《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》621-622


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Miss Liu?” Granny Zhao stiffened when she saw Feng Liu. When she spotted Lady Wang behind Feng Liu, she wanted to stop them at the gate.

However, Feng Liu didn’t give her that chance.

Feng Liu gave it a shove and Granny Zhao stumbled back.

Instantly, everyone inside the yard turned to look in that direction.

“Feng Liu!” Duan Chaoge was the first to stand up and glare at Feng Liu.

Feng Xiaoqi and the others rose to their feet as well and were all alarmed, as if enemies had just stepped into their home.

“Oh my, is everything alright? Calm down, do calm down. We’re all family here. Now, please take a seat and let’s chat.” Lady Wang smiled.

She decided that she was going to get back at these people for everything they had put her through outside Imperial College before the exam started.

Hence, she asked everyone to sit back down.

“Kindness doesn’t suit you!” Shielding the beautiful lady with her own body, Chaoge glared at Feng Liu and Lady Wang. “You’re not welcome here! Get lost now! You’ll be in so much trouble when Xiao Wu gets back!”

Chaoge knew that Feng Wu’s top priority was to keep her mother safe. Hence, she had to protect the beautiful lady from all harm!

“Oh my, I was wondering who that voice belonged to. So, it’s you, Duan Chaoge. Duan. Chao. Ge. Aren’t you from the Duan family? Who are you to point your finger around in my home? Who gave you the right? Go back to your own home now!” Feng Liu said in a harsh tone.

Anyone else would have been so abashed by now, but not Chaoge. She shoved Feng Liu with rage. “Who am I? I’m much closer to Xiao Wu than you are! Who the hell are you to say those things to me?!”


“You!” Feng Liu was furious.

To make it worse, Feng Xiaoqi stepped out and glared at Feng Liu. “You’re not welcome here! Go away!”

Feng Liu was so mad she thought that she was going to lose her mind!Read more chapter on v ip novel. com

However, she smirked all of a sudden. “Feng Xiaoqi, what makes you think you can be so arrogant? Do you really think your sister will be going to Imperial College? In her dreams!”

To Feng Xiaoqi, his sister was the best and no one was allowed to say otherwise!

He could live with Feng Liu insulting him, but he wouldn’t let the woman say anything bad about his sister!

Feng Xiaoqi exploded right away. “My sister isn’t going to Imperial College? Ha! I’m telling you, not only will my sister be going to Imperial College, she’s going to get in as the top student!”

Duan Chaoge rested her hands on her waist. “And she’s going to get full marks as well!”

Exchanging looks with Lady Wang, Feng Liu couldn’t control herself anymore. “Pffft — hahahahaha — oh god, hahahaha —”

Seeing that Feng Liu was cracking up, Feng Xiaoqi was infuriated. “Stop laughing!”

It was as if they had told her a joke.

“Hahahaha — the top student? Full marks? Hahahaha —” Feng Liu laughed so hard that she could barely stand still. “That’s just so funny, hahahaha —”

Feng Xiaoqi flared up. “Get out! Get out now!”

“Hahahaha —” Feng Liu laughed until she was in tears. She took the unannounced list from her chest pocket and tossed it at Feng Xiaoqi. “Here’s the list that’s been going around. Try to find your sister’s name on it.”

Feng Xiaoqi didn’t want to do as told, but he was too curious. In the end, he slowly unfolded it —


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Xiaoqi read the list from the first name to the last and his face darkened!

“What’s wrong?” Seeing the look on Xiaoqi’s face, Chaoge went up to him.

And she was surprised by the list as well!

“Where’s Xiao Wu?!” Chaoge almost jumped to her feet. “Why isn’t Xiao Wu on it?”

Feng Liu guffawed. “Why should her name be there? She was never going to get in.”

“Bullshit!” Chaoge was furious. “There’s no way that Xiao Wu failed!”

“But she’s just not on the list.” Feng Liu shrugged smugly.

With a tearing sound, Chaoge ripped the list in half. “It’s fake!”

Feng Liu went wild. “How dare you tear it up! I’m gonna kill you!”

At those words, Feng Liu raised a hand and tried to slap Chaoge!

Chaoge smirked.

I’d like to see you try!

Chaoge was as capable as Feng Liu now, if not better.

Grabbing Feng Liu by the wrist, Chaoge was going to throw Feng Liu out!

Lady Wang wouldn’t let that happen. With a wave of her hand, all her servants rushed at Chaoge!

Feng Xiaoqi realized that they would soon be outnumbered!

An idea then struck him.

Grabbing Chaoge, they backed away onto the stairs.

What happened next was quicker than words could describe!

Feng Xiaoqi smashed a glass bottle in a corner to pieces!

His sister told him that she had set up a protective formation in this courtyard and that the glass bottle was the trigger!

At the smashing sound!

Feng Liu saw the clear blue sky suddenly turn overcast as dark clouds began to gather!

The even ground became a swamp under her feet.

Not only herself, everyone else in the courtyard seemed to be surrounded by the swamp!

“Ahh!” Feng Liu screamed all of a sudden. “I’m sinking! Ahhh! There’s so much mud! Help me! Help!”

As a matter of fact, from Feng Xiaoqi’s point of view, Feng Liu was standing in a shallow pit about 5cm deep.

Lady Wang looked equally flustered. She tried her best to reach for Feng Liu, but they seemed to be worlds apart.

Exasperated, Lady Wang waved her arms and cried out, “Xiao Liu! Hang on! I’m coming for you!”

To Feng Xiaoqi, the two of them were only a meter away from each other.

Feng Xiaoqi didn’t know what to say.

Chaoge was rendered speechless.

And the rest of Feng Wu’s family was speechless as well.

This was amazing!

They couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

In their eyes, all these people were making painful faces and struggling like ducks in a thunderstorm when nothing was actually happening to them…

However, Feng Liu and Lady Wang were experiencing something completely different.

They really thought that they were in a thunderstorm!

The sky was dark, lightning was flashing overhead, and they were being pulled down into the swamp.

The sticky mud had risen to their thighs, stomachs, chests…

“Mum! Help me! Help me, Mum! I’m sinking! Help —”

“Hang on! I’m coming! I’m going to swim across the river and help you!”

While Feng Liu and Lady Wang were crying their eyes out, Chaoge and the others stared at the so-called river between the mother and daughter.

There was no such river. The only thing between them was a piece of straw that Granny Zhao had missed when she swept the floor that morning.

And the rest of Feng Wu’s family was speechless as well.

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