《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》771-772-773-774


771 The Crucial Momen

“But where are we going to find that Frosty Night Beast? And more importantly, can we beat it?”

Feng Wu was silent.

Just then —

Something howled in the distance!

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched. That sounded ominous.

“What was that?” Feng Wu and Chaoge exchanged looks, and both turned in the direction of the sound.

A snowy white magical beast jumped into sight, then ran toward them at full speed!

“That’s a mean magical beast! What’s going on?” Seeing the intimidating beast with horns sticking out of its head, Chaoge was on edge!

What was more, a candidate was being chased by the beast.

It was a girl so slim that she looked like she could be blown away by the slightest breeze.

The girl was in a wretched state as she staggered forward. She almost tripped more than once, but managed to regain her balance at the last moment.

Seeing Feng Wu, she cried out, “Run! You people, run!”

After that, she changed direction and led the Ice Fire Beast away from them.

Feng Wu had thought the girl would veer their way with the beast, for the crowd here might draw the beast’s attention away. Once the beast was distracted, the girl might be able to escape danger.

However, at the crucial moment of life and death, the thin girl chose to lure the Ice Fire Beast away from them… Feng Wu found that very touching.

Chaoge looked at Feng Wu, who nodded back at her.

“Stop right there!” Chaoge ran after the beast and began to throw lances at it.

Whoosh —

Ice arrows appeared in Chaoge’s hands and she threw them at the beast.

They missed the beast at first, but as Chaoge picked up speed, the arrows began to hit their target.

One arrow, two arrows, three arrows —

As soon as the arrows touched the beast’s back, they bounced off a red shield made of fire.

The Ice Fire Beast remained unscratched.

As a result, Chaoge couldn’t draw the beast’s attention away.

Just then —


The thin girl tripped, fell into a pile of snow, and couldn’t get back to her feet right away.

The Ice Fire Beast growled.

It sounded pleased.

After the long chase, it was finally going to have a taste of its prey.

“Roarrrr!” The Ice Fire Beast roared and was ready to pounce on the girl. It was going to swallow her whole.


At that critical moment, Feng Wu finally caught up to the beast!

Little Phoenix uttered a long and loud cry as flames spurted out of its beak!

The fire successfully broke through the Ice Fire Beast’s defense system!

What happened next was quicker than words could describe. Chaoge threw out seven ice arrows all at once!

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

They were aimed at the beast’s forehead, eyes, and heart…

And the arrows hit all their targets.

“Roarrr —”

The Ice Fire Beast bellowed furiously!

That hurt!

These abominable humans!

The Ice Fire Beast had to face the reality: In order to reach the girl, it had to get rid of that sordid bird and that detestable teenage human girl!

Turning around, it charged at Feng Wu!

Feng Wu narrowed her eyes, but she didn’t lash out right away, for she wanted to see what other tricks the beast had.

Little Phoenix and Feng Wu broke into a fight with the Ice Fire Beast right away.

The Ice Fire Beast naturally specialized in both ice and fire attributes, whereas Little Phoenix had the ice attribute and Feng Wu fire. It was an equal match!


Fire and ice exploded around them.

The air froze and burned at the same time.

Raging flames and biting frost fell by turns.

772 Danger!

The girl that had been chased here by the beast was dazed on the spot. She hadn’t expected to be saved.

Once she recovered from her initial shock, she ran toward Feng Wu, shouting, “Run! Run, now! This Ice Fire Beast is too advanced for you to handle!”

Feng Wu glanced at her. “And you are?”

“Zhu – Zhu Yingjun…”

“How did you piss it off?”

“I – I just happened to… steal its egg…” Zhu Yingjun showed Feng Wu a palm-sized egg.

Its shell looked translucent and had a pale blue glow. Dense spiritual essence was coming out of it.

“Why didn’t you give it back?” Feng Wu frowned.

“It didn’t want it back,” said Zhu Yingjun. “There were two of them at first, and I tried to give one back, but it wouldn’t even look at it before stomping it to pieces. So I just…”

Zhu Yingjun was still talking when —


Feng Tutu woke up all of a sudden, opened its mouth, and swallowed the egg whole!

Feng Wu was speechless.

So was Zhu Yingjun.

The Ice Fire Beast turned its head to see that the egg was gone, and the look in its eyes grew savage all of a sudden!

