《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》703-704-705-706


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Lady Northern Feng flared up. “What are you suggesting? Xiao Wu would never run such a scam. She’s simply an amazing doctor!”

Empress Dugu turned to her husband with an aggrieved look on her face.

However, the empress dowager was persuaded.

She turned to Lady Northern Feng. “Yaya, don’t let her trick you.”

Lady Northern Feng was speechless.

She didn’t reply, but only threw a dirty look at Empress Dugu.

Satisfied with the effect of her question, Empress Dugu went on, “Which family is the girl from? What’s her name? We really should run a background check on her to see what kind of person she really is. After all, if she becomes your daughter, she’ll be a part of this family.”

The empress dowager found those words reasonable. She frowned and turned to Lady Northern Feng. “Yaya, what’s her name?”

“She’s Feng Wu, and she’s a bright, pretty girl. I’ll bring her here some day.” Lady Northern Feng had great confidence in Feng Wu.

“Feng Wu?” Emperor Wu was taken aback. “Which Feng Wu?!”

Empress Dugu’s stomach lurched as well.

After all, that name was unforgettable to the royal family.

“The fifth daughter of the Feng clan.”

“It’s her?” The look in Emperor Wu’s eyes was indecipherable.

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Empress Dugu cried out, “It can’t be! Feng Wu? As in the girl who was once engaged to Jun Linyuan?”

Lady Northern Feng frowned.

Empress Dugu didn’t stop there. “Your Majesty, didn’t that Feng Wu lose all her abilities? She was a genius, but she’s crippled now. It’s that Feng Wu!”

The empress dowager frowned and she glared at Lady Northern Feng. “Yaya, that was very rash of you!”

“But —”

Lady Northern Feng was about to explain, but the empress dowager cut her off. “You’re not having this goddaughter!”

Lady Northern Feng looked at the empress dowager in disbelief. “But why?”

Empress Dugu interjected in a timely manner, “Lady Northern Feng, don’t you know? His Royal Highness canceled his marriage contract with her not just because she was crippled. The main reason was how she became that way.”

The empress dowager even nodded in agreement.

Empress Dugu hardly ever received such recognition and was thrilled. “Feng Wu became too greedy and messed up during practice. That was what crippled her. Being greedy is never a merit, especially in our family. We should always accept our position in life and never ask for too much.”

The empress dowager nodded with a solemn look on her face.

Lady Northern Feng lost her temper. “Since when is my Xiao Wu greedy, and who are you to say ‘accept your position in life’? If so, why do you meddle in my business? Stick your nose somewhere else!”

Seeing that Lady Northern Feng and the empress were going to start a row, the empress dowager intervened. “Yaya, are you going to defy me now?”


“Forget about this goddaughter thing. It never happened.”

“I…” Lady Northern Feng was exasperated.

Her Xiao Wu was the best. She was pretty, smart, and considerate. She was perfect. Why couldn’t the empress dowager see it?

“Junjun doesn’t like her. He’ll be upset if you have her as a daughter.” The empress dowager grunted.

1That was it!

Whether Feng Wu was greedy or not, the empress dowager couldn’t care less. Jun Linyuan was her top priority and she didn’t want to upset him.

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“But… as her new cousin, Junjun already gave her a gift.” Lady Northern Feng announced the breaking news.


“What?” The empress dowager was shocked.

Empress Dugu didn’t see that coming.

Someone so puffed up with arrogance would give a welcome gift? How had that happened?

“Junjun really did that?”


“What did he give her?”

Lady Northern Feng said, “The piece blessed by the master of Wandering Temple…”

“That jade pendant?!” The empress dowager’s mouth fell open. “He gave the jade to that girl?!”


“No!” The empress dowager shook her head. “Quickly, take it back! We have to take it back!”

Lady Northern Feng was bewildered. “What did I miss?”

“A lot!” The empress dowager was going to elaborate, when she saw the eager look on Empress Dugu’s face. She snorted instead. “It’s a long story. Just take it back!”

Lady Northern Feng said, “…But Junjun offered her the gift himself. Wouldn’t it offend him if we take it back now?”

The empress dowager hesitated. That kid really had a very big ego.

But the news worried her so much, for she had been there when the master of Wandering Temple gave Jun Linyuan that jade pendant, with a speech about some promise, of two people brought together by fate, and a love that was meant to be love for three lifetimes.

