《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》787-789-790-791


788 A Great Harves

The spiritual essence was dissipating fast. If Feng Wu didn’t act quickly enough, it would soon disappear into thin air.

Therefore, Feng Wu woke the cub and Little Phoenix up, and got them to absorb the spiritual essence along with her.

The girl, the cub, and the bird formed a triangle around the Ice Fire Beast and feasted on the spiritual essence, and they didn’t stop until it ran out fifteen minutes later.

After that, Feng Wu turned to that Qilin Beast.

With its head barely attached to its body, the beast stared at the tiger cub with a despairing look in its eyes.

This cub was the culprit in this whole thing!

The tiger cub had lured the Qilin Beast out and instigated a fight between the two beasts. Then —

“It… wasn’t… your dad?”

Seeing that the tiger cub was very close to the human girl and that it was even absorbing the Ice Fire Beast’s spiritual essence, the Qilin Beast finally realized what had happened.

It stammered out those words in broken beast language, feeling utterly betrayed.

The tiger cub looked back at the Qilin Beast with an innocent look in its eyes and shook its head. Of course not.

The Qilin Beast was shocked!

So, it had been tricked by this abominable tiger cub!

It wanted to cut the cub into pieces!

Its gaze then shifted from the cub to Feng Wu.

Her blood smelled so good…

Staring at Feng Wu with a greedy look in its eyes, the Qilin Beast said to the cub in a matter-of-fact tone, “You, do me a favor.”

The cub looked at it in bewilderment.

The Qilin Beast swallowed in pain, then stared at Feng Wu. “Kill her and… give her blood… to me…”

Instinct made the Qilin Beast struggle for its life.

Somehow, it knew that it would survive if it could eat the human girl.

Had it known better… had it known that the human girl was hiding in the snow, it would have shared the girl with that Ice Fire Beast. She would have been dead by now.

Feng Wu recognized the murderous look in the Qilin Beast’s eyes.

“What is it saying?” Feng Wu didn’t understand the language.

“It said: Kill you, drink your blood.”

While the cub was still gesturing with its paws, Little Phoenix, who was the more intelligent one, translated for Feng Wu.

“And, if it knew that you were hiding in the snow, it wouldn’t have fought with the Ice Fire Beast. It would have shared you with the Ice Fire Beast and they could eat you together.” Little Phoenix broke the cruel news to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu was speechless.

Luckily, the cub had dragged her into a pit, or she would have been eaten up by now.

Feng Wu went up to the Qilin Beast, crouched down, and stared at it coldly. “I didn’t mean to get you involved and I was sorry that you almost got decapitated. I was going to treat your wound.”

The beast might be beyond saving for other doctors, but not Feng Wu.

She could have saved this Qilin Beast cub, but —

“Your worst decision was to express your will to kill me at this moment.” Feng Wu looked into the Qilin Beast’s pleading yet angry and agitated eyes.

“I know you’re pissed and you may even promise not to kill me afterward, but —” Feng Wu smiled. “I know the story of the farmer and the snake.”

“You —”

The Qilin Beast spoke its own language, but it could understand what Feng Wu was saying.


789 Men in Black!

It stared at Feng Wu with unblinking eyes!

“Pfft —”

Finally, the Qilin Beast spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing on the ground…

It died with its eyes open!

A pot appeared in Feng Wu’s hand, together with a tube.

She stuck one end of the tube into the Qilin Beast’s neck and left the other end in the pot.

The Qilin Beast’s blood then flowed into the pot through the tube.

“It would be such a waste if we let such precious material rot here.” Once the tube was set, Feng Wu found a flat area to put the pot down, then beckoned Little Phoenix and the cub over to absorb the spiritual essence of the Qilin Beast.

Feng Wu had quite a few spiritual stones left, but in order to absorb the spiritual essence from them, they had to go through an extraction process first.

The Qilin Beast’s spiritual essence, on the other hand, existed separately to begin with, and was much faster to absorb. It was efficient and much less wasteful.

If Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu hadn’t stopped Xuanyuan Kun earlier and had let the guy switch the camera focus back to Feng Wu, this would be what they would have seen.

