《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》800-801-802-803


800 Now Or Never!

“What about you? Are you going to die?”

Little Phoenix and the cub’s voices were full of concern.

Staring at a big blue dot on the map, Feng Wu smiled enigmatically. “I have an idea!”

As the team leader ran off, Feng Wu doubled back and headed the other way.

Toward a blue dot.

If she had guessed right, that represented a magical beast.

And the size of the dot indicated how capable it was. However, why would such a capable magical beast enter Zone 2? What was it looking for? Its cub, perhaps?

The dot wasn’t too far away and Feng Wu quickly headed its way.

In less than 15 minutes, Feng Wu was less than one kilometer away from the blue dot.

She hid under a pile of snow and looked out through a little hole. She saw a giant Qilin Beast.

It was covered in ice and its scales glittered in the light.

The look in its eyes was sharp, murderous, and ferocious!

And anxious!

This Qilin Beast looked a lot like the dead Qilin Beast cub…

It snuffled around with a frown.

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up!

If she had guessed correctly, this Qilin Beast was looking for that cub.

An idea struck Feng Wu when she realized that.

Members of Blade were heading for the rendezvous point.

She wouldn’t have gotten this idea if they were going somewhere else. However, they had picked that spot, which gave Feng Wu a lot of room to maneuver.

The Qilin Beast followed the scent as it searched for its cub. Feng Wu estimated that it would reach the spot where its kid died in two hours.

After the Qilin Beast left, Feng Wu quickly jumped out of the snow and headed for the rendezvous point via another route.

She needed to make some preparations in order to make use of that beast.

If she did it right, she would be able to get rid of all of Blade in one go!

They had already learned that she had regained her abilities. If she let them leave alive, they would inform the Zuo family, and when that happened, she would have to face a lot more than just a team of hitmen.

All her worst fears would come true.

Therefore, every single member of Blade had to die!

She couldn’t afford any mistakes!

Feng Wu outlined her plan on her way to the rendezvous point, and it was a complicated, interconnected stratagem.

An hour later —

The team leader was the first to arrive.

The journey here had exhausted him. His legs gave out and he fell onto a pile of snow, panting loudly.

He found the mask too suffocating and he was having a hard time breathing, so he ripped the black cloth off his face.

His face had turned a bluish color and was speckled all over, which was a terrifying look that reminded one of livor mortis.

The team leader struggled to breathe. Wrapping his hands around his throat, he tried to throw up, but couldn’t. Darkness filled his vision!

Just when he thought he was going to pass out —

The group from the south was the first to arrive.

“Captain? Captain?”

Three was the leader of the group and he led Six and Nine back in a hurry.


“Captain? What happened? Why did you take off your mask?” Three put the mask back on his leader. After all, hitmen like them weren’t supposed to show their faces to anyone.

801 Don“t Chase Me

The families of their victims might try to take revenge if they knew what the hitmen looked like.

Moreover, Imperial College’s system was monitoring all candidates, and Blade could be spotted at any moment.

The team leader took a deep breath, then said in broken words, “You… kill… Feng Wu…”

Three cried out in surprise, “Captain, did you run into Feng Wu? Where are the others? Where are Two, Five, and Ten?!”

Ten had been leading the team this whole time and everyone trusted him.

“Dead… they’re all dead…”


The south group was baffled!


Their captain was poisoned, and Two, Five, and Ten were all dead?!

“Did Feng Wu do this? Is that girl even human? How is that even possible?!” They couldn’t believe their ears!

The team leader took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind.

It was such a long story, and revealing the truth would only make them look incompetent, so the team leader decided to keep it to himself. With a wave of his hand, he said to Three, “You… must be careful… That girl is… so cunning…”

“Captain, Captain, have you been poisoned? Let’s wait until everyone’s here; she won’t be able to trick all of us, no matter how cunning she is! Captain, get some rest. Let’s work on the antidote first!”

The others agreed with Three.

Before long, the west group joined them.

Blade was still a capable team, for most of its members were still alive.

The team leader, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine were all alive. And everyone except for the team leader were still in good condition. Feng Wu would have no hope if they spotted her.

All of a sudden —

“What’s that?!” Four, the most sharp-eyed among them all, spotted a shadow in the snow, and he jumped to his feet!

Feng Wu had hidden under the snow once before, and he was alarmed right away!

Seeing Four come at her like a ferocious tiger, Feng Wu jumped out and bolted.

That astonished everyone.

“Oh god, that’s Feng Wu! That’s really her! Go get her!”

“Feng Wu?! She didn’t run away? She was right here?!”

“She killed Two, Five, and Ten! Get her and avenge them!”

The team members was shocked. They never expected Feng Wu to be this audacious!

The team leader was furious!

“Catch her! You have to catch her!”

Hence, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine all dashed off after Feng Wu.

Feng Wu ran as fast as the wind. She warned the team members over her shoulder as she ran, “Don’t chase me! I’m warning you! Stop chasing me!”

Three smirked. “Don’t chase you? You wish!”

Four said, “Stop running now and I’ll make it quick!”

Feng Wu rolled her eyes. “Quick or not, you’re going to kill me!”

“Stop right there!”

“I won’t!”


“I won’t!”

Three was speechless.

Did the girl think they were making fun of her? This was a pursuit!

Feng Wu looked over her shoulder as she ran. “Stop chasing me already! You’ve been warned! You’ll regret this!”


Three found it preposterous!

