《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》669-670-671


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Mrs Ning said eagerly, “Of course I want to hear the truth. Please tell me.”

Lady Northern Feng cleared her throat. “Sweetheart, you know I always speak my mind and never sugarcoat things.”


“I’m going to be straightforward with you, then.”

“Sister-in-law, just say it,” Mrs Ning urged her.

“I offered a marriage proposal to Xiao Wu on Ah Xun’s behalf before you arrived.”

“What?!” Mrs Ning almost jumped to her feet!

As Northern Feng General’s only child, Feng Xun was the sole heir to Northern Feng Mansion. Could he take Feng Wu as his wife?

Lady Northern Feng asked, “Do you think that Xiao Wu would be marrying above her station?”

After some hesitation, Mrs Ning nodded. “After all, Xiao Wu can’t cultivate anymore.”

“I’ve always wanted her as a daughter-in-law, ever since she was little, and I haven’t changed my mind. I’d really love for Ah Xun to marry her. The girl is impeccable in her appearance, temperament, wisdom, talent… You name it. Even when she’s lost her cultivation ability, she still got the highest score in the written exam.”

Lady Northern Feng looked at Mrs Ning. “You said that Chenxi worked from dawn to dusk to prepare for the exam and he got the third highest score. He got 250, if I remember correctly?”

Mrs Ning nodded.

Lady Northern Feng said, “But little Feng Wu got 300! Full marks!”

Mrs Ning was stunned. “Really?”

“Really. Her answer sheets were posted on the bulletin board and I went to read them myself. It was perfection itself!” Lady Northern Feng said in amazement.

As a straight D student, she had always admired curve wreckers like Feng Wu!

Mrs Ning was speechless.

“The girl didn’t think my Ah Xun was good enough for her. As for Ning Chenxi…” Lady Northern Feng smiled wryly. “I really think you should give up on the idea.”

Mrs Ning was speechless.

That same night, Lady Northern Feng felt normal when she went to bed, but at midnight —

Her clothes were soaked with cold sweat!

And her head was pounding!

“It hurts —”

Granny Tao was startled!

Miss Feng Wu had predicted that the effects of Her Ladyship’s ailment would show up soon, but they didn’t expect it to be this soon!

“My lady, my lady —”

Hearing the noise, Feng Xun rushed out of his own courtyard.

“Mum!” Feng Xun took Lady Northern Feng’s hands. “I’ll go fetch an imperial physician! Hang in there!”

Face pale, Lady Northern Feng was drenched in cold sweat, but she wouldn’t let go of Feng Xun’s hands. “Xiao Wu… Xiao Wu…”

Feng Xun was worried sick and looked at Granny Tao in confusion.

Granny Tao said hastily, “Please go fetch Miss Feng Wu. She knows what to do! She can help Her Ladyship! Hurry up!”


Feng Xun had seen what Feng Wu could do with her medical skills. Mrs Ning’s case had been an excellent demonstration.

“No problem! I’ll go get her now!” Without hesitation, Feng Xun dashed off!

He ran as fast as he could!

Feng Wu hadn’t gone to bed yet. Instead, she was boiling some herbal medicine.

Feng Wu had bought the necessary ingredients from a herbal medicine shop on her way back home from Northern Feng Mansion. She had proceeded to boil them right away.

Bang —

Feng Xun rushed in, grabbed Feng Wu’s arm, and tried to drag her away.

“Hey, wait —”

Feng Wu was still working on the medicine. She fetched a bottle, poured the liquid in, then handed it to Feng Xun.

“What’s this?”

“The medicine to help your mother,” said Feng Wu. “Divide this into three equal portions and feed each one to her every two hours. I’ll check up on her tomorrow morning.”

“But —”

“I examined her this afternoon. This will work on her,” Feng Wu said earnestly.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu looked so trustworthy.

Feng Xun stared at her for a minute before he gave a nod. He then left with the medicine.

“Miss, are you not going with him? Are you sure they’ll be alright?” Qiuling was concerned.

After all, the patient was Lady Northern Feng.

“The medicine will solve her problem.” Feng Wu was very confident.

In fact, Feng Wu was too busy to leave home.

She was designing a formation.

Since Grand Secretary Fang had given her the property next door, Feng Wu decided that she would make full use of the lode underground.

Dig the spiritual stones out? That didn’t seem like the most ideal choice.

Instead, Feng Wu decided that she would build a cultivation formation on top of that lode. With her current capability, she could easily build a Grandmaster Level essence-gathering formation. With it, Xiaoqi, Qiuling, and the others would be able to get double the results with half the work.

After studying the terrain, Feng Wu set out to build a small Immortal Taiyi formation.

Thus, Feng Wu spent the whole night focusing on drawing out the formation. She had to be very precise with her strokes!

Quiling bustled in and out of the room, delivering Quling tea and hot towels to her mistress.

Feng Wu was consuming an abundant amount of spiritual essence while she drew the diagram, which made her sweat profusely.

The sweat had to be wiped off before it dripped down; the drawing would be ruined if even one drop of sweat fell on it.

Feng Wu had left the instruction before she started working.

Qiuling looked at her mistress.

