《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》645-646-647


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

The boy said that her life wasn’t as valuable as Feng Wu’s?

She was a princess and the daughter of Lord Mu. Feng Wu was nothing but a cripple!

Mu Yaoyao smirked. “Feng Wu, are you in or not?”

Feng Wu shook her head. “Well, I don’t mind the bet, but what if you deny it afterward?”

“I swear upon this!” Mu Yaoyao smacked a wooden token of the Mu manor on the table.

The servants had all gone off to see the list and Feng Wu and the others were all waiting in a teahouse now.

“I, Mu Yaoyao, swear upon the honor of the Mu manor! If I lose the bet and won’t acknowledge it, my father will lose his title! Everyone here is witness!”

Mu Yaoyao glared at Feng Wu in a provoking manner.

She wanted to kill Feng Wu right now!

If Feng Wu took the bet, Mu Yaoyao would cut her head off later without hesitation!

“Witnesses aren’t enough,” said Feng Wu. “Let’s put it on paper.”

“No problem!” Mu Yaoyao was thrilled to hear that. “You want it written down? You got it!”

Mu Yaoyao had someone fetch her a pen and paper and she sat down to write.

She finished in no time.

Mu Yaoyao then handed the agreement to Feng Wu. “Deal?”

After making sure that Mu Yaoyao had written down everything she said, Feng Wu nodded.

The agreement was done in duplicate and everyone here was witness!

“Can we join in as well?” Ye Yafei asked all of a sudden.

Feng Wu glanced at Ye Yafei. “What are your terms?”

“I’m not betting with you; your life is Princess Mu’s already. I want Duan Chaoge!” Ye Yafei still held a grudge against Duan Chaoge and she smirked. “I’ll destroy my cultivation achievements myself if Duan Chaoge gets into Imperial College this time! If she doesn’t, she’ll have to destroy hers!”

“I’m betting against Duan Chaoge, too!” Duan Chaoyin snorted. “I’ll do everything she asks if she gets in. Otherwise, she’ll be my slave!”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? Bring it on!” Chaoge sneered. “I’ll take the bet!”

Just then —

“The results are out! The results are out!” Mu Yaoyao’s servant ran back to her in a hurry.

“Zhao Liang, how did I do?” Mu Yaoyao asked in a confident voice.

She had seen the earlier version of the list and was very sure of herself.


“Princess, you’re 98th!” Zhao Liang said cheerfully. “Princess, with that score, you’ll be in the best class!”

The ranking wasn’t the same as what Mu Yaoyao had read, but it was similar enough, which convinced her further. She kept her eyes on Feng Wu as she asked Zhao Liang the second question.

“So, did you see this Miss Feng Wu’s name on that list?”

Mu Yaoyao’s voice was full of sarcasm and contempt.

Only the top 1000 candidates’ names were on that list and Feng Wu wasn’t one of them. Hence, she would have Feng Wu’s head today!

Mu Yaoyao began to draw a dagger out of her sleeve.

The sharp blade glinted in the sunlight.

All eyes were on Zhao Liang!

And they were waiting for him to say no.

However —

Everyone was disappointed!

“Yes!” Zhao Liang said affirmatively!

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations


Shocked, Mu Yaoyao’s hand jolted and the sharp blade nicked her fingertip.

But she couldn’t care less about that. Glaring at Zhao Liang, she bellowed, “What did you say?!”

“Huh?” Frightened by Mu Yaoyao’s bellow, Zhao Liang looked at his master in bewilderment.

“What did you say? Say it again! Is Feng Wu on that list?!” Mu Yaoyao approached Zhao Liang with the dagger in her hand.

Zhao Liang was terrified.

He had no idea what he had done wrong. He was only telling the truth. “Y- Yes… Miss Feng Wu’s name really is on that list… and it’s the first name in the top row. Her name is bigger than anyone else’s, with thicker strokes… Everyone has seen it…”

Pfft —

Mu Yaoyao almost had a stroke!

Everyone else stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

The first name in the first row —

In bigger writing than the others —

And in thicker strokes —

What did that mean?

“Isn’t that only for the top candidate?” Ye Yafei was still trying to digest the information.

“Wait, Feng Wu got the highest score? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“She’s the least possible candidate!”

“I bet Princess Mu’s servant doesn’t know what he’s talking about! I don’t believe it!”

Everyone was whispering at the same time.

As the center of attention, Feng Wu only stood there with a calm smile on her face. She didn’t seem disturbed at all.

“Tell me again! What’s Feng Wu’s ranking?!” Mu Yaoyao pointed her dagger at Zhao Liang!

“F- First…” Zhao Liang was almost in tears.