1The empress dowager didn’t understand much, nor could she remember it clearly. She only knew that the jade was connected to Jun Linyuan’s fate and couldn’t be given to just some random person!

“You —” The empress dowager turned to Lady Northern Feng. “Bring that girl to me. I want to talk to her myself!”

With a straight face, the empress dowager was exactly what the most authoritative woman in the empire should look like!

Lady Northern Feng sighed inwardly. She couldn’t understand how things had turned out like this.


“I won’t wait that long!” The empress dowager’s voice was emotionless and solemn. “I want to see her now!”

She wanted to see what kind of girl could swindle her little Junjun out of that jade pendant!

Seeing the intimidating look on the empress dowager’s face, Empress Dugu gloated inwardly.

Finally, Lady Northern Feng was going to learn her lesson.

So what if the empress dowager was nice to her? To the old lady, Jun Linyuan was the most precious person in the whole world. Anyone who posed the slightest threat to him could be punished with death!

It then occurred to Empress Dugu that since the old woman thought so highly of Jun Linyuan, as the crown prince’s stepmother and the mother of another royal prince, she really shouldn’t feel happy at all!

Instantly, Empress Dugu felt very conflicted…

The empress dowager turned to Granny Lan. “Go fetch me that Feng Wu now!”

Lady Northern Feng rose to her feet immediately.

That girl didn’t know what was going on and Granny Lan would probably make her nervous.

“That won’t be necessary —” Lady Northern Feng stopped Granny Lan. “I’ll go. I’ll bring her here. Your Majesty, please don’t be mad.”

“Hmph!” Apparently, the old lady was still mad.

After leaving Cining Palace, Lady Northern Feng rubbed her forehead. Nothing had gone as planned.

The Feng clan.

Feng Wu was at Grand Secretary Fang’s house and was busy with the formation.

Because of the secrecy, Feng Wu had to take care of every inch of the formation herself.

Thanks to her talent in formations, Feng Wu finished in a day what could take someone a year to do.

Even Grand Secretary Fang was amazed.

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Feng Wu said, “We’ll build the foundation first. After the underground formations are complete, I’ll make some partial changes based on the structure of the manor. The minor formations can wait till the end.”

“Minor formations? Such as…”

“Such as a small formation centered around the dry well, or a mini one like what I did with that Whistling Vase. They’ll all join up and become part of the completed Taiyi formation.” Feng Wu wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Building the Taiyi formation was a lot of work, but she was enjoying every minute of it.

For one, she could put the theories she had learned from her beautiful master to use. The more she practiced, the more impressed she was by how knowledgeable her beautiful master was.

Grand Secretary Fang had lost count of how many times Feng Wu’s knowledge of formations had amazed him.

For another, once the formation was completed, it would help Feng Wu and those around her. And it wasn’t limited to their cultivation; the formation would also help to extend the lives of ordinary people.

Lady Northern Feng arrived at Fallen Star Yard at that moment.

Hearing the noise, Feng Wu said goodbye to Grand Secretary Fang.

“Lady Northern Feng, what brings you here?” Because the goddaughter thing wasn’t official yet, Feng Wu still addressed the lady like she normally did.

Lady Northern Feng felt guilty when she saw Feng Wu. She opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

“What happened?” Feng Wu could tell something was wrong.

It had to be something major to trouble the dauntless Lady Northern Feng like this.

“Xiao Wu —” Taking Feng Wu’s hand, Lady Northern Feng smiled bitterly. “I’m so sorry about this. It’s all my fault.”

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“Someone at court didn’t agree with you?” Those people were the only ones Feng Wu could think of that could make Lady Northern Feng feel helpless.

Lady Northern Feng was surprised by how perceptive Feng Wu was.

“Since you’ve guessed it, I’ll tell you everything.”

Lady Northern Feng had faith in Feng Wu’s character and she told Feng Wu about everything that had happened in the imperial palace. She gave the girl a wry smile in the end. “Xiao Wu, what do you think we should do now?”

She added, “I went to the crown prince’s residence first, but His Royal Highness wasn’t there, and neither was Feng. No one knew when they would be back.”

“No problem. I’ll come with you.” Feng Wu smiled.

