《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》727-728-729-730


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The first thing Lady Northern Feng did after she left the imperial palace was to summon Feng Wu.

“The last thing His Majesty said was that you could address His Royal Highness as ‘cousin’?” Lady Northern Feng frowned.

Feng Wu was confused. “Didn’t His Majesty want me to stay away from Jun Linyuan? Why would he want me to become Jun Linyuan’s cousin?”

“I think I know why.”


“Because Princess Wanning used to follow him around and he ended up making this announcement.”

Lady Northern Feng looked into Feng Wu’s eyes and stressed each word. “He said that he would never marry a cousin. From then on, all those princesses stopped throwing themselves at him and left him in peace.”

Feng Wu said, “He can do that? Holy shit!”

Lady Northern Feng smacked her on the back of her head. “You’re a girl; mind your language.”

“…Alright.” Feng Wu rubbed her head.

Lady Northern Feng had already switched into “mum mode” and had started to smack Feng Wu around like she did with Feng Xun.

“Did you offend His Majesty?” Lady Northern Feng asked suspiciously.

“Of course not! I only said nice things and he was so happy!” Feng Wu said in a solemn tone.

Lady Northern Feng gave Feng Wu a strange look. “Then why did His Majesty tell me that I should keep the news inside the family and forget about the big party?”

Feng Wu said, “Well…”

“And I have to wait until the empress dowager is fully recovered.” Lady Northern Feng sighed. “I have no problem with that. I won’t be in the mood anyway. But —”

Lady Northern Feng wasn’t convinced!

“Why can’t I throw a big party?! I was planning to tell the whole world that you’re my daughter now, and no one will ever pick on you again!”

Feng Wu said, “Well… keeping it quiet is fine with me, actually.”

“No, it’s not! Grow a spine! Now tell me. What did you do to offend His Majesty?”

“…His Majesty asked me what I thought of Jun Linyuan.” Feng Wu looked at Lady Northern Feng. “What do you think I should say?”

“Say that he’s the best! Spare no effort!”

“Yes, that was what I did…”

“And His Majesty got mad?”

“…Yes. But I think I overdid it and led him to the wrong conclusion. His Majesty thinks I’m in love with Jun Linyuan…” Feng Wu wanted to cry. “Why on earth would I fall in love with that guy? That’s never going to happen! Ahhhh —”

Feng Wu clenched her fists in frustration.

“Hahaha, hahahaha —” Lady Northern Feng convulsed with laughter and she laughed until her belly ached and her eyes watered. “Ouch, my belly —”

Feng Wu rolled her eyes at Lady Northern Feng.

“That makes sense, hahaha —” After a while, Lady Northern Feng finally stopped laughing. “That was why His Majesty made Junjun your cousin and told me to keep you as far away from court as possible. I see why he was taking all the precautions now.”

Feng Wu was frustrated. “Against me? Why? Jun Linyuan finds me repulsive! He’ll never like me!”

“Kiddo…” Lady Northern Feng jabbed Feng Wu’s forehead with a finger. “With your good looks, you pose a threat to a lot of people just by showing up. Of course they’ll raise their guard. You haven’t reached your full potential yet and they fear what you’ll become.”

Feng Wu didn’t say anything.


“This won’t do! I need to prod Ah Xun in his cultivation!”

Feng Wu was dumbfounded.

“Only then will he be able to protect you in the future. Otherwise…”

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Feng Wu said, “…Actually, I can protect myself.”

Lady Northern Feng rolled her eyes at Feng Wu. “Forget it. Without cultivation ability, it doesn’t matter how strong your physique is. All the enemies you’ve encountered so far were Spiritual Masters, which is why you could fend them off with your physical strength alone. But when they become Spiritual Grandmasters or Spiritual Elders…

“As they improve, you’ll lag behind, because your physical strength will grow at a much slower rate than their cultivation. The discrepancy will only grow bigger.” Lady Northern Feng admonished her. “It’s like the difference between common soldiers and officers in the army: without spiritual essence, the best you can be is a chief petty officer. Those with spiritual essence, however, can start off as captains and lieutenants. From there, they’ll then become majors, colonels, or even major generals…

“Whereas you, Xiao Wu, you’ll remain an NCO, which is as far as you can get!” Lady Northern Feng got more concerned as she spoke. “By the way, do you really not feel anything for Jun Linyuan?”

With Jun Linyuan as a patron, Feng Wu could get through anything even if she was ten times prettier than she was now.

“Stop making fun of me. I can’t stay far away enough from Jun Linyuan, not to mention that the royal family doesn’t like me at all…” Feng Wu smiled bitterly. She needed to keep her distance from Jun Linyuan from now on.