He was only telling the truth. Why was the princess acting like a crazy person?

How could Mu Yaoyao not be? She had just made a very heavy bet!

“Hahahaha! No way! I don’t believe it! Feng Wu can’t be first! She just can’t! I won’t believe it even if you kill me!” Mu Yaoyao guffawed.

She had seen the list and Feng Wu wasn’t even in the top 1000!

Just then —

Ye Yafei’s servant came back in a hurry.

“Miss —”

Ye Yafei cut him off in a loud voice. “Hold it. Just tell me who’s first!”

Ye Gui, Ye Yafei’s servant, blurted out, “Feng Wu! The first is Feng Wu, as in ‘the phoenix soars above the land.’ It’s quite a catchy name!”

Ye Yafei was rendered speechless!

So was everyone else!

“No —” Mu Yaoyao felt as if she had just been struck by a thunderbolt and her head was spinning. “No, no, no! I don’t believe it! I don’t!”

She squeezed into the crowd like a wild animal.

And she was still holding that dagger.

The blade was very sharp and it could cut through anything.

With the dagger in Mu Yaoyao’s hand as she howled like a mad person, no one wanted to stand in her way.

Hence, she managed to make her way through the crowd rather smoothly.

As Mu Yaoyao rushed off to see the list, many began to study Feng Wu. The looks they gave her were a mix of suspicion, uneasiness, and bewilderment.

Feng Wu passed the written exam? And got the highest score?

No, it couldn’t be!

Something had to be wrong!

Just then, Duan Chaoyin’s maid came back as well, panting as she ran. “Miss, Miss, I’ve seen the results —”

Everyone turned to her. “Hold on. Tell us now: who’s first?”

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Xiaohuan, the maid, was a timid girl. She was shaken by all the eyes on her!

“Feng… Feng Wu…”

She gave the answer!

And everyone was shocked again!

It was Feng Wu!

It was Feng Wu!

It was Feng Wu!

If only one person gave that answer, they might be lying, but these people had given the same answer repeatedly.

Could all of them be lying?

Just then, someone shouted at the crowd gathering around the list, “Hey, who’s first on that list?”

And the crowd shouted back in unison, “Feng — Wu —”

The sound resonated in the air!

To say that Ye Yafei had drained of all color would be an understatement.

And the same went for Duan Chaoyin and Duan Chaoyue…

These people all stared at Feng Wu as if they had seen a ghost!

How could this be?


Why Feng Wu?

They couldn’t imagine how this could have happened!

It was incredible!

Meanwhile, Mu Yaoyao had arrived at the foot of the bulletin board where the list was posted.

After pushing through the crowd, her hair was unkempt, her clothes disheveled, and her face contorted!

She stared at the first name in the first row of the list!

The name was written in thick strokes!

And bigger than the other names!

It was Feng Wu!

It was Feng Wu!

It was Feng Wu!

No matter how many times she rubbed her eyes, the name didn’t change!

She hadn’t read it wrong!

It was indeed Feng Wu!

Feng Wu was first!

“No —”

Mu Yaoyao spat out a mouthful of blood onto the list!

And the bright yellow paper was painted red!

Everyone else failed to recognize her and they cried out in surprise.

“Who’s the nutjob?”

“Some loony who failed the exam, I think?”

“Everyone can take the exam up to three times, no? Try again.”

Mu Yaoyao could barely stand still.

Feng Wu was first… she was first…

Her head spun and Mu Yaoyao almost fainted.

“Princess —”

Her servants rushed to her side in a hurry to stop her from falling.

The others were shocked by her reaction.

“Who’s that?”

“Isn’t she the princess of the Mu manor?”

“Princess Mu Yaoyao? But she’s on that list. 98th, isn’t it? What’s with her anger?”

“You missed the show. Princess Mu made a bet with Feng Wu.”

“Really? On what?”

“On whether or not Feng Wu could get in.”

“Feng Wu? The Feng Wu? Of course she can’t.”

“Bah! Are you blind? Look! The first name on the list!”

“Holy shit! Feng Wu! That’s Feng Wu!”

“You don’t say. Princess Mu bet her own head, and she’s in a lot of trouble now. Is she going to die now?”

“Is it really Feng Wu? Could it be a mistake or something? Maybe it’s a different person with the same name.”

A different person? Yes! That was possible!

Mu Yaoyao, who almost had a nervous breakdown, saw hope again.

However —

“You idiot! A different person? The names come with their serial numbers, okay? Feng Wu entered the exam on recommendation and her serial number is very unique. It’s 10001! Look, it’s her name and her serial number!”

Mu Yaoyao blanched.

Meanwhile, a few steps away —

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