《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》796-797-798-799


796 Feng Wu the Excellent Actress

At that thought, Feng Wu smiled a little.

However, the mask shielded her face from the team leader and Two.

The team leader shook his head as he watched Feng Wu go out. “Five isn’t sharp enough. If he doesn’t improve soon enough, Ten is going to replace him.”

Two nodded. “Ten hasn’t been with us long, but he’s decisive and relentless, and he’s an excellent cultivator, too. He’s got a lot of potential.”

The team leader smirked. “Too much potential, actually.”

Two darted a strange look at his captain. Was the guy threatened by the newcomer already?

Feng Wu headed north after she left the temple.

She had taken note of the direction Ten had headed in when the guy left earlier.

Feng Wu had planned everything out from the very beginning.

And everything was proceeding according to plan.

She kept heading north. Ten knew how to track people, and so did Feng Wu.

And she was unmatched in her counter-reconnaissance skills.

Fifteen minutes later, Feng Wu spotted Ten in a valley.

Crouching down next to a pile of snow, Ten was lost in thought.

“What’s bothering you?” Feng Wu patted him on the shoulder.

Ten threw a dirty look at “Five,” then went back to his pondering.

“Got a lead?” Feng Wu sat down with her legs crossed and asked in a casual tone.

Ten ignored her.

“Captain wants you back. The meal’s ready. You coming?”

Feng Wu mimicked the way Five spoke, and she was doing an excellent job. She could fool just about anyone.

“It’s strange.” Finally, Ten began to speak.

“How so?”

“The track stops here,” Ten said to himself. “Feng Wu was here and I can detect her scent. But where did she go?”

“She ran away, no?”

“But in which direction? I can only find traces of her coming here, but not… I see!” Ten smacked his thigh. “She went back! She doubled back to the temple! Feng Wu’s hiding in the temple — hngh —”

Before Ten could finish what he wanted to say, a sword pierced through his chest. It went in through his back and came out through his rib!

Blood dripped from the tip of the cold blade…

The pain was excruciating!

Ten desperately tried to turn his head. But —


The sword twisted in his chest!

It hurt…

“You —” Ten cried out in disbelief as blood gushed out of his mouth.

Drawing back her Flaming Sword, Feng Wu watched as Ten fell to the ground… She smiled a little.

“You’re…” Ten struggled to speak. “…Feng Wu…”

“You’re very smart. But it’s too late for you.” Feng Wu darted a glance at him.

Ten was overwhelmed with emotions.

After searching for Feng Wu for three days, he had finally found her… among the team members.

What would happen to the team now that he was gone? Ten found the idea horrifying.

However, there was nothing he could do now.

His life had come to an end.

Feng Wu darted another look at the dead body, then began to smear Ten’s blood all over herself.

By then, the team leader and Two had probably finished their meal, so Feng Wu began to run toward the temple.

“Captain! Captain! Captain!”

The feigned panic in her voice carried very far in the wind.

The team leader and Two were talking about Feng Wu, and they rushed out as soon as they heard her shouts.


Feng Wu fell to the ground and rolled around in the snow. It looked like she was barely breathing.


797 One At a Time

The team leader rushed over to “Five” with a frown.

Feng Wu’s acting was very convincing!

The team leader was about to check her pulse when she gripped his hand. “I’m alright. Go… go help… Ten… Quickly…”

Her cover would be blown if he checked her pulse now!


The team leader’s pupils contracted. He then dashed off in the direction Feng Wu had pointed in.

He called over his shoulder, “Two, look after Five!”

Two took Feng Wu’s hand after the team leader left. “Let me have a look —”

He immediately realized that something wasn’t right.

The hand was too smooth and too fair. It looked like a girl’s hand. Why would Five… Wait!

The idea had only just struck Two when —

A dagger was buried in his chest!


The blade pierced his heart and the tip came out of his back!

Two stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!


He struck down at Feng Wu.

A dying strike could be lethal!

Luckily, Feng Wu was prepared. She had fled the other way as soon as she stabbed the guy.

