《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》631-632


A chilly air filled the room and there was a murderous look on the emperor’s face.

Emperor Wu snorted. “You’re in charge of Imperial College at the moment. So, if you can’t find me that paper today, I’m going to hand Feng Wu your head on a plate!”

Mr Zuo drew in his breath!

He didn’t realize that it would be this serious…

Stealing a look at Emperor Wu, he saw that the latter looked like he was out to kill!

The emperor wasn’t joking.

Mr Zuo was very conflicted…

The paper was sitting in his chest pocket. Should he hand it over now…

Emperor Wu sneered at him. “Nothing is going to happen if you find that paper. Otherwise, Zuo He, I’m going to give your head to Feng Wu as compensation.”

Mr Zuo felt like crying.

How could it be so serious?

Why had it turned into a life-threatening matter?

What Mr Zuo didn’t know was how Jun Linyuan had taunted the emperor earlier in the imperial palace. Emperor Wu felt so humiliated! To make up for it, the emperor had made up his mind to get to the bottom of this.

“Your Majesty… may I go look for it?”

Emperor Wu looked at him with an impassive face.

He wouldn’t have been so bossy if Mr Lu were here.

No, Mr Lu would never have let such a thing happen!

Mr Zuo stepped out of the room and only had time to heave a sigh of relief when the chief steward’s voice rang out behind him.

“Mr Zuo, I’m going to keep you company.” The chief steward smiled at him.

Could Mr Zuo say no to that? Of course not. He had to control his facial muscles and he forced a smile. “That’s great. This way, please.”

In the record office, Mr Wu looked at Mr Zuo, flustered…

What should he do now?

Mr Zuo cast a threatening look at the teacher, warning the latter not to say a word!


He then went off to flip through the files and he kept stealing glances at the chief steward while he pretended to look for the paper.

The chief steward’s gaze never shifted away from Mr Zuo.

Hence, Mr Zuo couldn’t find any chance to take the paper out of his pocket and put it back into the file!

What should he do?

Just then, footsteps came from outside!

Mr Zuo looked up —

His Royal Highness?

Why was he here?

Jun Linyuan didn’t say anything to Mr Zuo, but only asked Feng, “What do we have here?”

Feng said, “They still haven’t found the paper.”

Jun Linyuan smirked. Crossing his hands behind his back, he fixed his cold gaze on Mr Zuo with an indecipherable look on his face.

“Linyuan, why are you here?” Hearing the noise, Emperor Wu led a team of people toward the record office and spotted Jun Linyuan as soon as he walked in.

Apparently, the brat was intrigued as well.

Jun Linyuan sneered, sat down on a chair, and remained silent.

And he was giving off an air that said “I’m not happy and I want to kill someone.”

Everyone tried to stay as far away from him as possible…

Emperor Wu found it rather strange. Could anyone piss off Jun Linyuan like this?

This wasn’t right. His son always took revenge on the spot and never kept his enemy alive longer than necessary.

Someone in this empire could actually irritate the boy like this and he still hadn’t killed them yet?

Emperor Wu found it incredible!

Sensing his father’s curious gaze, Jun Linyuan cast an intimidating look at Emperor Wu!

And it reminded the emperor of an angry wolf!

Emperor Wu cleared his throat.

What a brat! Even he himself couldn’t withstand the boy’s fury — so who could? Emperor Wu really wanted to know the answer.

However, he had to keep his focus on Mr Zuo at the moment.

“Found it yet?”


Mr Zuo was going to hand over the paper, but now, he decided against it. He would insist that he didn’t know!

Because… His Royal Highness was here.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

As Zuo Qingluan’s uncle, Mr Zuo was quite an influential figure in his clan. He was in on a lot of things.

Zuo Qingluan herself had said something at a family meeting once.

She said that she was going to marry Jun Linyuan and that Jun Linyuan was fond of her!

Therefore, Mr Zuo was thrilled to see Jun Linyuan here. The young man was going to be the Zuo family’s royal son-in-law, and with the crown prince here, Mr Zuo was sure that His Majesty would cut him some slack.

1Hence, Mr Zuo dropped to his knees with a long face. “Your Majesty, I’ve searched everywhere in the record office, but there’s no extra exam paper. The one Grand Secretary Fang handed in was really Feng Wu’s paper —”

Emperor Wu was furious!

This Zuo He was unbelievable! It was so obvious that his scam had been exposed, but he still insisted on his innocence! The emperor couldn’t stand this man!

Infuriated, Emperor Wu kicked Mr Zuo’s shoulder. “You’re abominable!”

“Your Majesty… I haven’t done anything wrong… What on earth is happening? Your Majesty, you’re such a wise ruler that I’m sure you won’t wrong an innocent man —” Mr Zuo went on, claiming his innocence.

A few steps away, Mr Wu had long dropped to his knees and prostrated himself on the ground. He was shaking all over.

Finally, he knew what had happened.

Master Bai, the chief steward, Grand Secretary Fang, His Royal Highness, and His Majesty were all here. They had all come here for Feng Wu’s exam paper…

Mr Wu was scared to death!

He regretted what he had done so much!

Had he known that things would go this far, he would never have stolen Feng Wu’s paper to flatter Mr Zuo! What should he do now… What to do? Kneeling there, Mr Wu shook like an autumn leaf in the wind.

However, all the attention was on Mr Zuo at the moment.

Emperor Wu snorted. “Take him! I’ll decide what to do with him after we find the paper!”

He then turned to leave!

It wasn’t just about Feng Wu’s paper. Emperor Wu was offended mainly because he couldn’t stand the idea of his Imperial College being handled by someone like Zuo He!

Mr Zuo had never expected Emperor Wu to dismiss him from his post without any evidence of his wrongdoing. He was furious.

He turned to Jun Linyuan for help. “Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, I really am innocent! I don’t know anything about this!”

Emperor Wu flared up!

How dare this subject turn to Jun Linyuan for help!

It just so happened that the crown prince was in a foul mood himself. Darting a glance at Emperor Wu, Jun Linyuan said, “Are you sure you’re going to arrest this man without any actual proof?”

Emperor Wu was even more infuriated!

“Jun Linyuan! Get out of my sight!”

The crown prince always did as he pleased, not to mention that Emperor Wu had never been able to intimidate him. He only sneered at his father. “Your Majesty, you really should gather the necessary evidence first. Do you have any?”

Emperor Wu almost exploded!

He knew it! This brat was the bane of his life!

Emperor Wu stamped his foot in rage and roared, “Get out! Get out of here!”

However, Jun Linyuan sat there, unperturbed.

The more furious Emperor Wu was, the calmer the crown prince became. He even poured himself a cup of tea and sipped on it.

Mr Zuo was thrilled!

Zuo Qingluan was right!

His Royal Highness was fond of her.

The crown prince was taking Zuo He’s side because he liked Zuo Qingluan and was willing to offend the emperor for the girl.

Talk about priorities!

Despite his excitement, Mr Zuo kept it to himself and still had that miserable look on his face.

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