《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》711-712-713-714


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“You!” Master Chu stared at Feng Wu so hard that his eyes almost popped out. “Tell me Lady Northern Feng was joking.”

Feng Wu only smiled.

Instead of answering the question, she went up to the empress dowager and stuck a handful of silver needles in the old lady’s head.

“Her Majesty is in grave danger. Master Chu, are you sure this is the right time to interrogate me?”

Master Chu was speechless.

He wanted to retort, but was rendered speechless by Feng Wu’s consummate acupuncture skills.

Facts spoke louder than words.

As soon as he saw Feng Wu in action, Master Chu realized that the girl was an exceptional medical practitioner.

Feng Wu looked around at the crowd, then shook her head at Emperor Wu. “There are too many people here.”

Master Chu stared at Feng Wu. “Are you going to treat Her Majesty now?!”

Feng Wu looked back at him in bewilderment. “Her Majesty is in critical condition. She could die without immediate treatment. I have to start as soon as possible.”

“Can you promise you’ll cure Her Majesty?” Emperor Wu fixed his intimidating gaze on Feng Wu, which sent a chill down her spine.

Feng Wu looked back at Emperor Wu and said in a much more polite tone,”Your Majesty, Her Majesty the empress dowager is very ill and no doctor can say that they’re 100% sure they can cure a patient. I’m no exception.”

She then quickly drafted a letter of commitment. “Your Majesty, I’ll start treating Her Majesty after you sign this.”

Emperor Wu took a look at the piece of paper and his face turned livid. “Nonsense!”

Spiritual essence swept across the room like a gust of wind!

Everyone dropped to their knees!

Feng Wu felt an unfathomable force pressing down on her shoulders.

Rumble —

Every part of Feng Wu cried out in pain and her knees almost turned numb.

Such was the formidable power of the ruler of the Junwu Empire!

Everyone else had prostrated on the floor and Feng Wu was the only one standing.

Emperor Wu was indeed worthy of his fame. One couldn’t begin to imagine the horror of being his target.

Even their souls quivered.

Compared with Emperor Wu, Feng Wu was as fragile as a newborn.

She was soaked in cold sweat. Blue veins popped on her skin and blood began to ooze out of her pores.

She was being crushed!

She couldn’t stop her slender legs from shaking!

When facing absolute strength, willpower and endurance were nothing but jokes.

Thump —

Feng Wu’s legs gave out and she dropped to her knees with a thump!

She wasn’t submitting to a ruler, but to his unquestionable strength!

“Are you insisting on the signature?” asked Emperor Wu in a majestic, impassive voice. His gaze felt like icy blades on her skin.

Emperor Wu was a dutiful son. He had never forgotten the days when he and his mother depended on each other for survival in a forgotten corner of the imperial palace. His mother had gone through many tribulations to make him emperor.

Hence, he valued his mother more than anyone else.

That was why here in Cining Palace, Emperor Wu and the empress dowager could interact like any ordinary mother and son without the ritualistic formalities.

Now that the empress dowager’s life was in danger, Emperor Wu was as worried as he was furious.

“Your Majesty…”

Master Chu wanted to interject, but Emperor Wu only stared at him with cold eyes and stressed each word. “If anything happens to Her Majesty, Chu Feiran, what do you think will happen to your head?”


Master Chu broke into a cold sweat.

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Master Chu knew that he was partially responsible for what had happened.

He was in charge of the empress dowager’s routine physical examination, but because of his attempts to advance to the Supreme Level, he had left the job to his subordinates, which was why something like this had happened.

Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu with a bone-chilling look in his eyes!

Cold sweat covered Feng Wu’s forehead. It was an instinctive reaction and there was nothing she could do about it.

However —

Although her heart was pounding and she was panting like a cow with clattering teeth, Feng Wu still lowered her head and said, “Your Majesty, I’ll need your signature.”

Emperor Wu was furious!

He pointed a finger at Feng Wu. “Do you really think I won’t kill you?!”

All the land under heaven belonged to the emperor and all within the land were the emperor’s servants. He was the ultimate boss!

Feng Wu only prostrated on the floor without another word.

Exasperated, Lady Northern Feng, who was kneeling next to Feng Wu, whispered to the latter through gritted teeth, “Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, just do what you’re supposed to do!”

