《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》695-696-697-698


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“I have a sister now!” Feng Xun repeated.

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes. “I have those, too.”

Thanks to his virile father, Jun Linyuan had a lot of sisters.

“It’s not the same!” Feng Xun said proudly. “My sister’s beautiful! Are your sisters as pretty as mine?”

The corner of Jun Linyuan’s mouth twitched.

With Feng Wu as his sister, Feng Xun suddenly felt on top of the world.

Because, for once, he was better than Jun Linyuan in something! OMG!

1Feng the Third said proudly, “My sister is really smart! She was first in the written exam! Can your sisters do that?”

Jun Linyuan was speechless.

Putting his hands behind his back, Feng Xun stuck out his chest. “My sister is a great doctor!

“And she knows formations!


Once Feng Xun started showing off, he wasn’t going to stop. His grin was so wide that all his white teeth were showing.

And your sister is an excellent chiropractor, too — thought Jun Linyuan.

1“Hahahaha —” Feng Xun was still laughing when he rose to his feet and headed out.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to tell Xuan Yi the good news! Hahahaha! I have a sister now!” Feng Xun walked off after that.

Jun Linyuan was speechless.

He couldn’t for the life of him figure out how could someone who had been so against having a sister embrace the idea so quickly.

But Feng Xun had always been unpredictable like that, and Jun Linyuan was long used to it.

The Feng clan.

After the guests left, Lady Wang’s and Feng Liu’s faces were livid!

“Feng Wu! What did you do?!” Feng Liu bellowed at Feng Wu as soon as Lady Northern Feng was gone. “The Ning family doesn’t want me now and Lady Northern Feng wants you as her daughter! You must have done something!”

Feng Wu wanted to roll her eyes at Feng Liu. “My dear sister, didn’t you tell everyone what you did? Do I need to repeat everything?”

“It’s not that!” Feng Liu was furious. “You must have done something behind my back, or Lady Northern Feng would never like you so much! Tell me! Have you been saying bad things about me behind my back?”

Feng Wu snorted. “You’ve done enough bad things yourself. You don’t need my help for that.”

1“You —” Feng Liu burst into a fury.

She had lost everything and Feng Wu had more than she could ever have hoped for. The change in their comparative status was what Feng Liu found the most unacceptable.

After all, she was used to looking down on Feng Wu in such a condescending manner.

“Shut up!” Feng Yanfeng glared at Feng Liu.

“Dad, it’s all Feng Wu’s fault. She’s a bi-”

However, Feng Yanfeng raised his hand before Feng Liu could finish.


He slapped Feng Liu, loud and clear.

“You hit me — how could you hit me? Dad, I’m your daughter, not her!” Feng Liu screamed aggrievedly.

Feng Wu felt sorry for Feng Liu.

The poor kid still didn’t understand: to Feng Yanfeng, familial love was pointless. All he cared about was who could be useful for his future career.

And his kindness was reserved for the useful people only.

Now that Feng Wu was about to become a member of Northern Feng Mansion, Feng Yanfeng would never let anything happen to her.

Feng Wu sighed inwardly.

That godmother was very worthwhile.

It had only been a couple of months since they got back from Northern Border City. Back then, she had still been too weak to protect her family and Lady Wang had held all the advantages. That woman had looked down upon them.


However, a couple of months later —

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Filled with hatred, Lady Wang gritted her teeth so hard that she almost broke them, but that was all that she could do.

Feng Yanfeng stared at Lady Wang. “What have you been teaching her? It’s all your fault that Feng Liu is like this!”

Lady Wang stared at Feng Yanfeng in disbelief!

Damn you, Feng Yanfeng. What happened to calling her his perfect wife? It was as if Feng Liu was her responsibility alone!

Feng Yanfeng said coldly, “Feng Liu, since you failed the exam, you’re grounded. You’re not going anywhere for the next three months!”

He turned to Lady Wang after yelling at Feng Liu. “You’ve been such a negligent mother! Go back now and reflect on yourself!”

Lady Wang was rendered speechless. She wanted to lash out, but had to show enough respect to her husband in front of others. She had no choice but to obey his order.

“And —” Feng Yanfeng added in an indifferent tone, “Be polite to Xiao Wu from now on. She’s the most respected figure in this clan.”

Lady Wang fell silent.

“You better not let me see you pick on Xiao Wu again. Hmph!” Feng Yanfeng flicked his sleeves in annoyance.

Lady Wang gritted her teeth.

Face twisted, she threw Feng Wu a dirty look before storming off.

