《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》603-604


All Chaoge needed to do was move her exam paper a little so that Feng Wu could read the questions! Feng Wu was very confident in her good memory!

But Chaoge didn’t get the hint. What?

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

“Ahem —” Seeing the girl trying her tricks under his nose, Jun Linyuan was very amused.

And she even shielded her face with her right hand, as if that could stop him from seeing what she was trying to do!

Finally, Chaoge understood what Feng Wu wanted!

She slowly raised her exam paper a little.

Feng Wu memorized everything with a single glance.

Before Feng Wu could proceed to the next section, Jun Linyuan rose to his feet and went up to her desk. He just happened to completely block Chaoge from Feng Wu’s view.

Feng Wu: !!!

Standing next to Feng Wu, Jun Linyuan picked up her paper and began to slowly flip through her answer sheets without leaving his spot.

Feng Wu: !!!

She could tell that Jun Linyuan was doing it on purpose!

Feng Wu glared at Jun Linyuan and bit her lower lip. She looked like a puffed up balloonfish.

She still had a little baby fat left on her cheeks and her fair skin reminded him of steamed buns. They looked so adorable that Jun Linyuan wanted to give them a squeeze.

But that was only in Jun Linyuan’s head. The look on his face was as stern as ever.

He went on reading Feng Wu’s answers and the more he read, the brighter his eyes became.

She was indeed his girl. Her answers were impeccable.

“Are you done?!”

Seeing that Jun Linyuan still wouldn’t move, Feng Wu was worried sick!

It had been two hours since the exam started and Chaoge couldn’t write very fast. If she didn’t give Chaoge the answers now, she wouldn’t be able to finish in time.


But —

At Feng Wu’s words, all the candidates in the hall, boys and girls included, looked at her in resignation.

She was talking to the crown prince of the empire!

How could she sound so impatient?!

Anyone else would wish that His Royal Highness could stand by their side forever! But Feng Wu…

“What a poser!”

Overwhelmed with jealousy, Mu Yaoyao stared at Feng Wu with bloodshot eyes, wishing that she could tear the latter into pieces.

Jun Linyuan kept his gaze on Feng Wu and his mouth curved into an enigmatic smile. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

The next second!

Jun Linyuan grabbed Feng Wu’s hand and yanked!

“Ah —” Feng Wu cried out.

However, before she could react, Jun Linyuan had dragged her away in large strides.

From behind, he looked powerful, resolute, and puffed up with arrogance!

That odd behavior astonished the other candidates again.

“Xiao Wu —” Seeing that Feng Wu was being dragged away, Chaoge rushed out to help her at once!

However, Mr Lu stopped her in time. “Don’t. Your score will be canceled if you step out of this hall now.”

But Chaoge ignored him and still ran toward Feng Wu —

Feng Wu was stumbling after Jun Linyuan, but she still managed to call out over her shoulder, “Go back to your seat and finish your exam.”

Chaoge always listened to Feng Wu.

Even Mr Lu couldn’t stop Chaoge, but she went back to her seat obediently at Feng Wu’s instruction…

Seeing that the crown prince had gone off with Feng Wu, Mu Yaoyao almost bit the tip of her pen off!

Feng Wu!!!

Many of the girls cursed under their breaths.

She was just a pretty face; it was so shameless of her to seduce His Royal Highness like that!

They were too busy feeling jealous of Feng Wu to notice that she had been taken away against her will.


Jun Linyuan dragged Feng Wu out.

Once they were out of the exam hall, Feng Wu threw Jun Linyuan’s hand off and yelled at him, “Jun Linyuan! What have I done to deserve your torture?!”

Jun Linyuan glared at Feng Wu with a livid face.

Feng Wu turned to leave.

He couldn’t remove her from an exam just because he wanted to!

Feng Wu walked in the front and Jun Linyuan followed her in silence.

Because everyone was taking the exam, the usually boisterous college was as quiet as the middle of the night.

When they walked past the next building, Feng Wu looked over her shoulder to find Jun Linyuan still following her. She flared up again.

She was so mad at Jun Linyuan just then that she almost forgot about Chaoge, who was still taking the exam.

Feng Wu spotted another exam hall on the way and she was struck by an idea!

She could get someone else’s exam paper!

And she would be able to send the answers to Chaoge. Problem solved!

However, Jun Linyuan was following her everywhere, leaving her with no chance to carry out her plan.

Therefore, Feng Wu deliberately tried to set Jun Linyuan off, so that he would storm off at some point.

“You’re the crown prince of the empire, for God’s sake! Why are you following me around? It’s bad for your reputation, you know?” Feng Wu tried to provoke Jun Linyuan.

“So, is this your plan to drive me away?” Jun Linyuan pressed close, and Feng Wu stepped back.

There was a door behind Feng Wu and she was cornered!

Resting his right palm on the door, Jun Linyuan confined Feng Wu in the space between his arm and the wall.

He leaned over…

And Feng Wu turned her face away.

His warm lips brushed against her cheek, leaving behind a burning sensation.

Despite the anger she exhibited, Feng Wu was actually moving her hands swiftly behind her back to unlock the door.

That was right!

As a matter of fact, Feng Wu and Jun Linyuan were right outside Mr Lu’s office.

Since she couldn’t drive Jun Linyuan away, Feng Wu’s only choice was to lead him to the principal’s office, in the hope that Mr Lu would have the sample exam paper stored here.

When Jun Linyuan leaned over again —

Thump —

Feng Wu finally unlocked the door. She spun around and deftly jumped away from Jun Linyuan.

Hmph, Jun Linyuan, you won’t get what you want this time!

To Feng Wu’s disappointment, Jun Linyuan reacted so quickly that as soon as Feng Wu jumped away, he moved after her.

Feng Wu looked up to find Jun Linyuan right in front of her.

“Ah —” Feng Wu cried out and stumbled back.

Jun Linyuan smirked and fixed his brooding gaze on Feng Wu. “Little Feng Wu, that’s very bold of you!”

“No… it’s not…” Feng Wu kept stepping back.

But she knew where she was going.

She had glanced at the table the moment she rushed into the office!

That was where the file should be!

As expected, Feng Wu spotted a thick manila folder on the desk!

Feng Wu’s first reaction was that it was the exam paper!

But Jun Linyuan would doubtlessly see through her plan if she headed for it right away. She knew Jun Linyuan too well.

His greatest hobby was picking on her.

And he had set her up a hundred times.

Hence, it was pivotal that she kept her plan from him!

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