《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》723-724-725-726


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The chief steward didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t even look at the girl and had to smile wryly to himself.

What a kid. She showed her white feathers when necessary, stepped up when needed, and spared no ingratiating words when she asked for a favor. Judging from her courage and brazen manner… the chief steward believed that not many people could be her match.

Emperor Wu didn’t know what to say.

Looking at Feng Wu, he wanted to say something, but all words failed him. At this age, he had never been praised in such a blatant manner before. Everyone else was so subtle about it.

Finally, Master Bai came back to himself!

This wasn’t right. He was against Feng Wu and he had to do something about it. Mr Zuo had been killed. If he just stood around, his alliance with the Zuo family would…

At that thought, Master Bai had no choice but to step out. “Miss Feng Wu, for a young lady, you’re so hypocritical…”

As soon as Master Bai mentioned that word —

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up!

I dug this pit just for you, Master Bai. And you’ve finally jumped in!

Feng Wu frowned and looked indignant!

“Master Bai, did you just call my praise for His Majesty hypocritical? Are you saying that I’m lying? That His Majesty isn’t the greatest conqueror, adept with both the pen and the sword, and he’s not a paragon of virtue, striking the universe with his greatness? That people don’t respect and admire him? That his contributions won’t benefit generations to come…”

Master Bai almost had a heart attack.

Of course he didn’t mean that!

But Feng Wu had twisted his words to sound exactly like that!

Master Bai’s knees buckled and he scrambled to Emperor Wu’s feet. “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it’s all my fault! I’m guilty!”

Emperor Wu stared at Master Bai with a grim look on his face.

Feng Wu didn’t say anything else, for she didn’t want to overdo it.

She lowered her head and knelt there in silence, acting like an obedient girl and trying to attract as little attention as possible.

Emperor Wu looked from Master Bai to Feng Wu, then back.

Feng Wu held her breath.

She was trying to push Emperor Wu’s limits. Only by finding his bottom line could she make sure she would say just the right thing in the future.

If Emperor Wu kicked Master Bai away now, the eunuch would walk away safely.

However, if Emperor Wu kept his silence… Master Bai would have to watch out from now on.

Emperor Wu stared at Master Bai without saying a word. He then turned to Feng Wu. “Feng Wu, you’re very bold.”

Feng Wu kept her head lowered without making a sound.

“You tricked Bai right in front of me. That was very clever of you.”

Feng Wu cringed, but still didn’t say anything.

“Do you take me for an idiot?”

She had to reply to that question!

Raising her head abruptly, Feng Wu said in a solemn voice, “Your Majesty, how can you say that about yourself? You’re extremely intelligent, you’re wise and farsighted, and you tower above the rest in intellect…”

It was clear that Feng Wu was going to drown Emperor Wu with her compliments again, and Emperor Wu’s face almost turned green!

“Fine! Fine!” He waved her off impatiently. “Save your spit. I’ve heard enough of your flattery.”

“…Alright.” But Feng Wu wouldn’t keep still and she would squirm every now and then.


Emperor Wu stared at her. “Behave yourself! Stop squirming!”

Feng Wu looked up and pleaded with her bambi eyes, “Your Majesty, my legs are asleep…”

Emperor Wu almost laughed!

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Her legs were asleep? So many people had knelt before the emperor, and surely the girl couldn’t be the only one whose legs turned numb, but she was the first to say it aloud!

However, that only made Emperor Wu find her a frank, lovely girl.

As an emperor who dealt with political tactics day in and day out, he naturally preferred a naive, harmless, and sincere girl who spoke her mind.

But Emperor Wu wouldn’t let the girl know what he thought, in case she became too pleased with herself.

Putting his hands behind his back, Emperor Wu straightened his face and smirked. “Is that how you show your reverence for me?”

Feng Wu replied in a solemn tone, “Your Majesty, that just shows how much I hold you in awe and veneration!”

“You think?” Emperor Wu snorted.

“Yes. Your Majesty —” Feng Wu shifted a little to find a more comfortable position before she looked up at Emperor Wu. “Your Majesty, my legs are asleep; I’d be lying to you if I made up some other answer.

“That’s how I think I should express my veneration for you: to be as frank and honest as an innocent child. Your Majesty, what do you think?”

Emperor Wu felt silent. He really couldn’t think of a way to retort to her.

The chief steward stole a glance at Feng Wu and Emperor Wu, then vented his sarcasm inwardly.

His Majesty might sound impatient at the girl’s words, but both the current atmosphere and his attitude had improved before he realized it.

The chief steward admired Feng Wu for what she had achieved.

