《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》779-780-781-782


779 A Turn for the Better

Feng Wu was ghastly pale.

With the blood loss, she looked dreadful against the white snow.

She was covered in cold sweat, but she was burning inside at the same time.

The chill and the heat made Feng Wu feel like she was being roasted and frozen at the same time.


She ground her teeth together, but couldn’t stop them from chattering.

But what else could she do?

She was hanging on by the skin of her teeth and she couldn’t afford any reckless moves!


Another round of blows rumbled overhead!

The Ice Fire Beast was furious and gloating at the same time.

As a matter of fact, if it exerted all its power, it would have caught Feng Wu already.

However, the beast had grown proud after its breakthrough, and it was showing off its capability. Right now, it acted like a cat playing with a mouse. It was going to taunt Feng Wu and scare her before dealing the final blow!


There was another round of pounding over Feng Wu’s head.

As time went by, Feng Wu grew weaker and she felt dizzy. Her vision was going dark…

It hurt…

Feng Wu felt as if she had been torn in half!

One side was cold and the other hot!

She felt hot inside and cold outside!

Cold sweat and hot sweat was coming out of her pores at the same time!

It hurt…


Another round of pounding!

This time, Feng Wu had no strength left to dodge and she had to take the assault with her own body.

Feng Wu’s bloodless face and shivering body finally emerged from under the snow.

In the moonlight, the Ice Fire Beast saw Feng Wu lying in the snow with her eyes closed. It couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead.

Blood was splattered on the snow around her.

The red color was almost blazing against the snow.

There was a greedy look in the Ice Fire Beast’s eyes as it studied the blood on the snow.

Suppressing its urge, it slowly approached Feng Wu, one step at a time.

Closer, closer…

The Ice Fire Beast could smell the fresh blood…

Ssss —

It stuck out its tongue and licked its lips.

That was it. It was done pretending to be patient. It charged at Feng Wu and was ready to eat the human whole.

It had a premonition!

The human girl was spilling spiritual essence like a fountain!

She was like a ripe fruit!

Swallow her and the Ice Fire Beast would enjoy another upgrade in its capability!

Maybe it would become a Level 8 now!

The Ice Fire Beast was thrilled!

However, at that moment —

Arghhh —

There came a panicked cry, and it was coming this way.

It was in the Ice Fire Beast’s nature to be cautious.

It looked up involuntarily in the direction of the voice.

In the moonlight, a black dot the size of a palm was running this way at tremendous speed!

And a giant magical beast was chasing it in a frenzy!

The giant beast was very powerful, but the little thing in front of it was too nimble. It kept changing directions, throwing the magical beast off-track.

A Qilin Beast?!

The Ice Fire Beast was astonished!

Qilin Beasts formed a powerful community in Proud Snowfield. They had always lived in Zone 1 and were at the top of the food chain!

Why would such a beast show up in Zone 2?

Before the Ice Fire Beast could figure it out, it saw that the Qilin Beast was coming this way!


Feng Wu had left the cub with explicit instructions and it knew what to do!


The cub sprinted, leapt onto the Ice Fire Beast’s back, then climbed onto its head. It then gave vent to a torrent of abuse.


“Aww! Hit me and my dad will kill you!” the cub shouted in the language of magical beasts.

Your dad?!

This Qilin Beast was only a cub. Despite its young age, it was savage, extremely powerful, and very proud. It wouldn’t stand for any sort of provocation.

Before the Qilin Beast could reply, the Ice Fire Beast flared up!

Its dad?

Are you kidding me?!

The Ice Fire Beast had no idea that the tiger cub belonged to Feng Wu and only thought that the grudge was between the tiger cub and the Qilin Beast. It bellowed, “I’m not your dad! Get the hell off my head!”

It only wanted to get rid of the other two beasts so that they wouldn’t try to take its prey!

But —

The tiger cub took out an egg from the pouch around its neck.

It was almost half the size of the cub’s body!

“No!” the Qilin Beast screamed!

But it was too late.

Still sitting on the Ice Fire Beast’s head, the tiger cub aimed the egg at the tip of its horn.

Just like a human being cracking a chicken egg.

Crack —

“Dad, didn’t you say you wanted a fried egg? Fry this one.” The tiger cub patted the beast’s head.

The Ice Fire Beast was furious!

