《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》775-776-777-778


775 Big Problem!

“Is that Xiao Wu? As in our Xiao Wu?” Priest Wu woke up all the way when he realized what was happening.

Grand Secretary Fang didn’t reply, for he was too focused on the screen to pay attention to anything else.

On the screen, Feng Wu was covered in blood.

Her hair, her face, her body… The blood was everywhere…

Gurgle —

The Ice Fire Beast seemed to have found the best drink in the world and gulped the blood down in great excitement.

Feng Wu drew in a breath.

She needed to think of a way to save herself!

Feng Wu flipped her hand and there was a bottle of medicine in her hand. She then drank it.

“What did Xiao Wu drink?” Priest Wu was confused.

Grand Secretary Fang had no idea!

Was it some sort of potion that could instantly increase Feng Wu’s strength?

Priest Wu made the same guess. “Can it be a potion that can immediately increase her strength? She’s a good medicine refiner. Maybe —”

Just then —


The Ice Fire Beast, who had been sucking on Feng Wu’s neck, wrinkled its nose in distaste. Before it knew it, the beast tossed Feng Wu away.

What taste was that?

It stank, it was bitter, and it tasted disgusting!

As soon as the Ice Fire Beast threw Feng Wu away —

Feng Wu twisted swiftly in the air and landed on her feet. She then dashed off without hesitation!

Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu watched with open mouths.

What on earth did Feng Wu drink? The Ice Fire Beast had actually gagged at the taste?

Taking advantage of the hard-earned opportunity, Feng Wu bolted!

That wretched human!

The Ice Fire Beast was furious!

That blood was so delicious and the girl had run off before it could enjoy itself!

That foul taste had to be temporary! It would draw out all her blood once it caught her again. That way, it could filter the taste out of the blood and enjoy it again!

At that thought, the Ice Fire Beast chased after Feng Wu once more!

Feng Wu was covered in blood.

She left a trail of blood behind her.

And that was just the beginning.

The low temperature sealed the wounds on Feng Wu’s body before long. Although it stopped the bleeding, it also introduced cold air into her system.

Feng Wu grew hotter and weaker as she ran.

The Ice Fire Beast followed her in hot pursuit!

It had only grown stronger after consuming Feng Wu’s blood.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound!

What was that?

Looking over her shoulder, Feng Wu saw spiritual essence fluctuate violently around the Ice Fire Beast.


Feng Wu didn’t know how to describe her despair at that moment!

The Ice Fire Beast was much stronger than her to begin with, and it was going to level up even further!

After sucking her blood, her enemy was going to make a breakthrough!

Feng Wu felt like crying!

In front of the screen, Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu were equally shocked.

Priest Wu said in astonishment, “I thought the girl was a cripple, but she… she was able to get away from a Level 6 Spiritual Grandmaster magical beast! That…”

Those people out there didn’t know Feng Wu at all!

Grand Secretary Fang’s eyes flickered.

“This isn’t a fair exam anymore.” Grand Secretary Fang shook his head. A Level 6 magical beast should never have been part of the exam!

“It’s going to be a Level 7 magical beast after the breakthrough,” Priest Wu reminded him.


However, something else had shocked Priest Wu even more.

776 The Pursuit!

Xiao Wu had spiritual essence… and she was an outstanding cultivator!

She was a cripple? Said who?!

Grand Secretary Fang took a deep breath. “Who do you think should go in? You or me?”

Priest Wu rubbed his chin. “Do you think that’s really necessary?”

Grand Secretary Fang nodded. “There’s something too unusual about Proud Snowfield as the setting for the physical tryout this time. Something big is going to happen. I need to let His Majesty know.”

Grand Secretary Fang looked at Priest Wu. “Someone needs to go to the imperial palace. You or me?”

Priest Wu said, “I need to keep an eye on little Feng Wu.”

Grand Secretary Fang nodded. He then talked to Feng Wu directly. “Xiao Wu, something’s wrong with Proud Snowfield. Hit the panic button when you need to! Your life is the priority here!”

The message made Feng Wu’s stomach lurch.

So, Grand Secretary Fang had been watching her this whole time.

He must have seen the perilous state she was in and had to be so worried about her.