Two missed his target and his palm landed on the ground.

The impact created a deep pit in the ground.

By then, Feng Wu had gone round behind Two, and she kicked him into the pit he had created himself.


Feng Wu pulled out the dagger; the blood was everywhere.

“You, you’re… Feng Wu!” Two was anything but dumb, and he saw the light right away.

Feng Wu grinned. “Those were Ten’s last words, too.”

“Ten… Ten…”

“Yes, I’ve killed him, too.” Feng Wu smiled at him.

Feng Wu had nothing against these people, but they were trying to kill her for money – she would be the dead one if she didn’t strike first.

Two looked despairing.

He had never expected that a simple task like this would get him killed.

He died shortly afterward.

Feng Wu filled the pit with snow.

The team leader was the only one left in this group.

That guy was a very capable cultivator. Feng Wu couldn’t tell exactly what his level was, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to beat him even if she made it to Level 6.

Although she had poisoned the firewood, judging from the team leader’s movements, the poison hadn’t taken effect yet. If she tried to take him out now, Feng Wu would be the one who was killed.


The team leader returned with Ten’s dead body over his shoulder. Seeing “Five” on the ground, he rushed over and tried to shake “him” awake.

Feng Wu thought she was going to have a concussion from all the shaking when she opened her eyes. “Captain…”

“Where’s Two? Isn’t he with you?”

“Feng Wu… Feng Wu ambushed us… Two went after her…” Feng Wu slowly rose to her feet, swaying a little.

“How are you doing?” The team leader looked pissed.

Ten, the scout, had been killed; it was only natural that he was displeased.

“I’ll survive.” Feng Wu gritted her teeth.

She couldn’t afford to act too weak now. Her cover would be blown if the team leader checked her pulse.

The team leader nodded. “Where did they go?”

“Over there —” Feng Wu pointed to the west. “Feng Wu was injured and we knew right away that she wouldn’t get very far. That was why Two went after her. I think we’ll hear good news very soon.”

798 Gone?

The team leader frowned. “Take Ten’s body into the temple. I’ll go find them.”


He dashed off after that.

Watching the team leader leave, Feng Wu smiled a little.

The team leader pursued with caution, but he couldn’t see Two or Feng Wu anywhere.

This wasn’t right? Wasn’t Feng Wu supposed to be badly injured? Catching up with her should be a piece of cake, but where was she?

The more he thought about it, the more doubtful he felt.

He turned around and headed back.

The temple was dead silent and he didn’t hear a thing.

The team leader walked in to find Ten’s body on the ground, but where did Five go?

“Five? Five!” he called out with a frown.

But Five didn’t show, no matter how loud his voice was.

That was strange.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu was lying in a snow pit, waiting for the poison to take effect.

She wouldn’t be able to beat the team leader if she confronted him now. Her best option was to stay put and let the poison do its work!

But —

There was one thing Feng Wu hadn’t taken into consideration.

The team leader was more cautious than she had anticipated!

After all, he was the team leader of Blade, which was proof enough of his intelligence.

He looked back on what had happened so far, from Ten leaving and Five searching for the guy, to Ten’s death and Two’s disappearance. Then… something just didn’t feel right! What was it?

The hands!

The team leader swayed a little!

There were old scars on Five’s hands, but when “Five” grabbed his hand and told him what happened to Ten, those hands didn’t have a mark on them!

That wasn’t right!

When had this feeling started?

After Five went out to fetch the meat!

At that thought, the team leader felt all the blood rush to his head and his mind went blank for a second.

This was bad… really bad!

He forced himself to calm down, then drew out his sword and scanned the entire area around the temple with his spiritual essence!

It was a very energy-consuming move, but that was the last thing on his mind!

He sensed something abnormal under a pile of snow by the wall!

He threw his sword in that direction!


Fueled by spiritual essence, the blade pierced all the way into the snow pile, the hilt included!

The team leader grinned grimly. He jumped over to the pile of snow and dragged the person out!

“Feng Wu! There you are!”