Since when did it want a fried egg?

Enraged, flames rose from under the Ice Fire Beast’s skin.

Sizzle —

The broken egg on its head was instantly cooked, and really became a fried egg…

But the Ice Fire Beast had no idea what was happening on its head…


Qilin Beast cried out in disbelief!

Its eyes popped!

That was its little brother!

Its parents had enjoined repeatedly before they left home this morning that it had to take care of its baby brother! But now —

His brother had turned into a fried egg!

The Qilin Beast was infuriated!

It went berserk!

Its eyes turned bloodshot red as rage took over its mind.

Instantly, ice arrows rose up into the air and flew at the Ice Fire Beast!

“Dad! Dad! Help! Help —”

The tiger cub was so tiny that it could easily hide behind the Ice Fire Beast.

That only infuriated the Qilin Beast further.

Do you think your dad can save you? In your dreams!

The Qilin Beast shifted its murderous gaze to the Ice Fire Beast.

And more ice arrows smashed down.

During the pursuit earlier, the tiger cub had been boasting about its spectacular, formidable dad, who was supposed to be powerful enough to wipe out the entire Qilin Beast race.

The Qilin Beast already held a grudge against this dad because of that, and with what had just happened, it found the Ice Fire Beast even more despicable.

The Ice Fire Beast was infuriated as well.

It was going to have a quiet dinner of the human girl, but this Qilin Beast just showed up out of nowhere and began to attack it!

Did that Qilin Beast think it was going to sit there and take the hits?

The Ice Fire Beast considered itself powerful enough to move into Zone 1 already!

However, intimidated by the Qilin Beast race, the Ice Fire Beast could only grind it teeth. “Qilin Beast, you’ve been misled! That tiger cub isn’t my son! I’m an Ice Fire Beast! How can I have a tiger as a kid?! Are you blind?!”


The Ice Fire Beast was so vexed.

It was still a virgin! How come it was a dad all of a sudden?!

The Qilin Beast smirked.

Your tiger cub boasted about everything to me. Its mother was a Silver Tiger! Are you going to shirk your responsibility now? That’s just ridiculous!

The Qilin Beast didn’t reply, but went on attacking the Ice Fire Beast.

The Ice Fire Beast lost its temper.

“I’ve had enough!”

This Qilin Beast might be a cub, but it was from a superior race that dwelled in Zone 1 in Proud Snowfield.

781 New Hope?

The Ice Fire Beast was furious!

I was only playing nice because you’re from Zone 1. Are you ever going to stop?!

After being teased by the tiger cub this whole time and seeing its little brother get fried, the Qilin Beast had lost its senses!

It was common for magical beasts to break into fights for no reason.

Hence —

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A fight broke out right away.

Seeing the two finally exchange blows, the tiger cub let out a breath of relief.

It jumped down from the Ice Fire Beast and dashed into a snowdrift. The next time it showed up, it was next to Feng Wu.

“Roarrr —”

The cub boasted about its achievement to Feng Wu.

But Feng Wu was lying in the snow, her skin damp and cold from sweating profusely.

The cub nudged Feng Wu, but she didn’t move.

It nudged Feng Wu again, but still got no response.

Bewildered, the cub nudged Feng Wu repeatedly as it whined.

Right now, Feng Wu felt as if her head was on fire. The fire then spread out and grew bigger.

The fire spread from inside out and threatened to burn Feng Wu into ashes.

The cub was worried sick! What should it do?

The Qilin Beast and the Ice Fire Beast were fighting a short distance away. The wind picked up the loose snow from the ground and threw it into the air, along with some blood. The air itself smelled of danger.

The cub found it too dangerous to stay here, but it was too little to carry Feng Wu away.

It had no choice but to drag Feng Wu all the way to the foot of a snowdrift, then cover her up with a thick layer of snow.

The cub walked around Feng Wu, so worried that it was in tears.

Aww —


The cub noticed the jade pendant hanging on Feng Wu’s waistband. It glittered in the darkness.

What was that?

Following its instinct, the cub pulled the pendant off Feng Wu’s waistband, then put it on the wound on Feng Wu’s neck.

It wondered if the pendant could help…

The cub shivered a little in the chilly wind. It then found a comfortable spot in Feng Wu’s arms and closed its eyes.