After Lady Wang and Feng Liu were gone, Feng Yanfeng said to Feng Wu in an affected, caring voice, “Xiao Wu, don’t hesitate to go to your aunt if you need anything. Come to me if she gives you trouble again. Alright?”

Feng Wu found Feng Yanfeng’s sycophantic manner despicable, but she smiled at him nonetheless. “Of course, Uncle.”

“Good. Hahaha, good girl.” Feng Yanfeng left, satisfied with Feng Wu’s response.

Granny Zhao shut the front gate after all the outsiders were gone.

“Hahahaha —” Chaoge was the first to burst out laughing. “Xiao Wu, did you see the look on your uncle’s and aunt’s faces? I think their faces turned green! Hahaha —”

Feng Xiaoqi was equally delighted. “They used to pick on us all the time — now they know what it feels like. My sister is amazing!”

Feng Wu gave them a wry smile. “But I didn’t do anything.”

“You saved Lady Northern Feng, and she’s doing everything for you.” Chaoge looked at Feng Wu. “Xiao Wu, Lady Northern Feng adores you and she’ll treat you nicely. But that idiot Feng Xun! Hmph! I’m gonna kick his ass if he tries to bully you!”

Feng Wu chuckled.

Her silly brother Feng Xun was actually very easy to please.

What Feng Wu didn’t know was that Feng Xun was already showing off his new sister to everyone.

In the imperial palace.

The lady with the most authority in the palace wasn’t Empress Dugu of Kunning Palace, but the empress dowager of Cining Palace.

Although the old lady wasn’t in the habit of actually running the palace, she was still well-respected, for His Majesty was a dutiful son.

“Your Majesty, Her Majesty the empress is here.”

At her age, the empress dowager got fatigued easily and had woken up late today.

Granny Lan, the elderly maid, went up to the empress dowager and passed on the message in a low voice.

The empress dowager rubbed her forehead, feeling a dull pain in her head. She waved the old maid off. “Send them on their way. I don’t want to see anyone today.”

Of course Granny Lan couldn’t be that straightforward with the empress. Instead, she smiled politely at Empress Dugu. “Her Majesty the empress dowager isn’t feeling too well today and prefers to have some time to herself. Your Majesty, ladies, please don’t let me keep you here.”


The empress dowager was sick? Empress Dugu was concerned. “Surely I should stay by Her Majesty’s side if she’s not feeling well. Ladies, leave us.”

The other imperial concubines had no choice but to obey.

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Empress Dugu was going to go in when Granny Lan stopped her. “Her Majesty the empress dowager doesn’t feel well and she prefers not to be disturbed. My apologies, Your Majesty.”

“Granny Lan, am I an intruder now?” Empress Dugu was displeased.

Just then, footsteps came from outside.

Granny Lan was a little dazed when she saw the teenager. She then forgot about Empress Dugu and hurried off after him. “Your Royal Highness, I didn’t know you were coming! Please come in. Her Majesty isn’t feeling well and she’s resting in bed.”

Jun Linyuan had been raised in Cining Palace and Granny Lan used to take care of him when he was little.

He nodded at Granny Lan, then went straight in.

Empress Dugu didn’t like what she saw at all!

“I thought Her Majesty didn’t want to see anyone. Why can he go in?!” Empress Dugu pointed at Jun Linyuan.

That defiant son was so unbelievably arrogant!

She was his stepmother, but he wouldn’t greet her or even so much as glance at her, let alone kneel down to show his respect. To him, she probably didn’t even exist!

The fact that Jun Linyuan had ignored her completely ruined Empress Dugu’s day.

She followed Jun Linyuan with her eyes, and hatred was written all over her face.

Granny Lan smiled. “His Royal Highness is never intruding. I’m sure Your Majesty knows how Her Majesty the empress dowager dotes on the crown prince.”

She was right —

The empress dowager, who was lying in bed, scrambled to her feet as soon as she was informed of Jun Linyuan’s visit, and rushed out to greet him.

“Your Majesty, it’s chilly out there. Please take this robe —” Ruixi, the chambermaid, chased after the old lady with a robe.

The empress dowager, whom even Emperor Wu had to kneel down to greet, ran as fast as she could to welcome Jun Linyuan. Taking his hand, the old lady was elated. “Oh my, my dear boy, there you are! Come, let me look at you. Have you lost weight?”

Jun Linyuan had an awkward look on his face…

This was why he had chosen to make his residence outside the imperial palace when all his half-brothers hadn’t!