All would be exposed if that happened.

They drained the Qilin Beast of all its spiritual essence in fifteen minutes.

Little Phoenix and the cub both fell asleep.

Feng Wu knew that both would be able to make another breakthrough after they woke up, and they would be incredible.

Feng Wu smiled at that thought.

With a wave of her hand, she put the two pets away in her ring.

And the pot full of Qilin blood was also stored there.

Feng Wu had built a small storage room about 5 square meters in size inside the ring space, where she put all her bits and bobs.

As for the rest of the ring space, well, it was her beautiful master’s personal space and she wouldn’t mess it up with all the sundry goods.

Once that was done, Feng Wu torched the dead bodies of the two beasts. She left only after they were burnt to cinders.

Shortly after she left —

All of a sudden.

Apparition-like figures appeared on the spot where Feng Wu had been standing.

They were all dressed in black.

Black head scarves, black masks, black robes, black trousers, and black shoes. These people seemed to suck in all the light around them.

They weren’t students of Imperial College, which was why the system didn’t detect them.

“A battle took place here.”

The head of this team of ten was a slender hitman. Staring at the embers, he frowned a little.

“The battle was between two magical beasts, but I see signs of Feng Wu.” A short man went down on all fours and snuffled loudly in the snow.

He followed the scent and headed all the way toward a pile of snow.

Before long, he began to dig into the ground until he reached a hole. “Feng Wu was hiding here earlier!”

This team of men in black uniforms were professionals. Both their tones and their movements sent chills down one’s spine.

It was as if they weren’t talking about a real person, but a corpse.

Feng Wu, who was walking in a valley, sneezed all of a sudden.

Achoo —

She rubbed her nose. Was someone talking about her behind her back?

Back to the other side —

The lanky team leader looked down at the short member. “Ten, are you sure?”


“Yes, Captain!” The eyes of the teenager addressed as “Ten” glinted.

“How can you be so sure? Do I need to remind you that by successfully completing this task, our team, Blade, will be set for the rest of the year?” The team leader stared at Ten with a savage look in his eyes.

790 Winter Is Coming

“I can detect her scent here and it’s still quite fresh. That is to say, she hasn’t been gone for too long.” Ten returned his captain’s gaze, his voice full of confidence.

“She was able to live through a fight between two magical beasts. She doesn’t look like a cripple to me.” The team leader grinned ominously.

Two said in a casual tone, “A cripple wouldn’t have been able to stay alive in Zone 2 for three days.”

That alarmed all the other members.

The team leader grinned. “The employer made a side note on the contract, and suspects that she has regained her cultivation ability. Guys, once this job is done, we’re set for a whole year. Are you in or not?”

“We’re in!”

“Good. We’re moving out!”

They had been flying low for three days, searching every inch from Zone 5 to Zone 2. Finally, they were closing in on Feng Wu.

Feng Wu had no idea that a team of hitmen was coming after her, let alone that this team was able to evade detection by the system and enter Proud Snowfield without raising the alarm.

Feng Wu checked the map in her head.

She frowned a little.

If she was guessing right, a team of over 50 members was headed for Zone 2 in the direction of where the two beasts had fought.

Feng Wu was glad that she had torched the remains of the Qilin Beast and the Ice Fire Beast. Otherwise, the others might look into it, and there would be a lot of trouble.

She had two options now.

One was to meet up with Chaoge in Zone 3. They would then go to the central area together to find the Frosty Night Beast.

The other option was to enter the central area alone, where she would find the beast, get the Heart of Frost Essence, then go and get Chaoge.

Feng Wu shook her head when she recalled Chaoge’s capability as a Level 2 Spiritual Grandmaster.

The Frosty Night Beast was too dangerous. Feng Wu would have to look after Chaoge, and might be distracted if Chaoge went with her, which would put Chaoge in even more danger.

Thus, Feng Wu decided to go by herself.

Once that was decided, Feng Wu ducked her head against the wind and snow and hastened on.

She ran into a sudden snowstorm on the way.

The weather wasn’t suitable for traveling anymore.

Seeing that it was getting late, Feng Wu found a leeward slope, dug a hole in the snow, then crawled into it.

