《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》657-658-659


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Master Feng, are you not satisfied with the Ning family in any way?” Lord Wuan frowned. That wasn’t very polite of Feng Yanfeng!

Did he realize what kind of people the Ning family were?

Ning Zhiyuan was a high-ranking official who was in charge of a border region and the family was connected to Northern Feng Mansion by marriage. The Feng family should be filled with gratitude that such a family would want their daughter’s hand in marriage. Assuming airs? What was this Feng Yanfeng thinking?

Lord Wuan found Feng Yanfeng very ungrateful.

Had this happened yesterday, with Lord Wuan acting as the matchmaker, Feng Yanfeng wouldn’t even have blinked before saying yes. But not now, not after the news Feng Yanfeng had heard from his coworkers.

Feng Liu was first in the written exam and His Royal Highness had a thing for her? That was incredible!

Feng Yanfeng didn’t think he was too greedy. All he wanted was for His Royal Highness to take Feng Liu in as his imperial concubine. That would be the best thing that could ever happen to the Feng family!

That would be much better than becoming Ning Chenxi’s official wife!

That was why Feng Yanfeng was stalling.

After turning Lord Wuan down, Feng Yanfeng returned home, still excited.

He spotted Lady Wang and Feng Liu as soon as he walked in

“Liu Er —”

Feng Yanfeng was delighted to see Feng Liu and he patted her on her head and shoulder. “Good girl. You made me very proud today! We would have given all the resources to you if we knew you had such potential. We wouldn’t have wasted everything on Feng Wu back then.”

Feng Liu stared at Feng Yanfeng in confusion. What was that about?

Feng Yanfeng went on, gloating. “Girls aren’t as important as boys? Says who? My Liu Er outdid all those boys out there. Kiddo, keep up the good work and be first in the physical tryout, too!”

The corner of Feng Liu’s mouth twitched and she exchanged looks with Lady Wang. Shit! This was a huge misunderstanding!

Her father must have mistaken Feng Wu’s accomplishment for hers. When he found out that Feng Liu didn’t even get into the first 1000 and wasn’t qualified for the physical tryout… Would that give her father a heart attack when he found out?

But how was she supposed to correct him? Feng Liu couldn’t bring herself to say it.

It just so happened that Feng Wu and Chaoge came back at that moment and were chatting cheerfully.

Feng Yanfeng flared up as soon as he saw Feng Wu.

“Stop laughing!” Feng Yanfeng glared at Feng Wu and cast a stern look at her. “How can you even bring yourself to laugh at this point?!”


Feng Wu looked at Feng Yanfeng in bewilderment. What had gotten into her uncle now?

And she wasn’t the only one wondering. The others were equally baffled.

Putting a hand behind his back, Feng Yanfeng said in the most arrogant manner, “Feng Wu, come here and congratulate your sister!”

“Congratulate… Feng Liu?” Feng Wu frowned.

Feng Liu hadn’t even gotten into the first 1000. Was her uncle serious?

Seeing the hesitant look on Feng Wu’s face, Feng Yanfeng was annoyed. He snorted. “Your sister outdid herself and gained such an achievement. As her sister, shouldn’t you offer her your congratulations?”

Feng Liu’s face twisted and she tugged at Feng Yanfeng’s sleeve. “Dad…”

Stop it! He was only humiliating her!

“Right, I forgot. You took the exam as well. How did you do? You failed, right?” Feng Yanfeng said in resignation, “Well, it’s normal for you to have failed. You’re a cripple. I wouldn’t have expected otherwise.

“Stop stalling and congratulate your sister now! She might run this clan one day and your family will be at her mercy. I’d try to get along well with her if I were you.”

Feng Yanfeng meant every word and thought he was justified in his behavior.

But Feng Wu only found him ridiculous.

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Feng Liu buried her face in her hands. “Dad! Stop! Stop it, please!”

Feng Yanfeng looked at Feng Liu in confusion.

She didn’t want to say anything, but with Feng Yanfeng babbling on, she couldn’t stand it anymore, especially when Feng Wu was around. Feng Liu stomped her foot. “Dad! It’s her! She’s the one who got the highest score! Not me!”


Feng Yanfeng was dazed on the spot, as if he had just been electrocuted!

No way!

“Sh- she’s first?! How is that even possible?!”

He wouldn’t believe it even if someone put a knife to his throat! Feng Wu got the highest mark in the written exam?!

Feng Yanfeng stared at Feng Liu!

Feng Liu nodded grumpily.

Feng Yanfeng then turned to Lady Wang.

Despite her reluctance, Lady Wang nodded as well.

“No, no…” Feng Yanfeng took the blow hard. “But she’s useless…”

“The girl you call useless was first in the written exam.” Chaoge smirked.

She would have long lost her temper if it wasn’t for Feng Wu, who stopped her.

What kind of uncle was this man? Had he lost his mind, asking Xiao Wu to fawn on Feng Liu?

Feng Yanfeng looked embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he said, “I got the facts mixed up, I guess. So, Feng Liu, what’s your ranking?”

Feng Liu was speechless.

What sort of father was he? Did he have to humiliate her like this in public?


Seeing that Feng Liu wouldn’t answer, Feng Yanfeng snapped, “Your father asked you a question! Answer me!”