Lady Northern Feng wanted to smack the girl on the head. What are you even thinking, you silly kid? What protection do you think that letter of commitment will give you if you really fail to save Her Majesty? His Majesty can have your head all the same!

Emperor Wu seemed like a nice guy when he was in a good mood, but when he got angry, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill everyone in this room!

Feng Wu still said nothing.

Emperor Wu glared at Feng Wu.

This girl was as stubborn as Jun Linyuan!

Just then, the empress dowager began to convulse on the bed.

“Oh god!” Master Chu cried out. “Her Majesty is having another seizure! Quickly! Your Majesty, we’ll lose Her Majesty if we don’t treat her now!”

However, Feng Wu was already at the empress dowager’s side before Emperor Wu could say a word.

Of course she had to be!

She was pushing the emperor’s limit, with her own life at stake.

Only by finding out where the emperor’s bottom line lay could she be confident enough in her work in the future.

What happened today had been a now-or-never opportunity for her.

Now that His Majesty was on the verge of exploding, she would really be asking for death if she didn’t yield.

Emperor Wu was rendered speechless by Feng Wu’s reaction.

She had been all determined and stubborn a moment ago, then she surrendered? Just like that?

“Your Majesty, we need to clear the room. The crowd might affect Her Majesty —”

“Yeah —” Emperor Wu replied in a tone that was completely strange to him, and he only realized what he said afterward.

However, Emperor Wu didn’t need to give the order himself. The others were already hurrying toward the exit.

No one wanted to be part of such a dangerous operation.

They would all become collateral damage if anything happened to the empress dowager!

It was just that —

Empress Dugu cast a most malicious glance at Feng Wu before she left!

She simply didn’t understand it. It had been so intense and ruthless just then. The emperor and the girl had confronted each other and neither side would back off. But Feng Wu…

Why had she rushed over to save Her Majesty so suddenly? And how had she dissolved the tension so easily?


What happened to forcing His Majesty to sign?

And what about not treating the patient without a signature?

Grow a spine!

Empress Dugu was still baffled when she left the room.

God knew how thrilled she had been when she saw Feng Wu the Bold challenge the emperor head on. But… why had Feng Wu given in so easily? Even His Majesty didn’t know how to react.

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Back inside.

Feng Wu had no idea how conflicted Empress Dugu was feeling. Right now, she was focused on treating the empress dowager.

All the other people cleared out of the room.

In the end, the only ones left were Feng Wu, Emperor Wu, and Master Chu.

“Your Majesty, Master Chu, you’ll have to leave the room, too,” Feng Wu said in a calm voice.

Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu. “Kiddo, are you sure?”

“I’m only half as good when other people watch me work.” That was the only explanation Feng Wu gave.

In fact, she wanted to work alone because she couldn’t use her spiritual essence when other people were around. It was still a secret.

Emperor Wu darted a warning look at Feng Wu. “You know what will happen if you can’t cure Her Majesty!”

He then left the room with Master Chu.

Master Chu actually wanted to stay, for he wanted to see how Feng Wu did it. He was still completely at a loss.

But he couldn’t stay, for even Emperor Wu had left.

Darting a regretful look at Feng Wu, he walked out of the room, turning to look back repeatedly with every step.

Feng Wu was finally alone.

She took out a bottle of blood-thinner she had concocted before and fed it to the empress dowager.

After the aneurysm, the old lady’s intracranial pressure had soared and her vitals were dropping fast. Feng Wu had to use the blood-thinner, her ultimate weapon, right away.

Only then did Feng Wu reach out with her right index finger and make a small cut between the old lady’s eyebrows.

She slowly pulled her hand back.

A streak of dark red blood flew out of the old lady’s head with her movement.

Feng Wu directed the blood into an empty teapot.

The clot had dissolved, and flowed out of the cut as well.

Finally, with a wipe of Feng Wu’s fingers, the tiny cut on the old lady’s forehead healed completely without leaving a trace.

Outside —

Empress Dugu stared at Master Chu. “Master Chu, are you sure about this? Can that girl do it?”

Master Chu smiled bitterly. “If she really was the one who treated Her Majesty before I arrived, then she’s definitely a much better doctor than I am.”

Master Chu had a big heart.

1As the head of the bureau of physicians, it was easy to assume he would be jealous of those with better medical skills. However, all Master Chu cared about were good skills, not who they belonged to.

And that was exactly why Emperor Wu liked him.

A cultivator’s character was more important than their martial prowess.