Miss Wu could be carefree and lighthearted at times, and she never hesitated to pretend or show weakness when necessary. However, when she put her mind to something, she held nothing back.


Right now, Feng Wu seemed to be in an enigmatic, indescribable state. She kept adding more to the drawing, and with each stroke, more spiritual essence was consumed.

She had long drained her spiritual essence and was only able to hold on because of top-grade spiritual stones and Quling tea.

One after another, the top-grade spiritual stones shattered into little pieces, and no matter how many cups of Quling tea Qiuling brought in, Feng Wu downed them all. Qiuling looked at Feng Wu’s pale lips and the cold sweat on her forehead —

1Qiuling worried about her mistress so much.

But she knew better than to disturb Feng Wu or try to talk her out of it.

In moments like this, Feng Wu was the most stubborn. She would lose her temper if anyone tried to interrupt her when she was working.

Qiuling had no idea how long it would take Feng Wu to finish…

Leaning against the doorframe. Qiuling looked up at the silver moon and kept Feng Wu company.

Soon, it was deep into the night.

Then dawn came and the eastern sky began to light up.

The first ray of sunlight painted the sky orange.

Only then did Feng Wu put down her pen.

“Miss —”

Qiuling already had a towel ready, which had been heated to the right temperature to soothe Feng Wu’s fatigue.

Feng Wu put the hot towel over her face. The steam felt very comfortable.

She glanced at Qiuling. “You soaked the towel in hot Quling tea. What a waste.”

With the steam from the Quling tea, Feng Wu’s eyes felt rested and looked as limpid as before.

Qiuling took the towel, then handed Feng Wu a pair of soft slippers.

All of Feng Wu’s shoes were made by Qiuling to the exact measurement of Feng Wu’s feet. They always fit Feng Wu nicely.

“Qiuling, it’s so wonderful to have you around. I don’t think I’d know what to do without you.” Feng Wu enjoyed Qiuling’s service.

Qiuling smiled gently. “Miss Wu, you’re meant for important things. Helping you with the petty matters is all I can do.”

“But the petty things are the most difficult to do properly,” said Feng Wu. “I’m going to see Grand Secretary Fang next door. Send Feng Tutu to fetch me if someone comes.”

Qiuling said, “No problem.”

Rolling up the drawing and tucking it under her arm, Feng Wu jumped over the wall.

Grand Secretary Fang opened his eyes in surprise when Feng Wu unfolded the drawing in front of him!


Grand Secretary Fang was stunned.

“This is an Immortal Taiyi Essence-Gathering Formation!” Grand Secretary Fang stared at Feng Wu. “This is a Grandmaster Level formation which has been lost for generations! Where did you get this?

“No, that’s not it —” Grand Secretary Fang examined the paper and the ink. “That’s not right. Why is the paper the same as mine here? It’s the paper from Calming Mind Hall! It’s a new product on the market… and the ink…

“Who drew this?!” Grand Secretary Fang stared at Feng Wu.

“What do you think of the drawing?” Feng Wu asked casually.

“It’s great! It’s wonderful! It’s a perfect Grandmaster Level essence-gathering formation. Even the corners are immaculate! Most importantly —”

Grand Secretary Fang turned to Feng Wu. “Do you know why it’s so hard to pass on the design of an essence-gathering formation?”


“Because, in order to draw it, one has to be a cultivator first. They also have to have an understanding of formations, or they won’t be able to comprehend the essence-gathering formation. Last but not least, they have to be an expert illustrator to do the actual drawing!”

Grand Secretary Fang looked astonished. “Who drew this? You must have met the person, right? Take me to them!”

Feng Wu asked, “Is it really that good?”

She had learned to draw from her beautiful master.

Her beautiful master had taught her a lot of things, and drawing was only one of them. He had only taught her because she needed it in order to learn to draw formations.

However, she had never slacked off over the years and had practiced her skills frequently.

“This person will be the pillar of the empire!” Grand Secretary Fang said in excitement. “If they’re willing to teach in Imperial College, I’ll recommend that they become a member of the education board! Kiddo, take me to this person now!”

Feng Wu cleared her throat.

Grand Secretary Fang looked at her in confusion.

Feng Wu then gestured at herself.

Grand Secretary Fang didn’t get it at first. “What?”

“I drew it,” Feng Wu said earnestly.

Grand Secretary Fang: !!!

Feng Wu nodded. “Yup.”

Grand Secretary Fang said, “Kiddo, this is no laughing matter.”

Feng Wu only smiled.

Grand Secretary Fang had seen Feng Wu’s formation skills, her cultivation, and her theoretical knowledge… but he had never expected her to be an expert illustrator, too!

“Exactly where did you learn all these things?!” Grand Secretary Fang exhaled. “When did you learn how to draw? What on earth…”

Talk about excelling over one’s seniors…

Feng Wu smiled bitterly. “I learned five years ago. After that, I was busy studying how to refine medicine, and I haven’t drawn for a while. Luckily, I still know how to do it.”

The old man didn’t know what to say.

Feng Wu said, “Old Master, what do you think of this Immortal Taiyi formation?”

“What do I think? It’s spectacular!”

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