《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》639-640


However reluctant Mu Yaoyao was, she was still dragged out by Steward Fang.

“Grand Secretary Fang —”

Feng Wu wanted to say something, but the old man wasn’t in the mood.

He was so disappointed.

Lady Mu wasn’t his own daughter, but he had brought her up himself. And what she had tried to do to him was unbelievable!

Grand Secretary Fang waved his hand, indicating that Feng Wu should keep her silence.

“Lord Mu is the patron of the Yao clan’s business.” Grand Secretary Fang snorted. “Mu Yaoyao is trying to take the house for herself through the Yao clan; she thinks I can’t see through her little scam!”

Why couldn’t she just say so if she wanted to buy the house herself? Why did she have to go through a third party? And she pretended she had no part in it. That innocent look she had faked was ridiculous!

“Grand Secretary Fang, don’t be mad. Mu Yaoyao can have her own plan and so can you.” Feng Wu shrugged.

“But I’ll have to sell this house eventually and it has to happen within two weeks.” Grand Secretary Fang sighed. “Otherwise, I fear that the curse will fall on Xuan Yi.”

Grand Secretary Fang said in resignation, “But I can’t just sell it to anyone. There are rules. First of all, the buyer has to be a Master Level formation master. Then, they have to be compatible with the aura of the house. Moreover…”

Grand Secretary Fang shifted his gaze to Feng Wu as he spoke.

“Old Master, you…”

“Oh my!” Grand Secretary Fang smacked the table. “The answer was right in front of my eyes all along! Xiao Wu, you fit the criteria to the tee!”

“To the tee?”

“That’s right!” Grand Secretary Fang asked, “Aren’t you a Master Level formation master?”


“I am.”

“And are you not compatible with the aura of the manor?”

“I am.”

“And the lingzhi mushroom and blood ginseng?”

“Actually, I do have them.”

“Problem solved!” Grand Secretary Fang had always been a free spirit, and he had only become more capricious after retirement.

Seeing that Feng Wu was hesitant, he made the decision for her. “What more do we need? I’m giving the house to you for free!”

“For free?” Feng Wu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “You declined a million taels of silver from the Yao family, and you’re giving the house to me for nothing?”

“Well, you’re a very likeable kid.” Grand Secretary Fang told the old steward to get a pen and paper ready.

The old steward came back with the stationery shortly afterward.

What a willful old man. He wanted to give the house away and he began to draft the official document right away.

He finished it in no time.

Feng Wu took a look and saw that it was very succinct. She was to accept the house free of charge, no obligations attached.

“Here, sign it.” The old man handed the writing brush to Feng Wu. “Sign here and we’ll go change the title deed to your name. Then it’s yours.

“What are you waiting for, kiddo? Are you not happy with a big house with great feng shui?” the old man teased.

Feng Wu would be lying if she said that she wasn’t tempted.

She had no idea why, but she just kept running into good people.

Mu Yaoyao was family, but instead of selling it to that girl, Grand Secretary Fang was giving the house to Feng Wu as a gift.

“Why, are you so happy that you’re going to cry?” The old man chuckled when he saw the dazed look on Feng Wu’s face.


Feng Wu bit her lip and handed the paper back to him.

“What’s wrong?” The old man was bewildered.

Feng Wu said, “If I sign this now, you’ll send hitmen after me later.”

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Why would I?” Grand Secretary Fang looked at Feng Wu in bewilderment.

Feng Wu had planned to tell Grand Secretary Fang the truth, or she wouldn’t have deliberately jumped out of the dry well.

She grinned at Grand Secretary Fang. “Haven’t you been searching for the secret of this manor?”

Grand Secretary Fang’s pupils contracted at Feng Wu’s words.

“Do you know anything about that?” He found Feng Wu’s question dubious.

Feng Wu nodded. “I do.”

The look on Grand Secretary Fang’s face changed instantly!

He couldn’t believe it!

No one who had lived in this manor had been able to find the secret — how could a girl as young as Feng Wu…

“Follow me, please.” Feng Wu took the old man by his hand and led him to the dry well.

The old man was confused.

“Now, jump.” Feng Wu was going to take the old man down the well with her.

The old steward interjected, “Miss Feng Wu, please don’t. My old master is —”

However, Grand Secretary Fang cut him short. “I’m sure Xiao Wu has her reasons. I’ll go have a look.”

Being a free spirit, Grand Secretary Fang had only become more capricious these days and wouldn’t haggle over trifles. No one would expect the once grand secretary of the empire to do such a reckless thing.

He felt something strange as soon as they landed at the bottom of the dry well.

Feng Wu tilted her head and grinned. “Old Master, can you feel anything different?”

“The spiritual essence down here seems to be denser? Is this a place designed for cultivation?” Grand Secretary Fang looked pleasantly surprised.

Feng Wu snapped her fingers.

Feng Tutu dashed off from Feng Wu’s chest pocket and began to dig into the ground.

However, Grand Secretary Fang’s attention had been drawn to the walls of the well. As he felt his way around, he cried out in surprise. “The rocks used to build these walls are really unusual. They look like crude spiritual stones! Wait, they are crude spiritual stones!”

Grand Secretary Fang was pleasantly surprised. “So, this well was built with crude spiritual stones. How extravagant!”

Feng Wu only smiled.

The old man sighed with emotion. “If my guess is correct, these are all crude top-grade spiritual stones! Gosh, that’s incredible. The stones alone are worth more than this manor. Kiddo, you’ve got sharp eyes.”

Feng Wu was still grinning.

Just then, there was a whooshing sound!

Feng Tutu jumped out from under the ground and ran up to Grand Secretary Fang.

Grand Secretary Fang’s eyes widened at the sight of Feng Tutu!

Right now, Feng Tutu had a bib around its neck, which resembled the pouch of a kangaroo.

In its mouth was a spiritual stone, and the pocket of the bib was filled with spiritual stones as well!

Grand Secretary Fang: !!!

As experienced as the old man was, he had rarely seen such high quality spiritual stones before.

“This…” Grand Secretary Fang was surprised.

“Old Master, what do you think of these stones?” Picking up Feng Tutu, Feng Wu put the cub in Grand Secretary Fang’s hands.

With the top-grade spiritual stone in its mouth, Feng Tutu looked like it was eating a pancake. Its eyes were so innocent and it had such a confused look on its face.

Taking a stone out of Feng Tutu’s bib, Grand Secretary Fang looked at it closely. He was even more amazed. “…They’re top-grade spiritual stones, every single one of them! Xiao Wu, where…”

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