She would never hit that button, but to reassure the old man, Feng Wu nodded. “Alright.”

Meanwhile, she was still running at full speed!

However, she was feeling weaker and weaker.

The Ice Fire Beast had stopped chasing Feng Wu. Instead, it sat down and began to absorb spiritual essence from the air, so as to move up to the next level!

Magical beasts were naturally more powerful than human beings in their martial prowess.

Not to mention that the Ice Fire Beast was a level higher than Feng Wu.

After this, it would be two levels higher.

Before, Feng Wu was confident that she could lose the beast in a chase, but after drinking her blood, the Ice Fire Beast was now so familiar with her smell that she would never be able to get away from it.

The hair on Feng Wu’s back stood up at that thought.

But was she going to withdraw from the tryout?

That had never been an option for her.

And she was in —

Feng Wu checked the map in her head.

She was running toward a more remote area away from the red dots, which represented the other candidates. At the moment, her own red dot was all alone in the snowfield.

All the other candidates felt like a world away…


Feng Wu suddenly realized that there was something else on the map.

A few blue dots.

One, two, three… There weren’t many, no more than ten.

And they came in different sizes… What were they?

Making her own dot as the reference point, Feng Wu studied the blue dots.

5km northwest of her, there was a medium-sized blue dot, which was…

All of a sudden!

Feng Wu drew in her breath!

She knew what those blue dots were!

They had to be magical beasts!

For that blue dot had to be the Ice Fire Beast!

Feng Wu’s pupils contracted.

So, the blue dots were magical beasts more powerful than her.

Did these blue dots exist on all the maps, or was she the only one that could see them?

Feng Wu pondered the question, but this wasn’t the time to be curious. Her top priority now was to get rid of that Ice Fire Beast.

All of a sudden!

An idea struck Feng Wu!

Those blue dots… they weren’t there for nothing!

She knew what to do!

Rubbing her forehead to help herself concentrate, Feng Wu dashed toward one of the blue dots as fast as she could.


777 Damn!!!

Feng Wu had picked that blue dot after careful consideration.

It was slightly bigger than the one which represented the Ice Fire Beast.

And it was 100km from her, which was a reasonable distance.

That dot it was, then!

Once her destination was determined, Feng Wu picked up speed and headed for it!

Night had set in and the wind blew even harder. Feng Wu felt as if there was a fire burning inside her.

But Feng Wu knew perfectly well that although the Ice Fire Beast wasn’t chasing her now, she was in no way out of danger.

The sense of crisis hung over her head like the sword of Damocles. She didn’t know when it would fall, but she was sure that she didn’t have much time left before it did!

Run, run, run!


Feng Wu ran too fast and she lost her footing. She then began to roll down a slope!

Luckily, the slope wasn’t very tall and she reached the bottom in a moment.

Slumping over a snowdrift, Feng Wu gasped for air.

She felt too weak to even move a muscle.

A fire seemed to be burning inside her and the heat was spreading to all her limbs.

It felt so hot…

Feng Wu checked her own pulse.

She almost cried.

Because of the blood loss, evil energy had gotten into her system and cold air was rampaging inside her.

In modern terms: she had a fever and her temperature had spiked over 40 degrees!

Feng Wu felt so weak that she wanted to bury herself in the snow and sleep for as long as she wanted.

But reality wouldn’t allow her to do that.

She was all by herself now and a lot of people outside were counting on her!

She couldn’t back down!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu struggled to her feet.

She was having a hard time thinking straight and could barely keep her balance. She would trip over her feet every few steps.

After falling down into the snow again, Feng Wu flinched at the chill on her cheek. Patting her head to wake herself up, she scrambled to her feet again.

She had quite a bit of medicine with her, but no antipyretic.

It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to make it, but that she just never expected to need it one day…

Moreover, in order to break free from the Ice Fire Beast, Feng Wu had poured a peculiar potion down her throat.

That potion was concocted by mixing a lot of ingredients with weird tastes together. Not only did it stink, it was also detrimental to one’s health. Feng Wu had created it to set other people up, but as it turned out…

However, it had helped her get out of the Ice Fire Beast’s jaws; so what if it tasted a little weird?

