《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》635-636


Didn’t he abhor Feng Wu? What was he doing, watching Xiao Wu take the exam?

That statement contained so much information.

Mr Zuo was the most astonished of them all.

He had genuinely believed that the crown prince would treat him differently because of Zuo Qingluan. “Your Royal Highness, Zuo Qingluan…”

Jun Linyuan sneered. “Who the hell is Zuo Qingluan?”

Mr Zuo felt as if he had been stabbed in the chest!

Who the hell was Zuo Qingluan?

Who the hell?

That was the worst news for the Zuo family!

His Royal Highness didn’t seem to like Zuo Qingluan at all!

The following day.

Feng Wu jumped over the wall first thing in the morning.

“Old Master Fang, Old Master Fang —” Feng Wu called out in an excited voice.

Every morning after breakfast, the old man would take a walk in the courtyard.

Feng Wu jumped out of the dry well at that moment and it made Grand Secretary Fang jump a little.

“You naughty kid —” Grand Secretary Fang said grumpily. “What are you doing hiding in that well at this early hour?”

Feng Wu grinned. “The spiritual essence is really dense down there and it’s good for my cultivation.”

“You’re making things up.” The old man wouldn’t believe her.

Feng Wu took the old man’s arm, still grinning. “I’m not. Check this out.”

She put away her Concealing Jade.

The old man’s eyes lit up!

He realized that Feng Wu was —

“How can that be?” The old man was shocked by Feng Wu’s cultivation level. “You’re a Level 5 Spiritual Grandmaster already?”

Feng Wu nodded with a smile.

The old man had a hard time digesting the news. “But you were a Level 4 only a few days ago!”

It was so unfair!

Not only could she do well in an exam, she also made such quick progress in cultivation as if she had wings!


To be honest, of all the talented people the old man had met over the years, he had never seen anyone like Feng Wu!

Feng Wu giggled, feeling very pleased with herself.

“How did you do it?” The old man didn’t know what else to say. The kid was born to make other people jealous.

She was a cripple? Said who? And she wasn’t a genius anymore? She was the definition of a genius!

Tilting her head, Feng Wu pointed at the dry well. “It’s really efficient to cultivate down there.”

Grand Secretary Fang still thought that she was making things up. He jabbed her forehead with a finger. “You little rogue.”

Feng Wu chuckled, but didn’t try to explain.

“What are you up to? It’s so early,” Grand Secretary Fang put both hands behind his back and asked proudly.

The matter had been taken care of last night, but because the Zuo family was involved and malpractice in Imperial College was a rather sensitive topic, the whole thing had been kept a secret. No one else knew the truth. No wonder the girl was worried.

“Old Master, I was told that —” Taking the old man’s arm, Feng Wu tilted her head and asked, “The list is out?”

“Yup.” The old man raised his chin proudly.

“I also heard that I’m not on that list?” Feng Wu met the old man’s eyes.


“Of course not!” Feng Wu patted her chest. “I have faith in this empire, in His Majesty, and in you.”

They walked into a pavilion at that moment. Feng Wu wiped a stone stool clean with a handkerchief, then helped the old man sit down.

The old man darted a glance at the old steward.

The old steward went out to guard the perimeter.

Feng Wu pricked up her ears.

Old Master Fang said, “The results are out and the list will be put up outside Imperial College later today.”


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Seeing that Feng Wu didn’t seem disturbed at all, the old man asked in resignation, “Aren’t you even a little bit worried?”

“For what? I’ve got you, don’t I?” Judging by the look on the old man’s face, Feng Wu knew right away that the matter had been taken care of, or the old man would have been angrier than her.

Grand Secretary Fang rapped Feng Wu on her little head. “Do you ever get flustered? Well, you got the highest score, as you predicted.”

“Really? Do I detect a story behind it?”

“Yes, you do. And it’s quite a story.” The old man looked like he was going to make a long speech.

Feng Wu poured some tea for the old man as she listened.

“Why, Quling tea?” Grand Secretary Fang recognized the tea by its scent and was pleasantly surprised. “Where did you get it? From Master Linghu?”

Master Linghu? That was the most famous tea master in the empire. Feng Wu shook her head. “No, I made this myself. Old Master, what do you think?”

“This is great!” Old Master Fang looked at Feng Wu in amazement. “Kiddo, you never cease to amaze me. I would never think you could make Quling tea yourself!”

Old Master Fang didn’t know how many more surprises this so-called crippled girl would give him!

She was making progress in her cultivation at an incredible speed.

She had wondrous formation skills.

And she could make Quling tea as well? Like a real tea master?!

Feng Wu gloated.

Of course she could. She had the most perfect beautiful master on this continent. Quling tea was the least of the wonders she could create.

Feng Wu smiled. “Old Master, I’ll make you some more if you like it.”

“Good, good.” Sipping from his white jade tea cup, Grand Secretary Fang was in a great mood. He then told Feng Wu in detail about what happened the day before.

He concluded his narration with a sigh of emotion. “His Royal Highness took Mr Zuo’s side at first and I was worried. Fortunately, he switched sides in the end.”

Feng Wu frowned. This Jun Linyuan just couldn’t stop trying to sabotage her plans.

Tilting her head, she asked Grand Secretary Fang, “If Jun Linyuan sets his mind to work against me, will His Majesty be able to do anything about it?”

Grand Secretary Fang gave it some thought, then asked, “Do you want the truth?”

“So, the truth is… Jun Linyuan will get away with it?” Feng Wu couldn’t believe it.

Grand Secretary Fang nodded.

“That’s ridiculous!” Feng Wu smacked the table. “Jun Linyuan is the crown prince and his father is the emperor. In what world would an emperor yield to a crown prince?”

“You forgot about the grandmother.” Grand Secretary Fang smiled bitterly. “You haven’t met her yet, and when you do, you’ll understand.”

“But I have,” Feng Wu said grumpily. “The old lady summoned me when I was little. I remember her as an exceptionally stern and serious lady!”

“Of course she was strict with you. You were His Royal Highness’s little fiancee and she had to set her standards very high.” Grand Secretary Fang chuckled.

“Huh? Are you suggesting that the empress dowager dotes on Jun Linyuan?”

Grand Secretary Fang shook his head. “No, I mean that she worships the ground His Royal Highness walks on.”

Feng Wu was speechless.

Grand Secretary Fang gave her a wry smile. “You’ll see when you meet her. She’s some old lady.”

Feng Wu was speechless.

Feng Wu and Grand Secretary Fang were still chatting when Steward Fang approached them.

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