《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》804-805-806-807


804 You“re Not Getting Away

Feng Wu nodded, the look on her face very serious. “Just tell me. Yes or no.”

Three snorted. “I don’t care how you want to die. There’s no way I’m going to leak my client’s information. You’re so naive!


Just as Three snarled and leapt up –

All of a sudden!

Something bellowed a short distance away!

It was a bloodcurdling sound!

And the thing making that noise sounded furious!

It was ready to kill!

Instantly, everyone turned around involuntarily.

There —

A powerful magical beast was running wildly in their direction!

And there was a murderous air around it which they could sense even at a distance!

The beast was coming right at them!

“No! It’s a Qilin Beast!”

“And a fully grown one!”

“Is it coming for Feng Wu?”

“I think so!”

“It’s going to kill Feng Wu. We better get out of the way!”


No one had seen it coming, but that Qilin Beast caught up with them and jumped at Nine!


It raised both front paws and slashed down at Nine!

Poor Nine. He was torn in half before he saw it coming.

That shocked everyone!

What the heck?!

Wasn’t the Qilin Beast after Feng Wu? Why had one of them been killed? What did they do?


Three then remembered the blood on them and he panicked!

“The blood! We’re covered in the blood of its cub!”

That answered the question for everyone!

It was Feng Wu!

She had splashed the blood all over them!

Four had been so confident and claimed that Feng Wu did it so that they would be busy cultivating instead of chasing her!

Only then did they realize what Feng Wu really had in mind!


She had been waiting for this moment!

Gritting his teeth, Three yelled at the Qilin Beast, “Feng Wu killed your cub! We have nothing to do with it! She’s the one —”

However, when Three pointed at the spot where he thought Feng Wu was —

Feng Wu was nowhere to be found!

“Feng Wu!” Three bellowed!

She did this on purpose! She had lured the Qilin Beast here!

No wonder she had been yelling about not chasing her. This was why!

Feng Wu, that cunning girl!


The Qilin Beast couldn’t care less about the grudges between these human beings. The blood was the only thing it could think of!

A Qilin Beast’s blood!

The amount suggested that its cub was already dead!

These stupid, abominable humans had killed it!

“How dare you hurt my child… How dare you!” The look on the Qilin Beast’s face was ferocious as it spoke in a deep, murderous voice!

“No, we didn’t… It wasn’t us…”

Three tried to explain, but his words were futile.

They were covered in the cub’s blood, which was irrefutable evidence!

Nothing he said could exonerate them!


As expected, the Qilin Beast ignored what Three said. It raised a front paw and smacked Seven to the ground.

Four glared at the Qilin Beast with utter hatred when he saw that half of Seven’s face was gone. He then shouted at his remaining teammates, “It already believes that we killed its cub, and we can’t change its mind! We need to fight it together!”

Although they didn’t want to, the others had to admit that this was the reality they had to face now.

“We can still run!”

“No, we’ve been marked by the Qilin Beast,” Three said in a terrifyingly calm voice. “Once marked, we’ll never be able to get out of Proud Snowfield alive. It’ll hunt us down one by one!”


805 You“re Going to Die!

Since they couldn’t run, there was only one option left.

Three ground his teeth. “We have to kill this Qilin Beast!”

The beast and them – only one side could live!

“Where’s Feng Wu?”

Four gritted his teeth!

After luring the Qilin Beast here, the girl just disappeared.

“She’s gone.”

Everyone was speechless.

As a matter of fact, Feng Wu hadn’t run off. She was hiding in a pile of snow a short distance away.

She had no blood on her and wasn’t marked. She could leave whenever she wanted.


The Qilin Beast growled, then quickened its steps!

Three said, “Everyone, together!”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

It was a fierce battle!

Before long, blood was everywhere.

The members wanted to fight against the beast together, but when the actual fight started, it was like an inexorable landslide. They stopped trying once they saw that death was inevitable.

Instead, they turned to flee!

