《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》663-664-665


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

The doctor arrived.

An idea struck Lady Wang. “Go hide behind the bed curtain! Now!”

When the doctor came in, Feng Liu only stuck a hand out without showing her face.

Doctor Gu was well-known in the imperial capital for his abilities. He looked delighted after feeling the pulse.

“Madam, congratulations. The patient is with child.”

Feng Liu shuddered!

Lady Wang drained of all color as well!


With child?

It was really happening?

Lady Wang felt the room spin in front of her eyes and she almost fainted!

Feng Liu was really pregnant… What should they do now?

Behind the curtain, Feng Liu wished that she could pass out now. That way, she wouldn’t have to face the humiliation.

Doctor Gu gave Lady Wang a suspicious look.

What a strange family.

Other families would be thrilled to hear the news, but people here in the Feng manor looked as if the world was about to end.

Lady Wang finally came back to herself. She squeezed out a smile, then asked a maid to see Doctor Gu out.

Luckily, Granny Gui was as vigilant as ever. She stuffed a pouch filled with money into Doctor Gu’s hand and said in a warning tone, “No one else is to know about this!”

Feng Liu broke down as soon as the doctor left and she burst into tears!

Seeing Feng Liu’s reaction, Lady Wang was at a loss over what to do.

Feng Wu had no idea of the drama going on back home. At that moment, she was on her way to Northern Feng Mansion, led by Granny Tao.

Lady Northern Feng came out to greet Feng Wu at the front gate.

The lady was elated to see Feng Wu. She hurried to Feng Wu’s side and grinned. “Kiddo, you’ve forgotten about me. You’d never come visit me if I didn’t invite you over.”

Feng Wu only smiled. “I’ve been busy preparing for the written exam.”

Lady Northern Feng’s eyes lit up and she patted Feng Wu on the shoulder. “You’re amazing! You’ve surprised everyone! No one thought you’d apply for Imperial College, let alone get the highest score! That’s so incredible!”

Feng Wu gave her a wry smile. “It was only the written exam.”

“Only the written exam?! I was told that you’re the first person ever to get full marks! Your name is going into the records! Xiao Wu, how can you be so smart?!”

Lady Northern Feng looked Feng Wu up and down. The girl was pretty, smart, and adorable. She was perfect.

The lady had wanted to set up a marriage agreement with Feng Wu when the latter was little, and that hope had never faded.

Hence, she blurted out, “Xiao Wu, Ah Xun would be so lucky to have you as his wife.”

“Pfft —”

Feng Wu was sipping her tea and she spat everything out at those words.

“Cough, cough —”

Feng Wu put down the cup in a hurry and Qiuling quickly wiped her hands with a handkerchief.


Lady Northern Feng gave her a wry smile. “I guess I don’t have to ask anymore. You got so scared that you spat out your tea.”

Feng Wu waved her hands, looking flustered. “No, it’s not that. Lady Feng, I’m not good enough for Young Lord Feng.”

Lady Northern Feng’s eyes lit up!

“Are you saying that you’ll marry Ah Xun when you think you’re good enough for him?”

Feng Wu coughed again. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Lady Feng, but the young lord is very picky. He’ll never want me as his wife. Moreover, he’s really stubborn and wants to find a girl himself. I’m afraid he’ll become defiant if you try to make the decision for him.”

Recalling what a naughty little bugger Feng Xun was, Lady Northern Feng agreed with Feng Wu’s reasoning.

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Lady Northern Feng raised an eyebrow at Feng Wu. “I’ll beat about the bush a little and see how he feels about you.”

Feng Wu picked up her cup, trying to change the subject.

She noticed something on Lady Northern Feng’s face and frowned.

Noticing Feng Wu’s unblinking gaze, Lady Northern Feng felt disturbed.

“Kiddo… why are you staring at me like that? It gives me the creeps.”

The frown on Feng Wu’s face grew bigger.

“Your Ladyship, I need to speak to you in private.”

Lady Northern Feng was bewildered. Why was the girl so serious all of a sudden?

Since she had always liked and trusted Feng Wu, the lady dismissed all the maids so that Granny Tao was the only servant left in the room.

“Lady Feng, you…” Feng Wu asked after some hesitation. “You sweat easily these days, don’t you?”

Lady Northern Feng was surprised by the question and Granny Tao answer for her immediately. “That’s right. Her Ladyship has been sweating profusely in her sleep in the past month, but she rarely sweats during the day.”

“Does she wake up at midnight every day, covered in a cold sweat?”

“Yes! That’s right!” Lady Northern Feng nodded in a hurry. “That’s exactly what’s been going on. I’ve been jerking awake at midnight every day. I can always go back to sleep soon afterward, which is why I haven’t thought much of it. How did you know that?”

Feng Wu smiled bitterly. “Because midnight is when the Yin and Yang energies replace each other.”

“Huh?” Lady Northern Feng didn’t know what that meant, but still felt concerned.

Feng Wu then asked, “Do you occasionally feel dizzy when you get up in the morning these days? But the sensation goes away after a while?”

“Yes!” Lady Northern Feng nodded. “Xiao Wu, you’re spot on! I felt that way several mornings in a row and I sent for doctors. But they only told me that I was plagued by weakness and needed more rest. That was all they could say about my case.”

