《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》683-684-685-686


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By the Lady Northern Feng finally finished her narration, Mrs Ning’s mouth had fallen open.

“So, after what happened, Feng Liu’s and Yan Yan’s reputations are kind of ruined. Well, they’re still young and don’t know right from wrong. I guess what they did could be excused, despite how evil they were?”

Lady Wang almost passed out —

What was going on here?

What was this woman doing?

Were they here to propose a marriage or to break off an engagement?

How could she say such things about Feng Liu in front of her own mother? That was so insulting!

Face grim, Lady Wang glared at Lady Northern Feng. “Your Ladyship seems to be very displeased with my Liu Er.”

Thinking that Ning Chenxi was in love with Feng Liu, Lady Wang was emboldened.

“You’re absolutely right.” Lady Northern Feng nodded without hesitation.

Lady Wang almost choked. She then smirked. “If you really find my Liu Er that abominable, why are you here to propose a marriage?!”

I don’t care how much your son likes my daughter. She’s not marrying him! Lady Wang raised her chin.

“Propose a marriage?” Lady Northern Feng found Lady Wang preposterous. “Who told you we’re here for that?”

Lady Wang frowned.

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They weren’t? The Ning family had made the request several times through different matchmakers. And what about all the gifts they had sent? What else could they want if not a marriage?

Lady Wang smirked. “What are you doing here, then?”

“Heh.” Lady Northern Feng scoffed at her.

“Mrs Ning, won’t you say something?” Seeing that the conversation with Lady Northern Feng wasn’t going anywhere, Lady Wang turned to Mrs Ning instead.

“Say what?” Mrs Ning looked confused.

Hearing Mrs Ning’s indifferent tone, Lady Wang flared up.

She glared at Mrs Ning. “Mrs Ning, what’s with that attitude? Does your family want my Feng Liu as a daughter-in-law or not?”

Lady Wang was so angry that she stopped beating around the bush.

She didn’t regret it either, for she thought she had seen through to the truth.

Mrs Ning frowned. “Have Feng Liu as my daughter-in-law? My dear lady, where did you get that idea from?”


Lady Wang almost had a stroke!

Where did she get that idea from?!

“Are you going to deny that your family sent all those matchmakers to deliver your marriage proposal? Are you suggesting that I’m making it up?!” Lady Wang thought she was going to explode as she glared at Mrs Ning.

Mrs Ning chuckled. “Well, we did do all those things. However —”

She turned her cold gaze on Feng Liu. “Need I say more?”

Frightened by Mrs Ning’s gaze, Feng Liu stumbled back.

Lady Wang frowned.

Had what happened to Liu Er gotten out?!

Lady Wang blanched and almost fainted.

Mrs Ning snorted. “It was Feng Wu who saved me twice in Wanping Town, but you took all the credit! You told us that the girl’s name was Feng Liu!”

Recalling how long she had been fooled for, Mrs Ning was furious. She pointed at Feng Liu with a finger. “I’m so shocked! How could you bring yourself to do such a thing?! You’re unbelievably shameless for a girl of your age!”

Feng Liu kept stumbling back as Mrs Ning scolded her.

Lady Wang finally came back to herself. So, it wasn’t about the pregnancy. But —

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What was all this about…

“Liu Er?” Lady Wang tugged at Feng Liu. “What’s going on?”


Feng Liu had never been through such a thing and was so flustered that she burst into tears.

Seeing how bewildered Feng Liu became after a few questions, Mrs Ning frowned and blue veins popped in the corner of her forehead. The girl didn’t know how to do anything but cry!

And she had almost married such a girl to her son!

And her family had pulled so many strings to do that!

It was said that a virtuous wife could preserve a family’s property for three generations.

The Ning family would be ruined if they had Feng Liu as a wife!

Mrs Ning patted her chest, still a little shocked.

Lady Wang stared at Feng Liu. “What did you do?!”

Had the Ning family been misled all this time?

“And how does Feng Wu have anything to do with this?!” Lady Wang narrowed her eyes.

“Mum, stop asking me questions!” Feng Liu felt so ashamed that she couldn’t stay in the room anymore.

Both Mrs Ning and Lady Northern Feng were sneering at her.

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Feng Liu turned to leave, but —

“Miss Feng Liu, I think you should straighten things out first. Otherwise, if what happened in Wanping Town got out, your already ruined reputation would get even worse.” Mrs Ning snickered.

Feng Liu stopped abruptly, turned around, and glared at Mrs Ning. The look in her eyes reminded one of a young, angry she-wolf!