It was a dark, windy night. Together with the raging snowstorm and the fact that she was on the edge of Zone 1, where formidable magical beasts dwelled, her life would be in danger if she pressed on.

Feng Wu closed her eyes and began to cultivate once she sat down in the hole.

After absorbing the spiritual essence of the Ice Fire Beast and the Qilin Beast, Feng Wu needed time to process it so that it could be transformed into spiritual essence that she could use. Otherwise, it would only pile up in her energy channels and become a burden on her health.

It was the same as drinking a potent tonic and not digesting it.

Little Phoenix and the cub were much luckier. Once they settled down in their dormant states, their bodies automatically started to work, digesting the spiritual essence they had absorbed.

That was the main difference between the cultivation methods of magical beasts and human beings.

After circulating the spiritual essence around her body three times, Feng Wu was able to digest most of it. Just then, she heard faint voices outside.

“Captain, the trail stops here.”


“I followed Feng Wu’s scent all the way until we reached this spot. It has disappeared.”

“With the wind and snow, any traces of her would have been blown away immediately. Are you sure Feng Wu was here?”

“Yes! Upon my life!”

The conversation continued…

791 She“s Right Here!

Feng Wu woke up in the hole as soon as she picked up on the conversation.

Someone was hunting her down?!

And they had followed her here?!

What was going on?!

“Wait.” Ten let out a soft cry.


“I think… I caught Feng Wu’s scent again.”

“You think?”


“Ten, are you sure?”


The team leader trusted Ten’s expertise in reconnaissance and he gave the order right away. “Everyone, start looking. Search everywhere within a 5km radius!”


Feng Wu slowed down her breathing and adjusted her body functions to the lowest level possible. She was practically in a vegetative state.

Despite her inactive body, her brain was spinning.

Someone wanted her dead?

And judging from the footsteps, there were ten of them.

They were all advanced cultivators.

Level 5 Spiritual Grandmasters, at least.

Who sent them?

How did they get into Proud Snowfield?

Feng Wu was as inert as a stone and her heartbeat was barely detectable. It would be very difficult for those people to find her.

The team gathered up after a short while.

“Captain, I didn’t find the target.”

“Captain, I didn’t find the target.”

“Captain, I didn’t find the target.”

Eight members came back with the same report.

But that didn’t settle Feng Wu’s mind. For some unknown reason, she knew that the scout who had detected her scent would report otherwise.

She was right. “She’s here.”

All eyes were on Ten.

Seven said, “No, she’s not.”

Ten: “Yes, she is.”

Seven asked, “Where, then?”

Ten smirked. “You’re practically looking at her.”

The others stared at Ten.

Ten grinned and pointed at the snowfield they were standing on. “She’s right here under the snow. I can sense her!”

Feng Wu: !!!

She was on guard!

The guy had discovered where she was hiding!

What kind of skill was that?!

Luckily, Feng Wu had activated the ice attribute, and with both the fire and ice energy, she was able to melt the snow and build a long tunnel underground.

Then, she could move around easily in the snow.

Feng Wu crawled on all fours, moving as slowly and carefully as a cautious gecko.

Because of that Ten with his acute nose, Feng Wu had to be extra careful. If they caught her…

Feng Wu had a hunch that these people would be worse news than that Qilin Beast!

The area they stood on was over 1000 square meters in size, and it took them a while to search every inch.

Roughly fifteen minutes later —

They reported back to their captain, who was waiting by a snowdrift in the center of the area.

“Captain, the target isn’t here.”

“Captain, the target isn’t here.”

“Captain, the target isn’t here.”

All eight members came back with the same result again.

“Have you checked everywhere?” The team leader frowned.

“Yes, every inch and as deep as 10m underground. She isn’t here.”

“The same with me.”

“The same with me.”

All eyes were on Ten again.

The team leader also looked at Ten. “What do you say now?”

“I can still detect her scent! She’s here!” Seeing that the others wouldn’t believe him, Ten was a little on edge.

“Except she’s not.” Seven snorted. “Apart from pits, tunnels, and water, the only thing underground is snow.”

“Yes, that’s what I found, too.”

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