《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》707-708-709-710


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Take her! Take Feng Wu down! She wants to kill Her Majesty the empress dowager!”

Lady Northern Feng was infuriated!

Damn that Empress Dugu. That woman was always trying to stir things up.

Lady Northern Feng moved before she could think. She slapped Empress Dugu. “Shut the f**k up!”

1Wow —

Everyone was dumbfounded!


That was the empress!

The wife of the emperor!

Empress Dugu of the famous Dugu clan!

And Lady Northern Feng had just slapped her!

Even Empress Dugu herself was baffled and she stared at Lady Northern Feng in disbelief. “How… How dare you hit me?!”

Lady Northern Feng brushed her aside. “Her Majesty is in grave danger and you’re only thinking about taking personal revenge! Is that what an empress should do? I don’t have time for this! His Majesty can punish me however he wants after Her Majesty is saved. One more word and I’ll kill you!”

Lady Northern Feng glared at the empress when she said the last few words.

Her tone was as bone-chilling as the look in her eyes.

Empress Dugu’s stomach lurched.

She hated Lady Northern Feng, but she knew perfectly well that if she kept bickering with Lady Northern Feng, even her husband wouldn’t take her side.

Emperor Wu, the filial son, could no longer think straight when he saw the condition the empress dowager was in. He was at a loss over what to do.

“Where are the imperial physicians? Fetch Master Chu!”

Emperor Wu yelled.

The maids and eunuchs all rushed out to look for Master Chu.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu had taken out a row of silver needles.


With the needles in her right hand, Feng Wu removed the empress dowager’s robe with her left hand.

“What are you doing?!” Emperor Wu glared at Feng Wu with a murderous look on his face.

Any other person would be quivering under the pressure and lose their composure.

Feng Wu only looked at Emperor Wu and stated the facts in a level tone. “Her Majesty is gravely ill at the moment. If I don’t do anything, she’ll be dead in three minutes. I can buy her an additional fifteen minutes. Your Majesty, it’s up to you now.”

Although the old lady didn’t like her, Feng Wu had to do something for her own sake.

Moreover, Feng Wu knew that Jun Linyuan was close to the old lady. If he knew that Feng Wu refused to help his grandmother, she would be in a lot of trouble.

Chest heaving, Emperor Wu was astonished by Feng Wu’s words.

“Three minutes?”

“Yes. Two minutes and fifty seconds now.”

“You…” His mother was convulsing on the floor.

“Can you promise you can save her?”

Lady Northern Feng rushed over before Feng Wu could reply. She stared at Emperor Wu. “I, Shi Yaran, swear on my life! If Feng Wu fails to save Her Majesty, you can cut my head off!”

Emperor Wu kept his gaze on Lady Northern Feng.

“One minute,” Feng Wu reminded him in a calm voice.

Emperor Wu gritted his teeth. Master Chu still hadn’t shown up, and if they waited any longer…

“Fine! I’ll have your head on a plate if you can’t save my mother!”

Hardly had Emperor Wu finished his sentence when Feng Wu stuck the silver needles into the old lady.

She used 18 needles in total from the old lady’s head to her abdomen.


It took Feng Wu less than three seconds to work all the needles in.

That skill alone was enough to baffle Emperor Wu.

Then, Feng Wu flipped her right hand up and a dot of pale green light appeared in her palm.

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Feng Wu tapped the old lady’s forehead with her index finger.

The pale green light scattered before disappearing into the empress dowager’s body.

It was just that the process had been blocked from sight by Feng Wu’s wide sleeve, and no one else had seen it.

Afterward, Feng Wu removed all the silver needles from the empress dowager, disinfected them, and packed them back up before putting the bundle back into her sleeve.

She then steadily rose to her feet and nodded calmly at Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu had kept his gaze on the empress dowager the entire time. To his amazement, he saw that the old lady, who had been convulsing and twitching, had really quieted down. Apart from her closed eyes and her pale face, she actually looked alright.

Emperor Wu stared at Feng Wu!

“She’s not awake! Why have you stopped?”

Feng Wu raised an eyebrow. “Your Majesty, do you still require my service?”

That question almost gave Emperor Wu a heart attack!

What kind of doctor would stop in the middle of treatment to ask that question, not to mention that she was treating the empress dowager? That girl was audacious to the extreme!