Mrs Ning snorted. “After doing such a thing at your age, you don’t have the least intention of repenting. Fine, leave all you want.”

But Lady Wang wouldn’t let Feng Liu leave just like that!

Grabbing Feng Liu, Lady Wang turned to Mrs Ning. “What did you mean?”

“I think you know what I meant.” Mrs Ning smirked.

“You’re saying that…”

“The girl my son wants to marry is the one who saved me, and that’s Feng Wu. But according to your daughter, Feng Liu was her name!” Mrs Ning felt sick at the idea. “We pulled so many strings and visited your family repeatedly. We were so close to having your daughter!”

Everything was clear… so clear… Lady Wang knew everything now.


It was Feng Wu!

“Feng Wu is the one your family wants?!” Lady Wang gritted her teeth.

Feng Liu also gritted her teeth, recalling how she had shown off in front of Feng Wu.

Was this Feng Wu her own family’s natural enemy? Why was she everywhere?!

In Fallen Star Yard —

“Hahahaha —”

After Feng Liu’s little episode in Fallen Star Yard, Chaoge couldn’t help but follow the girl out. She then heard the conversation in the main hall.

And of course she was going to share it with Xiao Wu.

Chaoge promptly went back to Fallen Star Yard and began to laugh before she said a word.

Feng Xiaoqi rolled his eyes. “Sister Chaoge, are you having a seizure or something?”

“Hahahaha —” Fighting back her laughter, Chaoge repeated what she had heard just then. “Hahahaha — it’s so funny! That Feng Liu was showing off outside this yard only just then, hahahaha. She’s unbelievable, hahahaha —”

Feng Xiaoqi’s mouth fell open!

“The Ning family wants my sister as their daughter-in-law?” Feng Xiaoqi’s eyes widened.

“Yup.” Chaoge wiped away her tears. “And Feng Liu had been thinking that she was the one all along. That was why she had been assuming airs and wouldn’t say yes. But it’s all cleared up now. They got the name wrong. That look on Feng Liu’s face, hahaha —”


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“Feng Xiaoqi, why aren’t you laughing? Don’t you think it’s really funny?” Chaoge rolled around on a chaise lounge until she almost fell to the ground.

However, Feng Xiaoqi looked genuinely worried.

“Sister —” Feng Xiaoqi went up to Feng Wu, tugged at her sleeve, and called her in a pitiful voice.

“Yes?” Feng Wu was busy calculating the materials needed for the Immortal Taiyi formation.

“The Ning family wants to marry you to their son.”


“Are you… going to say yes?”

Feng Wu darted a glance at Feng Xiaoqi. “Are you an idiot?”


Feng Wu rubbed Feng Xiaoqi’s head. “I don’t even like that Ning Chenxi. Why would I marry him?”

“…I see!” Feng Xiaoqi secretly rejoiced.

Feng Wu went back to her calculations. She had to come up with all the figures and give them to Grand Secretary Fang’s men. She didn’t have the time or energy to do the actual work herself.

“Sister… so… are you going to marry someone else?” Feng Xiaoqi asked hesitantly, looking uneasy.

Feng Wu didn’t even look up. “I think so.”

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“But it would be many years from now. You’ll probably be a grandpa yourself by then,” Feng Wu said grumpily.

1“What? Sister, you’re making fun of me!”

Feng Wu smiled bitterly. She wished she was.

Back in the main hall.

After lashing out at Lady Wang and Feng Liu, Mrs Ning felt a little better.

“Feng Wu? Your son wants to marry Feng Wu?!” Lady Wang snorted. “Are you blind? She’s useless! She has no cultivation ability. Liu Er is much better!”

Lady Northern Feng didn’t like the sound of that at all!

“Feng Liu is much better? Feng Wu is better than a hundred Feng Lius put together!”


“Did Feng Liu pass the written exam?” Lady Northern Feng got straight to the heart of the matter.

Lady Wang fell silent.

“Is Feng Liu prettier than Feng Wu?” Lady Northern Feng gave another blow.

Lady Wang was silent.

“Can your Feng Liu bring a patient back to life?” Lady Northern Feng snorted.

Lady Wang retorted, “As if Feng Wu can do that!”

“Why do you think I’m going to ask Xiao Wu to become my goddaughter? Not only did she save Mrs Ning twice, she saved my life just the other day! Of course she can!”

Lady Wang fell silent.

Lady Northern Feng sneered at her. “Do you even have a brain or eyes? You’re only humiliating yourself, having me to point it out like this!”