Three headed east, Four west, Six north, and Seven…

Everyone picked a different direction and they ran as fast as they could!

For it could be the last time they would ever be able to run in their lives.

They knew perfectly well that they had been marked by the Qilin Beast, but they wouldn’t give up hope just like that!

Even if they had to die, they had to take Feng Wu down with them!

Whoosh —

Feng Wu saw the Qilin Beast pounce at Six from behind.

She smiled a little.

They wanted to kill her? Sorry about that, but she wasn’t that easy to kill.

Feng Wu knew that with the Qilin Beast’s speed and capabilities, it wouldn’t be long before Four and Three met their ends.

However —

There was one more person left — the team leader.

He had stayed behind because of the poison and he hadn’t been tainted by the cub’s blood. So —

Feng Wu strolled off and arrived at the rendezvous point a few moments later.

The team leader was no longer there.

Do you really think you can run from me?

Feng Wu smiled a little.

“Aww —” The tiger cub waved its paws.

It then spoke to Feng Wu in her head. “I know where he is! I know, I know!”

Feng Wu waved her hand. “Let’s go!”


Feng Tutu darted off right away!

This trip to Proud Snowfield had benefited Feng Tutu greatly. Speed had always been its forte, and it was now quicker than a streak of lightning. Even Feng Wu had a hard time keeping up with it.

Before long, she saw a figure up ahead.

It was the team leader of Blade.

In front of him was a frozen river!

Sensing the hostility, he turned around to find Feng Wu behind him. He frowned.

“Feng Wu!!!”

Staring at Feng Wu, the team leader had a murderous look on his face!

Feng Wu stopped when she was ten meters away and smiled at the guy. “That’s me.”

Overwhelmed by hatred, the team leader wanted to tear Feng Wu to pieces!

“You killed Two, Five and Ten!”

Feng Wu nodded.

“And you poisoned me!”

Feng Wu nodded again.

Seeing the unperturbed look on Feng Wu’s face, the team leader was furious. “You’re very calm, but you’re going to die!”

“Is that so?” Crossing her arms, Feng Wu darted an unhurried look at the team leader.

“There are ten of us! You killed three, but there are seven more!”

“Oh, do you mean the dead bodies of Three, Four, and the others?” Feng Wu asked casually.


806 Dead!

D- dead bodies?

His face turned livid!

“What did you say?!”

Feng Wu smiled. “Captain, do you really need me to repeat it?”

“You —”

The team leader’s gaze was sharper than a blade. His face looked stiff and he looked as if he was going to throw up. “What did you do to them?!”

“Nothing.” Feng Wu smiled. “The Qilin Beast is eating them up as we speak.”

“Qilin Beast? Isn’t it dead?” The team leader frowned.

“Well, the dead one was a cub, and its dad is here now.”

“But they didn’t kill the cub!”

Feng Wu nodded. “I know.”

“Why —”

“Too bad. They were covered in the cub’s blood.” Feng Wu shrugged.

The cub’s blood?

The team leader then remembered something!

That was it!

That was why the burnt corpse of the cub looked strangely shriveled, so much so that he hadn’t been able to draw any blood. Feng Wu had drained it already!

“You! You took its blood, then…”


“You!” The team leader stared at Feng Wu, as if he was seeing a ghost!

That was to say, she had planned everything from the very start!

Was she even human?!

How could anyone be this scheming?!

“You, you…” The team leader could taste blood in his mouth!

He glared at Feng Wu, but was unable to utter a word.

Feng Wu smiled. “Do you know why I told you that?”


“Because you deserve to know why you’re going to die.”

After that, with a wave of Feng Wu’s hand, a bottle landed at the team leader’s feet.

Feng Wu smiled. “I put your antidote in the blood of that Qilin Beast.”

She was giving him a choice.

The blood could neutralize the poison, but it would draw the parent Qilin Beast here.

“Your choice.” Feng Wu waved at him, then left with a grin.


The team leader stood there, utterly befuddled!

He couldn’t believe how evil the girl was!

