《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》633-634


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Your Royal Highness, please talk to His Majesty. I really have no idea what happened. I handed over Feng Wu’s paper and she did poorly because she isn’t good enough… We as teachers only mark the papers; we really shouldn’t be blamed for their bad grades. If it were someone else… If Qingluan were to take the exam, I’m sure she’d be the best. There’s no way that she’d fail the exam. At the end of the day, Feng Wu has no one to blame but herself. Right?”

What do you mean by “Right?” Emperor Wu was so angry that he almost fainted!

Zuo He! I see what you’re doing by bringing Zuo Qingluan up!

Emperor Wu threw a dirty look at Jun Linyuan and disliked Zuo Qingluan even more!

“Jun Linyuan, you’ve decided to work against me, then?” Emperor Wu narrowed his eyes.

Everyone else was terrified by the interaction between the father and son.

One was the emperor in the prime of his life and the other an exceptionally talented crown prince… What would happen if the two of them decided to turn on each other? Would the empire be ruined?

However, Jun Linyuan only casually said, “Show me the evidence.”

“You’re so sure that I don’t have any proof, do you?” Emperor Wu smirked. He suddenly turned his sharp gaze on Mr Wu, who was kneeling on the ground!

Mr Wu had been shaking the whole time, which was enough to show how terrified he was.

Everyone here was anything but slow.

Especially those who personally served Emperor Wu!

The man was the most superior figure in the empire!

All Emperor Wu needed to do was glance at the chief steward.

With a flip of his hand, the chief steward dragged Mr Wu to his feet!


The highest ranking official Mr Wu had ever met before today was the principal of Imperial College; what had just happened was beyond his imagination, especially when the emperor and the crown prince had a row! He was almost frightened to death!

“It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! I had nothing to do with this! I didn’t steal Feng Wu’s paper!” Mr Wu struggled violently.

“Did we say that Feng Wu’s paper was stolen? How did you know that?” The chief steward grinned.

“Huh?” Mr Wu’s head went blank. “I don’t know! I don’t know anything! I…”

“You know everything and you’re lying!” The chief steward wrapped his fingers around Mr Wu’s throat.

“I’m going to count to three. Tell me the truth, or not only will you die, so will your wife and kid, your clan, and your most distant relatives…

“Three, two…”

“Alright! Alright!” Mr Wu had no choice now. It wasn’t just his life, but also those of his family and friends!

“It was Mr Zuo! Mr Zuo put me up to it! He forced me to steal Feng Wu’s paper for him!” Mr Wu decided to pin it on Mr Zuo.


All eyes were on Mr Zuo now!

And Mr Zuo looked like he had been struck by a thunderbolt!

“No! I didn’t!” Mr Zuo dropped to his knees at Emperor Wu’s feet. “Your Majesty, Wu Ming is lying and he’s making a false charge against me! There was no way that I would ask him to do such a thing! Why would I do that to a mere girl?”

Since Mr Wu had made up his mind, he decided to go all the way. “Mr Zuo, you did it because Feng Wu did so well and her answers were impeccable. When was the last time you saw an exam paper with full marks? You didn’t do it for yourself, but for Zuo Qingluan, the future wife of the crown prince!”


The future wife of the crown prince?! Emperor Wu smirked.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Zuo Qingluan was the future wife of the crown prince? Said who?! Emperor Wu threw a dirty look at Jun Linyuan!

Jun Linyuan was utterly bemused.

Mr Zuo was so vexed!

Little did he expect that Wu Ming would become his doom. He wanted to charge at the man, but somehow, Feng had blocked his way and he couldn’t get to Wu Ming.

Mr Wu spoke fast and all his accusations poured out. “Mr Zuo, you had me remove Feng Wu’s paper from the file! She got full marks, but you took Feng Wu’s paper to stop her from getting famous again!

“Then, to cover your tracks, you mimicked her handwriting and made a replica of her paper, which only scored 179, and so was excluded from the top 1000. You thought no one would find out, but you were wrong!

“His Majesty is wise and is in need of talented young people, so he looked into it! One can never cover their tracks completely, Mr Zuo. You still have Feng Wu’s paper on you! I bet you haven’t sent it to Zuo Qingluan yet. Hand it over to His Majesty and confess your crime!”

“You, you —”

Mr Zuo almost choked and he spat out a mouthful of blood!

He had never expected Wu Ming to turn him in!

“That’s bullshit! You’re making things up! You came to me with Feng Wu’s paper and you —”

Mr Zuo was so angry that he couldn’t think straight anymore!

He said that aloud!

And he regretted it as soon as he said it, but it was too late.

Mr Zuo stood there, his head spinning. He didn’t know what to do.

Emperor Wu snorted. “Zuo He! How dare you claim your innocence after everything you did? Am I a fool to you?!”

The more Emperor Wu thought about it, the angrier he felt! He wanted to kill Zuo He himself!

Terrified, Mr Zuo knelt down and shivered…

Jun Linyuan was his only hope now.

“Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness —” Mr Zuo crawled to Jun Linyuan’s side. “Wu Ming did it. I really had no idea. Please help me, for Qingluan’s sake.”

Jun Linyuan gave Mr Zuo an irritated glance.

The man had no spine! It was a shame to Imperial College to have him as a leader! What would other people think of Imperial College from now on?

Moreover, what was he thinking? Threatening him with Zuo Qingluan?

“Zuo Qingluan? Who’s that?” Jun Linyuan rose to his feet and kicked Mr Zuo away!

As Mr Zuo fell backward, a paper flew out of his chest pocket and fell to the ground.

Feng caught the paper before it landed and held it up.

It was an exam paper.

Feng Wu’s exam paper.

Feng then handed it to Jun Linyuan.

Mr Zuo’s stomach lurched!


He cried out, “That’s a fake one! That’s not Feng Wu’s paper!”

Glancing at the paper, Jun Linyuan gave Zuo He a crooked smile. “I watched her as she answered this paper, every word of it. And you’re telling me now that this isn’t hers?”


Everyone stared at Jun Linyuan in astonishment!

What did he mean by “every word of it”?!

Even Emperor Wu was shocked!

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