He needed to be saved from this embarrassment!

But Feng Liu needed it more!

She noticed the sneers Feng Wu and Chaoge gave her and she couldn’t take it anymore. She turned around and stormed off!

“Where is that abominable girl going?” Feng Yanfeng asked angrily.

Lady Wang rolled her eyes. “Anywhere is better than staying here and being humiliated by you!”

Lady Wang left after that as well.

Feng Yanfeng’s face turned livid.

What did he do? He only asked Feng Liu about her exam result and she was giving him attitude? Had she forgotten that he was the head of the family?

“Mr Feng —” Chaoge said with a laugh, “Your daughter took the written exam, alright, but we searched the entire list and Feng Liu’s name wasn’t on it!”

Feng Yanfeng was astonished!

Feng Wu was cracking up inwardly, but she still feigned a displeased tone. “My uncle is upset enough. Don’t add to his vexation. Let’s go.”

She then dragged Chaoge away, but the latter reminded Feng Yanfeng before they left, “Mr Feng, I think Feng Liu should really come and apologize to Xiao Wu later and try to get along well with her. After all, this clan will depend on Xiao Wu one day…”

Chaoge threw everything Feng Yanfeng had said back at him!

Feng Yanfeng’s face was livid!

His cheeks were blood-red!

Blue veins popped on his forehead!

In Fallen Star Yard —

“Hahaha, hahahaha —” Taking a piece of fruit Qiuling had cut for her, Chaoge guffawed as she ate. “Oh god, that was so funny! The looks on the faces of Feng Liu, your aunt, and your uncle… Pfft…”

Chaoge patted her chest and stomped her foot, too excited to sit still.

Feng Wu sighed in resignation. She snatched the fruit out of Chaoge’s hand, fearing that she might choke on it.

Five minutes later —

“Are you done laughing?”

“Hahahaha —”

Ten minutes passed —

Feng Wu looked at Chaoge in resignation.

“Are you done laughing?”

“Pfft… Hahaha — that was just so funny —”

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Half an hour later, Feng Wu looked at Chaoge in resignation. The girl had laughed until she couldn’t sit up.

“Qiuling, Qiuling, rub my belly for me. Ouch, it hurts. I think I have cramps —” Chaoge turned to Qiuling for help.

Qiuling chuckled as she offered Chaoge a cup of Quling tea.

“Hey, Quling tea!”

Chaoge jumped to her feet at the smell, grabbed the cup, and poured the tea into her mouth in one go.

“Ouch, that’s hot —”

Chaoge cried out, but went on drinking.

Feng Wu looked at her in resignation. “Slow down. The tea isn’t going anywhere.”

Chaoge rolled her eyes at Feng Wu as she fanned her mouth with her hands. “I know that, but it’s Quling tea! How can I wait when something which smells this nice is around?”

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

“Well, since I’ve passed the written exam, I need to go back home and show off now.” After finishing her fruit, Chaoge was ready to leave.

Feng Wu asked, “Are you sure you won’t end up fighting with those people?”

Chaoge gloated. “You’ll see.”

She then returned home.

By then, the news had gotten around and almost everyone had a copy of that list.

And everyone was talking about it, from the court above to the masses below.

The Duan manor —

Mrs Duan almost had a nervous breakdown when she saw the list!

“That’s impossible! I don’t believe it! It shouldn’t have happened!” Mrs Duan crumpled the paper into a ball.

She was dumbfounded!

“Feng Wu is first? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Mrs Duan smirked at her husband. “Feng Wu, the useless girl! She was known as Failure Wu! And she’s first? This isn’t happening!

“And second is Duan Chaoge! Seriously?!” Mrs Duan rolled her eyes. “Our Chaoge? Second? Master, can you believe this?”

Duan Hongyi didn’t want to!

But it was written on the list and he had no other choice!

“Maybe they outdid themselves?” Duan Hongyi rubbed his chin.

“Heh!” Mrs Duan snorted. “Someone who hands in blank answer sheets got full marks. ‘Outdid’ is an understatement.”

“What do you mean?”

“They must have cheated!” Mrs Duan snorted.

Rubbing his chin, Duan Hongyi was lost in his thoughts.

Just then, footsteps came from outside —

“Miss Chaoge is back —”

Duan Chaoyin and Duan Chaoyue rose to their feet in unison and both looked alarmed!

“Well, what a coincidence. You’re all here.” Chaoge smirked when she saw the family of four.

Duan Chaoyin sneered. “Oh my, you’re back? I thought you died out there.”

Chaoge snorted. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you? That’s why you stopped dad from saving me.”

“You —” Duan Chaoyin glared at Chaoge.

Chaoge snorted. “Am I wrong? Did you try to look for me afterward?”

Chaoge sneered inwardly when she saw the astonished looks on their faces.

Xiao Wu was right. She had to make them feel guilty! That way, she would have the moral high ground!

“You —” Duan Chaoyin pointed at Chaoge. “How dare you come back!”

“Why can’t I come back?” Chaoge gloated. “I got the second highest score, of course I’d come back home, loaded with honors. You didn’t even pass the written exam. How dare you disrespect me like this, telling me what to do?”

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