《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》679-680-681-682


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Lady Northern Feng had no idea that her silly son had gone to Jun Linyuan for help. Meanwhile, she was headed for the Feng manor with Mrs Ning.

Embarrassed by what had happened, Mrs Ning didn’t want to go at first.

However, Lady Northern Feng took her hand and smiled. “That Lady Wang is just the lady of an ordinary household. Why should you be embarrassed? You’re the sister of the Northern Feng General! Pull yourself together!”

Mrs Ning liked the sound of that!

It was all that Feng Liu’s fault. Not only had she taken credit for something she didn’t do, she almost made the Ning family obtain the wrong bride! Feng Liu needed to take responsibility!

The Feng clan.

Lady Wang was in charge of household affairs in the Feng clan. Hence, she was the first to be informed of Lady Northern Feng’s visit.

Lady Wang had been in a foul mood for days.

Feng Liu’s condition had made her very twitchy!

Whenever she thought about the father of the child…

Lady Wang wanted to kill herself!

She thought about getting rid of the baby at first, but after consulting the medicine refiner, she was told that Feng Liu couldn’t have an abortion.

Because a tumor had been growing inside Feng Liu and it was very close to the baby. An abortion would be very dangerous for Feng Liu and she might die during the process!

“So, you have to have this baby! The tumor will come out when you give birth!” Lady Wang said in a grave tone as she held Feng Liu’s hand.

“But… sob…” Feng Liu felt that her whole life was ruined. “But… how am I going to do that?”

“Listen to me!” Lady Wang stared at Feng Liu. “I’ve asked an oracle. You’re going to have a blessed baby. It’ll become a genius one day!”

1“R- Really?”

“Yes!” Lady Wang had really done that, which was why she was so certain.

“So, you must give birth to the baby! Listen —” Lady Wang stared at Feng Liu. “We have to find the baby a father.”

“Sob —” Feng Liu wept.

“The Ning family has been repeatedly asking to marry you to their son. It’s a good family. They’re well-connected and the son is very promising. The Ning family it is, then!”

“I…” Feng Liu wanted to say no, but she was in no position to do so.

She could only fight back her tears and say yes.

Granny Gui’s voice rang out at that moment.

“What? Lady Northern Feng is here in person? And Mrs Ning, too?”

Lady Wang was thrilled. “That’s great!”

The Ning family had been awfully quiet these last few days and Lady Wang had been wondering why. Now that Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning were here together, it had to be about the marriage proposal!

So, Granny Tao had taken Feng Wu with her to ask about the Feng clan, hadn’t she? That damn girl! She hadn’t told them anything after she got back!

Lady Wang cursed Feng Wu in her head.

After straightening her clothes, Lady Wang went out to greet the guests.

After all, Lady Northern Feng was here as well.

“It’s a great honor to have you here, Your Ladyship. Please come in.”

Lady Northern Feng had planned to go to Fallen Star Yard right away, but seeing how enthusiastic Lady Wang was… Well, she was Xiao Wu’s aunt, and Lady Northern Feng thought it inappropriate to ignore her.

At that thought, Lady Northern Feng followed Lady Wang into the main hall.


Lady Wang still believed that the Ning family was desperately trying to marry their son to Feng Liu and she became very reserved and nonchalant toward Mrs Ning.

Mrs Ning frowned.

Lady Northern Feng broke the ice. “Lady Wang, I’m here to ask you a favor.”

Yes, that was quick. Lady Wang was excited.

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However, Lady Wang kept her countenance very still. “Really? May I ask what it’s about?”

Lady Northern Feng glanced at Lady Wang. “How’s Feng Liu doing these days?”

Lady Wang smiled. She told Granny Gui to bring Feng Liu here, then went back to talking with Lady Northern Feng.

Lady Northern Feng wasn’t happy about the arrangement at all, but she decided she would be more patient with Lady Wang just for Feng Wu’s sake.

And Feng Liu?

Feng Liu had finally pulled herself together.

Since she was going to marry Ning Chenxi no matter what, she had to make sure that she was ready for it. Moreover —

It wouldn’t be right if she didn’t humiliate Feng Wu first.

Feng Liu went to Feng Wu right away.

“What did you say?” Feng Wu looked at Feng Liu in bewilderment.

“I’m going to marry Ning Chenxi!” Feng Liu gloated. “I’m going to become his legitimate wife and he’s going to give me a big fat wedding!”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

Feng Liu had no idea that Feng Wu already knew about her misleading Ning Chenxi.

“What’s that look on your face?” Feng Liu threw a dirty look at Feng Wu. “I’m your sister and I’m getting married. Aren’t you even going to congratulate me?”