“You brat! Is that what you want to say before you die?!”

Feng Wu looked very innocent. “I mean it. Don’t chase me and stop right there… Otherwise, you’ll be in a lot of trouble!”

802 I See!

“Are you really not going to leave me alone?” Feng Wu said in resignation.

“You brat! One of us has to die today, and it’s going to be you!”

Three couldn’t understand what Feng Wu’s nagging was about.

The members of Blade ran very fast, and Feng Wu was slightly slower in comparison.

Even if she was doing her best.

Before long, she was surrounded by the team.

The six men circled Feng Wu.

And there was a ferocious look in their eyes.

Three grinned grimly. “Kid, what did I tell you? Stop running. But you wouldn’t listen. Here we are.”

Four grinned ominously as well. “What did you say would happen if we caught you? Do tell.”

“You’re all going to die,” Feng Wu stared at them and said in a calm voice.

“Hahahaha —”

The hitmen guffawed!

That was the most ridiculous thing they had ever heard!

“We’ve surrounded you and we’re going to die? Are you an idiot or what?”

“Three, cut the crap. Get the antidote from her.”


Three rushed over to Feng Wu’s side and grabbed her by the arm.

He hesitated for a brief moment when he took her arm.

This was much easier than he had expected.

This girl had poisoned their team leader and killed Two, Five, and Ten… She should be very difficult to catch, but… he caught her? Just like that?

“Three caught her!”

The others closed in right away!

However, just then —

Pfft —

Blood poured down on their heads!

It happened too suddenly!

And they didn’t have enough time to react!

Three, Four, Six… all six men more or less had some blood on them.

Three had it the worst. Being the closest to Feng Wu, he got most of the blood over him; it was all over his head, his face, and his clothes!

His face looked as if someone had painted it red!

Everyone stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

What the hell?!

“The blood is poisonous!” Three and the others jumped backward at that thought.

They still circled Feng Wu, but not as close as before.

Everyone glared at Feng Wu, but they looked hesitant as well.

“It’s not poisonous, but…”

But what?

“But it’s worse than poison.” Feng Wu grinned.

Three narrowed his eyes. “What blood is it?”

Just then, Four cried out, “Isn’t this Qilin Beast’s blood?! Can you feel the dense spiritual essence?”

Six said, “Gosh, I suddenly have the urge to make a breakthrough. Am I the only one?”

“No, you’re not! I have the same urge!”

They exchanged looks of amazement.

They thought that Feng Wu had poisoned them. However, she offered them something that would benefit their cultivation!

“I see!” Four cried out.

803 Abandon Hope…

Four cried out, “I see! Feng Wu is trying to distract us with bribery. That way, we’ll be busy cultivating and won’t have time to go after her!”

He then stared at Feng Wu. “You brat! Am I right?”

Feng Wu only smiled at him without saying a word.

That only made Four more certain of himself. He turned to his teammates. “I was right. That’s her plan.”

Three stared at Feng Wu. He didn’t think it could be that simple.

Feng Wu looked too sure of herself.

And she shouldn’t be.

She should look flustered and perplexed, and should be shaking all over… However, her eyes were twinkling, as if victory lay within her grasp and she was planning how to celebrate.

“What on earth are you trying to do?” The more Three thought about it, the more disturbed he became.

Instead of answering him, Feng Wu looked around at the team and said, “You don’t get a chance to level up every day. Are you sure you’re going to waste this opportunity? You can kill me any time you want, but I can’t say the same about making a breakthrough.”

Four and the others exchanged hesitant looks.

Three bellowed, “What are you all waiting for?! Have you forgotten how cunning this girl is? Kill her!”

The team leader wasn’t here and Two was dead, which made Three the one who called the shots.

Instantly, everyone charged at Feng Wu in unison.

Feng Wu spun, then jumped out of the circle.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Three bellowed. He knew it! The girl was bluffing!

The hell with not chasing her and the consequences! She had made everything up.

“I mean it! You’ll regret chasing me in a moment!” Feng Wu shouted as she ran.

“Heh —”

Three and the others couldn’t be bothered to talk back anymore.

The only thing they could think of now was catching up to Feng Wu, then kill her!

Feng Wu thought to herself as she ran: Where is that Qilin Beast?

With its keen nose, it should have picked up the scent of the cub’s blood and caught up with them by now!


Three ran the fastest and he struck out at Feng Wu from behind with a fist!


He was much more capable than Feng Wu. As a matter of fact, any individual of Blade was a more advanced cultivator than she was.

The impact sent Feng Wu flying forward.


Her body arced in the air and she flew over a low hill before falling into a pile of snow on the other side.

Pfft —

Feng Wu spat out a mouthful of blood.

That Three was such a formidable hitman.

Feng Wu rubbed her back. If she hadn’t dodged in time to protect her main organs or had failed to make good use of the momentum to quickly move forward, she would probably be dead by now.

Dear Qilin Beast, show up now, or I’ll really be killed!

Three and the others caught up to Feng Wu before she was out of the pit.

“You brat! This is your last day on earth!” Three’s sword glinted in the sun!

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!

She had done all she could to stall, but apparently, she needed to stall for a bit longer.

“Did the Zuo family send you?” Feng Wu stared at them with piercing eyes.

But Three didn’t want to give her an answer.

“If you’re going to kill me, at least tell me what I’m going to be killed for! The Zuo family sent you, didn’t they?” Feng Wu glared at them.

Three smirked. “You really want to know?”

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