There was something so peculiar about the kid that she seemed to bring joy wherever she went. No matter how furious one was, the girl could soothe them with a few lines.

If anyone else had tried to do the same thing, they would have been whipped senseless by now.

Emperor Wu didn’t know what to do with Feng Wu. This girl would listen obediently when he scolded her, but as soon as he softened a little, she would try something else. If he glared at her, she would lower her head and steal pleading glances at him. It just so happened that the girl was exceptionally beautiful. It was said that one shouldn’t turn away from a smiling face, not to mention that she had such a pretty smile… Emperor Wu was at a loss over what to do.

1However, his face betrayed nothing. No one could read an emperor’s mind and Feng Wu was no exception.

Someone had brought in a new chair when she wasn’t looking.

Once Emperor Wu was seated again, he darted a casual glance at Feng Wu, trying to think of a way to punish the girl.

As innocent as a child, she said?

It reminded Emperor Wu of his son.

Just then, Master Bai said, “Is Miss Feng Wu very familiar with His Royal Highness?”

Feng Wu stiffened. Master Bai’s revenge had come quicker than she thought.

Emperor Wu was alarmed as well.

Jun Linyuan was his most valuable heir, and what was more, Bai had obviously held something back.

Emperor Wu then recalled the jade pendant.

According to the empress dowager, it was such an important piece that the cold-hearted Jun Linyuan should never have given it away under any circumstances, not to mention that he had given it to Feng Wu.


Emperor Wu found it the strangest thing!

Did Jun Linyuan like Feng Wu? Emperor Wu would never believe it.

So, it was because of the girl herself…

“Little Feng Wu, did you say that your frankness proves your veneration for me?”


“So, tell me. What do you think of Jun Linyuan?”

What did she think of Jun Linyuan?!

Feng Wu wouldn’t stop complaining about Jun Linyuan if they let her!

Ever since she had met him again in Northern Border City, Jun Linyuan had sabotaged her missions more times than she could count, all the way from Northern Border City to the imperial capital!

Feng Wu wanted more than anything else to tell Emperor Wu everything!


It wouldn’t be a good idea to trash a son in front of his dad, right

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Feng Wu was conflicted.

“Are you hesitating?” Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu.

What happened to “as innocent as a child”?

Feng Wu felt that she had dug her own grave. She should have never mentioned the “frank, honest” bullshit.

What did she think of Jun Linyuan? Where should she start? She had lost count of how many times she had suffered losses because of him.

However, she couldn’t tell that to Jun Linyuan’s dad. What if Jun Linyuan refused to give her back the broken star piece when he heard about this? The broken star piece was the most important thing!

Grinding her teeth, Feng Wu forced a smile. “His Royal Highness? Well, he’s good! Excellent! Like, perfect!”

Of course he knew his son was perfect. Emperor Wu was glad to hear Feng Wu sing praises of Jun Linyuan.

“Exactly how good is he?” Emperor Wu shifted in his chair and asked casually.

Seeing that Emperor Wu had changed into a more comfortable position, indicating that he was ready to hear a long speech, Feng Wu was a little flustered.

“Miss Wu, Your Majesty asked you a question,” the chief steward kindly reminded Feng Wu, who had let her mind wander off.

“Sure… well, His Royal Highness is so great that I don’t know where to start.” Feng Wu chuckled awkwardly.

Emperor Wu rolled his eyes. Start from anywhere and be quick about it.

“Ahem —” Feng Wu cleared her throat.

If she had to sing a hymn of praise for Jun Linyuan, she would make sure that she did it right. She had to make the emperor happy!

Feng Wu said, “His Royal Highness is the best! He’s talented beyond compare, he’s a superb cultivator, and he’s more capable than anyone could ever imagine!”

She then stole a glance at Emperor Wu and saw that he didn’t seem impressed. Fine, she would try harder!

“His Royal Highness is wise, unbelievably resourceful, and has perused books of all sorts. He can answer any question, regardless of how uncommon the subject is! He’s like a living library!”

Feng Wu stole another glance at Emperor Wu.

His Majesty still looked so indifferent… but why?

It then occurred to Feng Wu!

How dumb of her! She was focusing on Jun Linyuan only and had forgotten about Emperor Wu!

She changed her strategy right away. “His Royal Highness is adept in both the pen and the sword. He’s eminently talented. He has a casual and elegant bearing, and the manner of a delicate beauty, which will remain unsurpassed for generations. Everyone falls in love with him… No wonder His Royal Highness is so incredible — he’s your son! I’m sure he inherited everything from Your Majesty!”

