《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》672-673-674


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“So, shall we build an Immortal Taiyi formation in the manor based on this drawing?” Feng Wu was thrilled.

The thought of taking part in the construction of a Grandmaster Level formation excited Grand Secretary Fang. “Of course!”

“Even Imperial College can’t build such a formation.” Grand Secretary Fang gloated. “It’s been suggested, but they don’t have enough spiritual stones to sustain such a formation.”

All advanced cultivators knew the significance of an Immortal Taiyi formation.

Feng Wu said, “Old Master, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave the preparation of the building materials to you.”

Grand Secretary Fang waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. Your top priority now is the physical tryout in seven days.”

After some thought, Grand Secretary Fang sighed in resignation. “Kiddo, you’re a Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster already and much more advanced than any of the other candidates. You’ll have no problem getting the highest score.”

“No.” Feng Wu smiled bitterly. “Old Master, Yu Mingye is a candidate this year as well.”

Grand Secretary Fang also smiled bitterly at the thought of Yu Mingye. “I had high hopes for him, but he only passed the written exam as the last on the list.”

“He was set up…”

Feng Wu couldn’t help but chuckle when she recalled how Jun Linyuan had tricked Yu Mingye into waiting on Imperial Capital Tower for a whole night. The guy ended up catching a bad cold.

Grand Secretary Fang said, “Yu Mingye is the Dark sacred son and as famous as His Royal Highness. Who could have set him up?”

“Jun Linyuan.”

Grand Secretary Fang rubbed his chin. “That makes sense…”

That made sense? So, Grand Secretary Fang thought it was natural for Yu Mingye to fall for Jun Linyuan’s tricks?

Well, maybe everyone thought it was natural that Jun Linyuan could fool anyone.

“By the way, what will the physical tryout be like this year?” Feng Wu asked.

She had asked the right person, for Grand Secretary Feng had overseen the physical tryout many times.

Grand Secretary Fang said, “The physical tryout will take place on one of seven terrains: an iceberg, a snowfield, a wasteland, a swamp, a desert, grassland, or a forest. The location will be chosen randomly. But given that Mr Lu is in seclusion and with what happened with Zuo He, the college hasn’t decided how to proceed yet.”

Feng Wu tilted her head. “For the eye of the Immortal Taiyi formation, we’ll need a Heart of Ice Essence.”

The old man nodded. “We can pull some strings or purchase the other materials, but the Heart of Ice Essence isn’t something you can come across every day. I don’t think anyone has it at the moment, but —”

“But what?”

“But in the location known as Proud Snowfield, there is a giant ice beast: Snowy Night Ice Beast. Its heart is a Heart of Ice Essence!” Grand Secretary Fang said in a serious voice.


“And the location of the physical tryout hasn’t been decided yet.”

“No…” Grand Secretary Fang frowned. He realized what Feng Wu was going to say.

As expected, the girl said decisively, “How about making it happen in Proud Snowfield?”

“NO.” The old man turned her down outright. “One has to be a Year Two student at least to enter Proud Snowfield’s outer region, not to mention that all of you are only candidates. No, I won’t allow it.”


“No buts.” Grand Secretary Fang frowned. “I’ll think of something else.”

“But locations like Proud Snowfield are for students only, and can only be accessed by people of a certain age group, right? You won’t be able to get in yourself,” said Feng Wu.

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Some truths weren’t meant to be explicitly pointed out!

Grand Secretary Fang cast a stern look at Feng Wu. “That’s not something you should be concerned with. The physical tryout will most likely take place in Seclusion Wasteland. Try to get used to the climate before the exam starts.

“Now, if you don’t have anything else to tell me, go back home and get on with your cultivation.” Grand Secretary Fang sent Feng Wu on her way.

Proud Snowfield was way too dangerous and he would never put the kid in such a perilous situation!

Moreover, even the actual students of the college were confined to the outer regions, whereas that Snowy Night Ice Beast resided deep in the center of the snowfield. If the physical tryout was held in that location, he had no doubt that the dauntless kid would go right in!

Feng Wu left the Fang manor, rubbing her nose all the way.

But she still didn’t want to give up.

Normally, Proud Snowfield only opened once a year; who knew when it would open again if the tryout wasn’t held there. Plus —

Feng Wu wanted to complete the formation as soon as possible.

That way, not only herself, but all her family members would be able to cultivate more efficiently.

After all, the Zuo family was on to her now!

What did she have to do to get Proud Snowfield chosen for the physical tryout?

Jun Linyuan was the first person who came to Feng Wu’s mind.

1One word from Jun Linyuan and her problem would be solved. However… Feng Wu shook her head at the thought of going to Jun Linyuan for help. No.

Was there another option? Feng Wu then thought of Yu Mingye.

The guy acted like a goofball, but when he put his mind to it, he turned out to be very well-connected. He had certainly demonstrated his capability in getting Feng Yanfeng that job.

Hence, Feng Wu went to Yu Mingye.

“Proud Snowfield?”

Yu Mingye wasn’t there when Feng Wu arrived. Elder One greeted her.

When he asked what it was about, Feng Wu told him her request.


Feng Wu asked, “Is it possible? To pick Proud Snowfield?”

