《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》687-688-689-690


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Go over there? What was this Feng Wu thinking? Lady Wang couldn’t understand what Lady Northern Feng saw in that girl!

Was Feng Wu not afraid of offending Lady Northern Feng?

As a matter of fact, Lady Northern Feng wasn’t offended at all. She went up to Feng Wu cheerfully and took her hand. “Xiao Wu, you’re so amazing. That medicine —”

Lady Northern Feng then leaned over and whispered something in Feng Wu’s ear.

Feng Wu smiled. “That’s great. It means the energy is flowing again inside your body. Please keep taking the medicine and I’ll write you a new prescription in a month’s time. I’ll make sure you’re thoroughly cured.”

Lady Northern Feng was elated. “I like the sound of that.”

Only those who had suffered from a disease before understood the importance of good health.

Lady Northern Feng then shifted her gaze to Feng Wu’s mother.

One look and Lady Northern Feng was stunned.

“Oh god —”

Lady Northern Feng cried out!

She had met Feng Wu’s mother once five years ago. But after five years, the lady looked exactly the same!

With a 13-year-old daughter, the beautiful lady still looked like an 18-year-old. No one could tell that she and Feng Wu were mother and daughter. They were like sisters!

“So beautiful —”

All words failed Lady Northern Feng!

Lady Northern Feng had always had a thing for beautiful people, or she wouldn’t have wanted to take Feng Wu back home when she was little. She couldn’t stop admiring the lady’s beauty. “She’s so beautiful! I can’t believe my eyes!”

The beautiful lady wore little makeup today, which only added to her natural beauty. She looked as splendid as the stars.

Even Lady Northern Feng was infatuated; imagine how a man would react?

“I’m so ashamed of my ungainly appearance…” Lady Northern Feng shook her head.

Mrs Ning felt the same.

She touched her face involuntarily.

She and Lady Northern Feng used the most expensive makeup and ate the best food, but time had still left its mark on their faces. However… Feng Wu’s mother seemed to remain 18 forever.

Lady Wang snorted inwardly.

Lady Northern Feng might seem so enthusiastic, but she was still jealous of Feng Wu’s mother! No woman could be magnanimous when it came to other beautiful women.

However, Lady Northern Feng only took Feng Wu’s hand. “Xiao Wu, tell me, what did you do to help your mother stay this young? I’m your godmother now, so don’t keep any secrets from me.”

Feng Wu chuckled. “My mother hasn’t agreed yet.”

Lady Northern Feng turned to the beautiful lady right away.

The beautiful lady was essentially a 5-year-old girl, and there was no way she could handle Lady Northern Feng. Before long, she gave her consent.

“Xiao Wu, see? Your beautiful mother said yes, which makes you my goddaughter. Now, spill the secret.” Lady Northern Feng patted Xiao Wu on the head. “Tell me everything!”

Feng Wu chuckled. “Well, my mum is blessed with natural beauty. She’s got great skin and…”

“Fine, fine, fine. We know all that. Your mother is the most beautiful woman in the Junwu Empire. No one is questioning that.” Lady Northern Feng smiled bitterly. “Tell us about the rejuvenating bit.”

“That’s a long story,” Feng Wu said. “First of all, one has to have a young mind, and my mum is naturally gifted in that respect.”

Lady Northern Feng gave her a wry smile.

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“The supplements only came afterward,” said Feng Wu. “But the last batch I made has been used up. I’ll send you a bottle when I have the next batch.”


“That’s great!” Lady Northern Feng took Feng Wu’s hands in excitement!

She trusted fully in Feng Wu’s medical skills and would believe anything Feng Wu said!

“I’ll take a bottle, too. Xiao Wu, don’t forget your aunt,” Mrs Ning said in excitement.

Feng Wu’s beautiful mother was actually called “Xuanji” and was known as “Lady Xuanji” in the empire.

1Amazed by Lady Xuanji’s stunning beauty, both Mrs Ning and Lady Northern Feng wanted Feng Wu to make those rejuvenating pills for them right away.

But Feng Wu knew better than anyone else that her mother was a special case: she would remain this young with or without the rejuvenating pills.

Feng Wu would wonder from time to time where exactly her mother came from — she simply had so many secrets.

Seeing how friendly Lady Northern Feng and the other three women were, Lady Wang was vexed.

Lady Wang had thought that Lady Northern Feng would lose her temper, but she got along much better with the others than Lady Wang had expected!

The crown prince’s residence —

Staring at Feng Xun, Jun Linyuan frowned.

The lake had frozen over, but Feng the Third didn’t even notice.

He looked at Jun Linyuan with teary eyes and said in an agitated tone, “Boss Jun! Help me! You’ve got to help me this time!”