This wasn’t the first time Empress Dugu had witnessed such a meeting, but she still got jealous every single time!

The old lady was the empress dowager and the most influential woman in the empire, but to her, Jun Linyuan, whom she had brought up herself, was the only grandson that was worth doting on!

Empress Dugu still remembered when Jun Linyuan was still living with the empress dowager; she couldn’t help but bring her own son, the second oldest prince, over, so that the boy could somehow impress the old lady.

And what did the empress dowager say?

“What’s he doing here? To keep me company? But I have little Junjun for that. My little Junjun is better than ten of your boy put together. Little Junjun doesn’t like to have him around. Empress, keep a leash on your boy and don’t let him near this palace. Little Junjun is upset.”

That old hag!

That boy was “little Junjun” and her son was “that boy”?

Jun Linyuan was better than ten of her son put together?

Her son should be kept out of this palace because “little Junjun” didn’t like it?

Those words almost gave Empress Dugu a heart attack!

But what could she do? The empress dowager wasn’t shy about showing her favoritism. The old lady had given Jun Linyuan everything, spoiling the kid. He was practically a fiend!

Standing outside, Empress Dugu could still hear the conversation inside.

“Little Junjun, come here to grandma. Oh my, why are you so skinny?”

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“Have you not been eating properly? Feng hasn’t been doing his job, nor has Granny Gong. I knew it. Nowhere is as good as here. How about moving —”

Jun Linyuan had a hard time keeping a straight face as his grandmother babbled on.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

However, the old lady wasn’t about to stop talking. She looked Jun Linyuan up and down and the concern in her eyes was genuine. “Poor kid. You’ve reached the age to bed women, and all your negligent father can think of is getting more women into his bedchamber. Has he ever stopped to consider your needs? Don’t worry. I’ve been on the lookout for you, and I’ll send some nice girls to your residence…”

Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid. “No!”

He was just another defiant and willful teenager when he was with his grandmother.

Their interactions were no different from that of any other grandparent and grandchild. If anything, the empress dowager only indulged her grandson more than anyone else.

The empress dowager loved her grandson ardently. “But you’re old enough. At your age, your father was…”

“I said no! No! No! No! You never listen to me!” Jun Linyuan lost his patience.

Outside, Empress Dugu was delighted to hear this.

Did Jun Linyuan have any idea who he was talking to? He was yelling at the most respected woman in the empire, someone even His Majesty had to give way to.

But —

The empress dowager backed off right away. “Of course. Whatever you say, my dear. That can wait. Actually, I think it’s a little too early, too. It’s all the empress’s fault. She’s been nagging me about finding you a wife and I got carried away.”

The old lady looked at her grandson with pleading eyes.

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Outside, Empress Dugu was speechless.

Did the old lady know she was still outside? If so, what she said was deliberate and so frustrating!

Jun Linyuan darted an annoyed look at his grandmother. “I’ve told you: don’t listen to that woman!”

“Alright, alright. My Junjun doesn’t like her and I won’t listen to her anymore. You know what? I think I should stop her from coming here,” the empress dowager mumbled to herself.

Empress Dugu didn’t know what to say. What on earth had she done to deserve this?!

Jun Linyuan rose to leave a few moments later.

Seeing that she couldn’t keep him any longer, the empress dowager called out to her servants. “It’s cold outside. Lamei, bring me that fur cape with golden feathers. It was a tribute from the kingdom of Wu.

“Qiuxue, fetch me a hand warmer.”

“Hanshuang, quickly…

However, Jun Linyuan was long gone before the empress dowager finished dressing for the cold weather.

Empress Dugu snickered inwardly.

That Jun Linyuan was outrageously unscrupulous just because the empress dowager doted on him! He had brushed off all Her Majesty’s kindness! Empress Dugu was sure that the empress dowager would hold a grudge over that.

After all, the empress dowager was never known for being a loving old lady. She pretty much ignored all her grandchildren apart from Jun Linyuan.

However, Empress Dugu was disappointed!

After Jun Linyuan went off without her, the empress dowager turned to Granny Lan. “Junjun has lost weight and he looks unhappy. He must be keeping things from me. Is he being bullied?”

Empress Dugu wanted to scream.

Bullied? Jun Linyuan? Everyone would say a silent prayer if that unruly crown prince didn’t bully someone for a day! Him, bullied? The old lady must have lost her mind!

However, the empress dowager didn’t think that way, and she whined, “Sigh. He’s always been a considerate boy. He only tells me the good things and hides the bad news, ever since he was little. I’m so worried that he’s doing it again. By the way —”

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