That was how bighearted Feng Wu was. She always took the bull by the horns and wouldn’t be intimidated.

In the imperial palace.

Emperor Wu tried to say something a few times, but decided not to in the end.

With the empress dowager sitting there with a long face, the atmosphere was very tense in the hall.

She was nursing a headache —

The empress dowager felt a throbbing pain behind her eyes and she thought she could see flashing lights. However, at the thought of that jade pendant, she willed herself to sit straight.

Because of that, she was in an even fouler mood.

No one made a sound in Cining Palace.

The servants tried their best to keep their footsteps as quiet as possible.

The empress dowager seemed to be this kind old lady, but when she did get mad… there would be blood.

It had always been this way in the Jun family.

The empress dowager was like this, and so were Emperor Wu and Jun Linyuan.

Quick footsteps came from outside.

Lady Northern Feng skipped the announcement and brought Feng Wu into the palace straightaway.

The mood in the palace was very solemn and the air seemed to have frozen.

Dressed in her formal attire with a golden crown on her head, the empress dowager sat there with an emotionless and stern face.

Next to the empress dowager, Emperor Wu looked equally majestic.

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Empress Dugu tried to keep a straight face, but she failed to hide the cheerful look in her eyes.

It was an interrogation.

That was the first thing that came to Feng Wu’s mind when she walked in.

“Your Majesties.”

Feng Wu bowed instead of kneeling.

That gesture alone displeased the empress dowager!

“Oh my, what an arrogant noble young lady. She doesn’t even kneel to the empire and the empress dowager.” The empress dowager smirked.

After Lady Northern Feng left, Empress Dugu took the chance to spread more rumors about Feng Wu.

Why did she know those things? Well, Empress Dugu and Zuo Qingluan were students of the same master. As a matter of fact, Empress Dugu had put in a lot of effort to make Zuo Qingluan a student of Firmament Palace.

What she said made the empress dowager dislike Feng Wu even more and the old lady was furious to see that Feng Wu wouldn’t kneel.

Feng Wu smiled bitterly to herself at the old lady’s rage.

Back when she was still a genius, she hadn’t had to kneel to the empress dowager. But the old lady hadn’t seemed to be offended then.

“Your Majesty, to what do I owe this honor?” Feng Wu tactfully switched the subject.

“I was told that you had a jade pendant.” The empress dowager cut to the chase.

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“It was a gift?”


“What if I told you to hand it over to me?” The empress dowager’s eyes shone coldly.

“Your Majesty, I’m your petty subject; I’ll always obey your order.” Lowering her head, Feng Wu put the jade pendant on both palms and raised it over her head.

That surprised everyone.

It was a gift from His Royal Highness, and other people could only dream to even touch it. How could she give it up just like that?!

Staring at the jade pendant, the empress dowager didn’t know whether to flare up or rejoice!

She rejoiced that she was able to retrieve the jade.

But she was angry at how little the girl thought of a gift from Junjun!

All of a sudden —

“Ahhh —” The empress dowager felt as if a bomb had gone off in her head. She cried out and pressed both hands to her head. Cold sweat trickled down her face.

Empress Dugu was the first to react!

She pointed at Feng Wu. “How dare you! Her Majesty has fallen ill because of you! You’re dead if anything happens to Her Majesty! Take her and lock her up!”

All hell broke loose in the hall.

For the empress dowager was shaking from head to toe. White foam gathered at the corners of her mouth, her eyes rolled back, and it looked very serious!

Meanwhile, two guards rushed toward Feng Wu!

Feng Wu’s eyes glinted.

If she let them take her, it was very likely that the empress dowager wouldn’t make it. If the old lady died, Feng Wu would be in great trouble.

Feng Wu knew that Lady Northern Feng wouldn’t set her up. So, this was her unlucky day.

Saving the empress dowager would be saving herself.

At that thought, Feng Wu shoved the two guards away, and the next second, she was by the empress dowager’s side.

She bellowed, “Don’t panic! Back off! Give Her Majesty some air!”

After that, Feng Wu pushed with both hands.

Thump —

The maids gathered around the old lady were all brushed aside.

Feng Wu’s tone was very authoritative.

So much so that the others didn’t have time to react before they were pushed away. Even Granny Lan fell to the ground.

“You —”

Empress Dugu was furious!

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