Feng Wu examined Lady Northern Feng’s face, then leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Has it been a while since you had your period?”


Lady Northern Feng’s eyes widened. “How… how did you know that?!”

She looked at Granny Tao when she said that.

Granny Tao smiled bitterly. “Your Ladyship, I would never tell Miss Wu such a private matter.”

Lady Northern Feng believed her. She then turned her sharp gaze on Feng Wu. “How did you know that?!”

Her menstrual cycle was so private a matter that the only other person who knew about it was a female medicine refiner in the medicine refiners guild!

Feng Wu shrugged. “I can see it on your face.”

Lady Northern Feng wouldn’t believe it. “You’re too young to be able to do that. I don’t believe you.”

Feng Wu gave her a wry smile. “If you let me check your pulse, I can tell you how long it’s been since you had your period.”

Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Wu suspiciously.

Feng Wu gave her another wry smile. “Your Ladyship, I wouldn’t have involved myself in such a matter if it wasn’t for your kindness toward me.”

That convinced Lady Northern Feng. The girl was wise in the ways of the world and played it safe. Bringing up this matter was already against her philosophy.

“Alright —” Lady Northern Feng raised her right arm and rested it on the table in front of Feng Wu.

Even that female medicine refiner from the guild couldn’t tell how long it had been since she had her period; how could Feng Wu know? Even Granny Tao wasn’t so sure.

Feng Wu narrowed her eyes as she checked the lady’s pulse.

She almost never actively tried to help a patient, but when she did, she would spare no effort.

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Lady Northern Feng and Granny Tao kept their gazes on Feng Wu, trying to decipher what the latter was thinking.

In fact, both women had doubts.

The girl was simply too young. Even the imperial physicians and the female medicine refiner from the guild didn’t know what was wrong with the lady… what could this girl do? An elderly doctor with white hair and goatee looked a lot more trustworthy.

Lady Northern Feng had no faith in Feng Wu.

Neither did Granny Tao.

They didn’t expect Feng Wu to solve the problem.

If they didn’t have expectations, there would be no disappointment.

Feng Wu drew back her hand in less than five minutes.

That was way too soon. Lady Northern Feng shook her head inwardly.

“What have you learned?” Lady Northern Feng asked indifferently.

Feng Wu smiled wryly. “Four years and three months. Am I right?”

“What?!” Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

Feng Wu’s answer was so accurate! Four years and three months was right!

Back then, Lady Northern Feng had thought that she was pregnant, which had terrified her. That was why she remembered the exact time.

Feng Wu smiled. “Your pulse feels heavy and your tongue is pale and covered in a thin layer of fur. This indicates that you lack energy in your spleen and stomach, and that you’re suffering from overactive phlegmatic fire. You must have lost your temper four years and three months ago. Am I right?”

Lady Northern Feng nodded…

“Lost her temper” would be an understatement. She had been so angry that she almost passed out.

Seeing Lady Northern Feng confirm her diagnosis, Feng Wu went on. “And it was also during that time that you caught a cold, right?”


“With the internal fire brought on by the anger and the evil energy introduced by the ailment, it was like a fire fanned by the wind. The evil energy made its way into your internal organs and the spleen and stomach were the first to be damaged, which in turn produced an excessive amount of phlegm. Because the ailment hasn’t been properly treated for so long, it makes you dizzy. In fact, the cause of your disease lies in your spleen and stomach.”

“Are you telling me that I have a problem with my spleen and stomach?” Lady Northern Feng listened attentively at first, but she smiled bitterly when Feng Wu told her that her headache was caused by a problematic spleen and stomach.

“Yes. In order to cure you, we have to start working on your spleen and stomach. We’ll focus on clearing your phlegm and replenishing your deficiencies while we’re at it. The internal fire and evil energy will also be eliminated.”

“Are you telling me that the ailment I had four years ago is still inside me? That I was never properly treated?” Lady Northern Feng stared at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu said earnestly, “Yes. Not only weren’t you cured, your health has been continuously affected by it. You may seem in good shape and only have occasional dizziness, but —

“If I’m guessing right, you were out in the wind today and had some saltwater fish… I’m afraid that you’re going to get dizzy very soon.”

“I can’t eat saltwater fish?”

“Of course not. Fish and meat will aggravate the dampness caused by the phlegm inside you. Your body can’t handle it,” Feng Wu said decisively.

Lady Northern Feng wasn’t fully convinced.

Just then, footsteps came from outside.

Lady Northern Feng frowned. She had left instructions that she wasn’t to be disturbed. What was this about?

There was a knock at the door.

Lady Northern Feng darted a glance at Granny Tao, who went off to dismiss the unwelcome guest.

“My Lady, it’s your sister-in-law —”

It was none other than Mrs Ning herself.

The same Mrs Ning that Feng Wu had saved and the mother of Ning Chenxi.

Of course Lady Northern Feng couldn’t chase Mrs Ning away and she rose to her feet with a smile. “Dear sister-in-law, what brings you here? Do come in.”

Mrs Ning walked in with a few maids and grannies.

She looked worn out as she smiled bitterly. “What do you think? I’m here for Miss Feng Liu, of course.”

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