Help you? The crown prince’s lips curled into a crooked smile.

“With what?” Jun Linyuan’s voice sounded ominous.

However, Feng Xun was too absorbed in his thoughts to notice. He pleaded with his eyes. “Boss Jun, you’re the only one I can count on now!”

“Is that so?” There was no warmth in Jun Linyuan’s eyes.

“You know what my mum’s like. She was spoiled by Her Majesty, the empress dowager, and she has a vile temper. When she gets stubborn, even my dad has to compromise at times, not to mention myself…” Feng Xun darted another pleading look at Jun Linyuan.

However, Jun Linyuan remained unmoved and there was no emotion in his eyes.

“Of all the girls out there, why did my mum have to pick Feng Xun as her goddaughter? Did she think about my needs before she made the decision? Does she still remember that I’m her son?” Feng Xun whined.

1Jun Linyuan snorted.

“Why did she have to mention the goddaughter thing, instead of proposing a marriage? I can’t believe it!” After he was done complaining, Feng Xun turned to Jun Linyuan with sparkling eyes. “Boss Jun, you have to help me! You’re the only one that can change my mum’s mind now!”

Jun Linyuan glanced at Feng Xun. “Change her mind?”

“That’s right!” Feng Xun smacked the table. “A goddaughter in families like ours is as good as a real daughter. If I let my mum have her way, I’ll never be able to marry little Feng Wu!”

1Jun Linyuan thought to himself: That’s exactly what I’m hoping for!

3Feng Xun had no idea of what was going on in Jun Linyuan’s head. Seeing that the crown prince’s face had darkened, he pleaded, “Boss Jun, Boss Jun, please help me just this once. I’ll do anything!

“I know you don’t like little Feng Wu, but I do! Boss Jun, please come with me and stop my mother! We’re running out of time here!” Feng Xun was so worried.

Jun Linyuan slowly rose to his feet. “What’s wrong with having a sister?”

“There’s nothing right about it!” Feng Xun jumped to his feet. “I won’t be able to marry her and other people will ridicule her if she can’t get a husband!”


Jun Linyuan said, “No, she’ll get a husband…”

“But she won’t get anyone better than me and the girls out there are so snobbish that they’ll definitely laugh at her!” Darting a look at Jun Linyuan, Feng Xun mumbled, “It’s not like you’re going to marry her…”

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Jun Linyuan was speechless.

“Boss Jun —”

Jun Linyuan headed for the door before Feng Xun could say another word.

“Boss Jun, where are you going?”

“The Feng clan.”

“Yes!” Feng Xun liked the sound of that!

He was thrilled!

He knew it! He knew it! Boss Jun was the best!

In the Feng manor —

(••• what will the crown prince do by going there?😂•••)

Feng Yanfeng had come back as summoned.

And his first reaction was that the Ning family wanted Feng Liu as their daughter-in-law.

“Lady Northern Feng is in Fallen Star Yard at the moment,” the steward informed Feng Yanfeng.

“What?” Feng Yanfeng was confused. If the Ning family wanted Feng Liu, what was Lady Northern Feng doing in Fallen Star Yard?

But Lady Northern Feng was too important a figure for Feng Yanfeng to neglect, and he headed for Fallen Star Yard in a hurry.

In Fallen Star Yard.

Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning stood by Feng Wu and Lady Xuanji, and the four women chatted amicably. Lady Wang and Feng Liu, on the other hand, had been left on the side.

The mother and daughter had made a few attempts to leave. After all, it was too embarrassing to linger.

But Lady Northern Feng wouldn’t let them.

Lady Northern Feng rolled her eyes as soon as Lady Wang asked for permission to leave. “Oh my, I see that the lady of the family is too busy to keep us company.”

What else could Lady Wang do but stay there with an ingratiating smile on her face? While the four women chatted happily, Lady Wang gritted her teeth so hard that she thought they were going to break.

It was the longest afternoon in Lady Wang’s life, so long that she thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

Soon, footsteps came from outside.

Feng Yanfeng pushed the door open.

“Master —” Lady Wang’s face lit up at the sight of Feng Yanfeng. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked like the most pitiful kitten.

Lady Northern Feng didn’t like Lady Wang’s reaction at all!

Feng Yanfeng saw Lady Wang’s tears, but he still brushed his wife aside and went straight up to Lady Northern Feng to greet her.

Of course he had to do that: she was the wife of the Northern Feng General and had a close relationship with the royal family.

The look on Lady Northern Feng’s face changed again as soon as Feng Yanfeng walked in.

The friendly smile disappeared, replaced by an arrogant look. She gave Feng Yanfeng an unhurried glance, then said indifferently, “Master Feng, I know you’re a busy man and I didn’t want to trouble you. But according to your wife, you’re the one to make the final decision, so I had to invite you over.”