“What’s wrong with Her Majesty the empress dowager?!” Emperor Wu glared at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu gave it some thought before asking the emperor, “Your Majesty, would you like to hear the truth, or…”

Emperor Wu didn’t know what to make of that question. “Of course I want the truth! Do you know how serious this is?!”

Feng Wu sighed. “The truth is… Her Majesty has a ruptured cerebroma caused by chronic nephritis and hypertension.”

“Huh?” Emperor Wu was dumbfounded.

Those words sounded familiar, but put together, he had no idea what that phrase meant.

And he wasn’t the only one baffled.

“What was that?” Everyone eyed each other in bewilderment.

Before Feng Wu could explain —

Hasty footsteps came from outside.

Granny Lan dragged Master Chu into the hall so forcefully that she tore his robe.

“Quickly, quickly —” Granny Lan pushed Master Chu into the room.

Everyone was speechless.

Master Chu’s forehead was covered with sweat when he ran into the hall in his unkempt clothes. He looked up, saw Emperor Wu, and was going to kneel.

Emperor Wu glowered. “Cut the crap and help Her Majesty!”

He had already moved his mother onto the bed.

“Alright, alright —”

Master Chu went to check her pulse.

However, the look on his face kept getting stranger, and in the end, he even looked glad.

It took him fifteen minutes to finish checking her pulse.

Emperor Wu asked eagerly, “How’s Her Majesty doing?”

Master Chu looked conflicted. He seemed to want to say something, but hesitated.

“What do you know? Speak!” Emperor Wu frowned at Master Chu and he sounded disgruntled.

His mother was still lying there, unconscious.

“Your Majesty —”

After some thought, Master Chu said, “In simple terms, Her Majesty suffers from high blood pressure caused by chronic nephritis, which led to this cerebral hemorrhage…”

Emperor Wu said, “You mean a ruptured cerebroma caused by chronic nephritis and hypertension?”

“Yes! That’s it!” Master Chu nodded repeatedly. “Cerebroma… cerebroma… that’s exactly what that blood clot is! Your Majesty, that’s the most accurate summarization! That’s exactly it!”


Emperor Wu glanced at Feng Wu. That girl really knew her stuff.

Master Chu said, “What happened to Her Majesty was very sudden and very serious! However, the unusual thing is that —”

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“What’s your conclusion?” Emperor Wu stared at Master Chu.

Master Chu said, “Her Majesty has a cerebroma which ruptured due to chronic nephritis and hypertension, and it was an acute attack. The common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, convulsions… and it’s usually lethal within five minutes.

“From what I can detect, the aneurysm in Her Majesty’s brain should have put her in a critical condition, but Her Majesty was able to hold on for over twenty minutes. Moreover, she’s not vomiting or convulsing.”

Master Chu looked bemused. “I don’t understand. I’ve been doing this for so many years and something like this shouldn’t have happened. There must be another explanation!”

While Master Chu was still pondering the question, all the others had turned to look at Feng Wu.

Empress Dugu’s face was livid!

What Master Chu said indirectly proved what a wonderful doctor Feng Wu was.

Had it not been for Feng Wu’s treatment, the empress dowager would be dead by now.

She did it! She actually did it! Clenching her fists, Empress Dugu gritted her teeth. She was considering writing Zuo Qingluan a letter after returning to her bedroom.

Emperor Wu glanced at Feng Wu at that moment as well. He cleared his throat. “Someone treated Her Majesty before you arrived.”

“That explains everything!” Master Chu clapped his hands. “Yes! That explains why Her Majesty is still safe and sound after her aneurysm. That person is so amazing!”

“Are they?”

Master Chu looked excited. “Yes, of course! That person is a spectacular doctor! If I’ve guessed right, their skills are much more advanced than mine!”


A hush fell over the hall…

Everyone looked at Feng Wu in silence.

According to Master Chu, Feng Wu was a better doctor than he was? How was that even possible?

Master Chu turned to Emperor Wu. “Your Majesty, where’s that master? That person should be the one treating Her Majesty now.”

The others were dumbfounded. You’re Master Chu, the best imperial physician we’ve got. How are we supposed to go to someone else when you’re here?