Feng Wu couldn’t even be bothered to look at Feng Liu, for she found all the bickering a waste of her time.

She began to close the door.

“Feng Wu! How dare you shut me out?!” Resting her hands on her waist, Feng Liu ranted. “Did you hear me? Ning Chenxi is going to be my husband! As in Young Lord Feng’s cousin, Ning Chenxi!”

Feng Wu said, “…Right. That’s wonderful. Are we done here?”

Feng Liu didn’t like Feng Wu’s indifferent attitude at all. “Feng Wu, you’re jealous of me!”

Feng Wu almost rolled her eyes at Feng Liu.

“I’m going to marry into the Ning family and you’re never going to find a husband, because you’re a useless piece of shit with no spiritual essence!” Feng Liu snorted. “His Royal Highness might treat you differently now, but he won’t even have you as a concubine! You’ll live more miserably than a slave!”


Feng Wu was going to ignore Feng Liu, but the girl just wouldn’t stop. She had to insult Feng Wu to satisfy her sense of superiority. She was venting her anger for having to marry Ning Chenxi.

Feng Wu was never the type to submit meekly to oppression. She slapped Feng Liu hard in the face.

Feng Liu spun around at the impact.

Her servants were all stunned by Feng Wu’s sudden move.

“You — you hit me!” Feng Liu glared at Feng Wu, as if she wanted to set Feng Wu on fire with her eyes.

Feng Wu smirked. “Yes, I did. And I have a question for you. Are you an idiot?”

Feng Liu: !!!

“Showing off in front of me in that condescending tone, really?” Feng Wu sneered. “Your mother doesn’t know why the Ning family wants ‘Feng Liu’ as their new bride, but you know exactly why!”

As Feng Wu pressed, Feng Liu stumbled back…


Feng Liu even looked frightened.

Feng Wu could always intimidate her.

“I – I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Feng Liu gritted her teeth.

“On our way back to the imperial capital, don’t tell me that you were the one who saved Mrs Ning in Wanping Town!” Feng Wu took another step forward.


Feng Liu’s face drained of all color!

“What did you tell Ning Chenxi when he asked the name of his mother’s savior?”

“I…” Feng Liu panicked!

She had never thought this would happen. She had said it on a whim.

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Feng Liu had never considered the aftermath of her whimsical, selfish reply.

She didn’t know what Ning Chenxi had in mind.

Deep down, Feng Liu knew that Ning Chenxi had been trying so hard to marry her only because he thought Feng Liu was the girl who had saved his mother!

Nonetheless, with Feng Liu’s current condition, she had no choice but to take the offer. And she decided she was going to be very cheerful about it, and had to show off in front of Feng Wu.

What Feng Liu hadn’t foreseen was Feng Wu knowing about her lie!

“W- What do you mean? Are you trying to take Ning Chenxi away from me?”

“Take him away?” Feng Wu found Feng Liu ridiculous.

Feng Liu took a deep breath. “Feng Wu, I’m warning you! Ning Chenxi is mine! If you try anything, I’ll tell the whole world that my sister is seducing my husband!”

Feng Wu chuckled. “Your husband? Get married first, will you?”

“Do you think I won’t?” Feng Liu snorted. “The Ning family adores me! They’ve sent all kinds of influential people over as matchmakers. For what I’ve heard, even Lord Wuan came! And what will you become? A concubine, at best!”

Feng Liu left after those words, looking like an arrogant peacock.

Feng Wu didn’t say anything.

“Exactly how annoying can that woman be?” Chaoge had just finished cultivating, and she rushed out, only to find that Feng Liu had left. Chaoge said grumpily, “That was fast. I thought I could beat her up!”

Feng Wu chuckled.

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“Xiao Wu, how can you bring yourself to laugh? Don’t you find her so annoying?”

Feng Wu nodded. “Yes, she’s always been annoying. But you won’t have to beat her up yourself this time.”

“Really? Who’s going to do it, then?”

“Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning.”

“For real?”

Feng Wu nodded with a smile. “There’s going to be a lot of face-slapping.”

Feng Liu ran into Granny Gui on her way back and the latter hurriedly took her by the wrist. “Miss Liu, come with me!”

“Granny Gui?”

“Lady Northern Feng is here and she’s in the main hall at the moment. My lady asked me to bring you to the honored guest.” Granny Gui broke the news. “Please hurry up.”

Feng Liu raised her chin. “There’s no need to rush.”

Granny Gui smiled bitterly. “My dear Miss Liu, it’s Lady Northern Feng we’re talking about here. We can’t afford to keep her waiting.”

