secretary Fang sighed in resignation. “Xiao Wu is in trouble. I need to talk to His Majesty now.”

Xiao Wu?!

Feng’s worst fears had just come true. It really was about little Feng Wu.

Feng rubbed his forehead as he watched Grand Secretary Fang leave in a hurry.

The crown prince’s residence.

Jun Linyuan was drawing in his study.

He was an excellent painter, and this painting had a swordplay manual hidden in it. Those who were able to comprehend the painting might be able to make a breakthrough in their cultivation.

As it turned out, those paintings in World Tower really were his work!

However, at that moment, the crown prince was very grumpy!


A heavy stroke turned an autumn drizzle into a destructive storm!

Such was the painting Feng saw when he entered the study.

“The mountain is filled with sword energy after an autumn rain. What a wonderful painting,” Feng said with a smile as he crossed his hands behind his back.

Jun Linyuan threw a dirty look at Feng. Then, with a wave of his hand, the painting was burnt to ashes.

“Shut up!”

Feng said, “Your Royal Highness, actually…”

“I said shut up. Are you deaf?!” Jun Linyuan was in a foul mood.

Feng rubbed his nose and wanted to add something.

Jun Linyuan glared at him. “Out!”

Feng walked out of the room in resignation.

Granny Gong rolled her eyes at Feng. “You know what His Royal Highness has been like these days. Why did you do that?”

Crossing his hands behind his back, Feng feigned an indifferent voice. “Sigh. It’s just that I heard news about little Feng Wu from Imperial College —”

In the study, Jun Linyuan’s grip tightened on the painting brush.

Granny Gong was concerned. “Miss Wu? What happened?”

“Miss Wu is in big trouble!” Feng said in a worried tone.

“What?!” Granny Gong cried out.

“Creak —”

The door opened and Jun Linyuan’s cold voice rang out. “Get your ass in here!”

Rubbing his nose, Feng gave Granny Gong a knowing look, smiled, then went into the study.

“What was all that about?” Jun Linyuan went back to his painting, as if he couldn’t care less.

Feng sighed. “It was Imperial College. Your Royal Highness, that’s not your responsibility and really, there’s nothing to talk about.”

Nothing to talk about?!

Jun Linyuan stared at Feng, then tossed the paintbrush to the side. “Spill it!”

Rubbing his nose, Feng chuckled inwardly, but still feigned a resigned look. “There was a rumor before this that a Frosty Night Beast was going to wake up in Proud Snowfield, the terrain which Imperial College chose this year.”


“I know.” Jun Linyuan frowned. “But it hasn’t yet.”

Feng nodded.

“Don’t stop there!” Jun Linyuan snapped.

Feng had said something about little Feng Wu being in trouble, and that was all Jun Linyuan cared about.

Feng went on, “I ran into Grand Secretary Fang on my way back from the imperial palace. He seemed to be in a hurry, so I asked him about it.”

810 Astonished!

“Then?” Jun Linyuan frowned at Feng.

“According to Grand Secretary Fang, little Feng Wu has been abducted by a Qilin Beast at the Spiritual Elder stage. It’s going to draw her soul out of her body and replace it with the soul of its dead cub.”

The look on Jun Linyuan’s face turned very grim.

Tossing his drawing brush aside, he headed out right away.

Just then, Feng Xun and Xuan Yi arrived.

Spotting Jun Linyuan, they grinned and were going to greet the guy when Jun Linyuan walked past them as if they weren’t there.

And he was walking way too fast!

So fast that there was a sudden gust of wind.

The wind almost threw Feng Xun and Xuan Yi off their feet!

Feng Xun was rendered speechless.

Xuan Yi’s mouth fell open.

They exchanged looks and were dumbfounded.

Seeing Feng, Feng Xun went up to the old man in a hurry and stopped him. “Feng, wait, wait —”

Feng turned around and looked at the two teenagers.

Feng Xun was at a loss. “What’s going on with Boss Jun? I never thought he could look so concerned, even if His Majesty was being forced to abdicate!”

“Mind your language!” Xuan Yi glared at Feng Xun.

“Sorry —” Feng Xun covered his mouth.

Xuan Yi looked at Feng. “What happened? I’ve never seen him act that way.”

Feng Xun nodded. “Neither have I.”

Feng said, “Something’s wrong with Imperial College’s physical tryout…”

“That makes sense!” Feng Xun interjected. “The safety of a thousand candidates is at stake, so no wonder Boss Jun… Wait, Boss Jun isn’t the type to care about any candidate…”

“Little Feng Wu…” Xuan Yi reminded him.

Feng Xun smacked his own head and cried out, “Shit! I forgot about that!”

He grabbed Xuan Yi’s arm in alarm. “My sister is one of the candidates!”

Feng Xun stopped trying to figure out why Jun Linyuan was acting strangely. All he could think of now was Feng Wu!

“Feng, is it true? Something’s wrong with the physical tryout?!” Feng Xun blanched.

