《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》654-655-656


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Duan Chaoyin also swiftly rose to her feet and glanced at Feng Wu arrogantly. "Our bet is also about getting into Imperial College, not passing the written exam!!!"

The crowd was dumbfounded.

No one had expected such a turn of events!

The wording of an agreement was so important!

The onlooker next to Emperor Wu frowned.

Emperor Wu found the teenager rather amusing. "What's with the long face?"

"Well, there's something you should know." The teenager smiled bitterly. "Feng Wu is a special case."

"Really?" Emperor Wu raised an eyebrow, pretending not to know anything.

The teenager sighed. "Miss Feng Wu used to be this super genius girl, but she got unlucky, and somehow, she was crippled. She's just an ordinary person with no spiritual essence now.

"Here's the thing. Without spiritual essence, although she can still learn the theory, she'll be hopeless in actual combat. Miss Feng Wu is crippled physically, but it hasn't affected how smart she is."


"So, she was able to get the highest score in the written exam and got full marks. That's an unprecedented record!"

"You're right."

"But she's lost her cultivation ability. I checked just then and I found out that she has no spiritual essence whatsoever! How is she going to get through the physical tryout? How is she going to get into Imperial College? The written exam only takes up 300 of the 1000 points, and the physical tryout takes up 700!"

The teenager was genuinely concerned for Feng Wu and he went on sighing. "If Miss Feng Wu loses, they'll take her head!"

Seeing how indignant the teenager felt, Emperor Wu was amused. "You're on Feng Wu's side, then?"

"Of course."

"You know her?"

"This is my first time seeing her."

"Then why are you taking her side?"

"Because she's beautiful!" The teenager gave Emperor Wu a look, as if he was looking at an idiot. "Don't you think so?"

Emperor Wu was speechless. He couldn't say no to that question.

"Moreover, don't you think that... there's something about her that makes you want to like her? She just feels so comfortable to be around." The teenager tried to explain his feelings.

Emperor Wu frowned. "You like her?"

"Who wouldn't like such a pretty girl?" The teenager darted a bewildered look at Emperor Wu.

"Ahem -" The chief steward cleared his throat. This teenager should really shut up now.

Emperor Wu threw a dirty look at the chief steward, then turned back to the teenager. "Don't you think... she attracts too much attention from guys?"

"Are you even listening to yourself?!" The teenager almost jumped to his feet. "Sir, that's so inappropriate! Have you heard the expression 'the flower will bloom with or without the wind'? That's Miss Feng Wu! She's the flower, and the butterflies willingly fly toward her!"


Emperor Wu didn't know what to say.

The teenager snorted. "I heard that His Royal Highness canceled his engagement to Miss Feng Wu. If you ask me, His Royal Highness might always be right, but not this time!"

Emperor Wu asked, "Really? How so?"

"Look, Miss Feng Wu scored full marks in the exam. No one has ever been able to do that. She's like, crazy smart. With her intelligence and the crown prince's talents, I bet they'd make the cleverest babies in history! It would be such a blessing to the empire! Sigh, what a pity..."

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

The teenager sounded as if he had experienced many vicissitudes of life. Crossing his hands behind his back, he shook his head, sighed, and left the square.

Emperor Wu didn't know what to say.

Rubbing his chin, he murmured to himself, "Would Feng Wu be an ideal match for my son?"

It was too great a matter for the chief steward to offer any opinion on it.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu was dealing with Mu Yaoyao and Duan Chaoyin.

"Look! It says in the agreement that you have to be accepted by Imperial College! Hahaha, Feng Wu, are you still going to bet?!"

Mu Yaoyao had long wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and her eyes looked like they were spitting fire.

She knew better than anyone else that Feng Wu was a cripple without any trace of spiritual essence!

The girl thought she could pass the physical tryout? In her dreams!

Feng Wu darted a casual look at Mu Yaoyao. "...You know, I'll say yes if you want to revoke that bet now."


Mu Yaoyao's eyes lit up!

Feng Wu had to be scared! She wanted to cancel the bet! She had no confidence in herself at all! That was why she had made that suggestion!

Mu Yaoyao cracked up inwardly!

Feng Wu, do you remember how you wouldn't cut me any slack just then? Now that things were turning against her, she wanted out?

"No! We won't!" Mu Yaoyao said without hesitation!

Feng Wu frowned. "Are you sure? This is your one chance."

"Hahahahaha! Feng Wu, you're only saying that because you know you can't get into Imperial College! Hahahaha! I'm going to stick with my bet and I'll be laughing when I cut your head off!" Mu Yaoyao's eyes flickered, satisfied with her impending revenge.

Feng Wu looked at Duan Chaoyin and Ye Yafei.

Those two had made a bet with Chaoge.

"I..." Ye Yafei took a deep breath. "Can I cancel mine?"

All eyes were on Ye Yafei right away!