Feng Liu didn’t think much of it.

If Ning Chenxi really liked her, this was the perfect time for her to assume airs.

Plus, all girls were supposed to be demure.

Feng Liu walked unhurriedly toward the main hall, tidying herself up as she went.

Meanwhile, Lady Northern Feng had lost her patience.

She had given Feng Wu’s aunt all the respect she could spare and she was going to leave the hall now. She needed to go to Fallen Star Yard.

Just then —

Footsteps came from outside.

Lady Wang greeted the person cheerfully. “Xiao Liu’s here. Quickly, show her in. Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning have been waiting for a long time.”

Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning turned their heads when Feng Liu walked in.

Feng Liu’s stomach lurched when she heard her mother’s words.

Mrs Ning?

Mrs Ning was here?


Feng Liu’s face darkened a little.

Feng Wu had saved Mrs Ning twice and the lady had clearly seen Feng Wu’s face!

That was to say, Mrs Ning would know who Feng Liu really was as soon as they met!

Feng Liu blanched at that thought. Why didn’t anyone tell her that Mrs Ning was here, too?!

She was about to step over the threshold, but now she hesitated.

Should she go in or not?

No, no, no —

Feng Liu turned tail, fleeing the scene!

She couldn’t blow her cover at this stage!

As Feng Liu turned to leave —

Granny Gui wouldn’t let her mistress leave so quickly after looking for her everywhere.

So, she raised her voice. “Miss Liu, please come in.”

Granny Gui then took Feng Liu’s arm and led the latter into the hall.

“Liu Er, there you are.” Lady Wang was delighted. She then smiled at Lady Northern Feng and Mrs Ning. “My Liu Er is a kind, shy, and demure girl. She hardly ever meets anyone from outside. Xiao Wu is the one that’s running around like a wild girl all the time. Please don’t mind her.”

Lady Northern Feng wasn’t happy to hear that at all!

What kind of aunt did Xiao Wu have? This woman just had to throw mud at Xiao Wu while praising her own daughter!

No wonder everyone else thought so low of Xiao Wu, when she was in fact a wonderful girl!

That wouldn’t do!

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Lady Northern Feng made up her mind. Once Feng Wu became her goddaughter, she would tell all the noble ladies she socialized with how amazing Xiao Wu really was. She would make sure Xiao Wu had as great a reputation as she deserved.

At that thought, Lady Northern Feng threw a dirty look at Lady Wang.

However, Lady Wang didn’t notice it, for she had stood up to greet Feng Liu.

Lady Wang brought the reluctant Feng Liu to Lady Northern Feng and said with a smile, “This is Feng Liu, my dear daughter. I think Your Ladyship has met her before.”

Feng Liu looked up and met Mrs Ning’s gaze. Her stomach lurched.

“Yes, I have,” said Lady Northern Feng with a smile. “Last time at the Yan manor.”

“Well…” Lady Wang looked like she had just been slapped and her face darkened!

Was Lady Northern Feng here to humiliate her today?

At the Yan manor…

“What about the Yan manor?” Mrs Ning asked deliberately.

Lady Wang smiled awkwardly. “Well, that’s great. Liu Er, this is Mrs Ning.”

Feng Liu felt so embarrassed that she wanted to leave the room now. However, the baby in her belly didn’t give her too much choice…

“Nice to meet you, Mrs Ning…” Feng Liu bowed.

Mrs Ning gave her a little nod. “Oh, it’s you.”

Lady Wang stared at Mrs Ning in disbelief!

Wasn’t the Ning family so eager to have Feng Liu as their new bride? She thought that the family would stop at nothing to have Feng Liu! Why did Mrs Ning look so impatient and indifferent now that she had finally met Feng Liu?

Lady Wang was displeased! Your son is fond of Feng Liu. Stop assuming airs!

Face dark, Lady Wang snorted. “Mrs Ning, I see you’re not so pleased with my daughter. May I ask why?”

Mrs Ning didn’t answer the question, but only turned to Lady Northern Feng with a smile. “The Yan manor? Is that my elder sister’s home? Did something happen while I was away?”

Lady Northern Feng smiled wryly. “Well, it’s quite embarrassing, really. But since we’re all family here, I guess it’s okay for me to talk about it. Last time at the Yan manor, Yan Yan and Feng Liu…”

Lady Northern Feng didn’t hold anything back at all. She gave a detailed account of everything that happened at the Yan manor last time.

Lady Wang tried to interrupt a few times, but Lady Northern Feng ignored her completely.

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