Lady Wang: !!!

This was such a mean lady! Lady Wang almost exploded!

But… but she was Lady Northern Feng!

Lady Northern Feng enjoyed a superior status among the noble ladies not just because she was the Northern Feng General’s wife, but also because she had been raised by the empress dowager herself. As a result, Lady Northern Feng had always been very special to the old lady.

Anyone who dared to offend Lady Northern Feng had to have a death wish.

“Wait!” Lady Wang finally came back to herself. “You said… you’re going to ask Feng Wu to become your goddaughter?”

They weren’t here for the marriage proposal, but for Feng Wu?

That was a much more important connection!

The Ning family wasn’t that closely linked to the court, but it wasn’t the same for Lady Northern Feng. The imperial palace was practically her backyard!

If Feng Wu became her goddaughter, the former would be… invincible!

Lady Wang hoped she had heard wrong.

But Lady Northern Feng only gave her a “you idiot” look.

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“You heard me right.” Lady Northern Feng gloated at Lady Wang. “I’m here today to claim Xiao Wu as my goddaughter!”

Lady Wang was dumbfounded!

She had thought that Lady Northern Feng was here as a matchmaker for Feng Wu, but as it turned out, the lady wanted the girl as a daughter!

“So, the Ning family doesn’t want Feng Wu as a daughter-in-law, after all.” Lady Wang snorted.

Mrs Ning sighed. “My son would be so lucky and honored to have Feng Wu as his wife. Unfortunately, my family isn’t worth someone as amazing as her. She’s way beyond our reach.”

Way beyond their reach?

Lady Wang wanted to scream!

This family had just turned down Feng Liu, but they said that they weren’t good enough for Feng Wu… How much more did this woman want to insult Feng Liu?

Lady Wang’s face twisted. “Fine! Fine!”

She took a deep breath. “Feng Wu is a member of the Feng clan and she needs permission from the clan chief if she wants to have a godmother. Lady Northern Feng, even someone as prestigious as you has to play by the book.”

Lady Northern Feng smiled. “Of course. I sent someone to fetch Sir Feng on our way here.”

Lady Wang took another deep breath to suppress her rage!

She wanted to leave this room now, or even chase these two women out. However —

Lady Northern Feng was the queen bee in her circle, and an invitation to her tea party was very hard to come by. Lady Wang still hadn’t been invited, and the last thing she wanted to do was offend this noble lady.

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No matter how hard Lady Wang gritted her teeth, she couldn’t let her anger show.

“Hey, will I ever be able to see Xiao Wu?” Lady Northern Feng grew impatient.

Despite her anger, Lady Wang couldn’t do anything in the lady’s presence. She said, “I’ll send for her now…”

“No need. We’ll go to Fallen Star Yard ourselves. It’ll show our sincerity.” Lady Northern Feng smiled.

Lady Wang was furious!

They were all “sincere” toward Feng Wu while they didn’t even try to show Feng Liu any respect. Did they have to be so blatant about it?

1However, Lady Northern Feng had always been this willful. She never saw the need to justify her actions to anyone.

Feng Liu wanted to slink off.

But —

Lady Northern Feng glanced at her. “You, come with us.”

Poor Feng Liu… She was cursing in her head, but she had no choice but to follow them out.

In Fallen Star Yard —

Knock, knock, knock —

Someone was tapping on the door.

Granny Zhao answered the door.

The beautiful lady had been told that Lady Northern Feng was coming, and she was trying on an exquisite outfit. Various hairpins dangled by her face as she moved around gracefully.

“Xiao Wu, what do you think of this one?”

The beautiful lady’s limpid eyes reminded Feng Wu of a fawn. She could tell that the lady was a little flustered about the idea of meeting strangers.


After seeing her mother’s face a million times, Feng Wu was still amazed by how unbelievably beautiful she could be.

“You look great, wonderful, amazing.” Feng Wu took her mother’s hands. “This one will do. Lady Northern Feng will be envious of you if you wear anything nicer.”

Someone laughed loudly at the door.

“Oh my, Xiao Wu, I see that you’re making things up about me!”

Lady Northern Feng was so arrogant, unapproachable, and elegant around Lady Wang, but when she talked to Feng Wu, her tone was so warm and enthusiastic.

Lady Wang’s mouth fell open!

Why did she treat Feng Wu so differently? Feng Wu didn’t deserve it!

However, Feng Wu didn’t come out to greet Lady Northern Feng, but only called out from the stairs. “Your Ladyship, come up here.”

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