“I guess it’s better this way.” Lady Northern Feng nodded.

Those in the imperial palace couldn’t keep Feng Wu far away enough, as if the girl actually wanted to marry Jun Linyuan.

Just then, footsteps came from outside.

It was Feng Xun.

Lady Northern Feng frowned as soon as she spotted her son.

Forget about Jun Linyuan. Ah Xun here was no less troublesome. He had been ranting about not wanting a sister.

Lady Northern Feng was trying to figure out a way to get Feng Xun to accept Feng Wu when she noticed the boy Feng Xun dragged in.

It was the sixth son of the Mu family.

“Mu the Sixth, I have a sister now! Behave yourself around her from now on. Got it?”

Mu the Sixth was speechless.

What had he done to deserve this?

He had been walking on the street when Feng Xun spotted him, and that guy wouldn’t shut up about having a sister.

Who didn’t have a sister nowadays? Mu the Sixth had a dozen of those at home!

But Feng Xun was his boss and Mu the Sixth needed to play up to him. He had no choice but to smile obsequiously. “Brother Feng, congratulations. You finally have a sister now.”

“You don’t say. I have the prettiest sister in the world!”

“Do you?” Mu the Sixth thought to himself. He didn’t believe it. If someone could claim that title, he would give it to that little Feng Wu whom he had met the other day.

“Of course! And she’s the most brilliant girl as well!” Feng Xun said proudly.

“Really?” Mu the Sixth went on doubting his boss in his head. The most brilliant girl would still be little Feng Wu, who got the highest mark in the written exam. She was also the very first candidate to get full marks!

“Yes! And my sister can do so much more! Formations, medical skills, you name it! She’s the best in everything!”


“Is she?” Mu the Sixth’s eyes flickered, as if he was excited to hear it.

But what he thought was: Brother Feng, you’re so full of shit.

“Hey, what’s with that look? You don’t believe me?”

“No, Brother Feng, of course I believe you! I was just thinking… that you’re exaggerating a little.” He would be convinced if Feng Xun’s new sister was Feng Wu. But how was that possible?

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“Exaggerate? Heh.” Feng Xun gloated. “That’s because you haven’t met my sister! You’ll be stunned once you know how amazing she is!”

“…Yes, of course…” Mu the Sixth had no choice but to succumb.

Feng Xun and Mu the Sixth chatted as they walked in.

Both Feng Wu and Lady Northern Feng had sharp ears and they heard the entire conversation.

Lady Northern Feng was dumbfounded.

She thought Feng Xun didn’t like Xiao Wu, but he was already showing his sister off? That brat…

Just then, Feng Xun walked in with Mu the Sixth.

And Feng Xun stopped abruptly as soon as he set foot inside.

His mother was here and so was little Feng Wu!

Feng Xun was speechless. Did his mother hear what he said out there just then?

Lady Northern Feng darted a glance at Feng the Third. “You, come here and greet your sister!”

Feng Xun raised his chin. “Like hell. I told you I didn’t want a sister!”

1Lady Northern Feng was speechless.

So was Mu the Sixth.

Lady Northern Feng smirked. “His Majesty has spoken. Xiao Wu is going to address His Royal Highness as ‘cousin’.”

“What?!” Feng Xun almost jumped to his feet. “Why?! I won’t have it! No way! She’s my sister! Mine! Why should he get a share?”

1Mu the Sixth tugged at Feng Xun’s sleeve. “…Brother Feng, Brother Feng, by your sister, you mean…”

“Little Feng Wu!” Feng Xun had forgotten all about his pride. Throwing an arm over Feng Wu’s shoulders, he made the introduction. “From now on, she’s my sister. Give your people the heads up. Mess with her and you’ll have to answer to me!”

Mu the Sixth was shocked!

Feng Wu… as in the Feng Wu…

Mu the Sixth was a hopeless student and had the natural veneration for a straight A student!

He patted his chest. “Miss Feng Wu, come to me if you need anything! Brother Feng’s sister is as good as my own!”

“Go away —”

Feng Xun, who had been acting all defiant with Lady Northern Feng, pushed Mu the Sixth out of the way. “Since when is my sister yours? Get your own sister!”

After shouting at Mu the Sixth, Feng Xun turned to stare at Lady Northern Feng. “Why is Boss Jun her cousin now?!”

A cousin was as good as a half-brother; little Feng Wu was his sister and his alone! He wouldn’t let anyone change that!