It was still so young, and it had used up its spiritual essence to lure the Qilin Beast here.

Hm —

The cub soon slipped into deep meditation.

As for Feng Wu —

It was as if a volcano was erupting inside her body, but at the same time, she was freezing on the outside.

An endless mountain range seemed to separate the inside from the outside, and it felt as if the two sides would never be compatible.

Feng Wu couldn’t move, but her mind had never been so clear.

Was this terminal lucidity?

Feng Wu had a bitter taste in her mouth.

She had considered combining the spiritual energy of two attributes, but —

She had activated the elements of fire and earth, but not ice.

Without the ice element, she wouldn’t be able to merge fire and water together.

Feng Wu was full of utter despair when —

All of a sudden.


Something snapped inside her.

It was as if a thick layer of ice had cracked. The ice then grew thin and collapsed…

That was what seemed to be going on in Feng Wu’s dantian!


Feng Wu thought she could see dots of white light flying around her. They felt like cold breath and looked like pretty snowflakes.

Was she hallucinating?

Feng Wu thought that she was imagining it because she was under the snow. She was fantasizing about having an ice attribute.

“But how can that possible?” A wry smile appeared on Feng Wu’s pale face.

All of a sudden —

The ice began to fly into her body.

782 Activate the Ice Attribute

It was the tiniest amount, but was enough to wake Feng Wu up!

It was like a few drops of rain falling into a raging fire.


Feng Wu’s heart skipped a beat.

What did that mean?

Had she somehow activated a specialization in the ice attribute?

But didn’t the activation take place when one was young? Was it still possible for adults?

Feng Wu was beyond astonished!

She was so weak that she almost passed out from the excitement.

After taking three deep breaths, Feng Wu was finally able to gather some strength.

With much difficulty, she sat up, then took out a crystal ball from her ring. It was used to examine one’s spiritual essence.

She pressed a palm to the crystal ball.

Immediately, three colors appeared in it.

The fire attribute took up the biggest section, followed by the earth attribute.

Between the red and the brown was a bluish white belt.

It hadn’t been there before!

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched, and she felt a burst of pleasant surprise!

The water attribute was blue in color, which made that bluish white belt the ice attribute!

Feng Wu was so excited!

Normally, one had to work on their water attribute until they reached a certain stage before the ice attribute could be derived from it. But now…

She had somehow activated the ice attribute directly?

Feng Wu had to take a few deep breaths to absorb the good news!

Holy shit!

Talk about a blessing in disguise!

The narrow escape from death was only a small price to pay in exchange for what she had gained!

Taking another deep breath, Feng Wu activated her spiritual essence, directing the ice element into her body.

Feng Wu was exceptionally lucky.

Any other day, she wouldn’t have so much ice attribute energy to use.

But now, she was in the middle of Proud Snowfield and was surrounded by an endless supply of ice.

And what was even better —

Feng Wu wouldn’t have been able to consume much ice attribute energy before, but now —

The heat inside her was like a bottomless pit, and no amount of ice seemed enough.

It would be such a waste if Feng Wu didn’t make good use of this opportunity.

Without hesitation, Feng Wu sat up with much difficulty.

The slightest move caused such excruciating pain, and she almost stopped breathing, but she still managed to sit up with her legs crossed.

It took her several minutes just to get into position. Sweat covered her forehead.

Crack —

A noise made Feng Wu lower her head involuntarily.

She noticed the jade pendant.

It had been on her neck, sticking to the wound where the Ice Fire Beast had bitten her.

The cool jade wasn’t freezing to the touch.

Wait —

Feng Wu spotted a crack on the pendant.

It was a bluish white color.

The color of the ice element…


Feng Wu’s heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the activation of the ice attribute had something to do with this jade pendant? Was it possible?

Feng Wu wanted to deny it, but a voice in her head kept telling her: Yes, that was it. It was all because of this jade pendant from Jun Linyuan.

Shaking her head, Feng Wu stuffed the pendant back into her pocket.

That could wait. Her top priority now was to absorb the ice attribute energy.

Sitting still, Feng Wu activated her spiritual essence, gradually taking in the ice attribute energy through her skin, blood circulation, breathing…

Feng Wu felt as if she had been split into two halves.

She was hot inside and cold on the outside.

And there seemed to be a wall between the two, stopping them from fusing with each other.

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