Feng nodded. “I heard the news from Grand Secretary Fang.”

“Let’s go!”

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi headed for Imperial College right away.

Feng had to remind them, “Grand Secretary Fang has gone to court!”

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi, who had jumped onto the wall, abruptly changed directions and headed for the imperial palace instead.

At that moment, Grand Secretary Fang was the most reliable source of information!

In the imperial palace.

The emperor’s study.

Emperor Wu frowned. “What did you say?”

Grand Secretary Fang said in a serious tone, “Your Majesty, Feng Wu has been abducted by a Qilin Beast.”

Emperor Wu said, “What are you suggesting?”

Grand Secretary Fang didn’t answer the question, but only went on stating the facts. “That Qilin Beast is going to use Feng Wu as a blood sacrifice.”

Emperor Wu said, “If I remember correctly, Qilin Beasts are at the Spiritual Elder stage, and reside in Zone 1.”

Grand Secretary Fang said, “Yes.”

“Then how did Feng Wu get involved with a Qilin Beast?”

“I don’t know, but she has, and she’s going to be used as a blood sacrifice. That Qilin Beast is going to put the soul of its cub into her body.”

Emperor Wu rose from his seat, crossed his hands behind his back, and walked back and forth in the study.

“Are you saying that I should open up the terrain for Feng Wu alone?” Emperor Wu stared at Grand Secretary Fang in disbelief.

Grand Secretary Fang said in a serious voice, “Your Majesty, the Frosty Night Beast is very likely about to wake up. If that happens, the lives of nearly a thousand candidates will be in danger. I beseech you, Your Majesty, cancel the physical tryout. We can hold it again when the time is right.”

811 Not Happening!

Emperor Wu waved his hand. “I can’t do that.”

“Your Majesty —”

Emperor Wu stared at Grand Secretary Fang. “I’ve always had a high opinion of your selflessness and your service to the empire. Now that you’ve retired from court and started working at Imperial College, I hope you can treat all the candidates equally.”

“Your Majesty —” Grand Secretary Fang’s face darkened.

Feng Wu was a Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster at most, and she had provoked a Spiritual Elder Qilin Beast — a creature that was a colossus to her!

Why would happen to her now?

She would be killed!

Just then, footsteps came from outside!

Jun Linyuan had been walking very fast, but he slowed down when he was 100 meters away from the study.


The crown prince kicked open the door to the study.

Emperor Wu and Grand Secretary Fang turned around in surprise.

Someone had just kicked open the door to the emperor’s study? They had to have a death wish!

A name then came to mind: Jun Linyuan?!

A towering figure then showed up in the doorway!

It was a teenager!

He made such a dashing figure!

The sunlight poured in from behind him, creating a halo of light around his body.

His aura was so dazzling that it was impossible to look away. Emperor Wu frowned involuntarily.

“What are you doing here?” Emperor Wu didn’t look very pleased.

Jun Linyuan ignored his father and turned to Grand Secretary Fang. “Is something wrong with the physical tryout?”

“Yes!” Grand Secretary Fang gave a decisive answer without hesitation.

Emperor Wu glared at Jun Linyuan. “Where did you get that information from?”

Jun Linyuan darted a look at him. “None of your business.”

Emperor Wu flared up.

None of his business?

“All land under heaven…”

“All land under heaven belongs to the emperor; all within the land are the emperor’s servants. Is that what you want to say?” Jun Linyuan glanced at his father. “Have as many lands or servants as you want. Don’t count me in.”

Blue veins popped on Emperor Wu’s forehead.

Grand Secretary Fang slowly moved away from the father and son.

This was how they interacted on a daily basis. The last thing the old man wanted was to get in the middle.

Jun Linyuan stared at Emperor Wu. “Reopen that terrain.”

“Forget it!” Emperor Wu turned him down without hesitation.

What was happening? The brat wanted to break the rules of the exam and call it off as soon as he heard about Feng Wu being in danger? Was he really interested in Feng Wu?

At that thought, Emperor Wu frowned.

Emperors were the most relentless people, and since Emperor Wu had decided not to marry Feng Wu to Jun Linyuan, he would do all he could to keep them apart.

The longest distance was between a living and a dead person.

“Forget it?” Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid.

Emperor Wu smirked. “It’s an exam and all candidates should be treated equally.”

He went on in a righteous voice, “There’s danger in the physical tryout every year, and people get killed. All the candidates signed an agreement before they went in.

“If you interrupt the exam just because Feng Wu is in danger, what are you going to do next time? Are you going to do the same for other candidates?”

Emperor Wu stared at Jun Linyuan. “Why are you so concerned about Feng Wu? Are you in love with her?”

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi arrived in a hurry at that moment, and they heard the shocking question when they tried to catch their breaths outside the study.

Boss Jun was in love with little Feng Wu?!

Jun Linyuan threw a dirty look at Emperor Wu. “Are you out of your mind? Of course I’m not in love with her!”

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