However, his pupils contracted when he saw the person’s face!

It wasn’t Feng Wu!

As the leader of the team, he had seen Five without the mask on.

Right now, his sword had pierced Five through the heart.

The team leader was speechless.

He killed Five?!

He was completely baffled.

Poor man. He couldn’t have expected Feng Wu to put Five back into his outfit already.

This was way she had only knocked Five out instead of killing him right away.

As expected, the team leader walked into the trap.

Staring at Five, whom he had killed, the team leader thought he was going to pass out.

Five hadn’t been replaced? That was to say, he had gotten everything wrong. What was going on here?

Feng Wu’s interwoven stratagems successfully befuddled the team leader.

“Hm —”

All of a sudden, he gripped his chest as he felt a throbbing pain in his heart!

That was…

The team leader’s face turned livid.

He realized right away that he had been poisoned!


Although he didn’t know what it was, he didn’t let his guard down. Leaping into the air, he jumped out of the window as swiftly as a swallow. He then dashed off and was soon out of sight!

Feng Wu was speechless.

799 Run?

He ran away? Just like that?!

Feng Wu was baffled.

She didn’t expect the team leader to bolt. She had set up a series of traps and gadgets in the temple, which had taken her quite a while, but her target had run off without triggering any of them.

“The guy didn’t become the leader of Blade for nothing. He’s really cautious.” Feng Wu shook her head regretfully.

However, he had been poisoned and wouldn’t be able to run very far.

After the miserable pursuit she had endured, it was finally time for Feng Wu to strike back.

Hence, Feng Wu left quickly and went after the team leader.

The team leader struggled to keep moving forward.

He had realized by now that Two, Five, and Ten were all dead and he was the only one left in his group. It just so happened that he had been poisoned.

That toxin…


The moment he thought about it, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

This wasn’t good at all!

“That abominable girl!” The team leader gritted his teeth, wanting to cut Feng Wu into little pieces.

However, there wasn’t anything he could do at the moment except get back to his other team members as soon as possible.

Luckily, they had a special means of communication, and they roughly knew where the other team members were.

The team had split into three groups.

Two, Five, and Ten headed north.

Three, Six, and Nine headed south.

Four, Seven, and Eight headed west.

The other two groups were all that was left of Blade.

The team couldn’t afford to lose any more members and had to stick together.

The team leader sent out a distress signal.

A distress signal?!

Three was the head of the team heading south, and his stomach lurched when he received the signal. He confirmed it with the other two members. “Did you receive that?”

“Captain’s distress signal?”


“I think he might have run into the real Feng Wu!”

“But we’ve almost caught up to our target. Are we going to give up now?”

“You idiot! There’s only one Feng Wu, and if Captain has found the real one, then we’re running after a fake one!”


“Enough with your ‘right’! Get back to Captain already!”

The group gathered together and headed north.

Meanwhile, the group heading west received the same signal.

“Captain’s distress signal?”

“He’s the most powerful cultivator of us all. How…”

“Something must be terribly wrong! Quick, let’s go back to the rendezvous point!”

“Where’s that?”

“Captain said to meet him where the Qilin Beast and Ice Fire Beast fought.”


The group in the south gave up on chasing Little Phoenix.

And the group in the west stopped pursuing the cub.

Both groups headed for the place where the Qilin Beast and Ice Fire Beast fought each other to death, for that was where the three routes met.

Feng Wu tailed the team leader and kept her distance. Judging by the direction he was heading in, she knew what he was up to right away.

Just then —

Feng Wu heard Little Phoenix’s voice in her head.

“They’re heading back! They’re coming your way! Little Feng Wu, they must have realized you’re the real one and they’re coming for you! Run!”

Meanwhile, the cub’s voice joined in.

“Roarrr — they left!”

As her spiritual pets, Little Phoenix and the cub could both send her telepathic messages, as long as they weren’t too far apart.

An idea struck Feng Wu. “They have to meet up where the Qilin Beast and Ice Fire Beast died. Follow them, but don’t get too close.”

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