Elder One gave it some thought, then smiled at her. “Miss Feng Wu, you’ve always been a lucky girl. I’m sure your wish will be granted in the end.”

“Thank you, sir.” Feng Wu smiled.

“You’re welcome. If you do want to thank us, please come and visit our young master more often,” said Elder One earnestly. “He talks about you all the time.”

Feng Wu said, “Of course.”

She left after that and got back on her carriage.

“Miss?” Seeing that Feng Wu was lost in her thoughts, Qiuling raised her voice a little.

Feng Wu came back to herself. “Let’s go to Northern Feng Mansion now.”

Qiuling was worried about Feng Wu’s health.

Her mistress hadn’t gotten any sleep last night. After making the medicine, she had gone on to draw the formation right away. She then went to visit Grand Secretary Fang and Young Master Yu Mingye one after another. And now, she was going to see Lady Northern Feng…

Wasn’t this too much, to keep working without any rest?

Qiuling was even more concerned when she saw Feng Wu’s pale face.

Northern Feng Mansion

It was the same guard from last time.

Of course he wouldn’t try to stop Feng Wu and he only smiled at her in an obsequious manner. “Miss Feng, we’re so glad to see you. Young Lord Feng told me to wait for you and to show you in as soon as you arrived.”

Feng Wu smiled and nodded at him.

Lady Northern Feng was in the main courtyard.

Feng Wu could hear hasty footsteps before she entered the courtyard.

Feng Xun was inside.

Hearing her footsteps, Feng Xun dashed out, grabbed Feng Wu by her wrist, and dragged her inside.

“Xiao Wu! Quickly! My mum needs you!”

There were other people in the room when Feng Xun dragged her in, but Feng Wu didn’t have time to see who they were.

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“Is Lady Northern Feng alright?” Feng Wu frowned.

Feng Xun grimaced. “Her headache was so bad last night that I thought we were going to lose her. Granny Tao went out to fetch you, so I went to Master Bai, who used to treat my mum.”

He added, “Master Bai is an imperial physician and his skills are second only to Master Chu. He prescribed some medicine to treat my mum for her vertigo.”

Feng Wu glared at him. “He didn’t! Lady Northern Feng’s symptoms are caused by problems with her spleen and stomach. Treating it as vertigo will only give her temporary relief and will aggravate her symptoms later! That’s ridiculous!”

The girl was very intimidating when she was all serious.

Feng Xun cringed at Feng Wu’s harsh tone and he pursed his lips. “…Yes.”

Without hesitation, Feng Wu checked Lady Northern Feng’s pulse.

She frowned right away. “You still fed her the vertigo medicine!”

Feng Xun kept his silence.

“Speak!” Feng Wu glared at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun bit his lip. “Her condition was so serious and Master Bai said that your medicine smelled wrong. He said that it would kill my mum, so…”

Feng Wu frowned as she looked at Lady Northern Feng, who lay still in bed.

“So, you fed Master Bai’s medicine to your mother and she’s been lying still like this ever since?” Feng Wu smirked.

Feng Xun said hesitantly, “…My mum felt better for about an hour after she took the medicine, then she started to vomit blood! We were so worried that we fed your medicine to her —”

Feng Xun’s eyes lit up. “It was like a miracle! Mum stopped vomiting blood after that and she’s been sleeping peacefully since then.”

Feng Wu rolled her eyes at Feng Xun. “What are you so cheerful about?”

“Huh? Hasn’t my mum been cured by your medicine?”

“Cured?” Feng Wu felt like slapping Feng Xun. “You fed her my medicine without getting the vertigo medicine out of her system first! Do you know that different medicines can react with each other? If I had added one more portion of Divine Wood Shell in my medicine, your mum would be lying in a coffin now!”

“What?!” Feng Xun blanched. “That serious?”

“That serious!” Feng Wu glared at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun drained of all color and was scared out of his wits.

Meanwhile, the others in the room all looked at Feng Wu in bewilderment.

Mrs Ning had never expected Feng Wu to tell Feng Xun off without hesitation. What was more, Feng Xun didn’t even dare talk back…

Mrs Ning recalled what Lady Northern Feng had told her the day before.

“Chenxi stands no chance. Xiao Wu doesn’t even want my Ah Xun…”

Mrs Ning hadn’t been convinced at first, but her heart sank after she saw the interaction between Feng Wu and Feng Xun.

“M- Miss Feng Liu…” Ning Chenxi was infatuated when he finally saw Feng Wu again after several months.

Feng Xun threw a dirty look at his cousin. “What Feng Liu? She’s Feng Wu! As in ‘the phoenix soars above the land’!”

Ning Chenxi was completely at a loss.

Mrs Ning hadn’t had the chance to tell Ning Chenxi the truth after she got back last night. Then Lady Northern Feng fell ill, and Mrs Ning was too preoccupied to give her son an explanation. As a result, Ning Chenxi still thought Feng Wu was Feng Liu.

“Come here.” Mrs Ning dragged Ning Chenxi out of the room, then found a quiet corner and told him everything.

Ning Chenxi was shocked!

He was dazed on the spot, as if he had been struck by lightning!

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