Gripping her handkerchief, Empress Dugu stared at the closed door!

If… if the empress dowager died from Feng Wu’s treatment… she would be able to get rid of that paranoid, biased old hag forever. And Feng Wu would die for it as well…

God, please hear my prayer.

Empress Dugu repeated it over and over again in her head.

“What are you doing?!” Lady Northern Feng glowered at Empress Dugu.

The question startled Empress Dugu, but she reacted quickly enough and glared back at Lady Northern Feng. “I’m praying for Her Majesty, of course! What do you think I’m doing?”

“I think you’re cursing Her Majesty.”


Empress Dugu glared at Lady Northern Feng with bloodshot eyes.

“Your Majesty —” Tugging at Emperor Wu’s robe, Empress Dugu wailed, “Lady Northern Feng is giving me such a hard time. Your Majesty, you have to do me justice.”

Tears welled up in her pretty eyes and she cried like a blossoming pear tree in the spring rain.

The emperor would have found her adorable on any other day, but he was in no mood at the moment. Instead, he rebuked her. “Knock it off!”

Empress Dugu hated the empress dowager and Feng Wu even more.

Just then, there was a creaking sound.

The door opened.

“How did it go?” Lady Northern Feng was the first to ask.

Feng Wu gave her a little nod, then said, “It went well. I’ve cleared out the excessive blood in Her Majesty’s head, but that’s only temporary relief.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Emperor Wu turned his cold gaze on Feng Wu.

“It means I’ve only cured the symptoms, not the disease. If we don’t find the cause and get rid of it, this can happen again; when that happens, she’ll be beyond saving.”

“Is it that serious?!” Emperor Wu’s face turned livid and he glared at Master Chu.

Master Chu knelt down. “…Your Majesty, this is all my fault. I’ve been busy with my practice and…”

Emperor Wu ignored Master Chu, then turned back to Feng Wu. “What’s your plan?”

Feng Wu said calmly, “The symptoms are in Her Majesty’s head, but it started in her kidneys. Kidney deficiency results in a lack of nutrition in the liver. The liver then becomes overheated, producing phlegm that can’t be released. That’s why Her Majesty is in such critical condition.

“As the traditional saying goes in my profession, ’emergency treatment is temporary; execute a permanent cure in moderate conditions.’ Now that the most life-threatening period is over, we can make a gradual approach toward a permanent cure. I think I’ll start with the kidneys.”

Emperor Wu went on staring at Feng Wu with a grim look on his face.

Picking up a pen, Feng Wu read out the prescription in an unhurried voice. “We’ll start with Ease Powder to nourish the liver, dispel the evil energy, and reduce phlegm. After that, we’ll move on to a medicine with spine date seed as its chief ingredient, which will further nourish the liver and calm the mind…”

Emperor Wu darted a look at Master Chu.

Master Chu nodded repeatedly. “Yes! That’s perfect!”

Emperor Wu didn’t know what to say.

He turned to Feng Wu. “When will Her Majesty wake up, then?”

“Feed the medicine to her every two hours and Her Majesty should wake up after three doses. It’s just that she won’t be able to regain mobility yet.”

Emperor Wu nodded.

One couldn’t help but doubt Feng Wu’s medical skills because of how young she was. However, she had proven her unquestionable capability. All they could do now was wait six hours.

Emperor Wu had the servants fetch the medicine.

Every minute felt as long as an hour.

Finally, six hours passed.

But the empress dowager showed no sign of waking up.

Empress Dugu clenched her handkerchief, then stared at Feng Wu. “Miss Feng, didn’t you say that Her Majesty would wake up in six hours? But she’s still unconscious.”

Feng Wu looked at the empress with a strange expression on her face.

All eyes were on Feng Wu now and Emperor Wu stared at her with his piercing gaze!

The look on Feng Wu’s face became even stranger. She went up to the empress dowager and checked her pulse.

She then withdrew her hand and slowly rose to her feet.

“Feng Wu, did you make Her Majesty worse?! The empress dowager isn’t waking up, is she?!” Empress Dugu cried out.

Emperor Wu looked like he was ready to kill someone!

Feng Wu still said nothing.

Empress Dugu was so sure that Feng Wu had failed to save the empress dowager!

A gloating look flickered in her eyes!

Feng Wu was so doomed! She was!

However, Empress Dugu was still laughing inwardly when —

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