Lady Northern Feng rolled her eyes. “Weren’t you against having a sister, and made a big scene out of it? What? She’s your treasure now? You want to have her all to yourself?”

“That’s right!”

“Look how pretty your sister is.”

“Of course! Feng Xun’s sister has to be nothing but pretty!”

“She’s still so young, and she’ll become even more beautiful.”

“There’s no doubt of that!”

Lady Northern Feng asked, “So, you’re confident that you’ll be able to protect her?”

“Are you kidding me? Me, Feng Xun, can’t protect my own sister? Mum, how can you belittle me like that?!”

“Heh. You can’t even win against Zuo Qingluan. Are you sure about that?”

“I…” Feng Xun was rendered speechless!

“A cousin is as good as half a brother. Only with Jun Linyuan as a cousin and you as a brother can Xiao Wu live in peace and enjoy a carefree life.”

Feng Xun tilted his head. That sounded reasonable!

Boss Jun was such an influential patron that if he took Xiao Wu under his wing, no one would dare to pick on her again!


Feng Xun patted Feng Wu on the shoulder. “Little sister, don’t worry. I’ll go to Boss Jun and I’ll make him look out for you!”

Feng Wu: !!!

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“No, that won’t be necessary —” Feng Wu waved her hands. “I’d rather see him as a distant relative and stay out of his way.”

Who were they kidding?!

Jun Linyuan was indeed a powerful patron, but she couldn’t stand his mood swings!

What was more, he specialized in sabotaging her!

And he wouldn’t stop doing it.

The last thing Feng Wu wanted was to get anywhere near him. She had to stay as far away as possible!

“Don’t be shy.” Feng Xun held Feng Wu by her shoulder like a real big brother. “Come, I’ll take you to him.”

Mu the Sixth watched their interaction with envy.

They were going to see the crown prince —

After following Feng Xun around all these years and calling him “Boss,” Mu the Sixth had only met the crown prince a couple of times. And Boss Feng had never mentioned introducing him to Jun Linyuan.

But now, Feng Wu would get to see the crown prince right away and would be under his protection… Mu the Sixth was so envious that he could cry!

However, Feng Wu —

“No, no, no. I’m not going.” Feng Wu shook her head repeatedly.

“Yes, yes, yes, please —” Feng Xun tried to drag Feng Wu out with him.

“No!” Feng Wu said affirmatively. “It’s late and I need to go home!”

After hearing about the royal family’s attitude, Feng Wu didn’t want to go anywhere near them.

Lady Northern Feng was thinking the same thing. She darted a warning glance at Feng Xun. “Aren’t you supposed to protect you sister? What are you doing now?”

Feng Xun was rendered speechless.

Fine. If Feng Wu wouldn’t go, he would go by himself.

“Cousin?” Jun Linyuan had been cultivating despite Feng Xun’s noisy babbling. Nothing could disturb the crown prince, but —

What the hell was that “cousin” all about?

For the very first time, Jun Linyuan stopped his cultivation because of Feng Xun.

Feng Xun mumbled, “…I didn’t want to share my sister with you, but since you’re so useful… Fine, you can have half of my sister, but only half.”

Jun Linyuan found Feng Xun preposterous. “Who are you talking about?”

“Feng Wu, of course,” Feng Xun said matter-of-factly. “Little Feng Wu is my sister now and that makes you her cousin. That’s as good as half a brother.”

Jun Linyuan almost rolled his eyes at Feng Xun. He didn’t want to be a “half-brother”! That sounded as idiotic as Feng Xun.

Feng Xun went on babbling. “But I’m still closer to her! I’m the real brother and you’re just her cousin! You’re not taking her away from me!”

Jun Linyuan detected something else from Feng Xun’s words.

He snorted. “Who the hell is her cousin?”

“You’re not walking away from this! This came from His Majesty, and my sister was told to address you as cousin,” Feng Xun gloated. “I know you hate your female cousins, but my sister is a different story! You can’t hate her!”

From His Majesty himself? Interesting.

Jun Linyuan darted a look at Feng.

Feng nodded and left right away.

Jun Linyuan didn’t hear anything Feng Xun said after that and he kept repeating that sentence in his head: This came from His Majesty, and my sister was told to address you as cousin.

Since when was His Majesty so nosy?

Jun Linyuan narrowed his eyes.

It was his habit to stay seven or eight steps ahead.

He could always find the key information as soon as other people stopped talking. From there, he would soon get to the bottom of everything.

Feng returned shortly afterward and whispered something in Jun Linyuan’s ear.

Then, Feng Xun saw Boss Jun, who never let any emotion show, flare up. His eyes were as cold as winter!

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