She sounded unusually polite, which scared Feng Yanfeng out of his wits!

His legs almost gave way.

Lady Northern Feng had never been known for being easy to get along with. She was an unpredictable woman. She would share her house with those she liked, but when she didn’t like someone, she wouldn’t hesitate to show it right away!

Judging by that nonchalant tone, he could tell that Lady Northern Feng was displeased.

Feng Yanfeng bowed and smiled obsequiously. “Lady Northern Feng, you flatter me. One word from you and I won’t hesitate to go through fire and water for you!”

“There’s no fire or water.” Lady Northern Feng slowly put down her cup, dabbed her lips with a handkerchief, then said quietly, “Northern Feng Mansion wants to claim a goddaughter from your clan and your wife here is really reluctant. She wouldn’t say yes until she heard your opinion. So, what do you say?”

Still that tone! Feng Yanfeng felt like kneeling down.

So, Lady Northern Feng wanted to claim Feng Liu as her goddaughter, right? That way, Feng Liu would have status adequate enough for her to marry Ning Chenxi. The lady was doing the Ning family a favor!

Feng Yanfeng was over the moon. “Yes! Yes, of course!”

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Lady Wang grabbed Feng Yanfeng’s wrist and shot him warning glances repeatedly.

Don’t say yes!

Feng Wu would be even more arrogant when she became a princess of Northern Feng Mansion!

Feng Yanfeng didn’t even look at Lady Wang.

A goddaughter? As long as it could benefit his career, he wouldn’t hesitate to give away all his daughters to Northern Feng Mansion!

Hence, Feng Yanfeng smiled. “I’m so glad that Your Ladyship finds Liu Er tolerable. It’s such a blessing for her. Liu Er, come here and greet your godmother.”

With Northern Feng Mansion as his patron, he would have a meteoric rise!

Feng Yanfeng was thrilled!

No wonder the fortune tellers had been telling him that Feng Liu was a lucky girl! She really was!

“What Feng Liu?” Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Yanfeng.

“Huh?” Feng Yanfeng looked back at Lady Northern Feng in bewilderment.

Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Yanfeng in disbelief. “Why would I want a daughter like Feng Liu? I want a peaceful life, thank you.”

“Huh?” Feng Yanfeng was baffled.

Lady Northern Feng didn’t stop there.

She now saw how abominable this family was!

And Lady Northern Feng never held anything back. She didn’t like this first branch of the Feng clan and she wasn’t shy about it.

She began with her usual opening line. “Master Feng, I need to tell you something, no offense.”

Feng Yanfeng sighed inwardly. He was sure he would be offended and he wished Lady Northern Feng would just stop talking.

But Lady Northern Feng always needed to speak her mind and the other party was always offended.

“Master Feng, if you ask me, marry Feng Liu to your worst enemy. She definitely has the potential to break a family apart and ruin everything. That way, you can have your revenge.”

Feng Yanfeng’s face darkened.

“Your Ladyship, what’s that supposed to mean? Is the Ning family going to annul the engagement now?” Feng Yanfeng was no fool. He could tell that Lady Northern Feng didn’t like Feng Liu.

She was telling him that Feng Liu was a troublemaker that would bring misfortune to her future husband.

“Annul the engagement?” Mrs Ning stepped forward with a smile. “When did my son get engaged to your daughter? Why haven’t I heard about it?”


This turn of events was so sudden that Feng Yanfeng was taken by surprise.

“Hasn’t your family been asking for Feng Liu’s hand repeatedly? You even had Lord Wuan act as a matchmaker!” Feng Yanfeng glanced at Lady Wang with a frown. How had this happened?

The other day, Feng Yanfeng thought Feng Liu was first in the exam and that even His Royal Highness had his eye on Feng Liu. As a result, he had tactfully turned Lord Wuan down. As it turned out, His Royal Highness wasn’t interested at all!

Therefore, Feng Yanfeng still wanted Feng Liu to marry into the Ning family, so that he could become acquainted with Northern Feng Mansion.

But —

“Well, I guess I need to thank you, Master Feng. If you hadn’t turned Lord Wuan down, my family would be in a difficult spot now. It would have been a disaster for us.” Mrs Ning snorted.

“You people…” Feng Yanfeng frowned.

He was the minister of the Ministry of Official Personnel and a second-ranked official in charge of the promotion of all the government officials of the empire. He was an influential figure! He wasn’t going to just stand here and let two women point their fingers at him.

Lady Northern Feng smirked. “Mrs Feng, Feng Liu, I would come clean if I were you! Gossiping is really not my thing!”

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