Feng Wu was very pleased with her little speech.

Not only did she say a lot of good things about Jun Linyuan, she had played up to Emperor Wu at the same time. She was confident that Emperor Wu would be glad to hear it.

But —

The longer Emperor Wu listened to her, the darker his face became. He narrowed his eyes.

He was right!

Like many girls out there, this girl liked his son! And this girl thought she could keep it from him!

Feng Wu’s stomach lurched.

Wait! This wasn’t right… She needed to think.

Before she could figure it out, Emperor Wu spoke in an unhurried tone.

“Little Feng Wu, were you telling the truth?” Checkmate.

“Y- yes…”

“So, you like Jun Linyuan, don’t you?” Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu with a half-smile.

That was it!

Feng Wu stood there dazed, as if she had been struck by lightning!

She finally knew what she had done wrong!

Everyone thought she was in love with Jun Linyuan, and Emperor Wu had his suspicions, too. That was why he had asked for her opinion on Jun Linyuan. While she praised Jun Linyuan against her will, Emperor Wu was convinced that she was in love.

She had been set up!

Your Majesty, it’s not what you think —

Feng Wu was almost rendered speechless.

“Your Majesty, it’s not like that! It’s a big misunderstanding!”

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“Your Majesty, I’m not! There’s nothing between me and Jun Linyuan! Nothing!” Feng Wu shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Why are you so agitated? What are you trying to cover up?”

“I’m not!” Feng Wu felt like crying.

She had jumped into the pit she had dug herself! Feng Wu wanted to smack her own head!

Emperor Wu smirked. Like hell I’m going to believe you.

But he only darted an emotionless glance at Feng Wu. “All girls are in love with the crown prince. You’re not that special.”

Yes. Feng Wu could live with that conclusion from the emperor.

However —

Master Bai interjected at that moment.

“I heard that His Royal Highness carried Miss Feng Wu on his shoulder.”

Carry? On his shoulder?!

Those words didn’t fit Jun Linyuan at all!

Emperor Wu stared at Master Bai. “Are you sure?”

Feng Wu wanted to throttle Master Bai right there and then!

What an evil man! He was the worst!

Master Bai was satisfied to see how flustered Feng Wu was. He made a show of pondering the question before answering it. “Your Majesty, I think that really happened, and it took place in World Tower!”

“Feng Wu?!” Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu.

“Th- that was because…” Feng Wu was going to explain, but Emperor Wu had risen to his feet.

“You can call the crown prince ‘cousin’ from now on and that’s my answer to the big favor you asked for.” After giving Feng Wu one last grim look, he turned to leave.

Feng Wu mumbled, “…Cousin?” She didn’t want to have Jun Linyuan as her cousin at all! She wanted to explain everything!

However, she had lost that chance, because Emperor Wu had marched off.

That Master Bai! He was so cunning! Feng Wu clenched her fists.

“Find out what really happened,” Emperor Wu said in a low but chilly voice.

Cining Palace.

Both Lady Northern Feng and Empress Dugu had stayed behind to keep the empress dowager company.

And they were talking about Feng Wu as well.

Lady Northern Feng was praising Feng Wu and Empress Dugu was trashing the girl. As a result, the two women were about to start a row again.

They only calmed down because Emperor Wu entered the hall.

“Your Majesty, Lady Northern Feng insists on having Feng Wu as her goddaughter. How about we just give the girl some money and stop this nonsense?” Empress Dugu disliked Feng Wu so much that the last thing she wanted was for her status to increase.

Lady Northern Feng wanted to retort, but Emperor Wu stopped her with a wave of his hand.

“If you insist on having her as a daughter, you can, but you have to wait after Her Majesty has fully recovered,” said Emperor Wu casually. “Keep it quiet. Showing her around in the family will be enough.”

Although Lady Northern Feng was a tough and willful woman, having grown up in the imperial palace, she was too good at reading faces.

And she knew what His Majesty meant right away.

“…Alright.” Lady Northern Feng felt sorry for Feng Wu and decided that she would make it up to her in the future.

“That girl is really pretty. Too bad she’s crippled,” said the empress dowager. “If she and Junjun somehow got together, she might give birth to a little crippled baby.”

The old lady was frightened by her own imagination and waved her hands. “No, no, we can’t let that happen! Yaya, try not to bring the girl here from now on. Okay?”

Lady Northern Feng was speechless.

Emperor Wu said, “Mother, please don’t worry. I’ve warned her and the girl knows what to do.”

Feng Wu had no idea that she had just been blacklisted as the “most unpopular person” by the royal family.

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