To use the blood or not, that was the question!

If he didn’t use it, he would die from the poison, but if he drank it, that Qilin Beast would be after him for revenge!

What should he do?!

In the end, the team leader decided that he would use it!

For once the poison was neutralized, he still had a chance to get out of here alive, as long as he could survive the next three days!

At that thought, he found a snow pit to hide in, then downed the blood in one go!

Gurgle —

As soon as he swallowed the blood, spiritual essence erupted like a volcano!

It quickly ran through all his energy channels!

How terrifying this power was!

The spiritual essence was so dense!

Instantly, the team leader felt the urge to break through to the next level.

He needed the extra strength now more than ever, and he began to work on it right away!

But —

The Qilin Beast had killed off almost all the members of Blade!

Nine and Eight were killed!

Followed by Six and Seven!

Four died after that!

So did Three…

However, that wasn’t enough for the Qilin Beast to vent its anger! It sniffed the air again.

It could still detect the scent of its cub’s blood!

Following the scent, Qilin Beast headed for the frozen river.

807 Oh, No!

The team leader was thrilled!

He was going to make a breakthrough very soon!

After that, he would be able to get out of here!

And then…

Just when he was overwhelmed with joy —


A giant paw landed in front of him!

A shadow then blocked his field of vision!

The team leader looked up at the Qilin Beast in disbelief!

“You —”

“Have you seen my child?” the beast said in human language.

At the Qilin Beast’s level, it had enough spirituality to speak the common language that human beings used on this continent.

“N- no —” The team leader shook his head repeatedly!


Qilin Beast smacked the team leader in the head.

“Pfft —”

The team leader was dazed by the impact and he could see stars. The next moment, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because he drank the Qilin blood, this parent Qilin Beast hadn’t been able to sense anything on him. It was only here to ask around, but…

It then saw the blood…

It had a scent unique to Qilin Beasts!

Qilin Beast raised a front paw and stared at the team leader in disbelief.

The team leader was stupefied…

The Qilin Beast’s face turned livid!

“You killed my child!” It stared at the team leader with a murderous look in its eyes!

The beast had its own line of thinking.

The human beings it had killed earlier were no match for its child. Therefore, those people had to have a leader.

And the leader was right here in front of it!

“How dare you! Die!!!”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A fight broke out between the beast and the man.

Hiding in a snow pit a short distance away, Feng Wu watched the battle in trepidation.

Luckily, she had found the team leader as a scapegoat. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to handle this Qilin Beast all by herself.

“It wasn’t me! I didn’t kill your child! It was Feng Wu!” In that moment of life and death, the team leader cast his work ethic aside and sold Feng Wu out without hesitation.

“Who’s Feng Wu?” The Qilin Beast frowned.

“She’s a teenage human girl and she’s…” The team leader then described what Feng Wu looked like. He insisted, “She was the one who murdered your child! I swear!”

Thump! The Qilin Beast smacked the team leader’s head again.

“A teenage human girl in a red robe?”

“Yes, that’s right —

“That stupid girl did it!” The team leader went on, “She gave me the blood and she killed your child. Shall I take you to her?”

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!


If the Qilin Beast marked her as a target, she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere in the next three days!

Right at that moment!

“Fool!” Qilin Beast smashed down on the team leader’s chest!

The team leader stared at the Qilin Beast in disbelief!

He had told the truth!

“That girl is a mere Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster. How could she have killed my child?” The Qilin Beast found this human being abominable. Not only did he kill its child, he had also tried to put the blame on another person.

“You’re going to die a miserable death!”

The Qilin Beast gave its verdict!

Once the team leader was dead, Feng Wu took a deep breath, then turned to leave.

However, at that moment!

“Where do you think you’re going?”

A deep voice rang out behind Feng Wu!

Feng Wu shuddered.


That Qilin Beast again?!

Had it found out that its cub had been…

Feng Wu bolted. However, she was only able to take a few steps before the Qilin Beast grabbed the back of her collar and picked her up like a chicken.

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