“Roarrr —”

Little Phoenix had almost suppressed the beast, but the latter went berserk without warning!


Chaoge was thrown into the air!

The Ice Fire Beast then pounced at Little Phoenix!

Its speed was unbelievable!

The beast then opened its giant mouth, which looked as bottomless as a black hole.

And it inhaled, sucking Little Phoenix in its direction.

Little Phoenix, who had been moving nimbly in the air, felt as if it had been sealed in a block of ice. It went as stiff as a stuffed animal and couldn’t even move a muscle.

“Roar —”

The Ice Fire Beast grinned hideously.

It sucked Little Phoenix’s small body into its mouth!

Feng Wu couldn’t just stand there and watch. Moving as fast as she could, she reached the beast the next second.

Gripping the beast’s upper and lower jaw with one hand each, she forced its mouth open!

But that Ice Fire Beast was formidable.

And Feng Wu had to use all her strength to stop it from closing its mouth.

Her slender arms shook, threatening to give out.

The Ice Fire Beast’s crazed eyes seemed to spit fire.

And the two of them were locked in a stalemate!

Little Phoenix was already in the beast’s mouth. Seeing that the jaws had been forced open, it grabbed the chance to fight its way out!

In the end, it was able to crawl out before its strength gave out.

By then, Little Phoenix was soaking wet with sweat and looked as if it had been swimming.


Seeing the ready meat escape from its mouth, the Ice Fire Beast was beyond furious!

It glared at Feng Wu. Then, a beam of white light shot out from its body.


Feng Wu’s heart sank. The beast had leveled up!

It had been a Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster, but had just become a Level 6.

And it was a level Feng Wu hadn’t reached yet!

The Ice Fire Beast grinned viciously, eager to taste blood.

This petty human was going to die! The Ice Fire Beast lunged for Feng Wu’s fair, slender neck with its sharp teeth!

Feng Wu twisted, dodging the attack.

As Feng Wu fled this way and that, the Ice Fire Beast ran after her in a frenzy.


Chaoge was exhausted and had collapsed on the ground with a severe injury.

Little Phoenix was recovering in Feng Wu’s arms.

And that poor girl had been smashed to the ground and had passed out.

773 There“s Got to Be a Way Out!

Feng Wu wanted to run, but she saw the Ice Fire Beast head for Chaoge.


The beast was way too powerful. One smack and Chaoge would die!

Without hesitation, Feng Wu struck the Ice Fire Beast hard in its back!

The Ice Fire Beast was ready to stomp Chaoge to death when Feng Wu kicked it in the butt. That was outrageous!


The Ice Fire Beast forgot about Chaoge and Zhu Yingjun right away. Instead, it pounced at Feng Wu.

Once it killed the strongest of the three, it would be able to take care of the other two! The Ice Fire Beast told itself this.

Seeing the beast come her way, Feng Wu turned to run.

Run, run, run!

She had to lure the Ice Fire Beast away, or Chaoge and Zhu Yingjun would be dead for sure.

Moreover, this magical beast belonged to Zone 2. It shouldn’t be running wild to kill freely here in Zone 3.

The wind brushed over Feng Wu’s skin, flinging snow into her face; it was so cold that her bones hurt.

But she couldn’t stop. She had to run!

She had to run as fast as she could!

She had been careless!

If she had joined hands with Chaoge and the bird from the start, the beast wouldn’t have gotten the chance to make a breakthrough.

But now —

Her only option was to lure the beast away, then work from there.

Feng Wu led the Ice Fire Beast toward Zone 2.

Keeping its gaze on Feng Wu, the Ice Fire Beast galloped forward at its top speed, driven by its rage.

The girl and the beast were both running as fast as they could in the snowfield.

It was intense and perilous!

Speed was a magical beast’s advantage, and the Ice Fire Beast was able to run a little faster than Feng Wu.

It wasn’t obvious at first, but as time passed, the distance between them grew shorter and shorter.

Looking over her shoulder, Feng Wu saw that the 1000m between them had been shortened to 800m.

At this rate…

The beast would eventually catch up!

What should she do?

Various ideas popped into Feng Wu’s head.

She had to think of a way to get herself to safety before it caught up to her!

The Ice Fire Beast ran very fast.




Feng Wu gritted her teeth and kept running!