Emperor Wu stared at Master Chu with a livid face. “…Are you telling me you can’t help Her Majesty?”

Medicine refiners were so prestigious that even Emperor Wu couldn’t lash out at them at will. He could only express his anger with a livid face.

Master Chu smiled bitterly. “Your Majesty, Her Majesty the empress dowager has an ailment in her brain, and we need to extract that clot as soon as possible without damaging the brainstem. None of my people can perform such a delicate operation. As for myself… Well, I could certainly try, but I only stand a fifty-fifty chance. However, Your Majesty might have heard, I’m working my way up to the Supreme Level, which has used up much of my spiritual essence. I’m afraid I only have a 20% chance of saving Her Majesty.”

20%? Master Chu would never dare try it on the empress dowager. Even if he did, Emperor Wu wouldn’t allow it.

Master Chu smiled in resignation. “Therefore, Your Majesty, we better leave the job to that master. They’ll do wonders.”

“Is that person that good?” Emperor Wu glanced at Feng Wu.

She was just a slim 13-year-old girl. Was she really that great a doctor? Even if she started from birth, she would only have had thirteen years of practice.

“Yes! That good!” Master Chu said in a serious tone. He then began to praise this master.

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Master Chu sighed in amazement. “I admire that person so much because they were able to stop the rupture with acupuncture alone. Moreover, they stopped Her Majesty’s internal energy from running amuck and guided it into her brain to restore balance. How spectacular! That’s something I’ll probably never be able to do.”

Emperor Wu couldn’t help but dart another look at Feng Wu. That girl was such an amazing doctor? He hadn’t known that before.

“Your Majesty, who on earth is this master?” Master Chu asked eagerly. “With what they’ve done so far, they have at least a 60% chance of saving Her Majesty.”

“She still needs saving?!” Emperor Wu stared at Master Chu.

Master Chu nodded. “That’s right, Your Majesty. The empress dowager is still in grave danger and we need that master’s expertise again. Otherwise, I’m not sure Her Majesty will survive this!”

All eyes were on Feng Wu now.

If Master Chu was telling the truth, Feng Wu was a shockingly exceptional doctor.

Master Chu went on, “I’m sure the master is a respected elder, aren’t they? Who could it be? Is it Old Master Ba? Is the old master back?!”

Emperor Wu shook his head.

“No? Then who else can it be? Since when did the Junwu Empire have such a remarkable medicine refiner? And why don’t I know anything about it? I’ve been so ignorant…”

The looks the others gave Master Chu were full of sympathy.

He wasn’t the only ignorant one. Everyone was ignorant!

“We have to find this medicine refiner and invite the person to join the bureau of physicians. Once Her Majesty is cured, I’ll have to get some tips from the elder about my elevation to the Supreme Level. It’s vital that we invite them over!”

The others turned to look at Feng Wu once more.

Master Chu was bewildered. “Why are you all looking at her? Is she…”

Everyone nodded.

Yes, it’s her. Master Chu, you guessed right.

Master Chu went up to Feng Wu and asked in an excited voice, “Kid, where are the senior members of your family? May I meet them?”

Feng Wu looked perfectly innocent. “The senior members of my family? Master Chu, why do you want to meet them?”

Master Chu cajoled, “Young lady, since they’re great masters, it’s only natural that they don’t receive random visitors. Would you please let them know that Chu Feiran from Chu State begs an audience?”

Feng Wu didn’t say anything.

Master Chu smiled awkwardly. “Young lady, that’s all I’m asking…”

Lady Northern Feng interrupted in time. “Master Chu, you’re mistaken. That person wasn’t Xiao Wu’s family member, but Xiao Wu herself.”

It took Master Chu a moment to process that piece of information.

But soon —

“What did you say?!” Master Chu almost jumped to his feet and he stared at Lady Northern Feng. “Are you telling me that she saved Her Majesty? This teenage girl?”

Lady Northern Feng nodded solemnly. “That’s right. It was indeed her.”

“That’s impossible!!!” Master Chu couldn’t believe his ears. “You’re not making any sense! She’s no more than 15 years old, and even if she began practicing medicine in her mother’s womb, she would never be able to achieve so much in less than 15 years! The person that performed that procedure has to be a Supreme Level medicine refiner at least —

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