Ye Yafei said, "I don't have that many grudges against Duan Chaoge and it's really not worth losing an arm over. So, can I revoke my bet?"


More importantly, Ye Yafei had noticed that Duan Chaoge was a Level 9 Spiritual Master already!

The girl had only been a Level 7 the last time they met, but she had made it to Level 9 in no time! That was so scary! After everything that had happened, Ye Yafei wavered.

Feng Wu let Chaoge make her own decision.

Chaoge snorted. "That's very smart of you. Well, you get to keep your arm for now!"

Shen then turned to Duan Chaoyin. "What about you?"

"Pffft -" Duan Chaoyin sneered. "You really think you can get in? Of course I'm not going to give up on such a great opportunity! I'm still in on the bet! You'll have to destroy your own cultivation if you lose and I'll do the same if I lose!"

"Deal." Chaoge gave Feng Wu a nod.

The crowd began to scatter.

Lady Wang and Feng Liu exchanged looks; both had yet to recover from the shocking news.

Slowly, they headed home.

"Mother... Do you think it's true?" Feng Liu came back to herself and stared at Lady Wang in bewilderment. "Feng Wu is first? She got the highest mark? That's impossible! Impossible!"

Like many people, Feng Liu had been convinced that Feng Wu would never pass the written exam!

Lady Wang was in a foul mood.

Feng Liu's eyes flickered with a jealous look in them. "Feng Wu wasn't on that first list! Her name was added afterward! I don't know what she did, but she only got on the list at a later stage! I won't believe that she didn't cheat!"

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Lady Wang smiled bitterly. "Whatever. She can take all the exams she wants and it's her own business. Speaking of which, you better prepare yourself well, for after all, you were the last name on that previous list..."

The mother and daughter exchanged looks at those words!

The 1000th!

If Feng Liu had been the 1000th before, with Feng Wu added to the new list -

Feng Liu panicked!

She hadn't checked the list yet, for she had been so sure that she was on it!

But now -

"I'll go have a look - I, I -" Feng Liu couldn't even speak properly!

She rushed toward the bulletin board!

By now, not many people were around the board, for everyone who needed to see it had done so.

Feng Liu began to search for her name on the list!

She couldn't find it!

She couldn't find "Feng Liu" anywhere!

"It can't be! How can I not be on it?! I..." Feng Liu was so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

Lady Wang took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down. "Don't panic. Let's have a look again. I'm sure you missed it."

"Yes! Let's have another look! Mum, you start from the top and I'll start from the bottom!"


The mother and daughter began to search for Feng Liu's name again.

But they still couldn't find it!!!

"How can this happen?!" Feng Liu panicked like a duck in a thunderstorm and she stood frozen on the spot, as if she had just been struck by a thunderbolt.

In the Ministry of Official Personnel.

"Minister Feng, congratulations."

Feng Yanfeng's colleagues cupped their fists at him.

"For what?" Feng Yanfeng was bewildered.

"The daughter of the Feng family is a hit this time. She's the star of Imperial College's written exam!" his colleagues explained.

Imperial College? Written exam? The daughter of the Feng family? Feng Yanfeng thought about Feng Liu right away!

Had Feng Liu outdone herself and broken her personal record?

"That daughter of your family got the highest score in the written exam! I think even His Royal Highness will think highly of such a talented candidate!"

"Master Feng, you're sure to have a successful career!"

Feng Yanfeng was carried away by his own importance.

Although he didn't think it possible, there didn't seem to be an alternative explanation.

His daughter was a lucky girl after all. On his way back home, Feng Yanfeng couldn't stop smiling.

"Master Feng, a word, please?" Lord Wuan went up to Feng Yanfeng.

Feng Yanfeng was a little confused. Lord Wuan and himself weren't from the same circle. What was this about?

Lord Wuan only explained the purpose of his invitation after he showed Feng Yanfeng into World Tower.

"The Ning family has a marriage proposal?" Feng Yanfeng took the hint right away.

Lord Wuan was from an old noble family in the imperial capital and was quite the character himself. Instead of showing up at court for duty, he spent his days indulging in petty hobbies. However, he was quite popular in the imperial capital's social circle and was considered a reliable person.

"That's right." Lord Wuan smiled. "Ning Chenxi, the son of the Ning family, wants no one but Feng Liu as his wife. They came to me to act as the go-between. Old Feng, do you have a preferred date? I'll tell the Ning family to officially propose to your daughter."

1Feng Yanfeng was going to accept the offer, but he recalled the congratulations he had received earlier, which changed his mind. He said with a smile. "Let's talk about it later, shall we?"

Lord Wuan frowned. He had brought the good news himself, and this man was still stalling?

As a matter of fact, Lord Wuan had heard about Feng Liu's controversial reputation before, but Ning Chenxi was very persistent.

1Seeing Feng Yanfeng's reaction, Lord Wuan wasn't pleased.

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