Luck wasn’t on her side. Before she knew it, daylight faded.

Night was closing in.

And it grew colder.

The temperature in the snowfield plummeted.

-30, -40, -50 degrees…

It was freezing!

Every breath she exhaled turned into white mist.

Feng Wu looked over her shoulder again.

The distance between her and the beast had been shortened to 200m!


Feng Wu’s stomach lurched!

As night set in, the wind howled and she was losing strength from the continuous running.

The Ice Fire Beast, on the other hand, was indigenous to Proud Snowfield. The cold didn’t affect it at all.

If Feng Wu’s estimation was right, the beast would catch up to her in ten minutes!

Ten minutes…

Ten minutes…

Looking into the distance, Feng Wu could see nothing but an endless snowfield. How despairing that view was.

There was an option out there that could save her.

She could hit the panic button.

The moment she pressed it, she would be teleported out of this terrain.

However —

Feng Wu smiled bitterly.

She had made a bet with Mu Yaoyao. If she didn’t get into Imperial College, she would have to give her head to that girl.

What was more, she needed to get in because of Jun Linyuan.

774 Is She Going to Die?

What about her broken star piece?

A stubborn look flickered in Feng Wu’s eyes.

No! She wouldn’t give up! Never!

“Roar —”

The Ice Fire Beast was closing in on her!





The Ice Fire Beast locked its gaze on Feng Wu!

Feng Wu had been setting up the traps which she had used on the Spiny Frost Beasts before, but the Ice Fire Beast was far more intelligent and wouldn’t be tricked.


The giant beast leapt up, then pounced at Feng Wu from behind!

It cast an enormous shadow on the ground.

Feng Wu tried to dodge.

However, a long chain suddenly grew out of the Ice Fire Beast!

That thick black chain had evolved from a black hair on its forehead!

The chain flew out and caught Feng Wu right away!

At that moment, Feng Wu finally knew what it felt like to be helpless and full of despair!

There was a terrifying hook on the chain!

It stabbed into Feng Wu’s lower back, and with a jolt, the Ice Fire Beast pulled the chain back!

Feng Wu was dragged back until she was in front of the beast!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Ice Fire Beast brandished its front paw at Feng Wu, who was within reach now.

That hurt —

The beast punched Feng Wu three times in a row, which made Feng Wu see stars. She spat out a mouthful of blood.

She almost fainted from the blows!

It hurt…

She felt like she was dying…

But if she gave up just like that, she really would be dead in no time!

Summoning her strength, Feng Wu gathered her spiritual essence, grabbed the dagger that was hidden in her sleeve, and stabbed the Ice Fire Beast’s forehead!

Once infused with spiritual essence, the sharp blade glinted coldy and looked invincible!

However —

Clank —

Ice Fire Beast smacked the dagger away with a sweep of its paw.

The blade didn’t even touch the beast.


Ice Fire Beast threw another punch, aiming at Feng Wu’s head.

It opened a gash on Feng Wu’s smooth forehead.

Blood ran down her face.

That had to be painful as hell…

Feng Wu’s vision went dark and she could barely see.

She felt as if she was drowning in a dark ocean and her head was filling up with water.

Feng Wu knew that it came from the fear of death.

Wait —

The rabid beast then smelled Feng Wu’s blood.

It was sweet, scrumptious, and full of spiritual essence…

The Ice Fire Beast could finally think straight again.

Without hesitation, it followed its instinct and lowered its head…


It buried its sharp fangs into Feng Wu’s slender neck!

Ouch —

That hurt!

Gurgle —

Feng Wu could hear the beast sucking her blood!

It was her blood!

Feng Wu was tiny compared with the beast, and it could drain her in a few more gulps!

Back in Imperial College —

Grand Secretary Fang was leaning forward in his chair as he stared at the screen with the biggest frown.

He was watching Feng Wu and the Ice Fire Beast!

He had been watching since the chase and had been on edge the whole time. He was furious when he saw what the beast was doing to Feng Wu.

“Xiao Wu! Hit the button! Now!” Grand Secretary Fang jumped to his feet and stared at the screen!

What button? Priest Wu, who had dozed off, was woken up. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he looked curiously at the screen.

What could alarm the vice-principal of Imperial College so much?

What Priest Wu saw made him open his eyes wide!

What the hell?

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