But Feng Wu was well aware that her impaired state was directly caused by that potion.




Feng Wu stumbled and staggered, but she was getting closer and closer to her destination.

She took another look at the map.

Please don’t let that blue dot go anywhere!

After all the hardships she endured, she finally hauled her semi-functional body into the valley. Her savior, the other magical beast, couldn’t leave now!

Staring at the map, Feng Wu saw that the magical beast was slowly moving away.


Feng Wu’s eyes popped!

After everything she had done?!

Right at that moment!


Heavy footsteps came from behind her.

Feng Wu looked over her shoulder.


The Ice Fire Beast was coming!

After the breakthrough, the Ice Fire Beast had ample spiritual essence. It looked invigorated and its speed had doubled!

It spotted Feng Wu from hundreds of meters away.

On the plain snowfield, Feng Wu was such an eye-catching target that she couldn’t be missed.

That stupid human girl! She was so dead! The Ice Fire Beast stared at Feng Wu with bloodthirsty eyes.

778 Chase to Kill

The Ice Fire Beast charged at Feng Wu at an unbelievable speed.


An alarm seemed to go off in Feng Wu’s head.


Feng Wu was overwhelmed by a sense of crisis and knew right away that she wouldn’t survive if she let the Ice Fire Beast catch her.

Without hesitation, Feng Wu summoned all her strength and ran as fast as she could!

Run, run, run!

She had never run at such a speed!

But the Ice Fire Beast had discovered her, and it was too late to run!

The beast was gaining on her!

So was death!

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched and she thought her heart was going to stop!

Was she going to die just like this?

In front of the screen, Priest Wu was worried sick!

That girl! Why wouldn’t she withdraw from the tryout?

“Hit the button! Now!” Priest Wu sent a message to Feng Wu.

The voice came out so loud that Feng Wu thought her eardrums had shattered.

And it made her head spin.

But withdraw from the tryout?

Feng Wu shook her head. That had never been an option for her!

There had to be a way out! There had to be!

All of a sudden, an idea came to Feng Wu!

Yes! She wouldn’t be able to catch up with the other blue dot, regardless of what kind of magical beast it was, but she could somehow draw it to her. With bait big enough, it could be done!

At that thought, Feng Wu shook the cub awake.

Feng Tutu might be sleepy all the time, but it was a smart and reliable companion in a critical moment like this.

All Feng Wu could use was her own blood.

After smearing Feng Tutu’s neck with her blood, she gave it some instructions, then sent it off.

The Ice Fire Beast caught up to her the moment the cub dashed off.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu muttered an incantation. The next moment, the snow covered her, and she fell even deeper.

The Ice Fire Beast stared at the spot where Feng Wu had been a moment ago, a taunting smile on its face.

That stupid human girl. Did she think she could run away?


The Ice Fire Beast had very acute senses.

Moreover, now that it had risen to Level 7, its capability had doubled!


It pounded the ground with all its might!

In front of the screen, Priest Wu’s eyes popped.

He was worried sick!

“Feng Wu! Get out now! You’re going to die! You really are! That’s a Level 7 Spiritual Grandmaster magical beast!” Priest Wu shouted in Feng Wu’s mind.

Feng Wu drew in a breath.

She couldn’t afford the distraction anymore. Then, she removed the headband given by Imperial College.

Squeak —

Priest Wu realized that although he could still see Feng Wu, he could no longer hear her voice.

That was to say, she wouldn’t be able to hear him either.

Priest Wu was astonished!

What on earth was the girl going to do?!

Priest Wu was exasperated, but he couldn’t just drag Feng Wu out through the screen. All he could do now was stare at the screen nervously.

Back in the snowfield, Feng Wu was hiding under a snowdrift.

No matter where she hid, the Ice Fire Beast seemed to be able to sense her in advance. It pounded on the ground continuously.

And it was a Level 7 Spiritual Grandmaster!

Each blow created a 10m crater in the ground!

And Feng Wu tried her best to dodge every time.

She was able to narrowly get out of harm’s way.

Over and over again…

Cold sweat rolled down Feng Wu’s forehead as time went by. If one looked closely, they would notice that her face had turned ghastly pale.

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